Bright Era

Chapter 1953: Four hundred and twenty-ninth

Outside the city of Varhulan, in a sturdy silver leaf cane forest, a light silver-green carpet is spread on a circular open space. A handsome young girl is lying on the carpet with her hands resting on the back of her head and squinting. , Looking at the sky blankly.

This girl can only be described as handsome. Her pair of sword eyebrows are more determined than ordinary men, and her soft-lined face, because of her tightly pressed lips, pulled out two rigid arcs to the back of her cheeks, making her face seem to have two sharp handles. Scimitar, with a shuddering chill. Her nose is high and straight, her big eyes are black and white, and her eyes are shining brightly. A casual glance is like a blast of countless sharp swords, which can pierce anyone in front of her at any time.

An ordinary black samurai suit is worn on her, but it seems that the generals leading the battle on the battlefield are wearing thick armor, and the whole body is filled with a suffocating pressure and cold evil spirit.

A five-foot long sword with an ordinary appearance is placed upright beside her. The gray-white scabbard and the black hilt are the most primitive oriental fighting sword style, except that the sheath is made of silver metal. The silk was inlaid with a small tiger out of the forest pattern, and this long sword did not look special.

Outside this open space with a diameter of about three meters, in the dense sugarcane forest, dozens of strong men wearing black suits and covering their upper body to protect the vitals of the heart, there is a strong and courageous breath. Sitting silently in the cane grove. The sun is shining, the airtight cane grove is very hot and stuffy, and the air is not circulating at all, and there are many insects crawling around. But there was no sweat on the faces of these strong men, and all the insects were so far away from their bodies that they were crushed by invisible power.

It is less than five miles away from Valhulan City. From here, you can clearly hear the movement of the Flying Dragon Legion and the Earth Traveling Dragon Army controlled by Lin Qi in conjunction with the siege of the elves, the Black Spirits, and the Yew Island Rangers. The throwing sound of the giant catapult'Boom Boom Boom' continued, and the huge magic bomb slammed on the defensive barrier of Varhulan City, and the huge explosion shook the ground.

When the distorted hideous face appeared in the sky, the corner of the girl's mouth twitched slightly, revealing a disdainful smile. When a green divine light fell from the sky and a lot of leaves made of divine power drifted down, the girl showed a bright smile.

"It's started? Then don't stop! These races who have taken refuge in the gods have no meaning to survive. A brand-new world must be completely shattered and rebuilt on its ruins."

"So, kill, the more you kill, the better, and the more you die! Your sacrifice will bring a new and bright prologue to this world, to all mankind, and to all intelligent races. You. If we don't die, we will waste our energy to clean you up. Who has the patience and idle time to waste time on you?"

The girl's upper body suddenly stood upright in a daze, driving her body to stand up in a strange way. She floated silently, so that half of her head came out of the dense cane forest. She quietly looked at the raging Valhulan city in the distance, then smiled slightly and shook her head gently.

"Lin Qi? Interesting guy, speaking of you are still our cousin. Without the cultivation of the family, let alone the benefits of the core disciple of the real blood line of the family, how did you have a demigod at such a young age? The strength of the pinnacle?" Tilted her head and blinked her eyes for a while, the girl laughed disdainfully.

"That is, a stupid guy who can hit people with brute force. He is far from real power! Although we are not much older than you, we have realized the real power. We are already helping the family. Step into the realm of God! Compared to us, you are just an ordinary elite disciple!"

"But I'm really not convinced, you are such an ordinary elite, how did you make such a big move in the Western Continent? Why can you do this? Both the Western Continent and the Black Spirit Continent are directly responsible for you. Area? Other members of the Domination Council are not allowed to enter here and interfere with your actions? This kind of authority is too outrageous, right?"

Holding her hands on her chest, the girl snorted softly: "You control the Dark Spirit Empire behind the scenes? I want to see, how are you doing? The Dark Man's army, the Elf's army, and that Rangers of Yew Island, I was going to see how you Lin Qi acted in this scene! Well, where will you be now? Will you be outside the city of Varhulan?"

Gently grasped with his left hand, that ordinary-looking five-foot long sword flew silently, and was held tightly by the girl's slender fingers. The figure shook slightly, and a set of light black tight light armor with a faint layer of blood was firmly set on the girl's body. She put the long sword into a slot on the back of the armor, and there was a low roar. There was a sound, and several tiger teeth on the card slot firmly bit the scabbard and fixed the long sword firmly behind the girl.

