Bright Era

Chapter 2020: The Altar of Gods (2)

With a sound of ‘chi chi, a ball of thunder light burst open, covering a space of a hundred li. This small piece of void with a radius of one hundred li contains about 200,000 gods of the Tianmiao, including one main god, 27 high-ranking gods, 1,395 middle-ranking gods, and nearly 200,000 gods. The next servant of God has two suspended castles hovering in the air.

The thunder light only lasted for a moment, and when the thunder light disappeared, the void of that party reappeared. There was not a single strand of hair left in the clean void—even though the heads of the **** servants of the Tianmiao were shaved off one by one, the main gods and upper gods still retained the strangely shaped hair buns. But all the gods, including the main god, were killed cleanly, leaving no residue.

Mu Wei's body shook, and her divine power was exhausted and she fell from the air. She laughed a few times, then took out more than a dozen groups of high-level god-level blank spirits and threw them to Lin Qi: "Well done, Lin Qi, this teleportation formation is really beautiful! Your spoils, the spirit of the main god, I'm not welcome!"

Lin Qi smiled and took over the upper god-level spirits that had been wiped out of all their wisdom and become empty, and then slapped the ground with a palm to activate the **** formation. A divine light soared into the sky, and all the gods of the God of War system left the undead continent covered by phantoms brought up by countless black tentacles in the blink of an eye. In the next moment, they had returned to the mountainous area of ​​the northern Longshan Empire.

Lin Qi stomped on the ground, and he shattered a pre-arranged divine formation here in the eyes of the many gods in the Temple of War. He shrugged his shoulders, bowed and bowed to the gods with a smile: "I can only say sorry to the other gods. I did this to prevent that terrible guy from coming here to harm our believers!"

Mu Wei stood up out of breath, she gritted her teeth and said: "That's right, let them run away slowly under the chase of that guy. This has nothing to do with us! Lin Qi, you stay in the ground world, responsible. The counterattack of the other gods’ armies killed them all to me, and all their souls belonged to you. Others, let me go to the underground world, and kill the screaming master who is still on the run and those **** heretics!"

Lin Qi raised his eyebrows, the Lord of Screaming is still running around in the world of Emore? This strong man among the fallen gods seems to be difficult to deal with. Several days have passed, but the Lord of Screaming hasn't fallen. It can be seen that the Axul God Clan really has no good way to deal with him.

However, if Mu Wei can successfully lead the gods of the Temple of War to annihilate the Lord of Screaming, it will also be good for the Temple of War—those believers who were devastated by the'heretical army' that Lin Qi put into the underground abyss world, they Must have great confidence in the Temple of War? This is the best opportunity to improve your beliefs and expand your belief territory.

He bowed deeply to Mu Wei, and Lin Qi smiled and promised. He swears to Mu Wei that he will strive to kill all the troops that other gods invaded the Western Continent in the shortest possible time.

Satisfied Mu Wei took out the soul of the unlucky **** of the temple and swallowed it in one gulp, and then distributed the remaining few upper gods and a large number of middle and lower gods to his subordinates for them to swallow. Rejuvenate these spirits. After waiting for the many war gods to become energetic again, Mu Wei quickly returned to the holy mountain with the gods, and then went straight into the three abyssal worlds.

Lin Qi slowly straightened up his waist, he took out a few spirits of the higher gods and let Mr. Mo devour them by themselves, and then frowned.

Cangqiang's Fury actually obliterated a master god-level powerhouse so easily, and also extracted his soul and all the souls of the killed gods to Mu Wei. There is no doubt that this is a big killer specifically aimed at the gods. It is really strange where Mu Wei got this terrible war weapon? From her last conversation with Mudel, we can know that this war weapon is the treasure they brought out of the family.

"Be careful of this terrible thing!" The Temple of Underworld sighed helplessly, and seriously warned Lin Qi: "Unless you can get a real royal-level war weapon, don't engage with that woman named Mu Wei. Conflict. Even if your physical strength has reached the peak state of the five-star imperial general level, in front of the imperial king-level war arms, you are a small ant before the thunderstorm, completely vulnerable!"

Lin Qi nodded seriously, so he wouldn't risk taking his own life. After being silent for a while, he asked in a low voice, "What about the evil fetus? That weird guy, I always feel that if he continues to develop, it will become an uncontrollable disaster."

