Bright Era

Chapter 2144: Celestial Clan (1)

A huge golden dragon's claws with a radius of more than 20 li hung in the air. Golden Dragon God stared at the Yin Master with dull and godless eyes, and yelled word by word: "Yin Master, if you stop now, you still have a way out. If you go your own way, you know your results."

The Yin Master held his head up and looked at the Golden Dragon God proudly: "My result? Golden Dragon God, if you were in your heyday, if I was a puppet, I would naturally dare not do anything to you. But now, what qualifications do you have to tell me? What?"

With a sceptical laugh, a large black smoke rises from the Yin Master's side, and he takes a long plume of smoke and shoots straight up into the sky. The Golden Dragon God uttered a terrifying dragon roar, his body quickly leaped out of the water, and at the same time a paw grabbed the Yin Master. But the dragon claw was still far away from the Yin Master, and a cyan sword light shot from it, accurately slashing on the claws of the Golden Dragon God.

With a loud bang, the Golden Dragon God’s claws were missed by several tens of meters, and his claws almost swept past the Yin Master’s body. Master Yin cursed in a low voice, his figure suddenly turned into a black violent wind, with countless smoke and dust, drifting into the sea. The Golden Dragon God sternly reprimanded, the dragon power emanating from him became more and more terrifying, and the sea around Penglai Island was suppressed by his huge dragon power and sank a hundred meters.

Lin Qi and his party looked at the Golden Dragon God crying, not only did this guy's body be severely injured, but also his brain be confused? By doing this, he didn't hurt the Yin Master's hair, but instead suppressed Lin Qi and the others. Lin Qi, whose physical strength has reached the level of a five-star imperial general, and his own source strength cultivation level reached the level of a two-star imperial general, was suppressed into this, but the Yin Master was not affected at all.

Master Yin's body is a puppet made by Penglai Island, and his soul is a distraction of Penglai Island's master consciousness. He and Penglai Island have the same root, so the coercion of the Golden Dragon God is of no use to him. If you want to attack the Yin Master, you must rely on the physical attack of the Golden Dragon God. But the Golden Dragon God just patted a claw at the Yin Master, but instead released Longwei without reservation.

"This stupid dragon!" Lin Qi cursed in a low voice. He stood up with difficulty, his whole body joints kept making a'crack', and the huge dragon power seemed to be suppressed by an entire continent, and it was so painful that he was suppressed. Even the internal organs seemed to be caused by giants. He grasped the palm of his hand and kneaded it desperately, and his eyes turned black with pain.

The Golden Dragon God’s body has been over a hundred miles long out of the sea, and he seems to have discovered his own mistakes. He condensed the huge dragon power, and opened his mouth as a golden dragon breath sprayed over the Yin Master. With this shot of the Golden Dragon God, Lin Qi and others suddenly numbed their scalp--the dragon's breath of the Western dragon is a flame that can melt the mountains, but the dragon's breath of the Golden Dragon God is simply terrifying!

The ejected golden dragon's breath is full of the extremely strong metal element breath, and countless thumb-sized and unmatched pale golden flying swords form this dragon's breath that stretches for hundreds of miles. Countless small flying swords whizzed and assassinated the black gale that the Yin Master had transformed. Lin Qi had no doubt that if the Yin Master was hit by this blow, he would definitely be dead.

The Yin Master snarled frantically: "Ying Zheng! What are you waiting for?"

Ying Zheng was silent, he looked at Lin Qi. Lin Qi also didn't say a word, and didn't give an order to launch the ready-made Nine Wars Golden City Array. Lin Qi was very curious. He had fought with Yin Master. The Yin Master's power was very strong, at least much stronger than the breath that the Golden Dragon God now spreads. But the Golden Dragon God seems to be able to restrain the Yin Master from his attacks in addition to the dragon breath?

At least the Yin Master faced the breath of the Golden Dragon God, he was extremely nervous, even a little scared and desperate! If Lin Qi is right, as the body of the puppet made by Penglai Island, the Yin Master can certainly be immune to his dragon power when facing the Golden Dragon God, but the Golden Dragon God also has the last countermeasure against the Yin Master-such as Speaking of those brilliant flying swords, Lin Qi saw countless tiny runes on them!

These runes should have a strong attack power against a puppet like the Yin Master. Otherwise, the Yin Master would not even be so screaming. This is obviously because the frightened Yin Master has lost his emotional control. Will make such a cry.

Shaking his head, Lin Qi didn't say a word. Ying Zheng sneered and stood on the high platform in the middle of the Jiu Shang Jincheng Great Formation, without saying a word either. Let the Yin Master be chased by the Golden Dragon God for a while. If the Yin Master can be killed by the Golden Dragon God, maybe this is a good thing!

The Yin Master screamed angrily, that member Qiao Jianjun had brought a brilliant and dazzling light to the Yin Master, holding a long sword in front of countless small flying swords. But this sword king who killed Penglai's magical soldiers was like cutting melons and vegetables and was hit by the golden dragon's breath that roared like a big river, and his body suddenly exploded to pieces.

