Bright Era

Chapter 1894: Dragon Witch King, join in (1)

In the Longshan Imperial Palace, in a glorious reception hall, Lin Qi lay lazily leaning against a sofa.

The Dragon Witch King looked a little awkwardly and saw the hall covered with thick gold pieces, and then looked at the intricate hollow carved patterns on it, as well as the various colored gems inlaid in the gold pieces, and he couldn't help but tilt his mouth: A peculiar aesthetic! Know what this hall feels like? Nouveau riche, absolutely nouveau riche!"

The two pretty little maids brought tea and snacks as quickly as possible, as well as some fresh fruits. Lin Qi drank a cigar and looked at the Dragon Witch King in surprise: "Nouveau riche? But I think my palace is pretty good. If you really want to say nouveau riche, those elves are the real nouveau riche?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Lin Qi laughed strangely: "I have robbed a few elf princes. Their underwear is woven with the fibers of the elf mother tree, and they themselves, like active jewelry vendors, are hanging all over their bodies. Countless magical devices!"

With a heavy cough, the Dragon Witch King picked up a teacup, then took a deep sip of the tea fragrance, and took a sip of the tea slowly. After squinting his eyes for a long time, the Dragon Witch King gently shook his head: "As an undead, the tongue's taste has deteriorated a lot, but I can still taste the quality of this tea, but the skill of making tea is too good. Worse."

Shaking his head and shook his head and drank a cup of tea clean. He didn't mean to be polite with Lin Qi. Without waiting for the maid to change the tea for himself, the Dragon Witch King grabbed the teacup in front of Lin Qi and poured the cup of tea into it. . With a satisfied grin and a heavy sigh of heat, the Dragon Witch King nodded intoxicated: "Extreme Cloud Mist, um, it's really strange. In this era, there are still such tea seeds left!"

After calculating with his fingers for a long time, the Dragon Witch King shook his head: "Hundreds of thousands of years, how many years are added to the 100,000 years? I am a little confused! It's just that this kind of tea can still survive. It's not easy. The ancient gods war, the era of great destruction, was a ghostly era of lava and volcanic eruptions at any time, and tea tree seeds could be left behind."

Lin Qi snapped his fingers, and several maids walked over with the charcoal stove, kettle and tea set. They set up the stove on the terrace of the living room and made tea on the spot. Lin Qi obtained more than a dozen different kinds of tribute tea from the Eastern Continent and Eastern Subcontinent, each of which was extremely small in production, and only the royal family of the Blood Qin Empire and the upper echelons of the Milo Sect could enjoy them.

Taking turns to serve more than a dozen kinds of tea, the Dragon Witch King drank refreshingly and full of praise. In the end, with his undead body, because he drank too much tea, it was too hot, and fine beads of sweat leaked out on his forehead. . With a heavy sigh, the Dragon Witch King put down the tea cup in his hand contentedly: "It's great to be an emperor! Well, from ancient times to the present, although the occupation of the emperor is a bit riskier, the treatment is still good."

Lin Qi raised Erlang's legs, he nodded and smiled while venting smoke rings. He casually put the soot from the cigarette **** on the head of Kur Kulun who was on the long case. With Kur Kulun's angry and hysterical roar, Lin Qi laughed: "It is very risky to be an emperor? Well, this is the truth. I once had a teacher who told me the history of the emperor of the mainland when I was imprisoned in the Black Abyss God Prison!"

Looking up and thinking about the knowledge the young man had taught him, Lin Qi shook his head: "The Western Continent has been from ancient times to the present, from the tribal leaders at the end of the era of destruction, to the city-state kings of the dark calendar, to the present emperor. , Can die of life, but 30%! All other people died of unfavorable lives! Therefore, the emperor is a high-risk business!"

The Dragon Witch King glanced at Lin Qi deeply: "But you sat on the throne without hesitation? Hey, hey, wait, kid, you said you were once imprisoned in the Dark Abyss God Prison? How did you escape? Yes? Although the Heiyuan Divine Prison is not the most important divine prison in the church, I have never heard of anyone who can escape from it!"

Lin Qi glanced at the Dragon Witch King in surprise. The Heiyuan Divine Prison is not the most important divine Prison of the church. Lin Qi once guessed that. Although the public announcement is that the Black Abyss God Prison is where the church punishes the heretics, but look at the heretics held in the Black Abyss God Prison. They are the strongest but the lower level of the Saint Master, and they have been tortured. It was dying, and there was no power to keep.

Therefore, the church must be concerned with the more powerful heretical hells, demigods, and even the heretical hells that have mastered the real power. But where is that sacred prison, it is estimated that only a few popes and those Yuanzong are qualified to know.