The Temple of Underworld and Heaven Mountain laughed lowly at the same time, and the Temple of Underworld said with a grin: "Don't worry, that guy, it won't be a disaster. When we ran away, I had planted seeds of **** in him! He! The faster he develops and the stronger he develops, the closer he is to becoming a **** embryo. This immature embryo, I have a hundred thousand ways to control and deal with him!"

Lin Qi could even feel the Underworld Temple shrugging his shoulders triumphantly: "I have to tell you one thing, Master Lin Qi, the evil fetus of all souls? Well, I don't know where those unlucky undead gods get them. This crude method of sacrifice! They thought what a great existence they had created, and I really want to tell them, of course I told them gloating!"

"They created an incomplete **** embryo! And I still have the impression that it was a derivative of the hell-class cage. That is to say, if the evil fetus they created can grow completely, he will eventually It will evolve into a small dimensional space composed of flesh and blood, and the only purpose of this small dimensional space is to imprison and torture prisoners."

"This is a small evolutionary branch in the Metaverse•Underworld system, a small branch specially used to build temporary prisoner-of-war camps in the battlefield. These undead gods thought they had gotten great things, but this is just a A broken and incomplete design drawing!"

Lin Qi was silent. He roughly understood the meaning of the Underworld Temple: "That is to say..."

The Temple of Underworld laughed and laughed happily, "In other words, because I gave him a seed of hell, he will not do any harm to us now. Let him harm others. If the gods can destroy him, then let him destroy it. Anyway, it doesn’t mean much to us. If the gods cannot destroy him, as he gets stronger and stronger, we will have a small attachment . A small **** with a low degree of completion, a small **** dedicated to torturing various prisoners."

Lin Qi nodded, he put his heart down, smiled and murmured with the Underworld Temple and the others for a while, then headed up and headed back to the Longshan Empire with everyone.

It is raining in Longshan Imperial Capital, and the streets and alleys are densely covered with large groups of heavily armed soldiers. Lin Qi quickly inquired about the news, and it turned out that in the past two days, a group of rangers from Yew Island actually got into the Longshan Imperial Capital and wanted to assassinate the important officials of the empire.

The problem is, it's not good for them to assassinate Lin Qi's father, Blackbeard. The black beard who was drunk and hugged Mrs. Rose's custom-made jewellery in a jewelry store went wild on the spot, hacking and killing, bloody, and terrified many pedestrians on the road.

Therefore, in the past two days, the Longshan imperial capital and other major cities of the empire have entered a full state of martial law. Yun has dispatched the lower servants of Lin Qi, and let them lead a large number of demigods and holy realm powerhouses to sit around. , Strictly prevent the destruction of other gods believers.

Inside the imperial palace, Lin Qi opened the gate of the Imperial Palace and walked in strode.

Sitting on the seat next to the emperor's throne, Yun, who was dealing with various official duties, and constantly throwing copies of official documents to the many courtiers waiting to the side, stood up with a smile and bowed to Lin Qi from a distance. Lin Qi stood solemnly at the gate of the main hall and performed a serious court ceremony to Yun, then smiled and shook his head.

"The guys on Yew Island, because we have a little friendship with them, came to us to make trouble. We should give them some color to see. Well, can I get in touch with the wind and thunder? I need to talk to them. Have a good talk!"

Yun smiled and sat back to his original position, crossed his fingers and tilted his head to look at Lin Qi: "They won't give up their faith."

Lin Qi shrugged his shoulders and shook his head disapprovingly: "I don't need them to abandon their beliefs. I just want them to recognize the evil and decay of the elves, let them know the way of the real ranger, and let them choose their real partners. Send a few people to hook up with them, and if you can get in touch with them, you will say that the Longshan family intends to make friends with Yew Island!"

After pondering for a moment, Lin Qi took out a powerful forbidden technique scroll produced by the Temple of Underworld. This is an ordinary human rib, but there is a super god-level forbidden curse that is extremely lethal in this rib. Just squeeze this rib apart and chant the correct spell to inspire it, It can set off an extinct plague within tens of thousands of miles.

When he walked to Yun and handed the rib to Yun, Lin Qi squinted and laughed: "Give them this scroll and let them judge for themselves whether they can sit down at the negotiating table with us calmly and seriously negotiate. Issues."

Many courtiers in the main hall looked at this rib curiously. They couldn't figure out what it was. The magic scroll made from the Temple of Underworld had nothing to do with the shape of the magic scroll. However, several elders of good strength, from the Silver Iris family, narrowed their eyes vigilantly-they felt devastating energy from this rib.

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