Bright Era

Chapter 1976: The church in distress (1)

"If you want a minister to die, you must die! If you want a minister to die, you dare not die?"

The setting sun was like blood, and there were broken flags and stumps everywhere. The **** soldiers of the Qin Empire in blood-colored and black armor spread from the bottom of several small mountain peaks to the distance between the sky and the earth. Among the corpses of the soldiers of the Xueqin Empire, there are at least three times as many corpses wearing Western continental style armor. Countless corpses filled rivers and valleys, covering the plains with a radius of nearly a hundred miles.

On all sides are the Knights of the Temple wearing various armors. The flag of the Great Yan Dynasty is flying high. Longcheng stood on a watchtower with squinting eyes, and stared coldly at the few mountain peaks in front of which were coated with plasma. .

On the small mountain surrounded by heavy soldiers, a few teams of soldiers from the Blood Qin Empire were huddling in the deep trenches, avoiding magical attacks that were not initiated by the Western mainland mages, while licking their wounds, quietly regaining their strength.

In just half a month, more than one million colleagues died in battle. Just in this place less than a hundred miles from the border of the Great Yan Dynasty, at the junction of the Eastern Great Plains and the northern mountainous areas of the Great Yan Dynasty, the army of millions of blood Qin was trapped in the encirclement of the Western Continental Allied Forces, fighting for half a month without a single soldier or a single soldier. The pawn's reinforcements arrived, and there was no logistical replenishment. The **** Qin army fought bloody, but it was at the last moment.

The millions of blood Qin army, this huge army in the Eastern Continent, is enough to plow the court and sweep the country and destroy the country. In this cruel meat grinder-like battlefield, it is just a consumable for just half a month. There are nearly 300,000 imperial imperial troops from Shuangyang Chilong City among the millions of blood Qin army. They are the first-class and most powerful weapons of the Blood Qin Empire, but they have all fallen.

On a small mountain peak in the middle, dozens of fire-breathing tents surrounded a large Chinese army account that was barely maintained. In that spacious big tent, Ying Zheng, wearing a black dragon swallowing robe and a long sword hanging from his waist, is smiling and looking at the **** Qin Empire, who is kneeling in front of him, his face pale like a zombie, and his entire body is constantly oozing plasma. Founding Taiwei Wei Yao.

At the side of Wei Yao, the solania, nearly three meters tall, fell on the ground, his head grumbled and rolled into the corner of the tent, and the blood was constantly sprayed from his neck, and accumulated beside Wei Yao. It became a big pool of plasma.

The Solanum used to be such a strong and vigorous member of the world, but when he was severely injured by the fierce battle and his head was severed by Ying Zheng's merciless sword, he was like a big tree broken by a hurricane. He fell to the ground with indescribable brutality and cruelty. He rolled his head to the side and opened his big eyes, the expression on his face was so weird and hideous, it seemed that he didn't want to believe that he would be beheaded by Ying Zheng.

"Very surprised? Very strange? Very confused?" Ying Zheng laughed loudly: "Wei Qing, I will give you a chance to ask questions!"

Wei Yao turned his head and glanced at the nightshade, he coughed violently, and a black blood clot spouted from his mouth. Taking a deep breath, he looked directly at Ying Zheng with very sad eyes: "Your Majesty, why is this? Your so-called surprise attack, invading the heart of the Great Yan Dynasty and shaking its foundation, is it a trap?"

Nodded earnestly, Ying Zheng laughed: "Yes, a trap, a trap specially prepared for Yuqing and Longqing! There are millions of elites to bury, do you think it is not enough? Then, I will destroy your nine races and let They accompany you all in a spirited life, and it is considered to be affectionate and righteous."

With her body trembling violently, Wei Yao gritted her teeth and looked at Ying Zheng: "The reinforcements are cut off, the ammunition is depleted, and the enemy is besieged on ten sides. The 300,000 forbidden troops are poisoned and weakened by less than 10%. Slow medicine was given to all the grains and grass in the baggage, and millions of soldiers suffered from diarrhea, so that their hands and feet were sore. The millions of heroes were almost wiped out in just half a month. Is this what you mean?"

With a soft smile, Ying Zheng nodded: "My blood Qin Rui is indeed the world's best, and I have more confidence in the great cause of unifying Bafang Liuhe. In this situation, you can actually wipe out several times more than yourself. Formidable enemy, I am very pleased!"

Holding his fist tightly, Wei Yao sternly asked: "A few days ago, Taifu Su Mingzi was assassinated while inspecting the military camp in front of him. Is it because his majesty made the shot? Su Mingzi has 36 demigods who are close to death. The guard was hit by someone and killed him tragically on the spot. Apart from your majesty, who else can do so cleanly?"

Looking at Wei Yao coldly, Ying Zheng's face was full of joy and relief: "I did it myself! Could it be that Wei Qing didn't realize that Su Mingzi's body was turned into a mummy? I swallowed all his energy God, is it very strong! Far more powerful than I expected! Su Mingzi, Su Qing, he is truly hidden!"

