Bright Era

Chapter 1934: The collapsed nomadic temple (4)

In the camp of the Dragon Legion, all the tents and other buildings are shattered, and the huge magic teleportation array is releasing dazzling glare. The dragons, dwarves, titans and other abyssal creatures of the brigade continue Well out of the ground. One of Diogo's head suddenly raised to the sky and yelled: "My soldiers, kill these **** stinky shepherds!"

A team of wizards composed of abyssal little demons suddenly emerged from a magical teleportation array. Nearly 10,000 little demons who were only capable of emitting small fireballs raised their wands at the same time, accompanied by sharp curses, nearly 10,000. At the same time, the little devil spewed fireballs the size of a fist, ranging from three to five to dozens.

Hundreds of thousands of small fireballs roared out, sweeping the camp of the nomad army like a storm. Where the small fireball passed, a large number of nomadic warriors were pierced by the fireball before they could climb onto the mount, or they were simply shattered by the explosion of flames.

Countless low-level abyss creatures gush out from the magic circle like a tide. These abyss creatures have the instinct to release magic. Although their magic is not powerful, they are better than a large number. When countless fireballs pour down from the sky, even Being a strong man in the holy realm, he couldn't help showing a desperate expression.

"I'm fed up with you stinky shepherds!" Diogo laughed up to the sky, "What do you think the great Diogo is? Do you let the tools you play with? Wrong, you are so wrong! Diogo, But I want to become the master of this world!"

An old man in burlap hurried up into the sky, and angrily stopped in front of Diogo: "What's the matter? Are you Diogo, or... No, no, impossible, just a little bit. The Abyss Demon Dragon King, it is impossible to resist..."

Diogo took a breath of the dragon and burned the old man to ashes, and his twelve deep eyes flashed a wicked and treacherous light: "Of course, the mount of the gods, what is the name of the six dragon heads? Of course, he is very powerful, many times stronger than me! If it is only Uncle Diogo himself, he cannot resist the erosion of his soul."

"But Uncle Diogo is good for a good man! Hahaha, his soul has been swallowed by me. The great Uncle Diogo has spent such a long time, I have completely integrated his soul! Now the uncle Diogo is better than before. One hundred times stronger, one thousand times, ten thousand times stronger! I am the real supreme dragon god!"

The huge wings flapped frantically, and Diogo's huge body rushed straight up into the sky. He flew to the sky tens of thousands of meters above the ground, then folded his wings, and six huge heads aimed at the ground and fell vertically. The way it hits straight down. His black scales rubbed against the air violently, and his body was covered with a thick layer of red fire.

Accompanied by the harsh laughter, Diogo slammed his head on the ground, a dull crash sounded, the ground collapsed in a radius of more than a dozen miles, and more than 100,000 nomadic soldiers howled and were swallowed by the collapsed ground. The flames shot up from the cracks, burning the nomadic warriors to ashes.

Two huge dragon claws slapped on the ground fiercely, and Diogo slowly got up from the deep pit.

"Get started, what are you waiting for? Kill these guys, and then we will divide the spoils according to the promise!" Diogo shouted up to the sky, he turned his head in disdain, and spit a dragon's breath into the high air. .

A piece of void within a radius of a radius rippled like a water wave, and then the void smashed into pieces, and a large group of clergymen wearing robes of the desert temple flew out of the fragmented void. At least two hundred thousand middle and high-ranking clergymen from the desert temple rushed out like a swarm of mad hornets, and then suddenly hundreds of tornadoes blasted from heaven and earth.

The grassland instantly turned into a desert. The sand particles in the tornado rubbed against each other, bursting out dazzling fire light, and making a thunderous sound. Under the control of the clergy, these tornadoes swept through the camps of the nomad army like road rollers. The nomadic soldiers howled miserably and were caught in the tornado. The terrifying hurricane tore their bodies apart, and the flying dust completely shattered their bodies.

"Is this, crazy?" Hu Xinzhu dullly looked at the clergy of the desert temple who had let go of the nomadic army.

Lin Qi was inhaling deeply, his palm was wet. The ruler will make a move, it is definitely they make a move, otherwise there will be no such weird things happen. They let the clergy of the desert temple abandon their faith-no, they have never believed. They colluded with Diogo to slaughter these nomadic troops. This is definitely just the beginning.

"You stay here, mobilize all the troops, and prepare to launch a counterattack!" Lin Qi slapped Hu Xinzhu on the shoulder fiercely: "Perhaps, the nomadic empire of the Continental Bridge is completely over this time, they are destined to be over! I'll go, I'll go see the excitement."

Hu Xinzhu jumped and scolded, "Look at the fun? Why did you leave me here? Hey, what happened?"

Lin Qi ignored Hu Xinzhu, he flew to the east in a hurry, and after just a few breaths, he came to the sky above the desert temple. At this moment, countless clergy of desert temples and grassland temples are gathering around the temple, leading countless temple knights to confront the army of the Blood Qin Empire.

