Bright Era

Chapter 2022: Altar of Gods Tibetan (4)

Lin Qi pointed to the succubus, and said faintly: "I don't think the donkey's words are wrong, all his knowledge of women is based on these succubuses! So, cousin Lin Bule, please You are kind to the donkey, if you hurt him a bit, don't want any help from me!"

"You!" Lin Bule almost fainted with anger. She glanced frantically at the two **** of nephrite on the succubus's chest that were the size of a baby's head, then looked down at her body, almost mad. She danced and waved a long sword to smash several big rocks beside her into pieces, and then screamed silently up to the sky.

The rain clouds in the sky collapsed suddenly, and the rain clouds in a radius of a hundred li shattered suddenly, and large swaths of brilliant sunlight poured down.

The Void Eye appeared silently, and a vague wave of divine power locked this void. Lin Qi raised his head, raised a token and smiled at the sky. The Void Eye immediately sank into the void. For the kneeling succubus on the top of the mountain, this church would send a torture to the heresy if it found out. , The priests in the Void Temple on duty, I didn't think I had seen them.

Lin Qi threw the succubus back to the teleportation array and sent it back to the abyss world, and then he solemnly snorted to the dumbfounded Lin Bule: "Two cousins, please note that this is the Western Continent, and this is the eye of the void. The realm of the gods. Unless you want to be hunted down by countless believers and then sent to the torture frame, don’t get angry easily.”

With a light sigh, Lin Qi shook his head pretentiously: "Fortunately, I am the emperor of the Longshan Empire. Fortunately, we offer tens of billions of gold coins to the church every year. Otherwise, today's things are really not going to end. !"

Lin Bule felt a sharp pain in her heart. Donkey's words and Lin Qi's words were like buckets of kerosene pouring on her heart. The fire in her body was about to explode, but she must suppress the fire forcibly to prevent him from breaking out wantonly. So she became more and more angry, her face turned purple with anger, her face turned blue with anger, and she was so angry that she wished to hack Lin Qi to death.

Lin Lele gently pulled her sister's sleeve, and whispered softly, "Cousin Lin Qi made a point. Here, we can't use our power indiscriminately. Sister, let's hurry up and do something serious." ! This donkey, he, um, is just a donkey!"

The donkey poked his head out behind Lin Qi, and he yelled, "Call me Uncle Donkey! Little girl! Are you Lin Qi's cousin? Ah, it's really strange. Not all women of the Tiger race are women who can run horses on their arms. Man? How come you two freaks? You are a bit like women!"

Lin Qi suffocated a smile, he looked up at the sky, and took a deep breath.

Lin Bule's face turned purple-black, and she held the hilt tightly, almost squeezing the hilt out of the water. Even Lin Lele, who has a good temper, almost kicked the donkey — Lin Lele is not a peerless beauty, she is only a little worse than those enchanting evils, in the twelve ancient times In the clan, she is the one who is most admired by the core children of all clan!

Why is she so unbearable in the donkey's mouth?

But thinking about the women in the elders of the Lin Hu clan, Lin Lele, who wanted to teach the donkey a little lesson, could only sigh dejectedly. Think about those female elders who can run horses on their arms and smash a mountain with one punch. What can Lin Lele say? Especially many of the female elders in the family are married to the old foxes of the fox clan, and that group of old foxes are often beaten across the street by their fierce tiger wives. This is already a famous scene of the twelve ancient clan. !

Lin Lele can only lament in her heart that she is such a gentle beauty, but she has been ruined by the bad names of her female elders!

Lin Bule fiercely inserted the sword back into the bridge. She glared at Lin Qi and roared in a low voice, "I told you that the gods need a huge amount of life sacrifices to open them. The sacrifices you prepared What about the product?"

Lin Qi smiled and looked at Lin Bule. He said faintly: "Sacrifices are available at any time! You saw the succubus just now. I can mobilize tens of millions of slaves to sacrifice at any time. One point, you don't have to worry about it."

After a pause, Lin Qi looked at Lin Bule with his hands on his back: "But the ugly thing must be said before. Everyone is a relative of the family. If you speak well in advance, you will have bad feelings afterwards. Turn it on, how do you distribute the contents?"

Lin Bule squinted her eyes, her pupils squinted to the size of a needle, and stared at Lin Qi firmly: "What do you think? Since you have said that, I also put ugliness on the front. It took us countless efforts to find out, we had already done it for him in advance..."

Putting out five fingers and swinging, he roughly interrupted Lin Bule's words, Lin Qi said calmly: "Five to five! If it can be done, then let's go. No, what should everyone do! The western continent is fighting. It’s in full swing, and the Longshan Empire is busy with state affairs. Do you think I have time to accompany you to find the illusory gods?"

Lin Lele pursed her mouth. She waved a small fist at Lin Qi angrily: "Too greedy, cousin Lin Qi, we..."

