Bright Era

Chapter 1944: Wizard (1)

The Knights of Nightmare and the Golden Tiger Knights were smashed with smoke; the Knights of Retribution and the Knights of the Grim Bear were bloodied; the Knights of the Dawn and the Knights of the Blood Lion were bloodied; the Army of the Blood Qin and the Army of the Undead were a moment Fighting this, fighting that for a while, the forces of the Quartet were beaten to the ground, and the turbid battle conditions made people totally confused about what happened here.

Under the order of the golden lion prince Leon, the tall Titan giant slammed into the camp of the mainland coalition army for a while, killed tens of thousands of soldiers, and then retreated slowly; after a while, suddenly threw a few boulders to the army of the Blood Qin Empire and smashed a few. After the Tianmiao's bald head, they yelled excitedly and fled back.

There were strong wills scattered high in the sky. Thousands of gods who were eligible to participate in this feast projected their clones hidden in the high sky, gladly harvesting countless souls. This is a feast for a bumper harvest. In their eyes, the soldiers with bruises are not people, but the golden crops in the ground. This is the harvest season!

Under the command of Yaziqi, the Knights of Nightmare achieved a reputation. At the cost of less than 300,000 damages, they slaughtered more than 30 times as many foreign fighters. Half-orcs, dwarves, titans, orcs, barbarians, the alien army paid nearly tens of millions of casualties, casting the supreme glory and glory of the Knights of Nightmare.

Standing on a watchtower, in the distance is an army of orcs, a warrior cavalry of the punishment knights, a group of black knights, and a large number of **** Qin imperial guard cavalry. The battlefield was madly slaying all enemies outside of the camp, and the blood stained the battlefield red. Lin Qi picked up the wine glass, poured a sip of the spirits into his mouth, then shook his head gently.

"Understand now? Don't think about tactics, don't think about strategizing things. It's useless, it's useless at all!" Lin Qi looked at Longcheng and Hu Xinzhu, whose faces were pale, and patted them on the shoulder gently: "This is a battle of God , It’s not a war you’re familiar with at all. This is a banquet where a high spirit harvests the souls of believers. These people are destined to die here."

"So, you don't have to worry too much, just try your best to save our lives! If someone wants to provoke, directly summon Mu Wei's divine power to raise the soldiers under him, and then use the curse scroll to blow them flat! "

Pulling out a curse-level forbidden curse scroll, Lin Qi shouted loudly: "Mu Wei, the great goddess of war, give you the great and invincible power of the **** of war!" Pointing, a golden-red divine light fell from the sky, following the direction of Lin Qi's fingers, it quickly merged into the body of a dragon mountain imperial court mage.

Throwing the Forbidden Curse Scroll to the palace mage, Lin Qi pointed to the alien camp in the distance. The palace mage flew into the air, then tore open the scroll, and locked a red light from the scroll to a corner of the alien camp a hundred miles away. There was a dull whistling sound from high in the sky, and a meteorite about ten miles in diameter smashed down with a monstrous fire, easily tore open the defensive enchantment above the foreign race camp, and hit the core of that camp straight. position.

In that big camp, a flagpole with a height of one hundred meters disappeared in the flames, and the gilded wolf-head flag on the flagpole was swept up by the fire and suddenly turned into a plume of smoke. A large pit with a diameter of ten miles directly engulfed tens of thousands of werewolf warriors, and then terrifying heat and shock spewed out of the pit, and the edge of the pit quickly swung waves of huge waves composed of rocks and mud.

A camp consisting of millions of werewolf warriors was shrouded in a red mushroom cloud. The high temperature and huge shock wiped out the millions of werewolf warriors in one blow. The originally neat camp disappeared without a trace in an instant, leaving only a huge one. The basin is still tumbling with magma.

There was a chuckle from Mu Weiruowu from high in the sky, and the souls of the million werewolf warriors whizzed up into the sky, being swept in by a golden-red whirlpool. Then a huge golden red light fell from a high altitude and poured straight into the body of the palace mage of the Longshan Empire who shot. The palace mage who was originally no more than the peak of the sage, his power suddenly soared to the limit of the peak of the demigod!

"Killing, death, and then the reward of strength!" Lin Qi shrugged and sneered disdainfully: "You play slowly, I am not interested in this kind of wheat harvesting. I will go to the Black Spirit Continent for a trip. , Some very interesting things are about to play."

With a flick of his big sleeve, Lin Qi had disappeared without a trace, even Longcheng and Hu Xinzhu didn't see what means he used to leave. The two looked at each other in horror, shook their heads, and then Hu Xinzhu grinned and pulled out dozens of curse-level forbidden curse scrolls from his sleeves: "It makes sense, what strategy, what tactics, count Millions, tens of millions, and hundreds of millions of people are in a ball, and there are tens of thousands of miles around the battlefield. If a forbidden curse goes down and millions of people die cleanly, what use are these things?

