Bright Era

Chapter 2013: The end of the dead? (4)

Bagger was obviously sluggish, he was stunned, then put his broken arm back on his shoulder, and then yelled, "Mudell was killed? He really saw the dead, okay. Well, although I can see countless undeads every day, I did not order, nor did I personally act, nor did I instruct our people to act on Mudel!"

Looking at Mu Wei with stern eyes, Bagel said coldly: "Although these monsters of our undead gods are ruthless, sinister and treacherous, all kinds of cruel methods can be used! But we are very unwilling to owe favors. I owe your grandfather twice for life-saving favors, your grandfather, Mu Wei, he saved me twice when I was young!"

After taking a deep breath, Bagel stopped Mu Wei who wanted to speak: "Two life-saving graces, I won’t be stupid because of Mudel’s young impulsive little fool who was used as a gun. Act, behave like this to him! He slashed at me and killed many of our surviving companions, so at my insistence, I canceled your grandfather’s life-saving grace for me once and took this matter It passed."

Shaking his head, Bagel looked at Mu Wei sincerely: "So, I still owe your grandfather a life-saving grace, Mu Wei! Before this favor is paid off, I will most beat you and Mudel in the ass, but I will not kill you! I have not done it, nor have my companions and subordinates have done it!"

The response to Bagel was the spear that Mu Wei suddenly stabbed. A golden light shot out, and the gunman ripped open the void and came directly to Bagger's chest. Bagger's face changed suddenly, his body suddenly exploded, turning into countless black bugs and flying into the sky. Jin Guang swept through the insect cloud, and the densely packed thousands of black insects were blown up to pieces and fell to the ground, but the sea of ​​insects flew up quickly, and then re-solidified Bagger's body at high altitude.

"Oh, oh, oh, the grumpy little girl, like your mother, is a grumpy temper without any thinking ability!" Bagel stood in the air, squinted at Mu Wei for a while, and then turned his head to I looked around and said, "Well, let's forget about Mu Wei, what are you doing here? Huh? Do you want to wipe us out?"

Mu Wei clenched the spear and took a step forward. She wanted to continue to attack Bagger.

But the ground in front of her suddenly squirmed, a mummy wrapped in black and red cloth, exuding death, and a dead Naga with twelve arms, holding a single-color gold-bladed machete, and a bone snake in the lower body. Leaping out of the ground, he stood in front of Mu Wei in a daze.

The breath of this mummy is only slightly lower than that of Mu Wei, and it is obviously also a god-level existence. Although the undead Naga is low in strength, only at the level of a high-ranking god, the twelve-handled scimitar in her hand exudes compelling sharpness and terrifying death. This is obviously a set of extremely vicious undead artifacts. Mu Wei looked at these scimitars in fear, not daring to carry them the slightest.

Two undead gods blocked the impulsive Mu Wei, Bagel smiled happily, and yelled again: "Dear little guys, can you tell me what you want to do here? It's a visit to me. Are you many older seniors? Or, do you want to come to the Undead Continent for an outing? This is not a good idea. The Undead Continent has no landscapes for you to enjoy!"

The **** of dawn pondered for a moment, and he slowly stepped forward, bowing to Bagel and saluting.

"Dear Lord Bagger, the King of Corpse Insects, I am honored to see you again! In the Primordial Battle, your brilliant results amazed us younger generations. It is really a shock to see you again. , Rather than a surprise. To be honest, if you were completely lost that year, it would actually be a good thing for us and for you!"

Bagger looked at the **** of dawn coldly, and after a long time, he nodded: "Back then, I had the opportunity to hook up your mother and have **** with her! But I am a person of too much friendship, and I belong to your father. It’s a good relationship, it’s a pair of friends, friends, friends, so I don’t feel embarrassed to start! What a pity, if I did this back then, maybe you would be my son?"

Dawn’s expression turned purple with anger, he raised his head tremblingly, pointed at Bagel and sternly reprimanded: "Bagger, King of Corpse Insects, I swear, I will cut you into pieces, and then burn it to pieces. Clean! You despicable and shameless fellow, you, you... You have humiliated my mother's fame, and I will never let you go! I can tell you that your undead gods must perish today!"

Bagel smiled coldly: "Are you sure you can beat me?"

The God of Retribution took a step forward and said coldly: "You have not recovered the strength that a **** master should have! Your current strength is at most equal to ours, dear Lord Bagel, we are confident that you and your companions will be together Kill it."

