Bright Era

Chapter 1946: Wizard (3)

The **** eagle nodded thoughtfully: "I don't want the Black Spirit warriors to be trapped in the Western Continent because of the failure of the Magic Teleportation Array, and then killed by countless Western Continent troops. So, yes, the transport fleet. , We need a huge transport fleet!"

Lin Qi bowed slightly to the **** eagle and saluted: "The great black eagle, our Vyas Commercial Federation Reconstruction Organization, has prepared thousands of large transport ships for you, and two thousand **** warships. Article, with the help of magic, your army will be able to set foot on the land of the Western Continent in a month. As long as you can help us rebuild Vias, we will use all our power to help you!"

The **** eagle slapped his hands happily and agreed to Lin Qi's suggestion with a smile.

The elves glanced at each other, and then they looked at Lin Qi abruptly for a while before they saluted the **** eagle and said goodbye. They need to contact the senior leaders of the Elf Continent, and then finalize the contract with the Black Spirit Empire.

Soon, night fell, and night fell over Black Pearl Harbor. In the harbor, the tiny waves slapped against the huge ship, making a crisp ‘pop’. Several giant dragons passed silently in the sky, and several bats flying over the harbor suddenly squeaked, and their hearts were shattered by the invisible dragon, and they fell silently to the ground.

The black spirit warriors of the brigade lined up and walked through the streets and alleys, and there were several magicians floating above each patrol team. Compared with the black spirit empire formed by the nobles of the Vias Commercial Federation, this black spirit empire composed of real black spirits has a real imperial atmosphere.

Lin Qi walked through the streets and alleys like a ghost. He just walked in front of the patrolling teams in such a grand manner, but no one could see him. King Scorpion lay lazily on top of Lin Qi's head, shaking his long tail from time to time. The sharp tail hook gently scratched Lin Qi's clothes. Occasionally, a few thin lines were cut off, sending out a gentle light. Crisp sound.

In front of a huge house, Lin Qi looked around and stopped. This house is the residence of the elf envoys. On a high tower in the depths of the house, several elf archers are watching the surroundings with squinting eyes. In the sky above the house, two birds of paradise that are no more than three feet long are flapping their gorgeous wings, circling around the house silently.

With a cold smile, Lin Qi went straight through the two-foot-thick metal gate of the house, and walked into the house silently. His spiritual power locked the largest group of soul lights in the house, and then quickly walked in that direction.

In a small building in the depths of the house, Empress Luyue leaned lazily on a soft couch made of wisteria, and looked at the elf envoys in front of her coldly: "That little guy, really Have you said that? It seems that these black spirits have also learned to be smart. They are not so foolish! The restoration organization of the Vias Commercial Federation? It is really a headache."

Dip a bit of syrup blended with the nectar of the golden bee and the flower dew of the fairy Zhonglan, and gently rubbed it on the temple, the Empress Green Moon sighed softly: "Speaking of which, the black spirit That imperial army is rapidly forming combat effectiveness, and it is also the help of the exiled nobles of the Vias Commercial Federation? The state adviser specially appointed by the imperial, he should also belong to this organization, right?

The old elven man who appeared in Lei Peng Temple gave a wry smile: "All the traps in the contract terms we proposed were found by that person. And there are three traps in it that are not deliberate traps, but accidental grammar. The omissions were also found out by him. This is a very shrewd and sophisticated administrative master."

The Empress Green Moon beckoned to the maid beside her, took a cup of scented tea at the right temperature, took a sip, and then shook her head gently: "Try, can you buy these people? Obviously, Hei Ling The real power of the empire is now in their hands. If we can reach a contract with them, we won't have to waste time with these black coal heads."

With a deep sigh, Empress Luyue squinted her eyes a bit tired.

On the Western Continent, an army of 50,000 elven wizards has already joined the alien races. With the help of the elven wizards, the alien races suddenly appeared on the eastern Great Plains using magic teleportation arrays. The coalition forces are retreating steadily.

The huge army of the Elven Continent is ready to go. A fleet of 20,000 giant battleships is gathering less than three hundred miles west of the Black Spirit Continent. As long as the Black Spirit Continent agrees to the requirements of the elves, this huge fleet of elves will join forces with the Black Spirits to rush to the Western Continent, storm the Norman Fort in the Western Continent from behind, and allow the alien race to rush into the hinterland of the Western Continent.

As long as the people in the Black Spirit Continent agree to her terms, then the tasks of the elven gods can be completed more than half. As long as the secular forces in the Western Continent can be rooted out, what is left is disputes that the gods resolve themselves.

