Bright Era

Chapter 1942: Quartet confrontation? (3)

The saint Yin Qingyue of the Desert Temple and hundreds of clergymen from the Desert Temple were in the list. Beside them, there were also dozens of senior wizards and priests who apparently came from the Temple of Odin. The most eye-catching group was a group of A sprite with gorgeous clothes and grace.

The hair of these elves is mysterious pure silver, and the long, smooth hair reflects the gleaming silver light in the sunlight, looking sacred and mysterious to the extreme. This is the royal family of the Elf family, a member of the Moon Elf family who is dominated by the Elf gods. And a silver-haired elf surrounded by everyone in the center like stars gong the moon, judging from his clothes, he is obviously a direct descendant of the moon elf royal family.

At this moment, this haughty moon elf was leaning against Yin Qingyue, and she kept getting close to her. As for Leon, the golden lion man standing behind Yin Qingyue, his face was as dark as ink. Seeing his posture holding the hilt of the saber tightly, he seemed to want to smash the Moon Elf to death.

"The alien races in Odin Icefield are very poor, but they suddenly have a rich relative!" Lin Qi sighed helplessly: "The elves are finally doing it, so these elves are not stupid! This is interesting. , The orcs come from the north, the undead occupy the south, and the east is the army of the Blood Qin Empire. We are in trouble!"

Aziz's mouth twitched, and he clenched his fists tightly: "They, don't you know how to join hands?"

Lin Qi looked at Aziz helplessly, and he sneered: "If they don't join hands, what are they doing here? Get together, do you just play the ancient Eastern mahjong game? Do you think they are here to join hands? You should know that in the past few years, we have lost several clansmen? Especially the **** of seasons, the **** of seasons, he disappeared a few days ago, moreover, amulelai is in the dark continent..."

Aziz's face became more and more tangled, and the faces of the gods became even more ugly than zombies. They are not stupid. They heard what Lin Qi said almost clearly—in the past few years, among the gods enshrined in the church, have any gods fallen? Is it the hands of those aliens?

Reminiscent of the sudden army of undead and alien army, these people who are a little weaker in the courage of the gods, they can't help but shiver.

Lin Qi couldn't help but shook his head looking at the goddess who shivered like quails in a rainstorm. He put away the colorful light mirror in front of him and winked at Longcheng and the others. The group ignored Azs and others, and walked directly down the watchtower into the Chinese army's big tent.

Half an hour later, Longcheng successively issued dozens of orders in the name of the commander of the mainland coalition forces. All the soldiers of the continental coalition entered a state of war, and all the walls, fortresses and magic traps were strengthened and reinforced again. A large number of heavy supplies were continuously transported from the Longshan Empire and the Great Yan Dynasty, among which the Longshan Empire sent countless powerful magic scrolls.

These magic scrolls are mainly fire-based forbidden curse scrolls. After all, when dealing with the undead, the damage of flame is far better than all other spells except for the magic of dawn. A large number of forbidden curse scrolls were distributed to the magicians of the mainland coalition army. On average, each magician was equipped with at least three forbidden curse scrolls.

Time lapsed in the intense preparations, and another support soldier from the Longshan Empire arrived. This is a warcraft cavalry dominated by earth travel dragons and flying dragons. The arrival of 200,000 earth-traveling dwarf knights, and 30,000 flying dragon orc archers and arrows cavalry, the arrival of this force has immediately improved the morale of the mainland coalition forces.

The church finally opened a general mobilization order, and one after another temple knights were continuously transferred to the Eastern Great Plains.

As the number of church corps increased, the command of the mainland coalition forces also changed. Dragon City only holds the joint command of the three armies of the Longshan Empire, the Great Yan Dynasty and the Temple of War, and is responsible for guarding a section of the defense line in the southern region of the mainland defense line for about two hundred miles. The other temple armies were mainly handed over to Aziz's son Yazchi and the army-breaking king Gerdas.

The arrogant and brave King Gerdas led the church army headed by the Knights of Retribution to stick to the core area of ​​the defense line and confront the huge army of the Blood Qin Empire; while Yaziqi is proud to carry the soul temple, The army of the soul gods headed by the Nightmare Temple, together with the army of dozens of other temples, occupied the northern area of ​​the defense line.

Under the darkness, Lin Qi and Longcheng flew up to the sky without a sound, and quickly flew north.

They just received the news that after the arrogant Yaziqi obtained the power to sit in the northern defense zone, he did not stay in the camp peacefully, but brought a nightmare knight with less than 30,000 people. The regiment rushed out of the barracks, saying that it was going to give the foreign army that had not had time to camp and was looking for a camp.

