Bright Era

Chapter 1989: Invasion (4)

These poor guys vowed to say that their family was bankrupt. Even the rats in their family were going to starve to death, and even the cockroaches couldn't feed them. They couldn't find even a single copper from their home. But how could the goddess of wealth let go of these lies? Their buttocks were pumped to the ground, and then the gold coins they had hidden in various places of their bodies were taken out.

There were a few cruel guys, and even filled gold coins one by one into the most secret places on their bodies. But the priests who are in charge of searching their bodies, but the followers of the "Tax God", one of the most powerful sub-gods of the Goddess of Wealth, under their fiery eyes, how can the gold coins hidden by these guys escape?

With a unique taste of Zimao Pit, gold coins were collected, and then thrown into the space bag held by the archbishop of the old church. Lin Qi looked terrifying, the goddess of wealth is really powerful enough, would she accept such stinking gold coins?

Shaking his head, Lin Qi walked around behind the Temple of the Goddess of Fortune. There is a large-scale hotel complex built by the Temple of Fortune. It is a resting place specially built for the ‘precious believers’ who come from afar to make pilgrimages to the Kingdom of God. As for the ‘honorable believers’ of the Temple of Fortune, it’s easy to determine their identities. The hotels attached to these temples cost one million gold coins for a day’s accommodation!

As long as they can afford to live in this hotel, they will be the most noble believers in the Temple of Fortune, and those who cannot afford to live in this hotel, then I am sorry, even if you are lying on the street, you are about to die of illness, those priests in the Temple of Fortune People will not look at you too much.

After taking a look at this very large hotel with exceptionally magnificent decorations, Lin Qi chose the most luxurious hotel and walked in. Upon entering the door, a hundred neatly dressed girls in pale gold tulle lined up in two rows and knelt down in front of Lin Qi, and the babble sounded: "Honorable lord, the Blue Gold Hotel welcomes you!"

Lin Qi twitched, Lanjin Hotel? Using blue gold as the name of the hotel is really the style of the goddess of wealth.

A fragrant breeze hit, and a beautiful woman who was also wearing a tulle and faintly faintly pink walked quietly to Lin Qi, and the warm carcass plunged into Lin Qi's arms. She touched Lin Qi's soaked cloak and yelled loudly, "Oh, my lord, why are you so wet? The noble gold coins are on the top. Those old guys who ordered the heavy rain today are all Should be smashed by the gold brick!"

Attentively holding Lin Qi's hand, the beautiful woman led him enthusiastically, or she forced him into the depths of the hotel as if she was kidnapped: "My lord, our Lanjin Hotel, but the world's most beautiful Gorgeous, most comfortable, and most value-for-money hotel. You are here, as long as you have enough coins, you can enjoy everything you want!"

Two beautiful eyebrows were raised, and the beautiful woman winked at Lin Qi, "You need a hot bath now, and you need a few beautiful maids to wipe your body! If you can take out enough gold coins, All the maids in the entire hotel, including me, are all yours! If you like women with a little bit of elegance, the Pink Rose Temple next door, I can call you 10,000 beauties at your disposal!"

Lin Qi coughed softly, and with a wave of his hand, a lot of gold ingots appeared in front of him out of thin air. With the ring of wealth, gold is no different from ordinary metals to Lin Qi. He received a finger, and a large amount of red and sapphire was spilt down. The precious treasures of precious jewels were scattered all over the floor. The eyes of the beautiful woman and the maids were suddenly nailed to these treasures. .

"The supreme gold coin is on top. I am the most devout believer of the goddess of wealth!" Lin Qi said calmly: "I came to the kingdom of gods on earth to hold a sacred sacrifice. I will present the wealth I have accumulated throughout my life to the noble goddess of wealth. ."

With a soft cough, Lin Qi said calmly: "I also know that the central temple of the goddess is the best place for sacrifice. But all devout believers know that the kingdom of the gods on earth is the closest place to the gods. Therefore, I hope to hold sacrifices here!"

The beautiful woman laughed ***** so tall and trembling, her beautiful face became flushed, and she almost moaned and laughed: "You can't be more right. The Central Temple, that is just for ordinary believers to devote themselves to devotion To get the gift of the goddess, you must come to the kingdom of God to see the sacrifice. Don’t worry, everything will be properly arranged for you?"

Gently rubbing her chest against Lin Qi's arm, the beautiful woman's almost watery eyes glanced at Lin Qi's tough, masculine face: "Do you need someone to attend the bed? Everyone in the hotel , It's all yours!"

Lin Qi gently patted the beautiful woman’s buttocks, and he calmly said: "Before making sacrifices to the owners of all wealth, I will take a bath and practice for a month. Within this month, I don’t want to Anyone bothers me. Every day I only need a little water and white bread. In return, I will donate 100 million gold coins to the temple every day."

