Bright Era

Chapter 2137: Yin Master’s Careful Thinking (3)

"Simply..." Lin Qi couldn't comment on the Destiny Army led by the Trums.

"It's incredible!" The donkey licked his front teeth, "Anyway, as long as we master Ai Mo, we won't lose money! But don't expect the Fate Legion to help us much, that Legion... I am very much. Doubt, can they have combat effectiveness?"

Heaven Mountain let out a dull sigh, and he projected an extremely wonderful picture directly in front of Lin Qi and the donkey. Amidst the flickering of light and shadow, you can see a huge army that stretches for hundreds of miles on the wilderness, all wearing neat and spotless exquisite armor, screaming slogans and rushing forward with tidy steps. .

Behind them, there is an overwhelming army of angels that stretches for thousands of miles. Thousands of archangels rushed to the forefront with angrily. The army that fleeing forward with cross sword lights slashed past, but every time It was a little too close to attack them.

White light flickered in the sky from time to time, and every time the white light flashed, a large swath of angels appeared out of thin air, blocking the front of the fleeing legion. But every time the white light flickered, the army fleeing in front would change the direction of its escape just right, and every time it could avoid the intercepting angel army with great precision.

After fleeing like this, I don't know how long it took. In the end, the angel legion was discouraged. The archangels let out a curse of frustration, bowed their heads and converged the team back and retreated all the way back. Heaven Mountain smiled helplessly: "The only time the Angel Legion failed to chase and intercept an enemy was when it was defeated by the Destiny Legion. I'm not sure how powerful they are in combat, but their escape is terrifying!"

Quietly in the study, Lin Qi, Donkey and Toad looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes for a while, and then laughed at the same time.

Lin Qi patted the parchment in front of him vigorously, and then solemnly said: "Okay, throw away the **** Fate Legion, as long as you make sure they are harmless to us, then it doesn't matter so much. Now let’s take a look. Among these **** gods, which one should we start with to provoke the endless struggle between them? We must provoke their war, but we can't let the war burn us in."

The donkey pretended to be in front of the parchment, staring at the complicated interpersonal relationship diagram with wide eyes.

Lin Qi stood by the desk, staring at the parchment, and countless strange thoughts quickly turned up in his mind. At this moment, Lin Qi suddenly heard a loud bang on the terrace outside the floor-to-ceiling windows of the study, and then the floor-to-ceiling windows opened silently, and the water-drenched black came in with a malicious smile. .

"Aha, boss, someone said he was yours! We brought him here!" Da Hei twisted his ass, his whole body shook suddenly, and all the drops of water on his body turned into a little bit of water. The light jetted out, and in the blink of an eye there was no water left on him, and the carpet around him was completely destroyed.

The proud Dahei stretched out his hind feet, there was a loud bang, and a fist-sized blood bump appeared on his forehead and was kicked in embarrassingly. Two Ying Zheng, with blood gurgling down from his nose, curled up on the ground and twitched for a while, then he suddenly violently rushed to Dahei with a roar. But as soon as he ran a step, Xiao Hei emerged from behind Yingzheng, and suffocated on the back of Yingzheng's head.

"Dang Cang", Ying Zheng foamed and fell to the ground. Xiao Hei cursed and put away the metal rods, and then shook his little tail to Lin Qi flatly: "Hey, boss, we know this guy, isn't he the emperor of the Blood Qin Empire? But even if he is the emperor, He can't sneak into your territory in the middle of the night, too? There are so many beautiful girls in your palace, who knows why he came in?"

Da Hei straightened his chest and waved his hand to Lin Qi in a big manner: "So, you don't need to thank us, you don't need to thank us! This is what we should do! Any **** who plots against your woman will be stripped of him. The last copper! Whether he is the emperor of the Blood Qin Empire or a street gangster, we treat him equally anyway!"

Before Lin Qi could speak, the two rabbits rushed out of the study incomparably and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

Lin Qi looked helplessly at Ying Zheng, who fell unconscious on the ground, and sighed helplessly. Yingzheng, Yingzheng, why are you doing this? Why do you commit the crime in the hands of these two rabbits? Lin Qi could imagine the scene at that time—Ying Zheng must have put on his face as the founding emperor of the Blood Qin Empire, and ordered two rabbits to bring him to see Lin Qi!

And what about two rabbits that are evil to the bone marrow? If Ying Zheng gave them a large bribe, Ying Zheng could still see Lin Qi safely. But since Ying Zheng has put on the face of the founding emperor, no wonder the two rabbits pick him up so much that he is not as good as a beggar.

The donkey walked over and lifted up Yingzheng's outer robe to take a look. Then he grinned and showed two rows of white teeth and smiled at Lin Qi: "The two rabbits have always been like this. This hapless emperor has socks. I was stripped away, leaving only an outer robe and boots, and the whole body was naked and there was no hair left."