Longcheng and Hu Xinzhu, who feared that the world would not be chaotic, immediately took Lin Qi out to watch the excitement, and they wished Yaziqi smashed his head and broke his blood. Yan Chimei also wanted to see Yaziqi's unlucky scene, so she followed out excitedly.

In addition to the several generals around Longcheng, a group of more than a dozen people surreptitiously rolled up a large cloud and hovered in the high air, murmured at the movement below. Hu Xinzhu even took out a soft carpet and rushed to Yunwu Mountain, then took out soft cushions for everyone to sit down, and took out a lot of good wine, meat, fruit snacks, etc. The group of people was sitting high in the sky like a camping dinner. Overlooking the earth.

Yaziqi was wearing a gray robe and walked slowly three feet off the ground. Since he inherited the priesthood and became a god, he has realized that his identity is very different from before. No matter his words and deeds, he has a touch of deliberate majesty and arrogance out of thin air. He arrogantly carried his hands behind his back, and appeared like a ghost in front of the foreign army who was busy digging trenches and piling piles to build tents.

Several Titans discovered Yazzi at the same time. They dropped the big hammer they used to drive the stakes and drew out their own weapons. They slowly approached Yazzi, a crimson lava Titan lowered his voice and smiled grimly: "Hey, man, why are you here? Are you lost? Then you really came to the right place!"

Yazki raised his head slightly, and sighed in a low voice: "Stupid and ignorant creatures, you don't know what a noble existence you are facing! Kneel down, I can forgive your sins and let you die Detached from the abyss!"

Several titans glanced at each other, and they laughed loudly at the same time. Amidst the noise of the orcs who had also dropped the tools in their hands, were happily looking at the excitement here, they were constantly cheering on them. The Titans rushed towards Yazzi at the same time. The heavy long knife and big axe slashed at Yaziqi's body fiercely, and the piercing sound even suppressed the roar of the orcs.

"Humble and ignorant creatures, I give you death!" Yazzi muttered in a low voice, "Gods are not allowed to act against believers of other gods, unless those foolish believers offend the gods! I like this rule, don't I?"

There was a gray long sword in his hand. As soon as he held this sword in his hand, the titans suddenly howled in horror, and countless horror visions appeared in front of them. The illusion that directly impacted in the depths of their souls made them unstable, and one by one dropped their weapons and crawled behind them.

With a light swipe of the long sword in Yaziqi's hand, the heads of several Titans fell off them. The wound was clean and a drop of blood did not flow down. The blood and souls of these Titans were swallowed by the long sword. Yazzi took a deep breath and then sighed contentedly. He raised his head slightly, and sneered towards the sky: "You can't blame me for the gods they believe in. They broke the rules between the gods, and they attacked me first!"

Lin Qi opened his eyes and looked up into the sky. A small invisible vortex in the void was slowly rotating. Behind the vortex, two huge golden eyes were staring at Yaziqi with a vicious look. The fierce light. A low curse that mortals could not hear came from the whirlpool, and the owner of the two eyeballs cursed in a low voice: "Shameless Axul clan, are you unable to restrain yourself? Of course, if I were you, I will also be fidgeting, you will be in big trouble this time!"

The deep laughter came from high above like a raging thunder. Those aliens did not feel the slightest, but Yazzi felt as if he was standing in the eyes of the wind. The terrifying hurricane was blowing on his body. He did not stand alone. Steady will be blown to fly. Yaziqi's face changed slightly. Behind the Titans who were beheaded by him, there was actually an upper god?

I just don't know which of the few gods believed by the Titans. Yaziqi sneered. He stared at the small whirlpool in the void without any fear. He did not violate the unspoken rules of the gods. He did not take the initiative to attack the alien races. It was the Titans who launched him. After attacking, he killed these Titans.

Everything is in accordance with the rules, and no one can fault him!

"Nightmare Knights, attack!" Ignoring the alien gods who were making a deep laugh in the sky, Yaziqi swung his sword and pointed it at the unconventional camp of the alien race. Accompanied by the sound of subtle breathing, gray mist gushed out from behind him. Thirty thousand nightmare knights riding the same gray nightmare beasts, silently rushed out of the darkness, and rushed straight into the group of alien races. .

"The great nightmare commander, your followers are here to offer you piety and enthusiasm, grant us supreme divine power, and help us defeat the enemy in front of us!" Before these nightmare knights even took action, they began to chant mantras and pray for nightmares Commander, that is, the supernatural blessing of Yazzi. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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