Bright Era

Chapter 1886: Careful Woman (1)

Going out to escort, there is no time for code words. Tomorrow’s update is in the evening! Get a chapter first, so you don't have to wait any longer in the early morning!


"Look, I said, as long as you walk around a little bit more diligently, can you gain something everywhere!"

The Moon Goddess squinted at Lin Qi and the others and smiled a few times before turning her head to look at the Dragon Witch King. Looking up and down the Dragon Witch King for a while, the Moon Goddess gently shook her head: "Why does a dirty, ugly, and smelly lich appear in the ground world?"

The Dragon Witch King ‘hehe’ laughed strangely, and the black dragon head skeleton above his head spewed a few black flames around his body, wrapping him firmly like a shield. He ignored the question of the Moon Goddess, but looked around.

Large patches of thin mist poured out from all directions, and this space had been cut directly from the main space by powerful divine power, and turned into a huge dimensional space with a radius of more than 100,000 miles. Moreover, the laws in this dimensional space have been distorted and mutated. The original elements such as ground, water, fire and wind are extremely thin, and the air is full of the fragrance of trees and the faint moonlight.

A layer of green grass grew under everyone's feet. These green grasses were tender and tender when they first grew, but when they grew to more than a foot long, they became harder and sharper than steel needles. Moreover, the edges of these blades of grass are also covered with dense serrations. It is conceivable that if these blades of grass are inserted into the body, it will cause painful damage.

Several female elves with beautiful faces and slender figures also wore gorgeous elves-style melee armor and slowly walked out of the mist. Wherever they passed, the hard blades of grass on the ground suddenly became very compliant and cleverly, as they gently stuck to their feet like silk. But when they had passed by, these grass blades stood up like steel needles.

The Dragon Witch King murmured in a low voice: "It's really your shameless tradition. Well, when fighting, you won't get hurt by these grass blades, but if we step on it, will we hurt badly?"

Several female elves that had just appeared laughed at the same time. They were green and silver gleaming, and the huge divine might roared out like a tide. The torrent of divine might visible to the naked eye surged and collided in the void, making the Dragon Witch King’s The body shook slightly.

The Lin Qi and the three were even more unstable by the huge divine might, and backed back several steps in embarrassment.

"Try to choose a battlefield that is beneficial to you as much as possible. What's wrong with this?" The Moon Goddess squinted and smiled at the Dragon Witch King. "A Lich, your life and death have nothing to do with me, but I don't mind turning You solve it, because it is too difficult to meet a **** who survived that war. So, just treat it as easy."

The cold eyes of the moon goddess' eyes were fixed on Lin Qi: "My target is you, a member of the Longshan family. My servant, the Queen of Luyue, she appointed my oracle in the Western Continent. Some manpower was allocated and some actions were arranged, but it seems that the final benefits are in the hands of the Longshan family?"

Shaking her head gently, the Moon Goddess sighed, "The Silver Iris family is not worth mentioning, but the Lord of Deep Blue, and their mother God Deep Blue Mother, and the place where their gods were sealed, these Things are something I must master. Therefore, Linzi Andelm Longshan, I came to you specially."

Lin Qi swallowed hard and spit. He pointed to his nose and smiled a few times: "You came to me on purpose? Leaving the sleeping space of the Elf Continent, you ran to the Western Continent, a place full of enemies. Is it to find me?"

Lightly drew out a green feather arrow and put it on the bowstring, and the Moon Goddess nodded seriously: "If you have not become the emperor of the Longshan Empire, I will go to Turing Andelm Longshan for trouble. But Now that you have become the emperor of the Longshan Empire, that is to say, you have mastered all the secrets of the Longshan family, then of course I will come to you directly."

With a cold smile, the Moon Goddess shook her head: "The Longshan family killed many high-level treants, and killed many high-level elves with royal blood. What makes me more angry is that Luyue sent a team of killers. Go to Berlay to assassinate Wann Longshan and Turing Andelm Longshan, but your people actually killed all those elven killers!"

Lin Qi thought of the elves who had blatantly attacked him on the street in Berrily not long ago. At that time, because of the Tiger Guards accompanying, Lin Qi gave the order and the elves were wiped out clean. He couldn't help but smiled bitterly, and shook his head to the Moon Goddess helplessly: "As a dignified god, you came to the Western Continent just for this little thing?"

The Dragon Witch King stood aside, his dark complexion ugly.

After being hunted down by Lin Qi, Hu Xinzhu, and Sha Xinyue, he already felt very aggrieved. Seeing that he was about to overthrow Lin Qi and the others, when they were able to escape smoothly and leave, unexpectedly a more difficult Moon Goddess appeared. What kind of bad luck did he have, just walking out of the abyss of the undead, will encounter so many unhappy things?

