Bright Era

Chapter 1898: Temple of Hades (1)

"What is this?" Lin Qi looked at the small, weird shape in the palm of his palm, but revealed the supremely majestic black palace. When Lin Qi snatched this hall from the Dragon Witch King's hand, there was a numbness in his palm, as if a tiny electric current was flowing into his body.

"This is..." Dragon Witch King shook his head: "I don't know what he is, but I saw the people coming out of him, killing two gods, thirty-eight gods, and countless people. The gods then escaped into the abyss."

With a light sigh, the corner of the Dragon Witch King's eyes drooped: "If I didn't meet him by chance, I'm afraid I would have been broken into pieces."

Lin Qi pondered for a while, then he bit his finger and used his own blood to inscribe a complicated contract divine text in the air in front of him. The detailed clauses are listed clearly, without any vague words, and all the words and sentences are clean and plain.

Those who sign the agreement will become the firmest ally. Both sides tried their best to use their best strength to deal with the gods. The two parties are strictly forbidden to harm each other and calculate each other. Anyone who violates the covenant will immediately destroy the soul. In this contract, Lin Qi is the master and the Dragon Witch King is the secondary. In other words, all actions of the two parties are determined by Lin Qi, and the Dragon Witch King only has the right to suggest and participate in decision-making.

A clean and clear contract. After Lin Qi completed the soul contract, he looked at the Dragon Witch King, and then he split his eyebrows. His own fist was two punches higher than the body, and the whole body was frozen. Like a golden statue, the spirit that was emitting a golden light slowly flew out.

The Dragon Witch King carefully examined the contract in front of him, and then he nodded in satisfaction, his eyebrows were also split, a cloud of white necromantic mist was wrapped, and a cloud of green ghost fire was faintly entangled in the spirit. Out. A dreadful green arm was tapped out of the mist, and signed the Dragon Witch King's real name-Situ Long on the soul contract!

"Situ!" Lin Qi laughed: "This surname is extremely rare in the East. The name Dragon Witch King is catchy!"

The Dragon Witch King sighed lightly, and nodded with great miss: "Yes, this name has not been used for many years. If it were not for signing this contract with you, I would never remember that I had The name."

Lin Qi nodded, and then his spirit also stretched out a hand, gently writing his real name on the contract. The pale golden soul contract spun quickly, gradually turning into a huge golden vortex, swallowing almost all the magic elements within tens of thousands of miles. In the end, this soul contract was condensed into a fist-sized golden ball of light, and then split into two halves out of thin air, submerged in the spirits of Lin Qi and Dragon Witch King respectively.

Lin Qi's soul trembled, and the dragon witch king's soul trembled violently. Both of them shivered. Then they looked at each other again, and they were less alert and jealous. It's a bit more affectionate and trusting.

Shrugging his shoulders, and hiding his soul back to Linghai, Lin Qi grinned strangely: "This is the first time I signed a soul contract with someone without making trouble. It's really an unaccustomed feeling, but who Is it true that my former contractors are all bastards?"

The Dragon Witch King was cautiously hiding his soul in his body. Hearing Lin Qi's words, he couldn't help but his eyes widened: "This time, you didn't make a fool of yourself?"

Shaking his head, the Dragon Witch King laughed: "Look at your strengths in the abyss world, you will not be tricked! But as an ally, I must remind you that although the population of the several abysses above is huge, they must Speaking of absolute high-end strength, it is still in the abyss below! If you can get some support from the abyss, our strength will skyrocket several times!"

"High-end strength?" Lin Qi clenched the black palace in his hand: "What kind of high-end strength?"

The Dragon Witch King squinted his eyes, and said solemnly: "Those who are deep in the abyss of sin, or are sleeping, or suppressed, who have truly fought against the gods. They are the same as me. Have a god-level combat power. Don't you think that the power of you and me right now is not an opponent of any **** system?"

Lin Qi was silent, he closed his eyes, and wholeheartedly started communicating with Heaven Mountain.

"If there is light, there will be darkness; if there is goodness, there will be evil; if there is life, there will be death; heaven and **** are forever opposed. The palace in your hand is the core of **** that represents darkness, destruction, and chaos. Call him the Temple of the Underworld, some people call him the Temple of the Fallen Angel, and others call him the Temple of the Underworld."

"What surprises me is that his condition remains intact. There are no scars on his body. I really don't know how he did it. But he seems to have exhausted all his energy and fell into a deep sleep. I must replenish him with energy and wake him up!"

The Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse muttered in a low voice: "Find a safe, secret place!"

