Bright Era

Chapter 1913: Uncontrollable Necromancer (3)

As long as the clear water of a pond is touched by this bit of stinky water, it can have the wonderful effect of a rat breaking a pot of soup, causing great damage to the soul facing the resentful spirit and losing all combat power. .

The phantoms in front of Lin Qi kept appearing, and the various phantoms and howls suppressed him to breathe. This is because Lin Qi possesses the powerful strength of a five-star imperial officer, possesses the confidence of a high-ranking god, and is still embarrassed by this small resentful spirit. Lin Qi now knows why the combination of the Burial Ground and the Cursed Ling Ancient Mausoleum can inflict the kind of painful blow to the gods that Ashmir said.

Two groups of golden sacred fire emerged from Lin Qi’s pupils. Lin Qi silently recited the mantra of the Shahu family’s mental attack. A terrible mental impact formed in his spiritual sea, followed by a burst of soul-level horror. There was a loud noise, and Lin Qi's eyes split an invisible, unmarked golden lightning. Normal people could not see the slightest trace of this lightning. Only the undead could see it.

The huge Wraith Spirit was hit by this golden lightning, and with a muffled noise, the lower part of the Wraith Spirit suddenly exploded, and the thick mist sprayed out to the surroundings. This resentful spirit seemed to have felt the coming of the end, and suddenly there appeared an extremely distorted rune in her body, like a hideous and evil face made up of hundreds of crushed beautiful faces, this dark green The evil rune flickered for a while, and then burst out suddenly.

A circle of invisible and colorless souls swept across the battlefield. Skeleton monsters within a radius of a hundred miles collapsed at the same time. Those amazing Skeleton Kings and Skeleton Kings also flickered in their eyes, and the soul fire was suppressed and almost extinguished.

Ninety-nine of the skeleton monsters in this area were destroyed by the explosion of the huge resentful spirit, and a large group of strangely shaped undead quickly flew over here like flies smelling the smell of corpses. These bodies were translucent azure and looked like a vulture, but the head was a distorted girl's face, making a strange cry of ‘chittering’ and rushing over like a black cloud.

"Yeah, you're really welcome!" Aximier didn't know when she flew to Lin Qi's side. She sighed melanly, and then naturally took out a silk handkerchief from Lin Qi's pocket. I proudly put it in my sleeve: "Lin Qi, you see how pitiful I am. I have no new clothes, no new jewelry, no fresh wine in the cellar. If I want to sleep every day, I have to be Wake up with ghost calls, how pitiful I am!"

Lin Qi twitched the corners of his mouth. He looked at Ashimi'er, then shook his head, took out a blank space ring, stuffed it with high-grade cotton and printed silk and other materials, and then threw it to Ashmir. Lin Qi himself wondered why he carried so many silk and cotton cloths on his body. Later, he thought for a whole minute before he remembered how these things came from.

He went to the Black Spirit Continent a few days ago. Originally, these things were intended to bribe the tribal chiefs of the Black Spirits and to buy off the powerful figures of the tribe. But he was lucky enough to hook up with the native gods of the Black Spirit Continent such as Xie Lisi and Speyer, so these things didn't come in handy.

Aximeer grabbed the space ring almost in the same way, and carefully counted the cotton and silk satin in it. Aximeer's beautiful big eyes could almost drip with honey. She embraced Lin Qi's arm coquettishly, and rubbed her cheek on Lin Qi's arm like a cat.

"What a lovely adult, ten thousand times more cute than the old guys before! They want me to use my salary to buy these things, where can I get any salary! Can I still make a few skeleton monsters? Going out for auction? Who would like these skulls! Hehe, he is the first adult to give me a gift, I will obey your orders obediently!"

Lin Qi looked at Ashimi'er who was holding his arm, and then at the skeleton maids standing underneath. He shivered violently and hurriedly pulled his arm out: "Don't That's nonsense, get me cleaned of the evil spirits outside, and then we go to the curse spirit ancient tomb! He must be restored to normal, I just need your help."

Ashimi's eyes rolled, and then she screamed, "Oh, I'm different from these maids, this is my real body! When I surrendered to the metaworld, the only condition was to keep me as I was. My body! I'm not those ugly skeletons, I'm the real Empress Ashimi, my flesh and blood are real!"

It's okay not to explain, when Ashimi'er said that her flesh and blood was real, Lin Qi felt a cold air from the sole of the foot straight into his head, and the hairs all over his body stood up. He hurriedly yelled: "Well, hurry up and do serious things!"