Wei Yao laughed bitterly. He slowly stood up, clenched his fists and looked at Ying Zheng: "Then, the minister represents the millions of soldiers who died in battle, and the Su Mingzi and Dragon Kwai, and the inexplicable disappearance these days. The many founding fathers who died in the battle ask your Majesty-why on earth did you do this? My Majesty has forgotten all of our following, ten thousand years of hard work, and ten thousand years of friendship?"

After a moment of silence, Ying Zheng sighed deeply. He put his hands on his back, shook his head gently, and then looked up at the roof of the Chinese Army's Great Tent. After a long time, Ying Zheng faintly sighed and said, "How could I forget? The wild man of my mountain feller and salaries, coincides with the chaos of the world, and the times have forced me to take advantage of the trend and plunder the world, and I also have the help of your love , Has become that great cause."

Wei Yao roared hoarsely: "Then, why? Look at the body of the nightshade, look at his blood, look at his bones and flesh, and give me an answer—Your Majesty, why are you doing this? So much. Old brother, so many have fought side by side with you, created this **** Qin Wannian foundation, and accompanied you in that moon and ice **** for thousands of years!"

"Lord~Ji~hui!" Looking at Wei Yao, who opened his mouth and roared like a mad lion, Ying Zheng slowly said the word ‘June Hui’. Wei Yao's face suddenly turned pale, he staggered backwards again and again, and then his heel tripped on the arm of the nightshade, and he sat on the ground embarrassedly.

"Or, the twelve ancient tribes?" Ying Zheng laughed'chichi'. He spread his hands and nodded to Wei Yao gracefully and smiled: "Look, I am not a monarch, I may be a tyrant, but absolutely Not faint! Therefore, when I know your identity, know your origins, and know that I am just one of your pawns, a puppet, I have made up my mind to kill you all."

"Zhao Lu, dead, I personally killed him!"

"The royal worship group established by Zhao Lu, those castrated eunuchs, haven't you noticed that the eunuchs around me have gradually changed a group of people in recent months? Those Zhao Lu's confidants, I let them go to each other The department held the position of supervising army, and it is estimated that they are almost dead now."

"Su Mingzi, my founding Taifu, I really can't bear to kill him! How knowledgeable a person? He taught me how to read and write. The location of Feng Shui in Shuangyang Chilong City was determined by Su Taifu himself. Address. My prince is also the apprentice he taught him! I really don't want to kill him, but how can I succeed if I don't kill him?"

Shaking his head, Ying Zheng sighed deeply: "So, I can only kill with pain!"

Looking at Wei Yao, who was looking like earth, Ying Zheng smiled indifferently: "Dragon Kwai, my confidant general, the first killer of the Blood Qin Empire, and my most trusted confidant. After I established the Blood Qin, I served in private visits. Living with those civic women, these things have been hidden from you, but they have not been hidden from him! But he is not my person, so he must die!"

With a cold smile, Ying Zheng slowly pulled out the dark color of his waist and a strange long sword with a thin golden dragon pattern on the spine: "And you, my founding lieutenant Wei Yao, your old brother, The old partner and the old partner are dead, and you should be on the road! You are now suffering from 73 severe injuries, of which 29 wounds deep into your internal organs, and you have been hit by seven infinite objects."

With a light smile, Ying Zheng said softly: "For these injuries, if you can return to Shuangyang Chilong City, and use the miraculous medicine to make you healthy, you will be able to recover within three to five years. But how can I allow you to recover?"

The long sword lightly pierced into the heart of the dragon Kwai, and only a weird sound was heard. The huge essence in the dragon Kwai's body that had not yet dissipated flowed back to Ying Zheng's body along the long sword. . The strong body of the nightshade suddenly dried up, and in just a few breaths, the nightshade's body turned into ashes and piled on the ground.

"Ten thousand years of friendship!" Ying Zheng looked at Wei Yao coldly: "You are dead, I will take good care of your relatives who stayed in the Blood Qin Empire. Of course I will not destroy them all at once, but will gradually Gradually, let them disappear slowly! Your clan daughters, I will introduce them to the palace, canonize them as concubines, grant them immeasurable beauty and power, and then slowly torture them to death!"

Shaking his head gently, Ying Zheng looked at Wei Yao, who was almost transparent, and sighed softly: "You should know my personality. When I understand your origins, what will happen to you? destined!"

Wei Yao stared at Ying Zheng, and after a long time, he smiled miserably: "Whether you believe it or not, maybe we did have the intention to use you at the beginning. We did treat you as a **** and a puppet at the beginning, but For so many years..."

Ying Zheng's figure flashed, and a trace of afterimages shot in front of Wei Yao with extreme speed. The black long sword brought a dragon chant across Wei Yao's neck, and cut his head with a sword. All of Wei Yao's essence was looted by Ying Zheng at that moment, and the whole body turned into a cloud of flying ash and drifted away in the wind.

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