Bright Era

Chapter 1889: Careful Woman (4)

All the efforts of Osmanthus Tree only allowed this green sword light to avoid Lin Qi's heart and did not kill him in an instant.

Before Lin Qi recovered from the pain, hundreds of long green arrows struck again. When these green lights shot less than 100 meters in front of Lin Qi, all the arrows suddenly exploded and countless dropped. The large and small green light shattered and refracted, piercing Lin Qi from all directions at the same time.

The rhizome of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree swayed with countless cyan lights and shadows, which slammed heavily on the arrows that invaded Lin Qi's body. Arrows shattered one after another, and Lin Qi's body was broken through numerous holes. Lixue Tiger Soul Armor groaned overwhelmedly, Lin Qi also roared to the sky in pain, then dropped the Tu Junaxe, and suddenly grabbed the head of the fairy goddess in front of him with both hands.

With a'pouch', a green light shot in from Lin Qi's Adam's apple, penetrated through the back of his neck, and a gold-red blood spring sprayed out hundreds of meters with the green light, Lin Qi only felt his body A burst of emptiness.

Yang Tian gave a crazy roar, and Lin Qi's arms suddenly used force, and in the hoarse scream of the elf goddess, he forcibly broke the opponent's neck. And the fairy goddess was also extremely brave. At this moment, her hands were close to Lin Qi's body. With her last curse, dozens of them were like unicorns and unicorns. The silver-white light spurted from her palm, madly penetrating Lin Qi's body.

Lin Qi vomited blood and flew back, while the spirit goddess fell heavily to the ground. Lin Qi's blow just now not only obliterated her life, but also completely shattered her entire body function. A silver-green spirit rushed out of her body. The spirit goddess who had just repaired the body of the gods seven or eighty-eight, and could recover all of them, but was completely destroyed by Lin Qi, screamed hoarsely. Sound, flew in embarrassment in the direction of the moon goddess.

But her spirit had just flew out less than a mile, dozens of hazy ice mirrors appeared in front of her out of thin air, the spirit of the fairy goddess slammed into an ice mirror, and then her spirit spanned nearly a thousand meters , Suddenly came out of a small ice mirror in front of Hu Xinzhu.

I suddenly saw herself appearing in front of Hu Xinzhu and the Dragon Witch King. The spirit goddess with only one soul left gave a cry of horror and despair. Before she could cry for help from the Moon Goddess, the Dragon Witch King The dragon head skeleton floating above her head opened her big mouth, and sprayed out a black air to lock her soul firmly.

The gaze of the Moon Goddess directly locked onto the Dragon Witch King. She looked at the Dragon Witch King bitterly, and said coldly one by one: "You dare to hurt me, I am a god, I will descend into the abyss of the undead, and the entire abyss of the undead will be completely destroyed. destroy."

The Dragon Witch King looked at the Moon Goddess coldly and sneered sneerly: "If you are not afraid to offend those Primordial beings sleeping in the deepest abyss of sin, then do whatever you want! Milt, let's take a gamble, I Kill your god, you go to destroy the abyss of the undead, and then see who fell first, how about?"

The face of the Moon Goddess twitched violently, she stared at the Dragon Witch King, and then took a heavy breath.

All her attention was focused on the Dragon Witch King. She raised her right hand high, and a bright green moon appeared in the sky. The green moonlight illuminated the entire small dimension space, accompanied by a slight trembling sound. , Countless tall trees grew rapidly at an alarming rate, and in the blink of an eye, a huge virgin forest was formed beside Lin Qi and them.

The low roar sounded continuously, and huge green eyes appeared on the big trees surrounded by dozens of people. These huge trees shook their bodies and stood up. What kind of trees are these huge trees? They are clearly powerful fighting trees. people!

What is shocking is that these fighting trees have reached the level of the lower gods, and very few of them even possess the strength of the middle gods. In terms of the number of millions here, so many lower gods are enough to exhaust a main god.

Lin Qi's face changed. He vomited blood while lying on the ground and roared loudly: "What are you waiting for? Do it!"

Before he could finish his words, a huge sacred oak battle tree man had already raised his big foot with a radius of tens of meters, and stepped on Lin Qi with a heavy foot. Lin Qi let out a long sigh, hundreds of head-sized fireballs suddenly appeared above him. Accompanied by the dull sound of breaking through the air, these fireballs shot out, accurately hitting the bodies of these fighting trees.

The green moon enveloped the void, and Lin Qi's fireball power released by the power of the higher-ranking gods was also suppressed to the limit. These fireballs fell on the treants, but barely broke holes several meters in diameter in them. But for these huge Treants, what is this injury?

At this moment, a silver full moon appeared in the sky.

The Moon Goddess raised her head in shock, and looked at the silver full moon with infinite majesty in disbelief. She screamed hoarsely: "The Moon God? The Moon God of the Azhul Protoss? That weak and small lower Moon God? This is her breath! But a moon that has never been heard of in the Azhul Clan. God, how could she exude such supernatural power?"

