Bright Era

Chapter 1918: The Fall of God Lord (3)

There were faint grey waves of water shining continuously from Sistase's body, and her body was trembling slightly, and she kept making screams. As the aura of the ancient cursed tomb became stronger and stronger, the aura in Sitose's body gradually became stronger and stronger. Vaguely, one could see the phantom of a woman being constantly repelled from the body by the cursed ancient mausoleum, and the figure of this woman was rapidly turning into a torrent of water, constantly being injected into Sitase's body.

The ancient tomb of Curse Spirit launched a big counterattack against Sitose. Some of the spirit powers that Sistase had invaded the ancient tomb of Curse Spirit were crushed, some were swallowed, and some were forcibly rejected. But this kind of rejection also allowed Sitose to constantly restore her strongest power. Her aura had surpassed the upper gods and reached a point that Lin Qi could not predict.

"Kill him!" Lin Qi pointed to Sistase, and then four colors of light burst out of his body, and a large group of apocalyptic knights kept rushing out of Lin Qi. Black, white, gray, and red, the Four Knights of the Apocalypse once again appeared in the world. The number of knights of each apocalypse was about a thousand, and they raised their heads at the same time and fixed their eyes on Setase.

The Grey Knights of the Apocalypse are headed by Cologne XVIII. They all wear heavy armor and hold epees.

The White Knights of the Apocalypse are headed by Galen XVIII. They all wear light armor and hold long bows.

The black knights of the apocalypse are headed by the newly-made leader of the doomsday apocalypse palace, Lenson XVIII. They hold a black horn symbolizing bad luck in their left hand and a heavy spear in their right hand. The last Red Knights of the Apocalypse were headed by the new commander Rocco XVIII. They held a heavy shield inlaid with a cross in their left hand and a heavy long knife wrapped in flames in their right hand.

When these apocalyptic knights appeared, Rensen XVIII led his subordinates, and at the same time raised the horn of his left hand, and blew the long and sad horn. The air in the ancient tomb of Cursed Spirit oscillated violently, and an indescribable weird aura circulated between the Knights of Apocalypse, and under their feet appeared a magic ring composed of ancient divine writings representing death, plague, hunger and war.

The breath of Cologne XVIII has rapidly increased. Under the strength of the Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse at all costs, the breath of Cologne XVIII has quickly increased to the limit level of the middle-ranking god. He raised his long sword and sternly shouted: "Sitase! All filthy blood will be cleansed, and all disrespectful will be destroyed! In the name of the Knight of Apocalypse, we will judge you!"

Sitase's body shivered slightly, as her strength gradually recovered, and as her spirit power that had invaded the ancient tomb of the curse was expelled, her body gradually recovered its luster and plumpness. She took a deep breath, with a frantic smile, she screamed loudly: "My sin? My sin is not eradicating all human beings in time! This is my sin!"

Suddenly stood up from the altar, Sistase raised her hands almost frantically and shouted to the sky: "It's just a little bit. Give me another 20,000 years, and I can become the greatest god! Just a little bit too close. ! Why don't you give me time?"

A trace of long hair tumbling in the gray death mist, Sitose’s white and soft hands twitched like chicken paws, and her palms with veined veins looked terrifying, and her eyes burst out with angry gray fire. , She turned to look at the apocalyptic knights of Cologne Eighteen, and then she laughed weirdly.

"It doesn't matter, as long as I eliminate you, I still have enough time to complete this thing! The core of the law that is countless times stronger than the law of death I master, and countless times deeper, as long as I can obtain these wonderful powers, I will become Axel Protoss, no, I will be the strongest of the entire universe! I will sit on the highest throne, and make peace, make peace..."

An uncontrollable expression of fright and despair appeared on his face. Sitose lowered her voice and said in a low voice: "Just like they were back then, I will sit on the highest throne and enjoy countless Worship of people."

The faint "ding ding" sounded continuously, and a set of gray armor shining with divine light appeared next to Sitase out of nowhere. This set of complex and gorgeous armor flew slowly towards Sitase's body. , Seeing to be installed on her.

Lin Qi murmured lowly, and the four apocalyptic leaders of Cologne Eighteenth and other leaders rushed towards Sitose without saying a word. When the Apocalypse Knights gather together and the four powers of the apocalypse knights symbolizing the doomsday verdict are connected together, the power of the apocalypse knights converges into the power of doomsday destruction, and the rainbow of light condensed by the four colors is straight He rushed towards Setase.

Sete raised her right hand, and a delicate gray shield appeared in front of her.

