Bright Era

Chapter 1929: Bet with God (4)

Lin Qi laughed. He glanced at Asi, who was sulking on the side, and smiled easily: "So, what price do I have to pay? Solder, you charged me for such a plain and no reason. What do you think you can really do to me?"

Thord hesitated for a moment, then he shook his head: "It seems that I really can't do anything to you. But at least, I can make you uncomfortable. I complained to the God of Dawn about your violent beating of the people. You are When under investigation, at least I will be imprisoned in a **** prison for several days. And in these time, it is enough for me to carry out a complete subversion of your Longshan Empire!"

Gently brushing his fingers across the many subordinates behind Lin Qi, focusing on Princess Qingli and Yun beside Lin Qi, Thord said gloomily: "In these few days, I can pay no price. , Kill at least half of these confidantes around you."

Lin Qi was silent. This was a threat from the God of Soul, but it was also a real crisis. Solder might not be as powerful as Mu Wei and Mudel, but among everyone around Lin Qi, none of them can stand against Solder and the gods who awakened from their sleep around him. If you use the power of Ashmir and others, then for Lin Qi now, it is undoubtedly seeking a dead end.

After a moment of silence, Lin Qi nodded slowly: "So, what do you want? Solder!"

Solder didn't care what Lin Qi called him. He clapped his hands lightly and said lightly: "You are a new chosen one who inherited the priesthood, and so is Aziz. Azz brought his chosen one. They will all become gods. You choose the three most powerful subordinates and gamble against Az's three subordinates."

"Gamble?" Lin Qi looked at Solder in surprise, "What is the bet?"

Thord smiled and raised his head: "The bet is, if your Chosen loses, then you cede a piece of land enough for a hundred legions to be stationed, and let Azs lead that legion to be stationed in your land. Inside. You don’t need to take care of the rest."

Looking at Thord whose eyes were shining with strange light, Lin Qi laughed: "What if I win?"

Solder glanced disapprovingly at the faint clouds and black beard and others around Lin Qi, and shook his head gently: "Do you think it is possible? Scarlet Wrath, Roaring Thunder, they, I Never looked at it."

Lin Qi pondered for a while, then smiled and nodded. He stretched out his right hand into a fist and shook it lightly in the air. Everyone behind him quickly formed a neat square on the square in front of the Temple of Inheritance, allowing the door to the Temple of Inheritance to be opened.

Staring at Lin Qi firmly, Thorder pointed to Lin Qi: "Remember, don't think about running away. This is just a small bet. If you lose, there is no loss to you. But if you run away Now, then you will get into big trouble, I swear with my soul, if you dare to run away with someone, you will get into big trouble!"

Grabbing Aziz lying on the ground groaning, Thord strode towards the temple of inheritance. The more than one hundred subordinates he brought with him shot at the same time, and the bodies of the many chosen ones that Aziz had brought were held up by a soft light curtain, and slowly drifted towards the temple of inheritance.

Asi walked slowly to Lin Qi, his head drooping, his face flushed and he dared not look up: "I'm very sorry, Lin Qi, my sister, to be honest, I am more afraid of her. The **** of **** soul, Thor De, he dares to speak to me like this, I won't let him go!"

Lin Qi slapped Asi's shoulder vigorously, encouraging him with a lovely smile: "You are not afraid of your sister Lu Sijia, you respect her, you love her, because she is your relative, so you are There will be so-called'fear' towards her. But you are actually a very brave person, Asi, look, how brave you were when you beat Aziz who provoked you to the ground?"

Asi raised his head, he smiled triumphantly: "Except for my sister, there is no one I dare not move!"

Lin Qi nodded seriously. He smashed his fist with Asi fiercely: "Yes, you are a truly brave hero, Asi! Not to mention the nightmare **** Azi, the soul **** Thor De is in front of you, and it’s nothing! But Thord is very despicable. He threatens you to sue you. This behavior is shameless.

Assi's face turned gloomy: "He is really shameless, I hate him!"

Lin Qi smiled and narrowed his eyes: "Then, he is our common enemy. He wants to seize my land, but I am not easy to provoke. I will teach him a bitter lesson. Well, if there is any in the future Opportunity, we can deal with him together!"

Asi's eyes lit up and nodded thoughtfully. Lin Qi leaned close to Asi's ear and muttered in a low voice: "But I'm just very strange. The attitude of the soul **** Thord is very arrogant and domineering. He is very confident. After all, who is it? Is he so confident? Can you find out? Asi?"

Turning his eyes a few times, Asi frowned, "I will try hard, but, indeed, before the War of the Ancient Gods, Thord was just an ordinary upper god, his title of the **** of soul, It was obtained by inheriting the title of Soul Lord. At that time, he did not dare to say a word in front of me. Why is he so courageous now?"

