Bright Era

Chapter 2070: Hell and trapped gods (3)

Whenever a piece of ordnance and armor inlaid with magic array and **** array is sent into the core part of the magic tower, a stream of light will shoot down from the magic spar, like a thunderous bombardment on these ordnance and armor. With the continuous influx of huge energy, these ordnances and armors spewed out dazzling light, and soon a mysterious aura spread out from these ordnances and armors.

This is an extremely large-scale ordnance manufacturing line. Lin Qi has driven countless dwarves, gnomes, goblins, Titans and other auxiliary soldiers in several abyssal worlds to establish a manufacturing line compared with this one, both in terms of scale and quality of finished products. , The difference is more than ten million times!

The ordnance and armor manufactured here are of the worst quality, reaching the level of the Supreme Sacred Artifact, and Lin Qi’s casting workshops in the abyss world also produce a large number of ordinary rune weapons and enchanted weapons. And a large part of the ordnance and armor made here have reached the level of the artifact level, and even the best equipment of the upper artifact level will be forged every once in a while.

At every moment, a huge number of sophisticated armors and weapons will be transported from the magic tower. These armors and weapons are quickly transported by tide-like ghouls to the huge mountains in the distance according to their ranks. Large-scale warehouses have been excavated from these mountains that stretch for hundreds of thousands of miles, millions of miles, or even hundreds of millions of miles. All weapons and armor are stored in these warehouses.

Near this hot casting area, huge cities have been established. The architectural style of these cities can be seen at a glance. This is a pure war fortress, completely abandoning all civilian facilities, all buildings are born for war, and each building is equipped with a powerful self-destructing magic circle. In other areas, countless destructive magic circles were deployed.

The densely packed war fortresses stretched far away, and Lin Qi didn't know how many such war fortresses there were. But what makes people palpitate is that there is not even a single movement in such a huge number of war fortresses. All war fortresses are empty, not even a ghost shadow. Compared with the hot scene in the casting area on the side, this place is simply a dead zone.

"The logistics casting module is working at full capacity!" The Hades screamed in a little astonishment: "But what are the units that made the army? Have they all been killed? Why haven't they made soldiers to fill up these **** fortresses? If there are not enough The soldiers, who forge so many weapons and armors, are they used?"

Lin Qi looked back at the city wall, then jumped into the lava lake with countless bubbles.

Several Yin family members on the magic tower now added a Lin Ye, and everyone exclaimed at the same time. Did Lin Qi just jump? Did he really jump into that terrible lava lake? For countless years, many powerful people from the twelve ancient tribes have sneaked into this lava lake to find out what mystery is in it, but including several ancestor-level figures, no one has ever entered this lava lake!

"Does he want to commit suicide?" Lin Dong just took the initiative to provoke on the city wall, but he lost his face under the hands of the two rabbits, so Lin Dong saw Lin Qi jump into this lava lake with no return, he couldn't help but feel happy. Laughed.

"Do you think he is so stupid?" The bald old man snorted coldly, "How can he dare to do this without complete certainty? Flamboyant tree? Could it be the reason for the Flamboyant tree? Hey, Lin Yan, you accept the power of Phoenix Nirvana Have you seen the body of the poinciana tree?"

Lin Dun was stunned, then shook his head. Like all other tribesmen, when he entered the phoenix tree secret realm to receive the upgrade of the phoenix tree and obtain the power of phoenix nirvana to activate the bloodline energy, Lin Ye went in asleep, and then was taken out in a drowsy state. So he had never seen the appearance of the poinciana tree, he just knew that there was such an ancient strange thing in the family.

"Could it be that the poinciana tree can allow this kid to enter and exit the lava lake safely?" The thin-lip middle-aged man snorted coldly, "But if he dies in it and the poinciana tree is also lost, the one behind Lin Qi What is the name of the little Lin family branch? The Black Tiger family? There is no need for this family to exist! In addition, in the Longshan Empire, everyone can divide it!"

A group of people gloated and looked into the distance with anticipation, they were sincerely wishing Lin Qi would die in the lava lake.

At this moment, Lin Qi had dived into the deepest part of the lava lake, and through a rapidly rotating lava vortex, he came to the dark dimensional space where the sky was not visible. This is hell, this is the body of hell, and this is the body of the Metaverse•Underworld.

I couldn't see clearly when I just peeked through it with mental power. It wasn't until the main body entered the **** that Lin Qi found that the damage to the **** was comparable to the Heavenly Mountain. Numerous giant mountains were distorted and shattered by violence, and the ground was inlaid with fist prints and palm prints of hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of miles.

