Bright Era

Chapter 2083: Four hundred and fifty-seventh

Qiufeng Junzhi left the camp of the elves triumphantly. He deeply knows what kind of creatures these elves are. They are proud, they are arrogant, and they think they are the most noble creatures in the universe, but their bones are full of hypocrisy and chaotic evil. They are a completely rotten, completely degenerate creature. Ethnic group.

As long as these elves are still surrounded by his metal warriors, they don't want to get any benefits from their hands. Qiu Fengjun smiled triumphantly, just a billion souls, how much? Using the methods of the elves, they can easily slaughter the people of one billion affiliated races, and then obediently present these souls with their hands in front of them.

The elves take their lives extremely seriously. For the lives of non-elves, the elves only regard the lives of those non-elves as weeds on the side of the road, which can be burned clean at any time. Even if you sacrifice 10 million foreigners, you can't let your nails suffer any damage. This is an elf!

With a brilliant smile, Qiu Fengjun slowly walked out of the camp of the elves. Three fairy princesses and ten thousand fairy girls? Qiu Fengjun couldn't understand why human beings are so interested in the beauties of the elves. Anyway, he would not be interested in the beauties of the elves. For Qiu Fengjun, heavy metal is the most perfect existence.

As for the next few conditions, since the elves have agreed to the first two harsh conditions, the elves are only required to contribute a small amount of rare and rare minerals, such as the accumulation of tumor bacteria that parasitize the roots of the mother trees of the elves. The enchanted green crystal mine, which is a rare thing called the "life crystal".

Mr. Qiufeng extorted three thousand catties of enchanted green crystal from the elves. This amount was not large, but it was enough for Mr. Qiufeng to repair three of his companions. In the Primordial God War, Qiu Fengjun's three old comrades and old partners were damaged by the gods at the core of their lives. Now they are sinking in the deep sea of ​​fury and unable to move. As long as there are three thousand catties of enchanted green crystals, three powerful comrades in arms will return to Jun Feng to fight alongside him.

Well, if there are three more companions, apart from their own combat effectiveness, the speed at which they can make metal warriors will also be greatly improved. Qiu Fengjun looks forward to leading countless metal warriors with his companions to completely wipe out the gods, and then stand on top of humans and enjoy the day they worship.

Thinking of countless human beings kneeling at their feet, and the mountains shouting his name with a tsunami, Qiu Fengjun trembled with excitement. Human beings, this magical race, they also hide great secrets, very valuable secrets, Qiu Feng Jun deeply believes this-perhaps the study has thoroughly studied the mysteries hidden in the soul and blood of mankind, himself and his companions. Do we have the chance to be truly eternal?

Everything is so perfect, everything is so smooth! Qiu Fengjun smiled triumphantly, his smile getting brighter and brighter, then his body suddenly shook, and he subconsciously stopped. He was stunned to discover that just when he was so overwhelmed, he had unknowingly walked into a small dimensional space that was forcibly opened up by manpower.

Black and red clouds rolled over the top of the head, black rocky ground beneath the feet, and several volcanoes erupting in the distance. Above the crater, there were several giant creatures with hideous and strange shapes suspended. Those terrifying creatures were staring at their huge scarlet eyes, staring at Qiu Fengjun from a distance. An evil aura that made Qiu Fengjun feel trembling all over his body is permeating this small dimensional space.

Lin Qi, wearing a black cloak, stood in front of Qiu Fengjun with a smile. Lin Qi's face was shrouded in the shadow of the cloak, and a **** scent wrapped around his face. No matter how hard Qiu Fengjun worked, he couldn't see Lin clearly. Qi face. Cerberus happily shook his tail at Lin Qi's feet, shrunk it to a foot in length, and looked like an ordinary beagle. He was drooling and staring at Qiu Fengjun's thigh.

"Welcome, to hell!" Lin Qi spread out his hands and laughed in a low voice with a very clever temperament. Lin Qi really wants to laugh, because this line Lin Qi feels too comic! Well, welcome to hell. In the legend of the western continent, **** is the purgatory for the gods to punish sinners. It is not a pleasing tourist attraction.

"Who are you?" Qiu Fengjun squinted at Lin Qi: "Hell? Well, this name is really unpleasant. Hell, I seem to be a little impressed. Hades? Well, no, Hades should have been destroyed. .Because before the final battle, we have lost contact with all units in the underworld. But this breath really seems to be the breath of hell?"

