Bright Era

Chapter 2085: Four hundred and fifty-seventh

"I have noticed a lot of interesting people. I watched them born, watched them grow, watched them work hard in a society composed of countless human beings. I watched them fall into love, and then have children, Watching them grow old, watching their children cry in front of their coffins. I observe their grievances and grudges, watching their laughter and cursing, this is a very beautiful enjoyment."

"Of course, those things in the human bones cannot be erased. Therefore, I see more of their constant wars, white skin killing yellow skin, black skin killing white skin, yellow skin killing black skin, and the past There are several branches of the red and brown skins, and they were simply killed. Uh, after the seed of humans was put into this world in the Metaverse, and they began to multiply and grow, I didn’t see them being peaceful for a few days anyway. of."

"Very complicated humans, very complicated human nature. They are filial to their parents, love their children, and are full of love to their brothers and sisters. But many times, humans behave like wild animals. They kill their parents, Eat your own children, ruthlessly turn your loved ones into corpses, just for a little bit of trivial benefit."

The sweet-scented osmanthus tree sighed softly: "The Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse, they always attribute the cruelty and cruelty of human beings to those parts of the blood that are not originally human. They even pass through certain human'sages'. , Put forward the saying that'human nature is inherently evil'. But we feel that human nature is inherently good, they are just like these children, they..."

While the osmanthus tree was talking, he was about to raise the topic of'human nature is good'. A few older children suddenly rushed out of the road, and they slammed their fists in the faces of several other children. They beat them with nosebleeds and snatched the kite from them very quickly. The sweet-scented osmanthus tree didn't say a word for a long time. After a long time, he smiled bitterly and said, "In the end we found out that our theories were all wrong!"

With a sigh, the sweet-scented osmanthus tree angrily weaves its roots into an extremely complicated mess: "It's mocking, isn't it? We are human creations, but we try to analyze our creators, but we are very For a long period of time, we were bored and had nothing to do. While recuperating, we can only pass the time like this!"

With a weird laugh, the sweet-scented osmanthus tree lowered his voice: "We are still hiding the core of the Metaverse. When humans break out in several world wars, we bet on which side will win. It is really incomprehensible. Some inexplicable reasons rushed to the battlefield. In our opinion, they are all good boys, but they are like wild beasts, tearing each other's flesh and blood crazily."

Lin Qi looked at the crying children and shook his head gently.

Isn’t the osmanthus tree’s headless words the best portrayal today? Under the control of the gods, human beings born of the same origin are fighting each other madly. And in places where the war is not catastrophic, in these places that are not covered by gunpowder, although there are minor disturbances, it is still so peaceful and quiet.

After pondering for a while, Lin Qi finally asked his own question: "So, what is the matter with the human seed you just mentioned? Also, before the gods came here, they seemed to be ruled by the ancestors of humans. Because of cannibalism, the gods escaped from the rule of mankind. What is going on?"

The voice of the Temple of Underworld rumbling: "You are now qualified to know these things."

The explanation given by the Temple of Underworld was simple, but it was also full of content that made Lin Qi palpitations, fright, and shock.

Metaverse, a terrorist weapon used by humans to destroy countless races and civilizations. However, the original intention of mankind to create the Metaverse was not to destroy, but to protect the inheritance of mankind and allow the blood of mankind to pass on forever. The Metaverse is a doomsday boat made by mankind. Its initial effect is to allow the continuation of human blood and civilization at the end of the universe, when the universe collapses.

Even if the Metaverse incorporates a huge amount of eternal particles and possesses indestructible attributes, every time the universe collapses at the end of the universe is a terrible disaster. In such disasters, only imperial powers are qualified to sit in the Metaverse and control the Metaverse. After the universe collapses, the entire universe becomes the origin of all things, and then re-evolves into a new universe through a big bang. Long time.

The universe collapses to a point, everything is turned into ashes, and then a new universe is regenerated. It may be a short process, or a trillion years may pass in an instant. Only the imperial power and eternal life can survive that difficult period. Rao is so, every time you step into a new universe with the help of the Metaverse, a large number of imperial-level experts will fall.

