Bright Era

Chapter 2150: Trouble caused by the Celestial Clan (2)

Arda clutched her abdomen, Bilibili clutched her shoulders, the two demons squinted and stared at Lan Ling and Lan Mei viciously. Bilibili's eyeballs gurgled around, thinking about how to save face. But Arda was chanting in a low voice, and he continued to recite the evil curses that were vicious, filthy, and intolerable in this world.

The invisible and invisible demon curse poured out towards Lan Mei. This is the power of the devil, and this is a strange law. Anyone who is cursed by the devil will encounter all kinds of incredible bad luck, and their bodies will suffer strange damage. The curse of the devil, this is the most headache attack, during the Primordial Gods War, even the gods dare not let a demon cast a curse on him at will.

Lan Ling's face suddenly became serious. She was chanting a spell in a low voice. Polygonal chips with a radius of several meters around her and Lan Mei kept pouring out. These transparent and almost negligible chips were on them. A circular enchantment with a diameter of about 100 meters formed around him. Countless black flashes flickered rapidly on the surface of the barrier, and the surrounding sea water squirmed quickly, turning into black, foul-smelling poisonous plasma.

Arda's curse was blocked by Lan Ling's celestial crystal barrier, and the evil power in the curse was absorbed by the surrounding sea water. The clear sea water immediately turned into a poisonous venom. These black poisonous syrups squirmed like living creatures, turning into black venomous snakes running around in the sea. Their hideous and terrifying figures made Lin Qi feel a burst of scalp tingling.

Lan Ling laughed mockingly. She looked at Lin Qi and shook her head gently: "Is there any trick? If not, then we will take control of the five islands of Penglai! The Yin Master is an idiot. He can't do anything well, but if we act personally, there is no reason to fail."

Lin Qi looked at Lan Ling deeply: "The Yin Master is just one of your pawns? But I am curious, where did you come from?"

Lan Ling and Lan Mei just smiled and said nothing. They looked at Lin Qi triumphantly, as if they could make Lin Qi wonder that this was a very interesting thing. Of course, Lin Qi could also see a trace of disdain and cold ridicule from their smiles. It was obvious that they didn't think it necessary to explain to Lin Qi-would the **** explain the meaning of existence to an ant? Obviously, any **** with a normal mind would not do this!

Lin Qi looked at Lan Ling and Lan Mei angrily. They regarded themselves as gods and Lin Qi as a poor ant! Lin Qi with a sullen face kept giving orders to Hell, Heaven Mountain, Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse, Dragon Cliff, Feather Serpent Temple, Sun Temple, Kunlun Mountain, Yuanling Ancient Mausoleum, and buried bones. These powerful combat units have been fully deployed, and the most powerful army they control today is ready to go. As long as Lin Qi gives an order, powerful army units with tens of millions of units and a god-level strength will emerge. .

No matter how strong Lan Ling and Lan Mei are, Lin Qi doesn't believe that he can't suppress them with the human tactics!

Seeing the anger in Lin Qi's eyes, Lan Ling suddenly laughed: "Is it angry? But what's the use? Just like these poor little demons, your anger is worthless to us! You guys! These small beings only know that they are struggling in the torrent of destiny, and we, we are different! Our strength is enough to let us transcend those poor constraints!"

Lin Qi raised his eyebrows, and he laughed mockingly: "You mean that you have transcended your destiny? Just rely on your strength? Half-step into the strength of the lower Lord God level? Perhaps it is more accurate to say that, half With the strength of a one-star imperial general, you dare to say that you have transcended the constraints of fate?"

Lan Mei raised his head arrogantly, he glanced at Lin Qi contemptuously, and shook his head disapprovingly: "Lan Ling, don't waste time with them, don't forget what we are here to do! The Yin Master is a fool. If we have to expose, then we will quickly control the five islands of Penglai in our hands, and then kill all these witnesses!"