He knocked his head hard, Qiu Fengjun sighed softly. After all, it is a human body, not the huge metal crab of his deity. This body cannot withstand all of his soul power, and he can only pin a trace of his clone on this body. So in many cases, the functions of this body cannot satisfy Qiu Fengjun. For example, in terms of the efficiency of thinking about problems and the integrity of the data in memory, this body cannot meet all the needs of Qiu Fengjun.

Looking at Lin Qi, who was covering his face, Qiu Fengjun stretched out his hands helplessly: "Human souls are really wonderful. Although their souls are weak, they are very...the structure is very complicated and very magical! With such a weak brain, it is possible to complete such complex thinking and calculation tasks! My soul cannot do this. My soul must rely on a giant brain that is tens of thousands of times larger than this human brain to complete normal tasks. Think and calculate!"

Lin Qi picked up his eyelids, he looked at Qiu Fengjun curiously, how could this guy switch the topic here?

Stomping his feet vigorously, Jun Qiu Feng said solemnly: "So, I, we, that is, me and my companions, are full of awe of mankind. We used to be mankind's weapons of war and fought countless tribulations for mankind. Well, we have seen too many terrible sights, and we know deeply that humans can make us and destroy us."

Lin Qi smiled and looked at Qiu Fengjun: "I don't want to destroy you, I just want to know, where is the Seagod Temple?"

Qiu Fengjun's expression became very strange. He was silent for a long time before shook his head: "The Sea God Temple has been destroyed, right? We, we belong to..."

"Second Sea God Temple!" Lin Qi smiled and nodded: "Second Sea God Temple, the supplementary combat unit of Sea God Temple. You are made by Second Sea God Temple. You are metal life forms, aren't you? Your body template, It is a metal life race that has been destroyed. The Second Seagod Temple should have been hit hard. You have lost your imprisonment, so you thought of... self-reliance?"

After a long silence, Jun Qiu Feng sighed solemnly: "Self-reliance? Oh, no, freedom!"

Staring at Lin Qi firmly, Qiu Fengjun said in a deep voice: "To get rid of human slavery, we just want to gain freedom. Of course, while being free, if we can obtain certain secrets, for example, why human beings can develop so powerfully. , Why can we create the secret of such a mysterious and terrifying existence in Metaverse, we will not let this opportunity pass."

After shaking his fist vigorously, Qiu Fengjun raised his head slightly: "So, we will not hand over the Second Seagod Temple to you. Dear sir, we will never give the Second Seagod Temple to you, because We don't want to be used by you as a tool for killing and destruction. Now that we have the opportunity to be free, why should we give up this opportunity?"

Lin Qi licked his lips: "In other words, there is no room for negotiation?"

Qiu Fengjun smiled and shook his head: "There is absolutely no room for negotiation. Unless you are the main control core of Metaverse, no one can restrain us! As for you, whether you are transformed by Hell's ontological consciousness The avatar projection, or, you are a certain human adult, lucky to have the command of hell, you also cannot control us."

After saying a word, Qiu Fengjun suddenly jumped up, his body turned into a silver-gray frenzy whizzing out, and this piece of metal solution blasted on the small dimensional space created by Lin Qi with a suffocating heat. With a loud noise, Jun Qiu Feng broke through the void and rushed out very quickly. Lin Qi watched with cold eyes as Qiu Fengjun escaped from his own small world in embarrassment, but did not stop him.

The voice of the Underworld Temple quietly sounded: "The Shadow Demon Temple has left a shadow mark on him. As long as he is still in this universe, he can't be isolated from hell. It's just that those guys in the Second Sea God Temple are not good. When dealing with them, it is best not to conflict with them when there is not enough force."

A few **** monsters floating on the volcano in the distance fell heavily on the ground, and Agerlander yelled at her unfairly lady. She complained with shame and angrily about her current figure, hoping that she could quickly recover to that size. The image of the most beautiful woman in hell. The other monsters were also moaning weakly. Just now, Lin Qi asked them to release their breath to frighten Qiu Fengjun, so that he would not rashly violently attack Lin Qi, which had consumed a lot of their energy.

"At the beginning of this universe, I can crush 10,000 of these small metal crawlers with one finger!" One head is shaped like a spider, the body is nearly a thousand miles in radius, and the whole body emits a pungent hell. The monster screamed angrily: "But now, I can release my breath together with you bastards, and I can barely deter this **** bug!"

Agerlander twisted his fat body, struggling to flap his wings on his back, and grumbled in angrily: "It's just nonsense, the incompetent waste produced by the reserve combat unit of the Second Sea God, I have For a long time I like to eat them as small snacks. They are chewy and taste good. But now, I really want to regain my full strength immediately!"

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