"Okay, okay! Serious business!" Ashimi squinted her eyes and smiled slyly: "Actually, it is a very interesting and serious thing to molest a thin-skinned adult! Oh, they are going to rush in. Damn it, my old lady doesn't show her power, you treat me as a little loli?"

Seeing that those vulture-like evil spirits were about to rush into the palace, and the skeleton mages on the magic tower had not recovered their combat effectiveness, Ashimi yelled strangely, and her long hair suddenly stood up straight. The huge undead breath came out of her body. The white, dry, cold, evil, and other undead powers formed a huge spherical magic circle beside Ashimi.

"Wail, a group of brainless idiots!" There was a weird light flashing in Ashimi's eyes, and she waved her fingers quickly, constantly drawing huge magic runes in the air. Accompanied by a dull loud noise, the plain of bones in front of the palace violently oscillated, and then with a loud noise, a large hand made of countless bones rushed out of the ground.

It was a giant white bone palm with a radius of nearly a hundred miles. The huge palm was shining with a dazzling white light. It was like a giant white bone palm from a continent that was slapped down from a high altitude, and hundreds of thousands of unjust souls were photographed immediately. It was fragmented, turned into a dead spirit, and was sucked in by the surrounding bones.

The corners of Lin Qi's mouth twitched again, the power of this blow was extremely astonishing, and it absolutely reached the level of a higher god. Such a tyrannical attack power did not leak even a little aftermath, which shows that Ashmir has controlled his power to an extremely terrifying level.

"Go, let's go! Pull out my guard of honor, let's go find the trouble of the curse spirit ancient mausoleum!" Axi Mi'er destroyed the innocent souls that came with a palm, and then screamed out dancing and dancing: "Master Lin Qi Sitting in town, there is a sissy and violent murderer to help, and this time the great Ashmir will take off the skin of that lifeless old man."

Heaven Mountain roared angrily: "Sissy? Do you want to go to war?"

Underworld Temple laughed leisurely: "A violent murderer? Lovely Ashimi, you really are my soulmate!"

Lin Qi rubbed his temples a little worried. Well, he suddenly had a bad premonition, after he had conquered the Burial Land and the Cursed Ling Ancient Mausoleum, his body would become a vegetable market. However, it seems that the days on Heaven Mountain will be more difficult. After all, the Temple of the Underworld, the Burial Ground and the Ancient Tomb of Cursed Spirit, they are all masters of the underworld system, and Heaven Mountain alone, how to deal with them?

Heaven Mountain seems to have a foreboding of his future tragic fate. It is like madly urging his own eternal power furnace. Tens of thousands of temples on Heaven Mountain open their own auxiliary power furnace at the same time, devouring the space madly. Of energy, constantly providing and storing huge energy for itself.

In just a few breaths, the efficiency of Heavenly Mountain’s formation of angel corps has increased tenfold. One after another, middle and high-level angels flew out of several halls. They hovered around Heavenly Mountain. There were even some ten. Archangel Wing flew over the Hades Temple intentionally or unintentionally, putting on a posture that I was provoking.

After a long silence, Lin Qi sighed quietly: "Harmony is more valuable!"

The sweet-scented osmanthus tree immediately laughed: "It is the most precious of peace, Master Lin Qi is extremely correct. Okay, I belong to the fairyland, and the conflict between your godland and the underworld has nothing to do with us! We are absolute Neutrals, I swear!"

The sweet-scented osmanthus tree, the immortal moon wheel, and the Shengxianchi quickly moved away from the tense Heaven Mountain. A strange light flashed across the paradise of the gods and the orchard of the gods, and then they followed the sweet-scented osmanthus tree and became neutral.

Lin Qi sighed for a long time, then nodded to the Dragon Witch King: "Let's go to see the ancient tomb of the cursed spirit out of control!"

The Dragon Witch King stared at Lin Qi fiercely, and walked over step by step: "Who are you on earth?"

After a long silence, Lin Qi smiled and whispered to the Dragon Witch King: "I, I don't know who I am. But now it seems that I am destined to be the enemy of the gods, so I am walking firmly. On this path. Any enemy of the gods will be my ally."

The Dragon Witch King took a deep look at Lin Qi, then he looked at Ashimi who was standing aside urging his guard of honor, and then smiled heartily: "Yes, we are enemies of the gods, that's enough. As for what status I used to be, what status you are now is not important at all, is it?"

After a moment of silence, the Dragon Witch King asked Axi Mi'er: "Axi Mi'er Queen, I have a question about my student Gossite." In the most refined words, the Dragon Witch King Xiang Axi Mier introduced the story of Gust and Asir. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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