Bright Era

Chapter 1927: Bet with God (2)

"Praise all the beauties in the world, Majesty Lin Qi, your generosity makes us friends!" Assi threw hundreds of boxes of cigars into his sleeves excitedly, and then slapped Lin Qi on the shoulder: " If you can give me some legendary wine, and then give me some legendary succubus beauties, we will be good friends!"

Lin Qi stayed there because of Asi's words, wine and succubus beauty? What is this guy thinking in his head?

Turning to look at Asi's guard and the three old saints, those guards didn't move, but the three old saints lowered their heads blushing a little. The gods he serves are so inconspicuous. For the three old saints, this would be a shame, right?

With a dry cough, Lin Qi lowered his voice: "Could you, you should have a lot of believers, if you need it, I think they will be happy to offer you these things as sacrifices. You know, what you want These things are not precious!"

Assi crooked his mouth, then sighed heavily, looking like he couldn't bear to look back.

"I'm in the ground world, and only keep a few broken temples. Of course, I am in the underground world. I have 37,000 temples and tens of billions of believers. No matter what I ask them for, they will use the fastest Dedicated to me! But, do you know the night goddess Lu Sijia?" Assi looked at Lin Qi pitifully.

"She is the sister of a mother of my compatriots. During the Primordial God War, she did not allow me to fight; I recuperated and fell asleep, so I finally woke up. She didn't allow me to do this, and I didn't allow me to do that. The goddess of the goddess of happiness is waiting for me, and those cute little beauties don't know what happened to her. Anyway, they disappeared without a trace overnight, and I can't feel their breath in the gods."

Putting a finger up, Asi sighed helplessly: "I have tasted tobacco for the first time. I want to taste wine now. Then, if, of course, the succubus beauty may be a bit troubled, but, What if it’s an elf beauty?"

A dazzling light gleamed in Asi's eyes, and he looked at Lin Qi like a puppy expecting his owner to reward his bones.

Lin Qi was speechless for a while, where is this god? This is a child who is less mature than Mu Wei's psychological age. It is estimated that he was not an adult when he participated in the Primordial God War, and then he was injured and fell asleep for countless years. His mind was still immature while he was sleeping. To put it bluntly, his age, hundreds of thousands of years old, has all lived on dogs.

Turning his head and looking around, Lin Qi took out a few bottles of rum, and then simply pried open the two corks and served a bottle with Assi. Asi's eyes lit up suddenly, and then he raised his neck, and pours the bottle of century-old rum in one sip.

"It seems that the taste is good!" Assi clicked his mouth, swallowing all the remaining bottles of wine.

Lin Qi watched Assi's movements in astonishment, this guy was like a starving ghost reborn, no matter how big the bottle, he swallowed the bottle of wine in one mouthful. Moreover, as a divine power, the pressure is much stronger than that of the upper-level gods. Obviously a **** with the strength of the main god, Asi's drink volume seems to be really not good. With these bottles of wine, his eyes are already a bit erratic.

"Lin Qi, we are good friends!" Asi firmly grasped Lin Qi's arm: "Aha, the goddess of the night, Lu Sijia, ah, no, she has changed her name now, the moon **** Lu Sijia, She is my sister! Will you beat women? If you can beat women, I would be happy to introduce you to her! Hahaha, marry her, and beat her every day, I will be very happy!"

The waists of the three old saints of the Nebula Temple buckled down, and they were already shameless to see people.

Lin Qi stared at Assi dumbfounded. How distorted was this guy's psychology? What exactly did Lu Sijia do to him? Causes him to marry his sister to a villain who beats his wife all day?

Just when Assu complained to Lin Qi about the horror of Lu Si Jia, Lu Si Jia’s troubles, Lu Si Jia’s babbling, Lu Si Jia’s disgust, Lu Si Jia’s strict control, and Lu Si Jia’s bad situation. At that bad time, a mocking voice suddenly rang.

"Look, see, who did I meet? Lucky Majesty Lin Qi, and a little drunk doll?" A large group of men and women in black robes walked over, surrounded by the nightmare **** Aziz. Holding a scepter shining with misty and dim light, Aziz, who exuded a faint power of power, opened fire at Lin Qi with a ten-percent mocking tone across the distance.

"It's strange, Majesty Lin Qi, why did you appear here? And with such a small doll beside him? Is he the chosen one of your choice? Oh, no, this is also a noble god, that is Say, the chosen one you have chosen has inherited the priesthood?"