There is no resistance, in other words, the flying sword spit out by the Golden Dragon God also has strong control power over this sword master. That is a kind of original suppression, a kind of legal control that the kings and ministers dare not die. The Golden Dragon God wants to kill the Sword Sovereign, so no matter how strong this Sword Sovereign is, even if the Sword Sovereign possesses a hundred times more power than the Golden Dragon God, he is still beheaded.

They laughed mockingly at the same time at Heaven Mountain. The five-party **** dragon king represented by the Golden Dragon God is not only one of the strongest combat powers of the Penglai Five Islands against foreign enemies, but their more important duty is to clean out the Yin Master. Combat unit. The five islands of Penglai represent the strongest combat force in the fairyland. Their combat units are often out of control, and the so-called "distractions" often cause huge troubles.

The Golden Dragon Gods and their own jobs in the five islands of Penglai are similar to the cleaners of the Burrely City Hall, responsible for destroying and recycling all units that are out of control. The Yin Master actually wanted to rely on that Sword Sovereign to confront the Golden Dragon God head-on. Isn't this what it means to die?

"Damn bastard!" Master Yin screamed: "Ying Zheng! You are dead! I warn you, you are dead! What are you waiting for?"

Thousands of miles away, dozens of Huaguang rushed high into the sky, and dozens of huge blood-Qin empire family crests and emblems of the nobles were spread out on top of Huaguang. Each flag is thousands of meters long and wide, and there are countless bright lights shining out. Even if it is separated by thousands of miles, it is still clearly seen by these tens of thousands of noble private soldiers on Penglai Island.

A deep and thick voice sounded: "Zhu'erlang listened to the order, launched the Jiu Shang Jincheng, killed the unconscious king Yingzheng and his party members, and resisted the dragon demon attack! After today's affairs, you and everyone in the country have made great contributions, and everyone is promoted. The third level, the reward is ten thousand taels, the mansion and the beautiful women, and the land of thousands of mu!"

Ying Zheng's expression suddenly changed, and the private soldiers had already yelled, and at the same time, following the Jiu Shang Jincheng Great Formation, the entire formation was launched. Countless colorful clouds of smoke rose up in all directions, and the invisible binding force entangled Lin Qi and the others, as if countless invisible evil spirits grabbed their arms and legs, making them unable to move.

The black wind turned by the Yin Master flashed towards the back of the large formation, and the Dragon Breath of the Golden Dragon God chased the Yin Master's body and blasted towards the Jiu Shang Jincheng formation. The attack power of each flying sword has reached the level of the lower level gods, and countless flying swords'coaxing' slammed on the large array of colorful clouds and smoke, but there were countless ways on the clouds. Ripple, but could not blast through the large array and kill the 10 million private soldiers.

The countless hills made up of magical materials in the big formation radiated radiance, and the huge magic power circulated in the big formation. The body of ten million soldiers shook gently, and each flying sword fell on the big formation. The attack power of the flying sword exploded was separated by the ten million people and the whole formation. These soldiers seemed to be hit face to face. A punch, although it was painful, it didn't hurt.

Moreover, colorful clouds continued to sink into the bodies of these soldiers, rapidly increasing their physical strength. Their skin, muscles, bones, and internal organs are being perfused with colorful clouds and smoke, and they are improving at a speed several times faster than during normal exercises. The dragon breath of the Golden Dragon God blasted on the large array, and the power of the explosion was absorbed by the large array, turning into colorful clouds and infused into the bodies of these soldiers.

The Yin Master showed his figure behind the big formation. He looked at the big formation triumphantly, and sternly yelled: "Golden Dragon God, you can't kill! I know you have the power to annihilate me completely with one blow, but I'm laying down What can you do with me after the Nine Sovereign Golden City Formation? I will kill the old immortal Penglai. When I replace Penglai, I will use a steady stream of Penglai magical soldiers to slay you under the sword!"

Golden Dragon God snorted coldly, and he sneered lowly: "Crazy and ignorant!"

With a flicker, the body of the Golden Dragon God suddenly shrank. He was transformed into a golden Oriental Dragon with a length of no more than 100 meters. He stepped on the golden clouds and rose from under the sea, his vigorous body twisted, and then he slammed his claw toward the sky. Shang Jincheng Dazhen took it. There was a huge tremor, and with a loud noise, thousands of soldiers shook their bodies at the same time.

Countless colorful ropes rose into the sky, firmly binding the body of the Golden Dragon God, and forcibly pulling him into the big formation. Smoke and clouds are rising all around, and there are countless ghosts of mountains and rivers flickering in the smoke and clouds. The Golden Dragon God angrily reversed the roar in the smoke, and continuously sprayed dragon breaths and countless golden thunders around, but no matter how he attacked, this large formation remained unmoved.

The Yin Master saw that the Great Array had trapped the Golden Dragon God as he expected. He was so excited that he laughed up to the sky, and then sneered to Yingzheng, "Yingzheng, do you know where you lost? I treat you too much." I understand, I know all the weaknesses of your fellow! I know, once I ask you to mobilize thousands of elites to help me attack Penglai, how can you choose your confidant guard?"

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