Bright Era

Chapter 2030: Trapped (3)

Xuanlan laughed extraordinarily. He nodded and greeted him again and again, and then greeted Lin Bule and Lin Lele with a nice smile: "Two respectable ladies, how are you! Since you are Lin Qi's hall" Sister, then everyone is my own, and I won't eat you. It's just a pity. Look at your skin, it's so tender, it should be fresh..."

Gently slapped herself, Xuan Lan turned her head and looked aside: "Well, you are Lin Qi's cousin, you can't eat you, and you can't imagine eating you. It's really painful, you are very fragrant, very fragrant. Tempting, it makes me very appetite!"

Lin Bule's face turned blue for a while, Lin Lele already screamed hoarsely: "Lin Qi, you actually hooked up with the evil man-eater? You, you, this guy, how do you know him? How do you Can you mix with a cannibal? You self-willing and depraved fellow, I will tell my ancestors, let them punish you!"

'Hehe' laughed, Lin Qi patted Xuanlan's ankle lightly. He glanced at Lin Lele coldly, and sighed faintly, "Xuanlan cannibalize people, or eat other humanoid creatures, and What is the difference between us eating pigs and sheep? This is his life habit! As a friend, I can only restrain him from eating people indiscriminately. I have fulfilled my obligations. As for the matter of him cannibalism..."

Shrugging his shoulders, Lin Qi looked at Lin Lele disapprovingly: "Xuanlan cannibals, but he never hurts people behind! Although he cannibals, he will never stabb me in the back. So, I believe him, I trust him. He is my best brother. I live and die with him! Compared with him, I trust his integrity more than the two cousins... Say goodbye!"

Lin Bule raised his eyebrows: "What did you say? Would you rather believe in a man-eater than me and Lele?"

Putting his hands on his chest, Lin Qi smiled and looked at Lin Bule: "Then, my dear cousin, are you sure this is the gods? This is the end of the Primordial God War. Those great gods might fail for the sake of the gods. A treasure house for secretly storing strategic materials? Huh? Huh? What did you tell me in Longshan Imperial Capital? But here is a tomb of gods!"

More and more dragons and giants poured into this tomb of the gods, they swept all over the place, moving everything in their sight. Except for the huge coffins in the center that were more than a hundred miles long, they were not touched. The other coffins were joined by these infinite giants and dragons and were directly thrown into the magic circle and sent back to the abyss world.

"You mean, we deceived you?" Lin Bule frowned and looked at Lin Qi.

"Who knows?" Lin Qi smiled and looked at Lin Bule: "Although we are relatives, who said that the cousin can't stab the cousin in the back? It's just that these coffins are also very valuable. For sake, I won’t say much."

Lin Bule and Lin Lele blushed, staring at Lin Qi and couldn't say a word. Looking at their weird expressions, Lin Qi suddenly felt in his heart—these two girls were really using themselves. They came to this so-called God Treasure, probably for other purposes. Lin Qi was just the key they used to unlock the God Treasure.

With a light sigh, Lin Qi shook his head, then took a few steps back. He sternly rebuked: "Lingwen, speed up. Except for those teleporting magic circles, the more destructive divine formations, the better, and the greater their power, the better. Even if this dimensional space is destroyed, so much will not be taken care of! Xuanlan Chi, you speed up, take away all the coffins that can be removed as soon as possible!"

Lingwen and many giants and dragons responded at the same time, and everyone stepped up their actions.

The donkeys recklessly dropped their hands at a giant coffin that was ten miles long. They tried to remove the heavy and unusual coffin lid, and then asked dozens of giants to help, and from it, they carried out a living creature. There was also a faintly fragrant corpse of the god.

This is a statue that is entwined with a faint green light, and there is still a huge breath of life in the body. The body is lifelike and is not corrupted at all. But this thousand-meter-high **** spirit was pierced through the eyebrows with a single blow, and her spirit was instantly destroyed, so although her body still maintains a strong vitality, life has completely separated from her.

"Lord God-level divine body!" Lin Qi looked at this transparent hole in the center of his eyebrows in surprise, the whole body remained intact. In Lin Qi's body, the Temple of Underworld and the Burial Ground screamed at the same time. They were fiercely competing for the ownership of the body of this god. Such a body that still maintains a strong breath of life, as long as it is modified slightly, Will be a tyrannical war puppet of the main **** level!

Soon Longya and the Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse also joined the competition. Longya deliberately transformed her into a dragon with the life attribute of the main **** level, and the Temple of Doomsday apocalypse is a knight of the apocalypse who can directly transform her into a commander-level. ! The opposite of life is destruction. After the Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse transforms this goddess's body, her aura of destruction will be more terrifying than ordinary Apocalypse knights.