Aziz raised his head and came to Lin Qi, laughing mockingly: "Don't you have any better candidates? Look at this little boy, in God's Domain, in such a sacred and majestic place, he is drunk Now! Your Majesty Lin Qi, you are blaspheming the holy land of the Azer Protoss, do you know?"

Lin Qi didn't say a word, but Asi jumped up like a cat with its tail stomped on, and kicked at Aziz without any exception. Poor Aziz never dreamed that in a sacred and majestic place like God's Domain, someone would actually fight against a god!

This kick hit Az's lower abdomen fiercely, and the long robe shining with divine light on Az's body suddenly ejected countless gloomy lights, and the thin gloomy lights weaved into a very complicated divine knot The world, firmly wrapped Aziz inside. But suddenly a dark golden light flashed on Asi’s boots. A power that was far stronger than Aziz’s, and far more mysterious than his, shattered his enchantment. Ass was strong. A kick hit Az's belly hard.

Aziz flew back, his body smashed a dozen men and women behind him. These men and women are obviously selected by Aziz carefully. There is no doubt that he has the same thoughts as Lin Qi-using the fastest speed to enhance the strength of his henchmen, so that they will be the gods in the future. Help yourself better in the war.

Therefore, the thousands of people behind Aziz are all demigods, and the light of faith in everyone's mind is so strong, almost reaching the level of a saint. Aziz's body suddenly flew backwards, his speed of ejecting backwards was so fast, and his strength was so strong, dozens of old people closest to Aziz immediately collapsed and died on the spot.

Aziz was so angry that his eyes were bloodshot. He pinched a divine mark on his left hand, and his body suddenly hovered in the air. He sternly shouted: "Damn, how dare you kill my subordinates? They are the most soul gods. Pious believer, how dare you kill the believer of the God of Soul?"

Assi burped a drink, then picked out a cigar and held it in his mouth. He raised his head nonchalantly: "How dare I? It's funny. Go and ask any **** of the Azerite clan. God Realm, is there anything I, Asi, dare not do! Are you a subordinate of the God of Soul? Ah, your breath, you inherited the power of the God of Nightmare?"

Shaking his head, Asi pointed to Az: "Beat me to death! Just don't kill it! Even if it's really killed, die if you die, so can Thord dare Because this guy came to trouble me?"

Lin Qi pursed his mouth and shook his head slightly. He really didn’t know the awesome dude, the **** of soul Thord, he even dared to provoke the goddess of war Mu Wei and the **** of war Mudel face to face. The **** Lu Sijia didn't pay much attention to it. How could he care about you such a dwarf **** who didn't even participate in the Primordial God War?

Perhaps many years ago, before the outbreak of the Primordial God War, because of Asi's special status, those people of the Azer Protoss really didn't dare to do anything to Asi. But after so many years after the end of the Primordial God War, many things have changed during these long years!

Lin Qi remembered the death lord Sisterse who was killed by them in the ancient tomb of Cursing Spirit, that powerful goddess. What she dreamed of was to become the strongest of the entire universe, letting all the lives creep in front of her. Sistase can have such thoughts, but what about the rest of the Azerite clan? Perhaps the other gods Lin Qi was not sure about this, but those gods of the Light God System were hard to say.

Twenty-eight **** masters are still alive, which is very telling!

Lin Qi stood up and said softly to Assi: "I'll go see my pick of God, Lord Assi, you are free!"

Asi waved his hand casually, indicating that Lin Qi could move freely. He watched intently as his two dozen guards in silver armor rushed towards Aziz, surrounded Aziz in the middle, and then countless fists smashed down like meteors.

Poor Aziz has just inherited the priesthood of the Nightmare God, and his aptitude and talent are not enough to allow him to have all the power of the Nightmare God in a short time. In the face of these divine beatings around Asi, he did not have any power to resist. Assi and his gods did not participate in the **** war. Although they also suffered some injuries, their injuries were not serious compared to the other gods who participated in the war.

When the bodies of the other gods were still bloody, and there were huge wounds everywhere, the little wounds on Az and the others were about to heal. Therefore, the gods of Assi still retain their complete combat power. Not to mention that they have an absolute advantage in number, just to say that the two high-level gods with peak strength mixed in these gods are enough to suppress Azs immobile.

Lin Qi shrugged and walked back to the temple of inheritance. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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