In the west of the desert temple, the banners of the ten nomadic khanates were flying high, and the most powerful people among all the nomadic tribes gathered here. They mobilized the most elite forces in their tribe and cooperated with the two temples to guard the last line of defense.

If the Desert Temple were also conquered by the Blood Qin Empire, there would be a smooth road ahead of the Blood Qin Empire's army. Faced with the attack of the Western Continent and the Blood Qin Empire, the nomads on the Continental Bridge might be exterminated, and all their clansmen would have to become slaves.

When Lin Qi came to the sky above the desert temple, he happened to see a siege army of the Blood Qin Empire slowly marching towards the desert temple. This large-scale siege army, which stretched for more than ten miles, did not act. Instead, Ying Zheng sat upright on the emperor's guard and quickly came to the front of the desert temple under the protection of more than a dozen Penglai gods.

Standing firmly on the emperor, with his hands behind his back, Ying Zheng sneered at the direction of the desert temple.

"I came here personally, and I will give you one last chance. Surrender, or die!"

Haran Galdi Jiejie, the strongest man in the Prairie Temple, flashed out of the void with a strange smile. He pointed at Ying Zheng and said in a disdainful cold voice: "There are countless big talks, but you have attacked for so long. ..."

With a ‘pouch,’ Harlan Galdi’s chest suddenly showed a machete blade shining with dark light. Harlan Galdi looked at the knife tip emerging from his chest in disbelief. After a long time, he slowly turned his head and glanced at the person holding the knife behind him.

"My student, my most trusted student, why are you betraying the great **** of the steppe?" Harlan Galdi slowly dripped a trace of blood, his body twitching violently, two lines Tears continued to flow from the corner of his eyes: "My student, you, why on earth?"

The person holding the knife is a young and beautiful girl. She looked at Harlan Galdi coldly, and said slowly: "Do you need an explanation? Or don't explain it, this is too much nonsense. Anyway, you are worthy of death, you know, for How much did we pay for this knife? The poison on this machete was only to collect materials, and more than 3,000 archaic relics were excavated, and it took a full two thousand years. And to cast this bend. Knife, there are seventy-nine master-level casters who were poisoned to death by poisonous gas.

With a fierce turn of the handle of the knife in his hand, the blade's blade shattered the heart of Haran Galdi, and a terrible poison gushed out. Haran Galdi's soul was swept away by the poisonous gas, and his soul flew away.

The clergy of the Desert Temple and the Prairie Temple were stunned at this incredible scene. The first strongest of the two temples, Haran Galdi, a disciple of the God of the Prairie, the first temple of the Prairie Temple Lord, just fell unclearly?

Before these priests came back to their senses, Ying Zheng had already waved his hand forward: "If you don't repent, then you don't have to live! Kill!"

More than 80% of the clergy of the Desert Temple and the Grassland Temple suddenly changed their targets, and attacked the colleagues around them. The temple knights stationed at the two great temples near the desert temple even pulled out their weapons and hacked them down at their companions. Suddenly the desert temple blood flowed into a river, and there were screams and groans everywhere.

But within a quarter of an hour, the sudden massacre suddenly subsided, and the remaining clergy and temple knights of the two temples knelt on the ground at the same time, respectfully worshipping Yingzheng with the audience of the Blood Qin Empire.

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

Even the beautiful girl with the blade of Haran Galdi knelt on the ground, holding **** scimitars in both hands to worship Yingzheng.

The corners of Ying Zheng's mouth raised slightly, he sneered, and then gently waved to the front: "Kill! There are rebels, kill! Those over forty years old, kill! People with ugly faces, kill! Illnesses! Kill! Only keep the strong, kill all the others!"

With a loud horn sounded, the temple knights of the two temples turned in place, turned into dozens of black torrents, and rushed towards the resident of the Ten Khanates. The clergy flew into the air like a dark cloud, and various monsters carried them to the king's account of the Ten Khanate. Numerous magical arts and magic poured down, and the earth suddenly trembled, and the terrifying fire cloud covered it. all.

All the princes and nobles of the Ten Khanates, in this sudden attack, only resisted for less than a quarter of an hour before being beheaded.

The main force of the two great temples led the army of the Blood Qin Empire and quickly approached the west. Along the way, there were countless killings. All the nomadic tribes who dared to resist were completely razed, and those tribes who gave up resistance were conscripted into the army and organized into a slave army to attack the West!

Lin Qi followed this huge army all the way to the west.

After just one month, the forward of the slave army of the Blood Qin Empire finally entered the Western Continent.

Diogo rushed to Yingzheng for the first time, and cleverly offered his loyalty to Yingzheng.

The western continent shook, and the church immediately stepped up the speed of dispatching troops. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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