The illusion reappeared. In the barren desert, clusters of shriveled camel thorns stretched out into the sky weakly like the palms of dead souls. The yellow desert, withered camel thorns, and the silver full moon illuminate the yellow barren. A group of merchants riding camels were walking in the deserted desert, and the crisp and sweet camel bells came.

A violent wind rolled up the sand, and a howling gust of wind instantly covered the sky and the earth.

Between the world and the earth, the green moonlight is constantly being swallowed and fused, and the silver moon's power becomes more and more powerful. Sha Xinyue raised her right hand gently, and then shot the sky with a trace of moon marks, and a crack the size of a palm suddenly opened in the void.

"No!" The Moon Goddess panicked for the first time today, and she shivered and let out a huge roar.

The spirit of the gods in the dimensional space gushes out like a tide, and the eyes of the void in the sky appear for the first time, and the dark golden arrays emerge from the air one by one. In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of the void arrays have already approached. The space of thousands of miles was completely sealed.

The dimensional space created by the Moon Goddess disintegrated completely. She waved her arms without saying a word, and brought a green light to envelop the remaining seven gods, and fled to the west embarrassingly as a green rainbow. She is flying extremely fast. According to her absolute speed, she can rush out of the borders of the Western Continent and go to the Western Seas of the Western Continent with just one click.

However, the void divine formation in the void simultaneously ejected dazzling divine light, and the space was stretched without limit. At the speed of the Moon Goddess, she barely flew out a distance of less than 100 meters in a full breathing time.

Lin Qi, who was bleeding all over, slowly stood up. He grabbed the Tu Jun axe, and then hid the God Armor and Tu Jun axe inside his body. He glanced at the Dragon Witch King with the same ugly expression, and he pondered for a moment, then stretched out his hand to the Dragon Witch King. A white light spouted from Lin Qi's palm. Before everyone had noticed, the Gate of Heaven had already broken through the blockade of the Void Eye, forcibly teleporting the Dragon Witch King to the heart of the Longshan Empire.

All this happened so fast that even the priests on duty in the Void Temple failed to notice Lin Qi's small movements.

After all, ordinary human beings control the Eye of the Void. Even if there are a few demigods among them, the gap between them and the upper gods is still far away. The Void Eye is just a middle-grade artifact, and under certain wonderful laws, he can cause a little trouble to the Moon Goddess, but that's it.

And Lin Qi's power from a higher **** drove the gate of heaven to teleport the Dragon Witch King. Not to mention the clergy who controlled the eyes of the void, even if the **** of the void descended in person, he would not even want to discover Lin Qi's little movement.

After sending away the Dragon Witch King, Lin Qi coughed up blood while staring at the Moon Goddess who was moving faster and faster in the sky. This arrogant and self-righteous woman, after all, ignored the power of Sha Xinyue. The small dimensional space she created suppressed all forces except the power of moonlight. She thought she was foolproof, but she did not expect that Sha Xinyue mastered such a powerful moonlight power.

As long as a small gap, the Moon Goddess will fall into an extremely embarrassing situation.

With a malicious smile, Lin Qi exclaimed: "Respected Moon Goddess Mirthe, can I have this honor, would you please drink tea?"

The Moon Goddess cursed Lin Qi lowly, the green light flow she turned into was getting faster and faster, and gradually the eyes of the void could no longer restrain her, and she had already flown hundreds of miles away. But there was a dull thunder in the sky gradually, and patches of golden clouds emerged out of thin air, covering the entire sky.

In the end, I heard a harsh blasting sound, and the Eye of the Void trembled violently for a few times. The Moon Goddess had already broken through the suppression of the Eye of the Void, and flew a finger to the western frontier of the Western Continent. At this moment, a silver bright moon with a diameter of nearly a hundred miles flickered high in the sky, and a huge beam of light spewed out from the huge moon surface, which finally condensed into a small blade of light, which severely smashed the moon goddess' body. Remember.

"Moon God!" The Moon Goddess screamed, "You are just an insignificant lower god, how can you have the strength of a middle **** now?"

The answer to the Moon Goddess was a golden spear that shot down from the sky. This spear severely tore a huge hole on the Moon Goddess' right shoulder. Then a huge mace with thunder and fire fell from a high altitude and hit the Moon Goddess heavily on the back.

The Moon Goddess vomited blood and flew by, escaping without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Lu Sijia's low sneer sounded in the sky: "Before the Axul Protoss, the Moon God had never existed. I am Lu Sijia, the goddess of the night, and I turned my law and power from night to moonlight! Stupid Mi Ert, when you were plotting against me while I was seriously injured, you probably didn't know who I was?"

"You and I are endless, Milte!" Lu Sijia cursed lowly.

A moonlight fell, and Lu Sijia and Mu Wei appeared beside Lin Qi and others at the same time. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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