With a loud bang, Cologne 18th and their attack was stopped by the gray shield that was as thin as a cicada's wings. Setter's body only swayed slightly, and the weapons in the Cologne 18th and their hands exploded at the same time, at least half of them. The apocalyptic knight was shattered by the terrifying backlash.

Lin Qi's eyes widened in horror, how could this be possible? The collective impact after the apocalypse knights formed the doomsday battle is so vulnerable?

"Weak, really too weak!" Sitose sneered disdainfully. The gray armor had been completely worn on her body: "Compared with the Knights of the Apocalypse in my memory, you are simply too weak. Mention! Why is this? How could you be so weak? Why is this?"

The Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse muttered in a deep voice: "Stupid woman, give me enough time, they can definitely kill you. Ah, it doesn't matter, the raw materials of these lost apocalypse knights can be recycled, just a waste of time. It's just to help them recreate it. But, Master Lin Qi, it is obvious that this woman is very powerful, and we are not opponents!"

Heaven Mountain and Hades Temple also sighed deeply. A divine lord, if in their heyday, a divine lord is nothing, it is impossible to invade the heaven without a few gods led by the gods armies. Or from the Temple of Underworld. But now, Heaven Mountain has not healed seriously, and the Temple of Underworld has simply used up all its energy, and is borrowing usury from Heaven Mountain.

Under this circumstance, it is almost impossible to deal with a powerhouse such as Sistase.

"I want to see how big the gap between me and her is!" Lin Qi sneered, his body suddenly shook, and a khaki light gushing out beside him, his body suddenly became bigger than the mountain. The heavy, huge amount of earth elements filled his body, and even condensed into a strange structure that was harder than crystals in his body.

Taking a heavy step forward, Lin Qi said solemnly, "Heaven Mountain, the Temple of the Doomsday Apocalypse, and everyone else, gather all your strengths. I need you to concentrate all your energy to send the strongest blow. Can it be done?"

The Hades Temple voluntarily gave up the power to attack: "My energy attribute belongs to the death element, so my lethality against this woman is only 50% of the efficiency of Heavenly Mountain when the energy consumption is equivalent. I will give this opportunity To Heaven Mountain."

Heavenly Mountain accepted this task unceremoniously: "I will use Doomsday Judgment on her. If all the energy of all people is concentrated on me, although my current body has been greatly damaged, I can play It is equivalent to 7.53% of my attack power during my peak period. But I must remind you that this cannot kill a **** who is about to return to the peak."

Lin Qi nodded slowly: "I can deal with her! I can deal with this greedy woman!"

After shaking his body, Lin Qi rushed towards Sitose, and at the same time he shouted loudly: "Cologne 18, you retreat! Until you have the strongest power, don't go head-to-head with these gods!"

Along with Lin Qi's roar, Tu Junaxe appeared in Lin Qi's hands, mobilizing huge earth elements, Lin Qi's physical strength and power soared to the limit, he urged the source of energy in his body to continuously infuse the Tu Junaxe, making the Tu Junaxe's axe. The blade shook violently, and at the same time brought a stern light that tore the void.

Sistase looked at Lin Qi indifferently, facing the heavy axe that was about to smash her door, she just put up a thin finger in an understatement, and brought a gray mist to the axe. bomb.

"High-ranking high-level gods? Weak existence! But your power makes me feel very uncomfortable!" Sitose felt the aura of Genesis in Tu Jun's Axe. This strange power fluctuation made her feel uncomfortable and made her feel uncomfortable. There is a feeling of facing extinction. Although this strength is still very weak, to Sitose, she is like a huge earthwalking dragon. She suddenly found a newly hatched giant dragon cub. That kind of innate threat makes her She has an urge to kill Lin Qi.

So it was an understatement, but Setose suddenly strengthened more than ten times when his fingertips were about to touch the ax blade. Everyone heard a weeping tiger roar, Tu Junaxe's axe face cracked a large piece, dozens of shining axe fragments shot out all around, Lin Qi's palm spurted a large amount of blood, and Tu Junaxe's axe handle tore open Lin Qi's palm muscles were shattered, his metacarpal bones were shattered, and he flew from his palm.

Lin Qi's reaction speed was extremely fast, his left hand grabbed the flying Tu Jun axe, grabbed the axe handle firmly, and then put the Tu Jun axe into his body. Tu Junaxe kept screaming in Lin Qi's body. Fortunately, Lin Qi's body power nourished his body, and the large amount of magic materials stored in Miyin Mountain were continuously injected into Tu Junaxe. Otherwise, he would be beaten back to his original shape and become one. Handle ordinary sacred objects. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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