Gently patted Asi on the shoulder, Lin Qi smiled and said, "This requires you to investigate clearly. But be careful not to disturb him!"

Asi nodded seriously, then he glanced at the Temple of Inheritance angrily.

Less than three hours after Thorder and his party entered the Temple of Inheritance, he strode out with the refreshing Az and three young men exuding great power. A palpitating gray divine light flashed in Aziz’s eyes, and he shouted in a low voice: "Your Majesty Lin Qi, in accordance with the agreement between my lord and you, you pick out three people to gamble against my people."

With a triumphant smile, Aziz raised an eyebrow to Lin Qi: "Perhaps you already know, some tacit understanding of the gods? Hahaha, my Nightmare Legion will bring fatalities to those stupid alien races on the ground world. I will let those stupid beings from the East understand that the Nightmare Legion is the most powerful secular weapon!"

Lin Qi spread his hands and smiled softly. He squinted his eyes and looked at the people around him for a while, and then he singled out Enzo, Vic and Uncle Barr out of the queue. A very thin voice sounded in the three people's minds: "Vick lost the first game, Enzo severely inflicted the enemy in the second game, Uncle Barr, just admit defeat in the third game."

The three of Enzo stayed for a while, and then proceeded to walk a few steps forward without incident.

A weird smile appeared on Lin Qi's face. Solder wanted to find a foothold in the ground world so that Aziz's army could go to the ground world to make meritorious service and harvest the souls of believers? Then, Lin Qi is happy to give them the original land of the Haran Empire.

The development situation on the Black Spirit Continent is very good. Under the control of Mr. Mo and Enzo, a brand new Black Spirit Empire is about to be built. At that time, the black-collar army, together with the long ears of the Elven Continent, will flood into the Western Continent like a tide under the support of the Leading Party sent by Lin Qi. The landing point Lin Qi chose for them was the Haran Empire.

Let the elven army and the nightmare army break their blood, Lin Qi doesn't mind lighting them up.

If the gods want the whole world to be crazy for them, Lin Qi will make this crazy feast and list the gods themselves as sacrifices. Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at Asi, whose face was flushed, and Lin Qi smiled happily.

At the beginning of the first gambling fight, Vic lost to his opponent without any suspense. Vic just lazily moved around the opponent and pulled out a few afterimages, and then was blown away by a terrifying soul impact. A few blood spurted from the Qiqiao, and Vic slipped behind Lin Qi and hid.

Both Thord and Aziz smiled excitedly, but Enzo immediately gave them a blow.

The chosen one who gambled against Enzo, he didn’t even see Enzo’s movements. After Enzo uttered a violent roar of war, his speed, strength, agility, and response increased by more than ten times. Bringing up a horrible sword light, it wrapped the hapless Chosen in like a violent wind. Everything lasted for only one ten-thousandth of a moment, and even Thord had no time to stop Enzo's attack.

Three hundred and sixty-five transparent sword marks before and after, the heavy damage that went straight to the source caused the chosen one to fall to the ground dying. Thord and Azz looked at the severely injured subordinates dumbfounded, their faces turned blue with anger. This kind of damage can only be recovered through a long sleep, and without tens of thousands of years of rest, this chosen one can no longer have any use.

"You, you, did you mean it?" Aziz gasped like a toad.

Lin Qi stretched out his hands blankly: "I'm very sorry, this general is His Excellency Ente Mart of the Gaul Empire in the Western Continent. He is deeply favored by the goddess of war Mu Wei, and he is blessed by the Temple of War. Suo. Erd, you should have heard his name?"

Thord's face changed slightly. He took a deep look at Enzo, then sneered and shook his head: "Very well, then, let's start the third game!"

Sen Leng's eyes glanced at Uncle Barr intentionally or unintentionally, and Thord suddenly laughed: "In the third game, how about we only divide life and death?"

Before Lin Qi could speak, Uncle Barr had already spit out the chewed tobacco, and then twisted his **** and walked back: "Life and death? It's too dangerous, let's not fight, uncle, I surrender! Uncle Barr is still in this life. It’s not enough, there are so many big **** ladies waiting for me to pamper you, who will share life and death with you?"

Thord and Azz froze in place, what is this? What the **** is this?

Lin Qi has applauded enthusiastically: "Then, congratulations to the Soul Temple, you have obtained the right to use a large part of the Longshan Empire. I will take people back to the Longshan Empire now, and tomorrow I can give that piece of land to you! Please! Don't worry, it is a fertile and fertile land, and you will definitely be satisfied!"

Without waiting for Thord and Aziz to speak, Lin Qi already led the mighty subordinates and quickly walked towards the exit of God's Domain.

Assi was dumbfounded, and then rolled his eyes at Solder with a smile, and followed Lin Qi happily. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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