At this moment, Lin Qi quietly walked into the room where the Empress Luyue was with a hint of wind. The Empress Green Moon only felt like she was having a nightmare. She watched Lin Qi slowly drifting in from the door with her whole body cold, and the few elven guards standing outside the door turned a blind eye to Lin Qi's appearance, and they held their heads upright. The chest stood there, but there was no movement.

Even the Empress Green Moon saw Lin Qi's figure and felt his presence, but the few elf envoys in front of her didn't even react at all. The elven old man was still chattering, asking whether the Empress Green Moon could give the Black Spirit Empire the most favorable terms and so on.

Empress Luyue's body became stiff and cold, she firmly held the handrail of the soft couch, and the thin green veins on the back of her hand were slightly raised. Lin Qi came to her at a slow pace, then nodded to her with a smile, and pointed at the elf messengers casually.

Swallowing hard and spitting, the Empress Green Moon waved to the elf messengers: "How will this matter be handled, I'll decide, you guys go out! I want to rest! Tomorrow, tomorrow I will tell you that you should How to do it!"

Several elf messengers hurriedly bowed to Empress Green Moon, and then slowly stepped back out of the door, and respectfully helped Empress Green Moon close the door. The Empress Green Moon looked at these elves without tears. Are these all pigs? Are they afraid that they won't be killed by this strange man? She closed the door!

Looking at the door made of mithril, with complex magic patterns inlaid with fine gold wire, and with extremely strong defensive power, the Queen of Green Moon hated herself for a while. If Lin Qi really shot her, with the way Lin Qi entered the room so strangely, Empress Green Moon felt that she was definitely not Lin Qi's opponent. And she will either be killed by Lin Qi or run away!

But the door has been closed, and the masters are fighting, even if the moment of delay in opening the door, she may die here!

Empress Green Moon, whose eyes were a little green with anger, straightened up with difficulty. She slowly stepped on her feet and stood up, her hands hanging straight on both sides of her body, and then clenched her fists tightly: "Dear Sir Isn’t it too rude to break in without any notification!"

Lin Qi tilted his head and looked at Empress Luyue. This counted herself behind the back several times, but every time it was a woman who suffered a lot from her, Lin Qi suddenly laughed. Reaching out his hand to touch the smooth and delicate face of Empress Luyue, Lin Qi flicked her earlobe lightly: "You should be thankful that I am here to talk to you, not my subordinates, otherwise I dare to swear, You have been stripped!"

The Empress Luyue's face suddenly turned purple, and then turned pale with a ‘huh’. Lin Qi reached out and touched her face. She didn't have any resistance. She wanted to dodge, but her body seemed to be crushed by countless mountains, unable to move at all.

This is an existence with such terrifying strength. Empress Green Moon looked at Lin Qi desperately: "Are you here to humiliate me?" If Lin Qi really came to do that to her, Empress Green Moon definitely Will summon the clones of the elves and gods he enshrines into his body, even if he pays the painful price, he will die with Lin Qi.

Looking at the angry flames in the eyes of Empress Luyue, Lin Qi shook his head: "No, let's talk about a little cooperation issue!"

He took out a volume of documents from his sleeve and handed it to the Empress Green Moon. Lin Qi said calmly, "This is all the requirements of the Black Spirit Empire and ours. I agree. The alliance of the Black Spirit Continent and the Spirit Continent will be able to set off tomorrow. The Western Continent. And my people and I are responsible for guiding the way for you and ensuring that you can achieve your goals with the least cost."

After a pause, Lin Qi sneered: "If you don't agree, I will kill you, and then use your corpse in exchange for the church's favor. I think I can also get some help from the church."

The Empress Green Moon looked at Lin Qi coldly: "Do you want to restore the Vias Commercial Federation?"

With a weird pursed smile, Lin Qi shook his head: "Vias Empire, maybe more suitable for us than that **** federation?"

There was a silence for a while, and the Empress Green Moon gradually recovered her calm. She looked at Lin Qi and nodded slowly: "The current Longshan Empire also has a strong backing within the church. This is your choice to come to the Black Spirit Continent and choose the elves. the reason?"

Lin Qi put his hands on her lower abdomen, and slowly owed her body to the Empress Green Moon: "Your wisdom is like the stars in the night sky, shining brightly. It is true, we just want to get some help. If you get it from the elves If not, then the Black Spirit Empire is also good. Of course, we are more willing to cooperate with the elves, because the elves are stronger than the black people, aren't they?"

With a reserved smile, Empress Green Moon unfolded the official document in her hand. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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