Sword marks, knife marks, and other weapon marks that stretched for tens of thousands of miles were densely packed in all directions. Some of the sword marks were tens of thousands of miles deep. Lin Qi couldn’t imagine how **** could withstand such a terrifying and dense attack. . At least when Lin Qi found Heaven Mountain, Heaven Mountain did not receive such a fierce attack.

Accompanied by a strange buzzing sound, the Temple of Underworld flew out of Lin Qi's body, and the Temple of Underworld, which was compressed to the size of a fist, mumbled dullly: "How many damages are caused by the combined attacks of the gods? It's really... well, let's. I felt strange, it seems that except for me, all the parts under the jurisdiction of the underworld have returned, but some guys are in very bad condition, and they are only a breath away from death."

With a vague grunt, the Temple of Underworld greeted Lin Qi, and then quickly flew to the depths of hell. Lin Qi hurriedly followed the Hall of Underworld, and after flying for a while, he simply expanded himself to a few meters and let Lin Qi sit on the top of his main hall.

Bringing up a black smoke, the Underworld Temple set off a billowing wind and flew forward continuously. At the same time, Heaven Mountain is running at its best, and huge amounts of energy continue to be input to mining units such as Miyin Mountain. Lin Qi spread out his hands, his ten fingers sprayed out a strange stream of light, and a number of terrifying magic materials were continuously sprayed out of Lin Qi's hands and quickly injected into the land of hell.

Waves of strange ripples spread out from the body of the Hades. As these ripples spread, the almost torn apart **** resembled a zombie that had been curled up in a coffin for tens of thousands of years, suddenly came to life, accompanied by a clear and audible sound. With a gasp, the land of **** quickly swallowed the magic material ejected by Lin Qi, and the ground near those huge wounds squirmed slowly like the flesh of a creature.

And those ghouls who are busy repeating the missions of Henggu since the ancient times, and are constantly extracting various metal materials from the volcanic lava to cast various weapons and armors, they also suddenly body for a while. A series of new instructions were injected into their minds by the Temple of Underworld, and a large number of ghouls quickly rushed to the volcanoes. They gave up their original mission and tried their best to extract various magic materials from the lava.

A huge amount of magic materials were continuously extracted from the volcano, and they were directly thrown into the nearest huge wounds by these ghouls. The body of **** greedily swallowed all the magic materials, Lin Qi even heard the sound of ‘cooing’ from the depths of the **** that was like a human stomach.

Under the control of the Hades Temple, a large number of ghouls rushed into the warehouses in the huge mountains, carried out the piles of weapons and armor, and threw them into the **** wounds near the mountains. Place. Since the Primordial War of Gods, for countless years, the logistics units of Hell have been doing their best to produce all kinds of equipment. God knows how huge weapons are stored in Hell today.

According to Lin Qi's estimation, even if Lin Qi armed all the creatures in the abyssal world and the terrestrial world under his control, it is estimated that it would only consume a very small part of this huge batch of weapons, which is equivalent to a very small part of a tiny fraction!

In the War of the Ancient Gods, the number of soldiers dispatched from **** at a time was calculated at tens of billions and hundreds of billions. It is conceivable that the logistic unit of the **** has a strong production force, and this kind of productivity has been continuously producing various equipment since the war of the ancient gods. Just thinking about it will know how much this rigid and rigid **** has stored. equipment.

Except for a very small number of boutique-level equipment that has not been discarded, all other equipment can be thrown into the body of the hell, so that he can use it to repair his injuries after being swallowed. Of course, these so-called very few boutiques are only relatively speaking. As far as this ‘very few’ equipment is, Lin Qi is already enough to expand his current army, including the Blood Qin Army under his control, hundreds of times!

The Temple of Hades rushed all the way, and the whole lifeless **** wherever he passed suddenly came to life. Huge mountains rumbling from the ground, the collapsed mountains re-stacked and formed under the action of a magical force. The halls and lairs hidden in those mountains spurted out black light and death aura, and their heads reappeared.

In the Yuanjie·Underworld, no one knows how many terrifying existences are hidden in the **** except for the Temple of Underworld. Once these terrifying existences recover their strength, they can provide Lin Qi with a powerful army. At the end of the Primordial War of Gods, even the main body of **** was attacked by the armies of the gods, and **** suffered heavy damage. But with the return of the Temple of Underworld, **** is waking up!

Even if the current **** is so broken and so weak, his rank is really terrifying. He is the first-level unit under the jurisdiction of the metaverse. In the past countless times, the **** has been destroyed. The horror existence of countless original races.

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