Lin Qi nodded, he took the Dragon Witch King, and left the abyss world in a teleport, and entered a small world fragment found near the Demon Abyss by Arta and others-this world fragment should be the Demon Abyss When the Demon Abyss was plunged into the deep underground, this fragment that was more than a thousand miles long and wide separated from the main body and was preserved in the rock formation thousands of miles away from the Demon Abyss.

There are thousands of miles around here, lava rivers and lava lakes are everywhere, volcanoes erupt from time to time, and the dome above is no more than ten miles high, which seems to be depressing to the extreme. The air here is full of violent poisonous gas that makes ordinary Saint-level existences immediately poisoned to death if they take a breath, but for Lin Qi and Dragon Witch King, these poisonous gas is not lethal at all.

Lin Qi released a faint gleam around him, isolating all the poisonous gas outside. On the other hand, the Dragon Witch King didn't mind breathing the hot, pungent poisonous gas. To him, the poisonous gas was a potent tonic. After all, he is the Dragon Witch King who specializes in dealing with dead spirits and venom. While breathing heavily, the Dragon Witch King nodded in admiration, "Good place, really good place!"

There are no high-level monsters here, only some lava undead beasts that evolved after the undead reacted with magma. Groups of raging fires burned all over, skeletons with dripping magma on their bones wandering slowly on the solidified volcanic rock, these strange undead beasts immediately attracted the attention of the Dragon Witch King.

"This is a very good baby!" Lin Qi squeezed the Underworld Temple in his palm, and said in a low voice, "I need a little time to see if he can activate him!"

"Activate him?" Dragon Witch King looked at Lin Qi in surprise: "You mean, you can control him? But, what is he?"

A strange question suddenly sounded in Lin Qi's mind. This was a message from Heaven Mountain. Lin Qi was silent for a while, then smiled and asked the Dragon Witch King: "Before the Primordial War, were you a civilian? You were not a member of the army?"

The Dragon Witch King opened his mouth wide and looked at Lin Qi in astonishment, without making a sound for a long time. Lin Qi looked at the shocked Dragon Witch King and stretched out his hands helplessly: "Someone asked me to ask you this question, but it seems that you are a commoner. It's not easy. He said that a commoner can be in the ancient gods. Break through the imprisonment of blood in the battle, and have power that surpasses the upper gods, you should actually have higher achievements."

After a pause, Lin Qi listened to the words of Heaven Mountain and shook his head slightly: "He said, you are on the wrong path. The undead is not a very good choice. Although the undead clan is extremely capable of survival, But their absolute combat effectiveness can only be regarded as an upper-middle level."

The Dragon Witch King opened his mouth, and there was a shriveled ‘ahhh’ in his throat. After a long time, he nodded heavily: "At that time, it would be good to survive. Undead's survivability is extremely strong? Of course, if I hadn't been lucky enough to transform myself into a dragon lich, how could I possibly be? Bring so many students to live till now?"

Lin Qi bowed to the Dragon Witch King and saluted. The question of Heaven Mountain is very interesting. The Dragon Witch King is indeed a commoner, so he does not know the name of the Temple of Underworld. Sitting cross-legged on the ground, the Temple of Underworld was placed upright in front of him. Lin Qi's palm covered the sky above the Temple of Underworld, and a trace of white divine light spurted out of his palm quickly and quickly enveloped the Temple of Underworld.

With a loud ‘hum’, Lin Qi's body shook, and Heavenly Mountain shook violently from bottom to top. A twisted spatial vortex appeared above the Temple of Underworld, almost madly swallowing the white divine light released by Heaven Mountain through Lin Qi's body.

Lin Qi only felt a sharp pain in his body, and an irresistible horrible attraction poured into his body along the white light, almost drawing all his flesh and blood into the temple of the gods. Then this huge attraction directly went to Heaven Mountain, greedily attached to the eternal energy furnace of Heaven Mountain, madly devouring the energy stored in Heaven Mountain for countless years.

The sound of'Kaka' was endless, and countless pieces of black light like broken pieces of clothes flew out from the Temple of Underworld, quickly enveloping Lin Qi's frantic rotation. A black whirlwind enveloped Lin Qi, and piercing ghost crying and wolf howling sounded all around. The Dragon Witch King was forced to retreat by the piercing cold air, and those piercing ghost howls made him cover his ears in pain. .

"What's going on?" The Dragon Witch King was shocked. He knew that the Underworld Temple was a great treasure, because he had seen the terrifying power of the Underworld Temple with his own eyes. But since he found the Temple of Underworld in the depths of a canyon in the Abyssal World, he has not been able to activate the Temple of Underworld. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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