The beautiful woman took a breath, and she moaned again: "My honorable lord, you are so, too generous! How much wealth do you plan to sacrifice to the goddess? Recently, the goddess values ​​the devotion of believers very much, perhaps, You will get unexpected returns!"

Lin Qi nodded slowly. He looked at the beautiful woman with a solemn expression: "My family has accumulated countless years of accumulation, and I have worked hard for nearly a hundred years. The total amount of gold ingots, silver ingots, fine gold, and mithrilver exceeds trillions of gold coins. There are other rare and precious treasures. I will dedicate all my devotion to the noble goddess, and I will take a bath for a month. You arrange it for me!"

Without any review, without any cross-examination, without any suspicion, Lin Qi, who opened the way with gold coins, was treated as a real VIP. The other guests of the Lanjin Hotel were driven away, and the entire backyard of the hotel became Lin Qi's private space. No matter what Lin Qi is doing inside, the clergy in the Temple of Fortune will not have any doubts.

The Palace of the Goddess of Wealth has extremely strict commandments, and this commandment is also extremely simple-the rich is the uncle, if you can have greater wealth than the goddess of wealth, then you are in front of the goddess of wealth, you are also her uncle !

Faced with the wealth of 100 million gold coins that Lin Qi kept outside the door every day according to his promise, all the clergy of the Temple of Fortune became Lin Qi's best guards. The clergy of other temples are strictly forbidden to approach the Lanjin Hotel, and the news of Lin Qi, a super devout believer, is also strictly blocked by the Temple of Fortune.

Those clergymen who have been searched and choked by the goddess of wealth are busy nervously, and they are doing their best to prepare a grand festival. They all prayed silently in their hearts, hoping that this magnanimous believer could calm down the wrath of the goddess of wealth, and hope that the goddess of wealth could let go of their poor clergy and let them keep a little bit of insignificant private money!

No one harassed, no one peeped. Under the protection of the many clergy in the Temple of Fortune, Lin Qi used the insignificant “protection fee” of 100 million gold coins a day to easily stay in the Blue Gold Hotel in 30 days. The summoning magic circle of nearly a hundred fallen temples was drawn in his backyard.

These magic circles are drawn with contaminated dragon blood as the main material, and they incorporate a large number of filthy and evil evil spirit fragments provided by the curse spirit ancient tomb. These filthy, depraved, evil, and evil soul fragments are enough to transform the magic of these magic circles. Power increased to the limit.

According to Lin Qi’s estimation, once these magic circles are turned on, under the impetus of Lin Qi Yuanli and the assistance of the rare materials used in the arrangement of the magic circles, these magic circles are enough to allow the powerful beings of the upper **** level to reach here through the void-if they fall. The temple has the existence of the upper **** level, and they are willing to respond to Lin Qi's call, they can come here smoothly.

All the magic circles were covered by the shielding barriers arranged by Lin Qi with Yuan Power. Before the agreed time of one month came, Lin Qi could not let the evil atmosphere here leak out. Such an evil summoning magic circle is arranged in the true core of the church, and the gods of the Temple of the Fallen Temple who have hatred with Lin Qi are summoned. Lin Qi is very curious about how these fallen gods will react.

Day by day, when Lin Qi had inlaid the last piece of void magic crystal on the last magic circle, the time he and Arda had agreed with them arrived. Lin Qi closed his eyes, and he felt the presence of the teleportation array that Arda and the others had deployed in the three abyssal worlds these days.

The efficiency of the three people is very good. In just 30 days, they have arranged a total of more than 300 super teleportation arrays. Every teleportation formation was able to teleport 500,000 fighters here in an instant, and Lin Qi nodded with pleasure.

"Then, Ying Zheng, you can start!" With a malicious smile, Lin Qi sprinkled a space of more than 300 thumb-sized spars into the void. These void positioning spars lightly shook the void and sent them out.

On the surface of the world, Ying Zheng, who was sitting in the palace sitting cross-legged and enjoying the singing and dancing of the palace ladies, suddenly raised his head, revealing a ferocious smile.

"You can start!" Lin Qi laughed a few times: "You can start, this is a big surprise, don't let me down! Fallen gods of the Temple of the Fallen, let's start from you!"

The cautious call of the beautiful woman came from outside the door, and the sacrificial ceremony of the Temple of Fortune Goddess was about to begin.

Lin Qi responded with a smile, then he clenched his fist and smashed his fist in the air. Hearing a loud noise, the divine power barrier on the periphery of Emore's world was torn open a huge hole by an unstoppable huge force. At this moment, the spatial connection between the three abyssal world and the outside world returned to normal.

The summoning magic array of nearly a hundred fallen temples lit up with black and red light, and a brutal roar continued to be heard from the magic array. Sticky black plasma and lava fire poured out of the magic circle. Hundreds of huge, hideous, and ugly arms protruded out of the magic circle, and then slapped the ground fiercely.

After a dozen breaths, hundreds of huge, sturdy, hideous and ugly figures slowly stood up.

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