Bright Era

Chapter 2096: Ancient God (4)

The platinum coffin suddenly opened, and a semi-transparent white tender little hand slapped the coffin lid to pieces. A girl who was no more than three feet tall, was born pink and lovely, with long light blue hair spreading to her feet, flew up from the coffin. She looked around coldly, then looked down at her translucent body, hummed softly, and a terrible invisible wave shook all the remaining six artifacts to the ground.

Thorder let out a miserable cry, and was swept away by that invisible wave. He didn't know how many bones he had broken.

Without waiting for Thord to recover from the pain, Amrulu flying from the coffin had rushed in front of him, and then grabbed his collar. Slap after slap slapped heavily on Thord's face, causing countless cracks in the flesh of his cheek, and a lot of blood was sprayed out like raindrops.

"I remember you!" Amlulu smiled crisply while beating Solder, "Solder? Isn't it? The running dog next to Ashuris is the most humble, shameless, and most greedy of all running dogs. I'm afraid of death! I have wanted to kill you several times, but because your status is too low, I really don't bother to dirty my hands!"

Solder was beaten to blood with no resistance, and he hissed and wailed: "The great Lord Amlulu, now the humble Solder, is your most pious and loyal servant! Me! I have something to tell you!"

Amlulu crumpled two shoulder blades of Sold ruthlessly. She laughed softly, and the laughter was exceptionally clear and pleasant: "Don't worry, don't worry, let me say it again! You know I was caught How long has it been sealed? I counted slowly in that **** coffin, and every time I counted a trillion, I would count it again, and then drew a mark on the coffin!"

With a quick grab, the white-gold coffin has appeared in front of Thord, and the inner wall of the coffin is densely engraved with neat marks. Amlulu sighed and slapped the coffin into a smashed slap: "There are more marks on the lid of the coffin, but what's the point? I have been sealed for so many years!"

"Listen to me!" Solder felt that death was coming, and he screamed hysterically.

"Oh, no, listen to me first!" Amlulu smashed two soles of Thord's feet and smiled at Thord, who was sweating coldly from the pain: "I always think that the soul is the master The family members of the Amsore family, as long as they are not dead, they will come here to release me! But when I carved the ten thousandth mark, I was desperate. I think you are all dead!"

A slap smashed Thord’s cheek bones, and then stomped Thord’s pelvic bones. Amlulu’s light blue eyes sprayed an angry red light: "But, today, in After I have despaired countless times, you show up! Sold! You despicable dog, you are alive! You are still alive! Your wound is healed!"

Angrily pinched Thord’s neck and crushed his neck bones. Amlulu said coldly: "You are not dead, you are still alive and happy, but I am here. I endure endless loneliness and despair here! You did not come to rescue me. You betrayed the entire Amsor family. I will tell my father to kill all of your tribe."

Thord let out a hysterical howl, and his tears leaked out: "Listen to me! At first, I didn't know that you were sealed here! I wasted countless energy and waste. It took countless years to find out where you were sealed! Moreover, my position in the church is not high, they suppress me to death!"

"Church?" Amlulu's eyes widened in surprise: "What church?"

Thord coughed. He took out a faith spar and swallowed it. The fracture on his body recovered quickly. Although Amlulu twisted his bones, he did not use his power to harm his origin. , So this trivial injury can be easily repaired.

"Wow, very good thing!" Amlulu snatched Thord's space ring and took out all the millions of faith spars inside. The fist-sized spar exuded a dazzling light and hovered beside Amrulu, and was quickly swallowed by her translucent body. Amlulu's body gradually began to grow, from a girl about ten years old to a thirteen or fourteen-year-old appearance.

The translucent body has also condensed a lot, and strips of beautiful blue ripples appeared beside Amlulu, wrapping her body like a streamer.

Nodded in satisfaction, Amlulu’s smile turned bright: “It’s really a good thing. If I have another suitable body, of course, I can quickly regain my strength. Isn't it? If this kind of spar can be 100, 10 billion, aha, I will be stronger than I was at my peak!"