Lin Qi turned around and left. He raised his head and said coldly, "Bilibili, Arda, donkey, let's go, there is no 50% advantage, are we the kind of people who give lives for nothing?"

The arrogant man walked forward, twisting his hips and following Lin Qi. He roughly understood what was going on here, and he quickly showed the face of the Black Tiger family at a glance. As he walked, he turned his head and smiled at Lin Bule and Lin Lele: "You should know what our black tiger family eats, ah, ah, those merchant ships and fishing boats passing through the northern waters, who dare not give us a share? The profit?"

Lin Bule and Lin Lele slapped their hearts. Lin Bule narrowed his eyes and murmured: "Damn... Pirates! Really hell, Lin Hu's clansman, some people ran away. Be pirates! Are you crazy?"

Angrily stomped his feet, Lin Bule snorted coldly, "When the deal is completed, 50% is achieved, but we have the priority to choose!"

Lin Qi stopped immediately. He turned and nodded to Lin Bule with a smile: "Then, two cousins, happy cooperation! Where is the **** hidden? There are many nights and dreams, we have to hurry up and rush over. OK! After all, you have found the location of the gods, who can guarantee that there will be no leaks?"

Lin Bule and Lin Lele gave Lin Qi angrily, and then pointed to the south at the same time.

Three days later, Lin Qi and his party had gone deep into the Southern Titan Ice Field. Under the leadership of Lin Bule and Lin Lele, the group of people avoided the countless dangers of the ice field, and under the protection of Lin Qi secretly, he silently handled many unknown risks, and the group was not surprised. Dangerously deep into the ice field tens of thousands of miles, came to a snowy field called "Twilight of Gods".

The Odin Ice Field in the north is in the magical polar day period, so the Titan Great Ice Field in the south is now plunged into the polar night period for half a year.

There are dense clouds in the sky, no stars can be seen, no light. The raging cold wind swept the blizzard, blowing wildly across the ice field. There was not a trace of light in all directions, and the darkness was like sticky ink, flooding everything in the world.

In such darkness, Lin Qi also had to admire Lin Bule and Lin Lele's ability to accurately find the Great Snow Field at Dusk. Standing on a tall icicle, Lin Qi squinted his eyes and looked around for a while, then gently shook his head: "I thought you went to the Western Continent because God is hidden in the Western Continent? Unexpectedly, It's here."

Lin Bule snorted indifferently. She walked a few laps on the snowy field in a strange trajectory, and then stomped her feet heavily.

"The God Treasure is in the deep sea where the Western Continent and the northern Odin Ice Sheet are handed over. This should be regarded as an entrance. Only when a large-scale blood sacrifice is performed here can you enter the periphery of the God Treasure. Then a huge amount of money will be carried out in the periphery of the God Treasure. Blood sacrifices can truly open the gods. As for what is in the gods after the gods are opened, I can only say that it is a harvest beyond your imagination!"

With a click of his mouth, Lin Qi smiled and shook his head: "As long as there are no three to five hundred gods hidden inside, I don't care."

The donkey sighed fascinatedly: "Sisters with big breasts, are they strategically necessary items? I hope they can..."

Lin Qi gave the donkey a hard punch to the head, and Lin Qi stopped the guy's daydreaming. Those gods will store big breasted girls in the gods? Unless the gods are all roles like the goddess of pleasure, who would do such a weird thing?

Along with Lin Bule's movements, the ground shook gently, dozens of icicles slowly rose from the ground, and each icicle was covered with a dark golden color, engraved with countless weird patterns and patterns. Round pillar with handwriting.

"Here, we need a lot of magic spar to enter the real altar!" Lin Bule looked at Lin Qi with piercing eyes: "As the emperor of the Longshan Empire, you shouldn't lack this stuff, right? They all talk about the Longshan Empire. It’s the richest country in the Western Continent."

Lin Qi pulled his ears and shook his head angrily: "Rumors, this is definitely a rumor. The church also controls the three abyssal worlds. The cities inside are much richer than the Longshan Empire!"

Lin Bule's eyes flickered. The church still controls the three abyssal worlds? Can Lin Qi detect such extremely confidential information?

Large piles of the best magic spar flowed from Lin Qi's ring and quickly piled up under the icicles. After waiting for a huge amount of magic spar to cover the ground with a thick layer, Lin Bule began to chant the spell. These icicles trembled at the same time, the ice cubes melted rapidly, and the dark golden metal pillars rippled. There was a divine power ripple like water mist. Not long after, Lin Qi and the others felt their bodies lightened and they had been moved out.

A strangely shaped altar appeared in front of Lin Qi and the others, surrounded by thick ice blocks, and the biting cold made Lin Qi sneezed. Looking around the surroundings, Lin Qi couldn't help but exclaim.

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