Looking around, the Dragon Witch King stepped back a few steps, he wanted to find a chance to escape.

But his face changed abruptly just after he stepped back. His body was blurred for a while, and he forcibly moved a foot or so to the side. A sharp transparent long sword silently rubbed his soft ribs and pierced it, if not. If he forcibly teleported and moved, the sword had already penetrated his spine. The Dragon Witch King roared with anger: "You guys with long ears are too domineering!"

A female elf retracted her sword, and then smiled softly: "Before the great Milte harvests your soul, filthy undead, don’t think of any changes, otherwise you must always be careful of our swords. Oh!"

The Dragon Witch King glared angrily at the female elf, gritted her teeth and grumbled: "The patron of the elf swordsman, the forest ranger of the elf forest, and the sword elf Silvar! As a magnificent high-ranking god, you attack from behind. , Shameless!"

Shival smiled slightly, without saying a word, she just flaunted the long sword in her hand that was as thin as a cicada's wings, about four feet long, and swung lightly. Wherever this long sword passed, the void was torn apart thin hair-like cracks, showing the sharpness of this sword and the huge divine power it contained.

The Moon Goddess Milte slowly opened the longbow: "Well, let’s stop talking, Majesty Lin Qi, I will harvest your soul, and then find the things I am interested in from your soul. Deep blue gods are all The mystery of the land where the gods are sealed, I look forward to something in it that will surprise me."

With a gentle smile, the Moon Goddess said with emotion: "It's been a long, long time since I walked out with my own body. The feeling of locking the enemy with my bow in my hands is really missed."

There was a blast, the bowstring flicked, and the feather arrow turned into a green light and shot out. Lin Qi snorted coldly, his body suddenly turned into an aurora and flew to the side, teleporting out nearly a hundred meters before it recondensed into the body. But then a sharp pain pierced the heart, and Lin Qi's left chest had been hit by a green feather arrow.

There was a tiger roar, and the Lixue Tiger Soul Armor took the initiative to wear Lin Qi's body, but the feather arrow firmly penetrated Lin Qi's breastplate and deeply sank into his left chest. The arrow tip brought a terrible sharp cold light and pierced Lin Qi's heart straight.

A rhizome of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree waved silently and lightly hit the feather arrow. There was a muffled sound, and the feather arrow that was less than a millimeter away from Lin Qi's heart was blown to pieces. Lin Qi looked at the Moon Goddess in amazement, his throat was sweet, a mouthful of blood blocked his throat and sprayed out more than ten meters away.

With Lin Qi's current physique, every drop of his blood is as heavy as a mountain, and every drop of blood carries terrible energy. The blood spurting out immediately caused a hurricane. The land in front of Lin Qi was quickly dented by the blood plasma. The ground around him was violently shaken, and countless cracks densely extended in all directions.

The green grass on the ground burst out with a dazzling green light, and soon the ground returned to its original state, and the large pit was refilled.

Lin Qi panted with a big mouth, he covered his injured chest with one hand, cold sweat dripped from his forehead, and his eyes fixed on the moon goddess. And the Moon Goddess, who shot an arrow in his hand, looked at Lin Qi in surprise, and yelled in disbelief: "How could you not be dead? You are just one... well, one who just used the power of God's Domain to obtain the Spirit Lucky guy!"

Gently shook her head, the Moon Goddess muttered to herself a little puzzled: "A lucky person who has inherited the priesthood, his actual power can have at most one percent of the original god, and he must rely on continuous Only by fighting can you gradually improve your strength. With this arrow of mine, ordinary high-ranking gods have also been killed, let alone you?"

"You seem disappointed?" Lin Qi grinned, and his clothes were soaked with cold sweat. He had done his best to dodge the arrow just now, but he never dreamed that the arrow was almost as destined to be shot on him. It just struck his heart in a flash. .

If it weren't for the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, this arrow would have destroyed Lin Qi's body.

Hu Xinzhu and Sha Xinyue stood up slowly, several divine shields appeared beside them at the same time, firmly protecting themselves. But their faces are very ugly. After all, they are facing the Moon Goddess, one of the highest-ranking gods in the Elf God Family!

Unlike the human world, although there is no power in the night sky, the worship of the moon by the elves is carved into the depths of the soul. Therefore, the Moon Goddess of the Elf Protoss has many followers, and she recovers her strength very quickly. Of course, her status and the divine power she possesses are not comparable to ordinary gods. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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