Varhulan City did not defend the city forever. With the high-pitched voice of war songs praising the God of Soul and the God of Nightmare, the gates of Varhulan City opened, and nightmare knights like a tide surged out of the six city gates. More than one hundred thousand nightmare knights rushed out of the shelter of the city wall in just a quarter of an hour, forming an array of active charges outside the city.

The nightmare aura entangled around these nightmare knights, and there were faintly twisted grimace swaying above their heads. Lin Qi looked at these powerful nightmare knights, gently waved his hand and pointed forward. Tens of thousands of black spirit strong men wearing heavy armor, holding a heavy iron shield in their left hand and a six-meter spear in their right hand rumblingly walked forward. Accompanied by the dull percussion sound, these strong men held the iron shield. He was heavily inserted into the ground, forming a thick steel city wall in front of him.

The iron shields are pieced together to form a steel city wall more than one meter high and airtight. The strong black spirits stretched out their spears from the gap reserved in the iron shield, and the black spears shining with dazzling cold light pointed at the front at thirty degrees, forming a jungle of death.

There are six rows of such iron shield defense lines, and the dense spears are erected, giving people the illusion of being impenetrable. The rangers of Yewma Island rode their various monster mounts, lightly turning around this solid line of defense composed of heavy armor and spearmen, waiting for the Nightmare Knights to hit a head on this line of defense. Bleeding blood, and then took the opportunity to bite off a piece of their flesh.

The elves were standing behind the black spirit warriors. They lined up in a neatly organized team. Everyone assumed an extremely standard posture. The flowing cloak swayed with the wind behind them, and the twelve rows were neatly arranged. Qi's Elf Magic Archer held his head slightly, with a bright and confident smile, and slowly opened the exquisite Elf Magic Bow, and slowly put the long arrow on the bowstring.

The black spirit army controlled dozens of giant trebuchets with a height of more than 100 meters, and continuously smashed giant magic stone bullets with a diameter of several meters towards the city of Varhulan. The huge stone bullet blasted on the city wall with dazzling magical flames, violently collided with the defensive enchantment, and then exploded to shattered instantly. The terrifying explosive force set off shock waves visible to the naked eye and clashed out of the city wall, shaking the bodies of the nightmare knights lined up outside the city, and even their mounts were a little unstable.

With a loud bang, a giant magic stone bullet accidentally landed in the queue of the nightmare knights. The stone bullet with a diameter of several meters first crushed more than three hundred nightmare knights into flesh, and then the stone bullet exploded. The terrifying fire light covered the ground with a radius of 100 meters, and dozens of nightmare knights were in the fire. The bones were destroyed by the bombing.

Lin Qi changed a gesture, he clenched his fist and held it high, then pointed three fingers at the nightmare knights.

Along with the messy commands of the Black Spirit warriors, thousands of magic reambows suddenly appeared on the battlefield. On both sides of the steel shield formation, nearly 10,000 triple-fire magic reambows were held by the black spirit warriors in their hands, firmly locking the nightmare knights a few miles away.

A long horn sounded on the wall. Accompanied by the excited shout of the middle-aged man on the wall, the 100,000 Nightmare Knights rushed towards Lin Qi's array without fear. Soon these nightmare knights formed five conical impact teams, of which two impact teams blasted into the defensive queue composed of dark people's heavy shields and spears, while the other three impact teams circled a huge arc. , Launched a penetration attack on the two wings of the coalition forces.

"Start enjoying the soul feast!" The elven girl next to Lin Qi muttered in a low voice, touching the mane of the sitting unicorn affectionately. The green halo around her kept flickering, a lot of green leaves condensed by supernatural power in the sky kept falling, dozens of sacred war treants made a low roar, and walked forward slowly.

These war treants, who were a hundred meters away, raised their hands, tore off the huge tree from the canopy, and then hurled it at the nightmare knight who was coming. The huge tree fruit shot out at a speed that is hard for ordinary people to see, quickly hitting the nightmare knight team, and then exploded violently. Countless sharp wooden thorns with half a foot thick and thin thumbs blasted out of the tree fruit. Hundreds of nightmare knights near the tree screamed sternly and flew through numerous tiny holes.

The war treemen shot extremely fast, and the fruit on their heads threw out like raindrops. The sharp wooden thorns are extremely sharp and can penetrate heavy armor; and the wooden thorns are also attached to the strange toxins secreted by the war treants. Even if they scratch a little bit of the skin, these nightmare knights all die on the spot with twisted faces. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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