With a heavy sigh, Lin Qi took a bottle of spirits on the bookshelf and strode to Ying Zheng. After pouring a whole bottle of spirits into Yingzheng, Yingzheng groaned and opened his eyes with difficulty: "Damn rabbit, I am Yingzheng, the founding emperor of the Blood Qin Empire, so dare you..."

Gently patted the blood bump on Yingzheng's forehead, Lin Qi helplessly shook his head: "You are the God of Dawn and it won't work well in front of them! If you fall into their hands, you will be unlucky! Okay, Don't waste time, you come to me, what's the matter?"

Yingzheng trembled with anger. He gritted his teeth for a while and shook his head with a wry smile, and said his intentions.

These days, the gods suddenly ceased war because of the threat of Thor's Hammer, and only the coalition forces of the Blood Qin Empire and Penglai continued to attack the Great Yan Dynasty. Tianmiao expressed extreme dissatisfaction with the behavior of the Blood Qin Empire and Yin Master, especially the Eight-faced God Night Nightmare made his own shot, hitting the Yin Master severely and fleeing.

"Didn't Yin Master collude with Tianmiao?" Lin Qi frowned and looked at Ying Zheng.

Yingzheng grinned and pointed to the fist-sized blood bump on his forehead. Lin Qi took out a bottle of wound medicine and handed it to Ying Zheng, letting him apply the wound while explaining the relationship to himself. Ying Zheng grinned and smeared the wounding medicine on his face, and then swallowed half a bottle of wounding medicine. Only then did he explain with a wry smile.

The Yin Master did have a cooperative relationship with certain forces in the Tianmiao-Penglai and Tianmiao were deadly enemies in the Primordial God War, but faced with a major change in temperament, the avatar of Penglai, who had rebelled against his mission, took refuge, Tianmiao Some of you are still happy to see it happen. And the Tianmiao forces that the Yin Masters colluded with were one of the gods of the Tianmiao called the Yanling God Race.

The Yanling Protoss, they are the original creatures born from the sound laws derived from the first loud blast of the universe at the beginning of this universe. They are invisible and bodyless. Once they appear, they are a golden light, a fragrant mist, a lightning bolt, and a water wave. They can emit all kinds of strange sounds, or shatter people's bodies, or crush people's souls. Or let the Dahe Mountains fall apart.

Because of the various miraculous manifestations of the Yanling Protoss, they played an indelible effect in the process of spreading beliefs in the Tianmiao. For ordinary people in the mundane world, the invisible, invisible, but infinitely powerful language spirit gods, they are clearly the real gods!

However, compared with the Lingshen clan, both their individual combat effectiveness and the power of the population are more than equal. Therefore, because his son was caught alive and furious, Nightmare shot himself, and when the Yin Master vomited blood and flew away, none of the tyrannical existences of the Yanling Protoss could help the Yin Master to speak.

The Yin Master was seriously injured. The eight-faced **** Wang Yanzheng personally warned Yingzheng to strictly prohibit the Blood Qin Empire and Penglai from continuing to attack the Great Yan Dynasty. Yingzheng felt the terrible power that Yanzheng could easily crush himself, and he stopped helplessly. In the footsteps of the march.

"So, what does Master Yin want to do?" Lin Qi looked at Ying Zheng and knew that the key to this matter was Master Yin.

Ying Zheng shook his head. He was knocked out by Xiao Hei, and his brain was still full of noisy pain. Scolding a few **** rabbits, Ying Zheng looked at Lin Qi with a gloomy face: "He said that he has a way to completely control Penglai, but he needs my cooperation. He asked me to go to Penglai tomorrow and kill Penglai. His main consciousness allows him to completely control everything in Penglai."

"A clone consciousness kills the main consciousness? Replace it with a metaworld unit?" Hell sneered, "Impossible! When the metaworld was created, all the combat units under the metaverse were restricted, and the clone consciousness was not. It is possible to destroy the main consciousness, unless he wants to disappear with him, otherwise he cannot do this."

Lin Qi squinted for a while, then he nodded slowly: "But this is a good opportunity for us to get Penglai, isn't it? With the Yin Master leading the way, we can directly enter the core of Penglai and awaken the real Penglai."

Hell's huge body squirmed slightly, and he smiled indifferently: "The Eastern Immortal Territory has no conflict of interest with the Ming Territory, and we are not essentially opposed to those arrogant and stinky Eastern Immortal Territory operations. Unit, haha, although their personalities are not very good, must be admitted that they are all war madmen!"

Heaven Mountain laughed mockingly: "War madman? Can I laugh at this evaluation?"

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