Sold looked at Amlulu cautiously, and he smiled flatteringly: "Great Lord Amlulu, what you just took is faith spar. His origin is very complicated. I will explain from the church first. Well, the church is the religious organization established by our Azer Protoss in the Primordial War... Oh, that is, the religious organization established after the "Human Annihilation" war."

"After the Primordial War of Gods, all of our tribes called themselves gods, we called ourselves gods, we established our own religious organizations, and we divided our territories. We followed the recommendations of those who took refuge in humans, Established a belief system to extract the power of belief from the human soul."

"You have already felt his miracle. Whether we are badly injured physically or spiritually, we can heal quickly. We can use this faith spar to evolve and improve quickly."

Glancing at Amrulu in awe, Thord carefully released his breath.

"You see, before the war, I was just a humble one-star general, which is what we now call the existence of the lower Lord God level. During the war, I was extremely hurt, and my strength was even before falling asleep. It fell to the level of a three-star imperial priest. But now, through a long sleep, by absorbing so much power of faith, devouring the souls of so many believers..."

An aura equivalent to the three-star imperial general, that is, the intermediate level of the upper main god, faintly spread, and then quickly dissipated by the aura released by Amlulu. Amlulu looked at Thord in shock, and she said with a gloomy expression: "How many years did you spend from your birth until you had the strength of a one-star general?"

Solder smiled flatteringly: "I am absorbing the power of human faith and improving myself by about a thousand times! According to the normal training speed, with my qualifications, I want to improve to the strength of a three-star general. At least it will take more than 10,000 times. But you see, I can almost be promoted to a four-star general in such a short period of time."

Licking his lips, Thord said softly: "And after absorbing the power of human faith, our control of our own power has also been very improved. For example, my current exposed strength is probably only one star. The peak of the imperial general is between the two-star imperial generals. No one knows, including the most powerful **** of dawn and they do not know that I am already a three-star imperial general."

Amrulu stared at Solder, a strange light gleamed in her eyes, and a very strange expression appeared on her face. Solder qualifications? He is also embarrassed to talk about qualifications? This guy is the worst idiot in the soul **** family. But with the help of the power of human faith, such an idiot can obtain such a huge improvement in such a short period of time, so what if it is himself?

"I need a perfect body!" Amrulu raised her head: "I don't care whether the body of a young girl is strong or not, but it must be absolutely beautiful! Humans or elves can be, but if you dare to give I find the body of an orc, and I will destroy your soul."

Thord nodded hurriedly. Of course he knew that in that battle, Amrulu's body was destroyed by the gods. The one sealed here is the spirit of Amlulu. So Amlulu needs a body! And Solder, he also happened to choose a very perfect body.

For the gods of other gods, it is very difficult for the gods and souls to achieve a perfect fit with a physical body. But for the spirits of the soul **** system, manipulating the soul in and out of a certain physical body is the same instinct as eating and drinking. So they don't care how strong the original body is, anyway, whatever body is the same thing to them.

With a'click', Amlulu slapped Thord's spine again with a palm, she shouted coldly: "Then, the Amsor family, no, tell the current situation of the so-called **** soul **** system. Me. Who are the so-called gods of dawn and punishment? As for Mu Wei? Well, Mu Wei? That violent and impulsive woman, I am not interested in conflict with her for the time being!"

Shrugging her shoulders, Amrulu sighed a little bit resentfully: "Mudell was killed? It's a pity, originally the family intended to let him marry me? Although he was born ugly, how strong he is. Muscles!"

All the way, the bones of Thord's body continued to explode, and the pain caused Thord to let out a miserable cry.

Under the leadership of Thord, Amlulu rushed to the orc army that had invaded the three abyssal worlds at the fastest speed.

The target is directed at Yin Qingyue, the saint of the Desert Temple.

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