After blinking a few eyes, Lin Qi nodded: "Well, I escaped from the Black Abyss God Prison. I was locked in when I was a teenager. It took several years before I found a suitable opportunity. They used their divine formations to suppress the ancient evil spirits to tear apart the space barrier and escaped."

The Dragon Witch King stared at Lin Qi blankly, then she turned to look at the maids behind her who were busy serving tea and water, a fierce light flashed in her eyes: "I said, little guy, you are right in front of you. You dare to say these little girls... Damn it!"

The Dragon Witch King originally wanted to teach Lin Qi a lesson, he was too unscrupulous to tell about his previous experience in front of these ordinary maids. Although the Dragon Witch King did not know what shameful means Lin Qi used to get a place for the Chosen One, what the Dragon Witch King knew was that if a person has been imprisoned by the church in the Dark Abyss God Prison, he will basically be Laid the mark of heresy.

To be precise, those heretics imprisoned in God’s prison, even if they eventually sell their souls to surrender to the church, they will only be incorporated into the slave army and become cannon fodder who stepped forward to die. It is impossible for them to get the church leaders and gods. Trust!

Even if Lin Qi has now obtained the title of God, he shouldn't say these things in front of these maids. Too careless, too careless, too careless, too crude, the Dragon Witch King's evaluation of Lin Qi suddenly dropped several times.

Lin Qi spit out thick smoke indifferently, then flicked his finger. The maids put down the things in their hands at the same time, and greeted Lin Qi in unison. Then bursts of light flowed around them, and the phantom **** puppets they wore were put away at the same time, revealing their true colors.

Six evil spirits, six demons. The six evil spirits were dragon blood war ghosts, one by one born sturdily and vigorously, with a feverish desire to fight in their eyes. As for the six demons, there are succubus, shadow demon, fantasy demon, black demon, etc., all of them are born with beauty and beauty, and there are waves of love in their eyes at any time, and there are thousands of styles in their gestures.

The Dragon Witch King was almost suffocated to death by a snack he had just put in his mouth. Of course, as a lich, he has already died once, so he should have almost burst his throat by that bite. Hardly scratching his neck with his hands, swallowing that piece of awkwardness into his stomach, he looked at the twelve abyssal creatures in front of him incredulously, his eyes widened and his mind felt blank.

In the Western Continent, in the sun-shrouded world, in the palace of the Longshan Empire, the most powerful Western Continent, in front of an emperor of the Chosen who had just been canonized as a god, twelve maids who transformed into abyssal creatures unexpectedly appeared! The Dragon Witch King only felt that his brain was twitching, and the wise he couldn't figure out what the matter was.

After a long, long time, the Dragon Witch King turned around with difficulty and sat down on the sofa heavily. He simply grabbed the teapot, the hot tea that was enough to burn ordinary people's tongues ‘chuckled’ and he drank a big pot down. After taking a heavy breath, the Dragon Witch King calmed his mind.

"Seeing the undead. Live to the ghost!" The Dragon Witch King stared at Lin Qi with wide eyes: "I was fooled by you. I didn't notice that there are ghosts on these girls, um, the kind on them. The camouflage magic device, with my strength, should be easy to see through, but I didn't expect to go with it at all. I am really blinded by you!"

The Dragon Witch King never dreamed that in Lin Qi's palace, there was a maid who was transformed by a demon and a ghost secretly hidden. Just because he didn't expect it, he preconceived that the maids were ordinary human girls, so he didn't look at them at all. Otherwise, with the powerful strength of the Dragon Witch King, as long as he takes a serious look at these maids, he can definitely see through their true identity.

Kurkulun, whose head was thrown on the long case, also opened his mouth in horror. Of course he knew where it was. This was the imperial capital of the Longshan Empire, and this was the palace of the Longshan Empire. However, enemies of the gods appeared here. The evil creature in the abyss appeared, what is going on? Kurkulun's few brains are a bit insufficient, he can only clenching his teeth constantly and making an unpleasant ‘quack’.

"Or rather, because you think your strength has an absolute advantage, you don't take me and the people around me to heart at all!" Lin Qi looked at the Dragon Witch King and said calmly: "From you enter Longshan City At the beginning, you slackened and your vigilance ceased. You didn’t think I could pose any threat to you at all, so you didn’t pay attention to the people around me."

The old face of the Dragon Witch King blushed slightly, and with his identity as a lich, he could make his face red, showing that he was really ashamed. After a dry cough, the Dragon Witch King pointed to Lin Qi with a little irritation and yelled at Lin Qi: "You deliberately used these teas to lower my vigilance! You kid, too cunning!"

Lin Qi raised Erlang's legs, he shrugged his shoulders and laughed loudly: "It's not that I'm too cunning, but you are too relaxed!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (qidian) .com) Voting referral votes and monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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