Bright Era

Chapter 1936: Active provocation (2)

But the withered man who just shot just tugged the corner of his mouth and smiled disdainfully, then he raised his right hand and snapped his fingers lightly. With a loud bang, the bodies of the soldiers and monster mounts who died on the hill suddenly exploded, and countless bones roared and flew up, piecing together a **** bone shield on the hill.

The Demon Seal of Qianshan Town smashed down with a force of thunder and smashed heavily on the bone shield. There was only a loud noise, the bone shield did not move, but the Qianshan Town Demon Seal was blown to pieces by the force of the counter shock. Venerable Tianmiao's face changed slightly, and he turned and left without saying a word, and at the same time let out a quick whistle.

The few Heavenly Temple Venerables and hundreds of wizards who followed him turned and left at the same time, and the three thousand-man squad of unicorn black tiger cavalry also quickly stopped, turning and fleeing at the fastest speed. But no matter how fast they go, where is the withered man who shoots fast.

The **** bone shield suddenly exploded, and countless Bai's sharp bones with blood stains screamed and shot out. The first to bear the brunt was the Venerable Tianmiao who had just attacked. His body was several times stronger than a diamond. The broken bones exploded countless fist-sized transparent holes, one of which happened to penetrate his heart.

The powerful demigod looked down at his heart in disbelief, and then fell heavily from the sky. The other venerables roared with grief, but they were also unable to resist the piercing of the white bones. They were shot through their bodies almost at the same time, and their lives were harvested by the **** white bones.

Three thousand monsters, hundreds of mages, and several venerables of Tianmiao were killed by bones almost at the same time, and this purple-red land added a touch of fresh red. There was dead silence in the two military camps, and everyone looked at the few undead in horror.

"This is the power of mankind?" The undead who shot it snorted disdainfully: "Why do you have such a trivial power? Humans, humble and weak human beings, you don't even have the qualifications to survive! Weak power, short life, I really don’t know how you have reproduced and survived to the present."

Hu Xinzhu looked at the arrogant undead, and quickly issued an order: "No one is allowed to take action. Tell the people in the temple that this is a matter for the Blood Qin Empire and the undead. It has nothing to do with us. Let them fight, die. People are the venerables of the Tianmiao, and we have no obligation to take action. Tell them, the people of the Tianmiao, the more the dead, the better."

There is no need for Hu Xinzhu to remind, the leaders of the major temples have already appeared one after another. Under the leadership of King Gerdas, the army-breaking king, these people were suspended in mid-air, or stood on the watchtower. Looking in the direction of the undead, no one ordered to kill these undead.

Including Gerdas, the leaders of these temples are not stupid at all. Although the undead are heretics, if the heretics have too much power, then they can also enjoy special treatment, that is-turn a blind eye! Let the people of the Blood Qin Empire compete with these heretics, let the people of the Tianmiao go there to sacrifice, the people of the church are enough to watch the excitement.

Let the people of the Blood Qin Empire take the lead. If they win, the temple will continue to fight with them anyway; if they lose, they will find a way to deal with these undead. Of course, the most ideal thing is that they all die together, that would be perfect. Including Gerdas, everyone with such thoughts sneered at the floating castle of the Heavenly Temple floating above the Blood Qin Empire.

"Here, how dare you hurt my god's messenger!" A low and loud sound, like the roar of a bronze bell, sounded abruptly. The voice itself was so low and deep, but the more he spread out, the louder it became. In the end, it was almost like a landslide and tsunami, shaking the ground violently. Especially in the military camps of the two camps, those monster mounts let out horrified roars.

"Ah, let my uncle Diogo deal with them!" A huge six-headed Devil Dragon King soared into the sky, Diogo triumphantly restored to his original appearance, and flew towards the hill with a group of devil dragons proudly. It is not correct to say that it is flying. Diogo, who is more than ten miles in length, just fluttered his wings, and he came to the sky above the small mountain bag.

"Little undead, you dare to hurt the noble venerable Tianmiao! Do you know how noble the venerable Tianmiao is?" Diogo roared to the undead with a little bit of feint, "Now, give you one. Chance, kneel in front of me and beg me for mercy, I will give you a chance to redeem your sins!"

Several undead looked at Diogo casually, the expressions on their faces did not change at all. In other words, with their undead physique, it is really not easy for their face muscles to move. The withered man who shot just now slowly raised his staff, and muttered in a low voice: "A six-headed dragon king in the abyss? It's a rare breed. A great master would be happy to have such a mount, right?"

