Bright Era

Chapter 1900: Temple of Hades (3)

"Born to death in countless wars, my body has never been seriously injured, and this time, I have not even been discovered that my own body exists in this war of the ancient gods!" The Temple of Underworld smiled proudly: "I It’s just that the energy and materials consumed are a little bit more, other than that, I don’t have any loss!"

Lin Qi clicked his mouth. Heavenly Mountain, Dragon Cliff, and Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse roared angrily at the same time, wanting to argue with the Temple of Underworld, but Lin Qi had already spoken: "I think the Temple of Underworld is right. In this way, this method is correct! Keep your own body and let the army you create fight with the enemy! Why expose your body to the enemy?"

Heaven Mountain grumbled helplessly: "However, Master Lin Qi, sometimes we receive tasks that require our main body to directly participate in the battle to withstand the enemy's attack."

The Temple of Hades just kept sneering and sneer, and Lin Qi said in this icy sneer: "From now on, I will learn from the Temple of Hades. I will not expose your body to the enemy, all of you. All legions created by humans will be teleported out through the Angel’s Gate, and your body must be maintained in good condition!"

They stopped talking at Heaven Mountain. The Temple of Underworld was about to show off their wise martial arts loudly. Lin Qi had interrupted this guy's words: "From today, all the energy accumulated in Heaven Mountain will provide half of the Temple of Underworld. The Temple of Underworld as soon as possible. Restore the positive circulating supply of your own eternal energy furnace, but now, first make me a few fighters from the Hell Legion, let me see."

The Temple of Underworld exclaimed in excitement, and then a hall in the corner of his edge suddenly lit up with a dazzling black light. All the energy supplied by Heavenly Mountain was injected into the energy furnace inside that temple by Hades.

The Eternal Energy Furnace, an extremely terrifying energy supply method invented by the ancestors of humans who made the Metaverse. Only a part of the starting energy is needed. After using these starting energy to open the positive cycle of the eternal energy furnace, the furnace can provide a steady flow of energy, which is far ten million times more than the starting energy, and this energy will never be lacking. .

According to the explanation of Heaven Mountain, the eternal energy furnace is to directly extract the endless space energy from the dimensional space and convert it into various energy sources that can be used in the metaworld. So as long as the universe does not collapse, this energy will never be depleted.

As for the guy in the Hades, he just emptied the last bit of activation energy he had to reserve. In this case, although his body remains intact, he can only fall into infinite sleep, because he doesn't even have a small amount of activation energy to restore activity.

Heaven Mountain now provides him with a huge amount of energy reserves, but it can only enable the Temple of Underworld to open the melting pots of several temples in the marginal area. After all, Heaven Mountain has suffered extremely severe damage to his body in the past long period of time. Although its own furnace is still operating, the stored energy is really not much.

Miyin Mountain, Gem Lake, etc. continue to store various rare materials in the material warehouse of the Temple of Underworld. And the dark mist began to grow in the warehouse of the Hades Temple, quickly transforming these materials filled with light power into dark, chaotic, evil, and violent resources of the underworld.

After a huge amount of resources were successfully transformed, these resources quickly disappeared from the material warehouse.

After about three hours, twelve female warriors of **** with a height of about two meters, covered in black crystal-like heavy armor, strode out of a hall. These female warriors from **** are all good-looking and dazzling. If they are placed on the ground, any one of them will be a great beauty.

When the bodies of these twelve beauties shook, they turned into twelve o'clock black light, escaped from Lin Qi's body, and stood firmly beside Lin Qi. The sound of'huhu' was endless, and the female soldier of **** was burning with black flames. These flames were hazy and bitterly cold. The space of this small world fragment became extremely unstable because of the appearance of these flames. Deep cracks appeared everywhere.

The Dragon Witch King, who was sitting beside him, jumped up in shock and stepped back again and again.

These female warriors from **** were expressionless, and their eyes were full of wild enthusiasm. In their eyes, there seemed to be countless swords hacking at each other frantically, bursting with dazzling flames from time to time. Their strength has reached the level of the lower level gods, and they are about to break through to the critical state of the lower level.

The Dragon Witch King was shocked. From time to time, the strength of these female warriors, and the strength of the subordinate gods in the mere mere ants, was nothing but an ant that could be crushed to death with one finger. What frightened the Dragon Witch King was the aura exuding from these female warriors. The aura of darkness, chaos, evil, and solemnity, the aura that almost blends all the negative energies between heaven and earth, is far more evil than the power of the undead. Ten thousand times the breath.