He slapped the Forbidden Curse scroll fiercely, and Hu Xinzhu laughed: "Lin Qi sees it thoroughly, isn't he just looking for an excuse to kill? Our soldiers are naturally reluctant to let them die! But other people? The life and death of other people is my shit!"

After Yang Tian laughed three times, following Hu Xinzhu's command, the twelve Forbidden Curses exploded in the area where the battle was most intense. Large groups of alien fighters and undead soldiers vanished in the flames, and tens of thousands of soldiers from the Qin Empire and the Knights of the Temple were buried with them.

No one criticized Hu Xinzhu's wicked behavior. Soon all the forces participating in the war took out their most powerful means. Primal magical devices, floating castles, powerful magic reams, a large number of magic scrolls, brutal super-order beast heavy cavalry, and even a legion composed entirely of sacred powers, have been constantly sent to the battlefield.

The corpse mountain and the sea of ​​blood, the sun and the moon have no light, the killing day and night, the killing without stopping, the crazy killing has turned a third of the land of the eastern great plain into purple. Originally, the Eastern Great Plain was a whole piece of flat land, but at this time, thousands of miles in the vicinity of the war zone had become a basin that was several hundred meters deep.

There are constant meteors falling from high above, huge volcanoes appear on the ground from time to time, thunderstorms flicker in the sky for a while, cold wind whizzes for a while, head-sized hail mixed with meteor showers madly fall, and when the volcano explodes, it is within a radius of hundreds of miles. At the same time, thunder and lightning of the thickness of the water tank fell, and hundreds of thousands of creatures were turned into dust in such a terrible attack.

After seven days and seven nights of fierce battle, the mainland coalition forces were still a bit unable to hold back even if they had a steady stream of reinforcements. Especially when the foreign race, the Blood Qin Empire, and the undead army suddenly turned their swords and attacked from three directions at the same time, the mainland coalition forces could no longer stabilize their positions. Longcheng and Hu Xinzhu slowly retreated with their subordinates who suffered heavy casualties, barely maintaining the stability of the southern defense line.

The Knights of the Nightmare Order and the Knights of Retribution, led by the Knights of Templars, they almost retreated backwards in rout. They killed too many aliens, but they also lost a large number of manpower. They became a battlefield for aliens and undead. When the harvester suddenly came out to kill and kill, even if both Yaziqi and Azzi and his son couldn't stabilize their positions, even Gerdas was beaten into a daze and could only lead people to retreat.

After retreating thousands of miles, the mainland coalition forces received an emergency reinforcement of 200,000 dragons from the church. Together with a large number of powerful dragon knights and mages, the mainland coalition forces finally stabilized their positions.

The Eye of the Void finally appeared on the battlefield again, and the huge dark golden eyes locked on the entire battlefield. No matter any movement of the foreign race, the Blood Qin Empire, and the army of the undead, they could not hide from the control of the Void Eye. Countless Void Gods hunted under the control of Void Eye, haunting the battlefield like ghosts, madly assassinating the enemy's generals, setting off a terrifying **** storm.

Lin Qi didn't care much about all this. When he saw the true nature of this war, he had no interest in staying any longer. It is nothing more than killing and being killed, but those murderers will eventually be sent to the altar. Since this is the case, what else is worthy of concern?

Putting on a set of clean and simple black robe, hung a coat of arms representing a high-level mercenary on his chest, and slightly modified his face, Lin Qi came to the Black Spirit Continent. The Black Pearl Harbor has been renovated and the area has been expanded. A large number of black spirit indigenous troops are stationed outside the city, and the streets and alleys in the city are full of black spirit patrols in armor and armor.

With a pass signed by the Great Black Eagle of the Black Spirit Empire, Lin Qi walked into the palace of the Black Spirit Empire without hindrance. Obviously, the imperial palace in front of him has been rebuilt. The size of the imperial palace has been expanded several times, and the style has also changed from the luxury and exquisite style of Vias to the ruggedness and boldness of the Black Spirit Continent.

Just look at the two rows of black stone pillars standing at the gate of the palace. On the top of each pillar is a huge monster skull. The blazing fire is constantly erupting from the eye sockets and mouths of those skulls. The fire in the broad daylight makes people feel cold all over.

Nearly a thousand black spirit men wearing exquisite magic armor stood neatly in front of the palace. Several generals apparently from the Longshan Empire were wandering nearby. Seeing which black spirit man moved around, he was immediately a whip. Smoked up. Lin Qi couldn't help but nodded. It seems that the Black Spirit natives have been trained to look a bit regular, but the laziness and idleness of their bones still seems to have not been driven away. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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