Diogo's ears are very sensitive. He heard the withered man's words, and he opened his mouth furiously: "Then, you go to die!"

Six huge black dragon fire bullets brewed in Diogo’s mouth, but before he could spit out the six dragon fire bullets, the undead man had already chanted a deep spell, and then put it on his staff. A gray and lifeless eye flashed in the gray crystal ball the size of a human head. This lifeless eye glared at Diogo, and Diogo let out a miserable cry, and fell to the ground spurting blood.

A terrible evil force hit Diogo's whole body and his scales to shatter. This blow almost pulled off Diogo's dragon skin. He was exposed to large **** muscles. The dragon's blood was like the smelly water of the sewer. The same rushed flowing, severe pain and various weird negative forces madly strangling in his body, Diogo's pain was blackened in front of him, and his mind was full of confusion.

With an embarrassing high-pitched dragon roar, Diogo, who was in a state of chaos, rushed into the sky, and then suddenly turned into a black flame and disappeared without a trace. All the dragons flew in panic at the same time, shouting like a group of frightened ducks, desperately trying to find the direction of Diogo's departure, but couldn't even find the breath left by Diogo.

Lin Qi patted Hu Xinzhu on the shoulder, and then she shook her body and suddenly turned into a breeze and left the barracks.

The huge mental power firmly locked Diogo's whereabouts. After Diogo, who was yelling in pain, left the battlefield for more than two thousand miles, Lin Qi suddenly appeared above Diogo, and then fiercely. Stomped on Diogo's neck. Diogo let out a miserable cry, and Lin Qi almost shattered his cervical vertebrae with this foot and fell embarrassedly from the sky, and fell heavily to the ground.

The four major elements of water, fire, and wind rushed out at the same time in the surrounding area, quickly forming a four-element forbidden barrier to block all the energy fluctuations around. Lin Qi fell straight beside Diogo, and then kicked it out. . Diogo howled in pain, he was directly transformed into a human form by Lin Qi's kick, holding his stomach in embarrassment, twitching and groaning on the ground.

Without giving Diogo any chance to resist, Lin Qi grabbed Diogo and smashed it to the ground. The earth element strengthened the ground here. After Lin Qi's reinforcement, the ground here is tens of thousands of times stronger than Diogo's body. Lin Qi smashed Diogo frantically, only to hear that the bones in his body were constantly bursting and shattering, and a large blood stain appeared on his body. In the end, Diogo's cervical vertebrae were sprained.

The dying Diogo was lying on the ground in pain. He looked at Lin Qi in shock, and then groaned shiveringly: "No, don't fight! I, Diogo, damn, I have no grievances against you. I am kind, upright and caring..."

Lin Qi took out a bottle of God-level potion and poured it into Diogo's mouth. When Diogo's fractured injury recovered from the injury, Lin Qi grabbed him again and slammed it to the ground. It was another violent beating that caused Diogo to spit out blood and fainted several times, and this time the sweet-scented osmanthus tree personally repaired his injury.

Then came another brutal beating, then another thorough repair, and then another severe beating!

In just half an hour, Diogo has been dead a dozen times. After Lin Qi repaired his body for the last time, he knelt on the ground with tears and tears: "Great existence, don't fight, I will swallow I have found the soul of a six-headed dragon, and I have realized the existence of a trace of law. I am about to possess the power of a god. You are a powerful **** who can ravage my existence like this. Why should you treat me so cruelly?"

Looking at Diogo with cold eyes, Lin Qi said coldly: "Answer my question, what's the matter with the soul of the Primordial Six-Headed Dragon that you swallowed? With your previous strength, it could only be that your soul was swallowed by him. It's impossible for you to turn over and swallow him. Then, how did you get on with the Blood Qin Empire? Tell me the causes and consequences of all this!"

Diogo is a downright scum, he is the representative of the abyss dragon, he can see the most shameless, the most despicable, the most nasty, the most nasty character of the abyss dragon. He obediently knelt on the ground, and said what happened to him back then.

The night Arthur was killed, he was invaded by the soul of the Primordial Six-Headed Dragon. According to his original strength, he was bound to become a victim. His body will be invaded by people, and his soul will become a tonic for the dragon soul that has been sleeping for countless years! But what shocked Diogo was that at the moment when he was on the verge of life and death, a powerful will made contact with him through that dragon soul. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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