Lin Qi smiled and nodded. He raised his hand, and a halo shot out, and the body of the Lord God was taken into his body.

Lin Qi gave Longya to Longya to concoct the body of the main **** with a huge vitality. Whether it is the Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse, the Temple of the Underworld, or the Burial Ground, they have transformed the body of this living god's body too much. Only here in Longya can she make her into a dragon with life attributes! And a dragon with life attributes in a war is enough to increase the enduring combat power of a dragon army several times. In terms of utilization efficiency, Longya is the most suitable for this divine body.

Lin Bule and Lin Lele watched Lin Qi and the others unfold a main god-level body from the coffin, and the two women were also anxious. They rushed to another huge coffin, but before they could find a way to open this coffin, more than 20 giants had already rushed over with loud shouts, their big feet stomping indiscriminately. The woman dodged in a hurry, then they picked up the coffin and left.

Lin Bu's eyes were blue with anger, she pointed to Lin Qi and snapped, "Lin Qi, have you forgotten our agreement? We are..."

Lin Qi looked at Lin Bule in amazement, "Of course, it's divided into fifty or five! Uh, I'm taking away the half that belongs to me. You see, my people haven't even moved one thousandth of the coffin, here. With so many gods buried, you can move away as much as you can! Did I violate the agreement? You can't help but be reasonable, so many coffins, you are free and free!"

More and more dragons and giants poured into the tomb of the gods, followed by large groups of half-dragons, titans, and elemental titans, followed by legion-level evil spirits and demons unabashedly The teleportation magic circle flooded in. In the end, an incalculable number of abyssal cavemen and abyssal gnomes, like the abyss cavemen and abyss gnomes, screamed and screamed all over the floor.

As if the ants were moving, Lin Qi's subordinates frantically washed the tomb of the gods, and the coffins in this cemetery were rapidly decreasing. Although there are hundreds of millions of coffins in the cemetery, under the washing of Lin Qi's many subordinates, it will not be long before they will be moved to an empty space.

Lin Bule and Lin Lele angrily and anxiously watched Lin Qi's countless subordinates passing by, they suddenly realized that they were a bit deceived. Everyone agreed to a division of fifty-five, but there are so many coffins in this tomb of God, Lin Qi has countless subordinates who can gradually remove these coffins, and only their two sisters, how could it be possible to remove so many coffins.

What makes them even more frightening is that in Lin Qi's previous blood sacrifice process, millions of half-dragons sacrificed cleanly at one time, which has made them extremely frightened, but in the tomb of the gods, Lin Qi actually attracted so many His subordinates madly transported the gods' coffins here.

Dragons and giants, this can make them accept a little. But with so many demons and evil spirits, these evil abyssal creatures, how can they bow their heads to Lin Qi, as if they had met their ancestors? Moreover, the number of these demons and evil spirits is so huge, with the continuous establishment of various magic circles in Lingwen, gradually nearly 10 million evil spirits and demons have poured into the tomb of the gods!

Ten million-level evil spirits and demons, and their strength is at least above the heavenly position, most of them have the combat power of the holy realm and even the demigod! This huge force, even if it is placed in the home of the Lin Hu clan, or in the dominating guild, is a terrifying force that cannot be ignored!

Except for Lin Qi's subordinates, there is no god-level powerhouse, the pressure on this army is too great.

Lin Bule and Lin Lele's bodies trembled slightly. They really didn't understand that Lin Qi, who was born in the Black Tiger family, grew up in the Western Continent and was imprisoned in the Dark Abyss God Prison as a child. Egg, how did he develop such a force in such a short time?

The two women even felt a little blushing. They are true goddess. They have been cultivated by their own core resources since they were young. When they were fifteen years old, they entered the secret realm of the family, waiting for them to learn from When they walked out of the secret realm, their bodies and souls were still in their fifteen-year-old state, but many years have passed, and their strength has also risen to the level of the pinnacle of the lower gods.

But because of the strong cultivation they received from the family, after leaving the secret realm, they took a group of tiger guards who belonged to the family to travel around, but they didn't even win over a few confidants. They really don't understand how Lin Qi has such a huge power!

Seeing more and more creatures from the abyss rushing into the tomb of the gods, the two women stood there in a daze. They could no longer care about the so-called 50-50 agreement. The matter is clearly here, even if they are vying for the image of a lady, how many coffins can they take away?

Even the tiger guards who set up the magic circle next to the largest coffins were stunned. There are so many abyssal creatures, so many dragons and giants, and they are all pure-blood giants and dragons. What are they? Where did it come from?

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