In the face of this black flame, the ‘evil undead’ who are hated and jealous by the world are as pure as a newborn baby. The Dragon Witch King had a faint feeling that these female warriors who appeared suddenly were only the strength of ordinary lower gods, but the gods of the general undead gods, even middle gods, might be completely restrained by them.

Except for the **** of dawn, which has mastered the extreme light power and can faintly restrain the dark power, the gods who master the power of other laws will undoubtedly suffer from these female warriors.

"My lord!" These glamorous and cold female soldiers knelt on one knee and saluted Lin Qi respectfully.

The Dragon Witch King looked at Lin Qi in shock, and he asked in a low voice, "Where did they come from? How did they come from?"

Lin Qi was silent for a while, and then took a deep breath: "The treasure you gave me just now, these warriors, are in that hall."

The Dragon Witch King nodded. He couldn't figure out what kind of existence the Hades Temple was, but he might be able to guess that Hades Temple was a treasure of space? Hidden inside are countless warriors as powerful as or even more powerful as these hellwomen?

"How is it? Master Lin Qi, your methods are in line with my liking, so I will give you twelve beauties as personal guards! I don't think you want to let twelve rough men follow you all day, right?" The temple "Jie Jie" laughed: "When I have enough energy, when my main energy furnace starts to operate, when I store enough energy and supplies, you will get more and more powerful fighters."

After a pause, the Underworld Temple complained very unhappily: "Heaven Mountain, you are too useless. Look at you being beaten into a mess. After so many years, you have accumulated so much energy? You will not Go steal it? Don’t you steal it? What have you done for so many years?"

Heaven Mountain was trembling with anger at the words of the Underworld Temple, the huge mountain trembled violently, and white thunder lights continued to blast towards the Underworld Temple. The Temple of Underworld laughed triumphantly, and a thick black mist rose into the air, wrapping his whole body firmly in it.

The white thunder light smashed heavily on the body of the Underworld Temple, but only the black smoke was splashed, which could not hurt his body.

The Temple of Hades smiled maliciously: "Sissy hypocrites, wait and see! When I regain all my strength, I will let the Hell Legion visit your Paradise Mountain! Hahaha, your Birdman Legions, Hahaha!"

Lin Qi didn't bother to listen to the quarrel between the Underworld Temple and Heaven Mountain. He focused on the outside world, and then carefully looked at the female soldiers of the Hell Legion. The strength of the lower-level gods, but because of their extremely evil and dark attributes, when other divine powers face their attacks, the artifacts may be defiled and corroded, and their divine powers will be suppressed and corroded by them. Therefore, they will be very good in combat. Advantage.

In the era when demigods can call the wind and call rain in the ground world, these female warriors just used it to protect Princess Yun and Qingli.

"Put away your power and don't let outsiders discover your power attributes. I will assign you tasks. Your main task now is to protect a few people in the ground world." Lin Qi groaned for a while, then shook his head: "Maybe you don't need it? With the temple of inheritance, I just want them to become gods."

Scarlet Wrath and Roaring Thunder are the gods of the two Mu Weis. They have a total of eight upper gods, over a hundred middle gods, and thousands of lower gods. Lin Qi is going to pull Yun, Princess Qingli, Elysium, and his father Blackbeard, and Enzo all to God's Domain in the last few days, so that they will all become gods from mere mortals.

Anyway, it's just mastering the power of a law, and then passing on the power. With the support of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, this will not cause much hindrance to their future cultivation. Since this is the case, it is the most urgent thing for Blackbeard to use the fastest speed to improve their strength.

There are also Mr. Mo, Etreis, Este, Arta, Alda, etc. They should also become gods! Of course, some people in front can solve it easily. If Alsa and Arda, these demons and evil spirits, want to get into the realm of God, they must think of a foolproof way.

After lowering his head and calculating carefully, Lin Qi smiled and asked the Dragon Witch King: "Now, my ally, Dragon Witch King, I am very grateful for this gift you brought. If you still have similar artifacts If so, I can replace it with you at a high price. As for now, we seem to be going to the Abyss of the Undead to clean up some factors that are not very stable."

The Dragon Witch King’s face suddenly became gloomy, he nodded slowly, and smiled bitterly: "Yes, it must be cleaned up." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome. Starting point ( vote recommended, monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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