Turning the Excalibur of Retribution lightly around a flower, the God of Retribution said leisurely: "For poor Mudel, your people assassinated him! Apart from you, we never thought anyone would have this motive and strength. Assassinate Mudel!"

He sighed deeply, and the God of Retribution narrowed his eyes: "But to kill Mudel is against the Primordial Covenant we signed after the Primordial God War. The middle and lower gods can die at will; The upper gods are precious tribesmen and cannot be easily abandoned; and for the main god-level tribesmen, the death of any main **** means an all-out war, an unreserved war!"

Bagel frowned: "Cunning little guy, the black-hearted kid who has liked to burn slaves to death since childhood, I can tell you frankly, our people did not attack Mudel. No matter what your so-called covenant is. , What we have not done is that we have not done it. We are not afraid of you, we just don’t want to have..."

Before he finished speaking, Bagel's figure suddenly flashed, and a huge black corpse insect appeared out of thin air. Bagel's body was nearly a hundred li long, like a dark cloud firmly covering the void. He opened his mouth wide, and a black awn that was several meters long but the thickness of his thumb shot out, and he heard a miserable howl. A male deity in the elven **** system suddenly exploded into black blood plasma.

The black thorn pierced the eyebrows of the male elf who had reached the peak level of strength. The terrifying corpse poison attached to the thorn instantly melted the hapless body into a black slurry. , The terrifying force attached to the thorn shook for a while, and the body of this unlucky person exploded into countless black juice.

The surrounding elves and gods ran away crying and crying. Their bodies were splashed with black venom. Large muscles and bones melted and rotted wherever they went. The pain made them scream, and they were beautiful. , The flawless body becomes so ugly, which makes them fall into boundless fear.

Bagger shot and killed the elf god, and then his body was transformed into a human form in a flash. He looked at the God of Retribution indifferently, and said faintly: "That little guy, I haven't seen him before. He is the lucky one who has gradually improved after the war? He actually wants to use his tattered bow and arrow to count me? Blame me for bullying the small, right?"

With a blow like lightning, even the God of Retribution and the God of Dawn were just able to grasp Bagger's movements, and the hearts of the many main gods around them suddenly trembled, and they simultaneously took people back for a long distance. Although for the gods, the dozens of miles they withdrew were of no use, but at least they felt much safer psychologically.

On the side of the temple, a **** with all sides and twelve eyes slowly stood up, and a huge golden red sun flower suspended above his head. The red light wrapped around his body, making his body look like It's like burning. He looked at Bagel floating in the air, and said in a rumble tone: "Master Bagel, we don't believe you sent someone to assassinate Mudel, but we need a murderer!"

Bagger's face became helpless, he spread his hands and looked at the **** with twelve eyes on all sides: "Well, the little guy who likes to be possessed by flower bones, do you mean, we are so bullied? I'm Bagger. Bullying? So you put the murderer on our heads?"

The surrounding gods didn't say anything, doesn't it mean that?

The Undead Gods were hit hard in the Primordial God War. According to common sense, the strong of the Undead Gods should have been killed and wounded. So this time Mu Wei went crazy and asked the gods to hand over the murderer, in order not to cause trouble for herself, and at the same time solve it. After losing the unstable factor of the undead gods, everyone worked together to find the undead clan and wanted to kill them all!

According to the estimation of these gods, it is not bad for the undead gods to have at most two or three lucky people of the main **** level linger! So everyone teamed up to bully the undead gods, and there was no psychological pressure at all. There are even some bad-behavior beast gods who regard this joint action as an opportunity to make a fortune—the gods worshiped by these orcs are good hands who can extract oil from the bones of dead people!

But they never dreamed that the Undead Gods actually hid old antiques like Bagel!

Although Bagger's strength has not recovered much, he was once a god-level existence after all! Even if Bagger's strength is far less than at the beginning, his combat experience and the power of laws he mastered make him superior to other gods!

Therefore, in the face of Bagger's strong appearance, a small whisper appeared in the hearts of the gods. Is it better to choose to offend Mu Wei or to offend Bagel? Although there are many people in the Temple of War, Bagel alone can top half of the Temple of War!

At this moment, a slender and charming white body suddenly appeared beside Bagel.

"Little guys, you seem to be saying that your subordinates have suffered serious damage? You have lost a lot of people? But why, it seems that these little guys of the Axul Protoss did not lose any manpower. ?"

The beautiful voice came from high above, and the surrounding gods exploded almost at the same time.

"Damn it! It is the mother of evil spirits, she is still alive! She has not fallen!"

"Stupid Mudel, what did he do? He deserves to be assassinated! This stupid boar!"

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