As for other human beings who have not reached the imperial level, they will be transformed into existences such as wonderful life embryos by the Metaverse. After the birth of the new universe, Metaverse will select a new world suitable for the reproduction and growth of life, spread the seeds of human life, and allow human civilization to reproduce and grow.

In this process, those imperial emperors who sit in the Metaverse will become the mentors of the new human race, leading the human race to quickly activate the power of blood, so that humans have terrifying power in a very short time, and then conquer the new universe, Loot all the resources you see.

But in this Zhou Jie, those imperial emperors did not perform their duties. They froze the Metaverse Treasury for storing human seeds, but only activated a batch of human embryos that originally possessed the power of the Royal King, leading them and some of the Metaverse units on their own journey to conquer this new universe. If it were not for the severe reprimand or even the threat of violence from the core of the Metaverse, those imperial emperors had even completely destroyed all remaining human seeds.

For this reason, the imperial emperors still rely on their authority to take away some of the Metaverse units that have remained intact in the Tribulation, and leave the Metaverse with a group of newly-born clansmen. In the Tribulation of the Universe, the dying Metaverse core could only follow the prescribed procedures to gradually release other damaged units in the Metaverse, allowing everyone to slowly recover with their own strength.

Without the help of the imperial-level powerhouse, the severely injured Metaverse could not make a beneficial transformation of the new world. It could only quietly wait for the universe to gradually improve and adjust itself. After a long period of time, Yuan The star that Jie Shou waited for has gradually evolved into an environment suitable for human reproduction.

Also because there is no protection from the imperial-level powerhouse and facing the new world, Metaverse has only released a small batch of human seeds with extreme care and extreme caution. After the first batch of released human species multiplied into an extremely splendid civilization, they quickly collapsed due to civil strife. Fortunately, Metaverse intervened in time and appeared as a savior, barely retaining part of human life.

Afterwards, the Metaverse released the seeds of humanity again and again, but various natural and man-made disasters continued to occur, as if human doom and human sins broke out at the same time, and human civilization continued to be destroyed on this small star. Continuous reconstruction.

Then Lin Qi knew that the last time the seeds of life were put into use, human civilization has just re-developed for thousands of years, and the road of civilization has gone astray-human beings have given up on the potential of the body and soul, and have given up on strengthening themselves. On the evolutionary path of the world, he began to pursue the research of all kinds of strange and weird appliances.

When the dormant Metaworld core wakes up and prepares to correct the path of human development, the human civilization that has been multiplied by the seed of human beings has already caused this little star to be a miasma. According to the Temple of Underworld, the water of certain rivers on this star at that time was a poison similar to the potion of the Fallen God. What horrified the Temple of Underworld was that such a dirty and filthy river water could even be drunk or even bathed in it at will!

Pieces of unbearable pictures appeared in Lin Qi's mind, and Lin Qi grinned at these pictures, without saying a word for a long time. Is that still a river? Look at the things floating in the river, look at the horror scenes on the river bank, this is even more disgusting and disturbing than hell.

Just as the Metaverse core was preparing to correct the evolutionary path of mankind and bring the development of human civilization back to the right path, the imperial-level powerhouses who left the Metaverse to conquer the universe have already killed each other and wiped out the entire army, and have been insulted by their rule. The so-called'gods' of the year have assembled a mighty army and brazenly launched an attack on this little star where humans are multiplying.

Humans at that time were extremely weak, and the strongest warriors among humans at that time also possessed the strength of the current human fighters at most. At that time, the most powerful weapon researched by humans, the power that erupted was barely equivalent to the power of a semi-god-level forbidden curse. The number of such weapons that humans retained at that time was only tens of thousands.

During the Primordial War, what use could tens of thousands of weapons equivalent to the semi-god-level forbidden curse be?

The badly wounded Metaverse core took all the same serious wounded Metaverse units left behind to participate in the war. The Metaverse core killed a large number of elites of the gods for the first time, giving mankind valuable time to prepare. The horrible evolutionary power in the human bloodline has played a role. In just a few years, the existence of gods has begun to emerge among humans, and more and more powerful people have emerged!

The Temple of Hades firmly told Lin Qi that if a large number of traitors had not appeared among the human beings to join the army of the gods, humans would be able to easily destroy these gods, and after beheading them to death, they would be able to counterattack back to their lair. Raze their civilization completely!

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