Lan Ling nodded, her hand suddenly had a delicate crystal staff that was less than three feet away. The purple-blue crystal staff exudes a faint light. With her arms waving, the sea water around hundreds of miles around suddenly rolled violently. The transparent sea water turned into extremely hard crystals, but these crystals were as fast as flowing water. Tumbling. What is even more shocking is that in the transparent blue crystal there are countless sharp weapons like swords, guns and halberds popping up out of thin air.

Crystal is one of the extremely hard types of natural substances in the world, and ordinary crystal is harder than ordinary steel. And the crystals controlled by the power of the Celestial Clan have reached the level of nightmare in terms of hardness and flexibility. These crystals are tens of thousands of times harder than diamonds and tens of thousands of times more flexible than gold flakes. The weapons formed by these crystals are extremely sharp.

Countless swords that were dozens of times thinner than the wings of a cicada strangled Lin Qi and the others densely. One of the ten demons who were still around Lan Ling was accidentally approached by those dense swords, and their bodies were immediately broken. Numerous very thin wounds were opened, and large and thin blood mist sprayed out. Moreover, as soon as these strange weapons cut their bodies, they immediately turned into flowing crystals and penetrated their bodies along their veins.

The movements of several demons became apparently stiff, and their limbs, muscles and bones were invaded by the flowing crystals, and these crystals solidified again after invading their bodies. Their bodies, which were originally extremely resilient and flexible, immediately became extremely hard! Such an odd way of attack made these demons extremely uncomfortable. They opened their mouths to curse and curse for a while, but they couldn't even make a sound.

The remaining demons roared and raised their hands. At the same time, they aroused their own original strength. Clouds of black and red fire rolled from high in the sky, and countless meteors with a diameter of 100 meters shot out from the void. It slammed into Lan Ling's celestial crystal barrier fiercely.

Lan Ling watched the attacks of those demons mockingly. She shook her head lightly, and sighed disdainfully: "You humble and dirty demons, how can your evil and filthy power be our opponents? Although you have not weak power, but you have not inherited the true power of the real demon, and have not realized that power, how can you be an enemy of us?"

The flaming meteorites, with every blow, the meteorites destroyed by half of the continent hit the celestial crystal barrier. A dazzling brilliance appeared on the celestial barrier, and then these meteorites suddenly solidified into blue. Crystal. With the sound of Lan Ling's curse, these blue crystals quickly dissolved, and quickly condensed into a sharp sword that pierced the ten demons.

Lin Qi grabbed a hand forward, and ten demons were recruited by him. He put his hand on the wounds of these demons and forcibly pulled out the crystal that had invaded them. Amidst the roar of the demons, a large dark yellow earth element suddenly sprayed out from around Lin Qi's body, turning into a thick rock wall to protect them all.

The rain-packed swords roared in, and these extremely sharp swords slashed fiercely on the soil wall of Lin Qi's evolution. Countless sparks splashed on the hard soil wall, and the dense sparks formed a dazzling flame. The impact of'ding ding dong dong' became one piece. Alda and Bilibili could only hear a long ding. ~~~' the sound.

"Damn woman!" Arda looked at Lan Ling bitterly, and he saw that the earth elemental protective wall made by Lin Qi was cut off layer by layer. Every time you breathe, there will be a foot-thick soil wall that is cut away by the dense swords, and the almost relentless source of power in Lin Qi's body is continuously transformed into the earth's source power, and every time you breathe, there will be three feet thick. The earth wall is regenerated.

The expressions of Lan Ling and Lan Mei became gloomy. They never dreamed that they would meet such a tricky character as Lin Qi! With the help of the second body of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, Lin Qi's exposed breath has not been very strong. At first glance, he is at best a middle-level god! Such strength is considered good, but definitely not strong. For Lan Ling, such a mid-level **** can easily kill countless.

But it was an inconspicuous little person like Lin Qi who used a simple earth element shield to block Lan Ling's attack! The law of the earth element? The shield of the earth element? What a subordinate power that is! Compared with the original strength of the Celestial Clan, what is the earth element? In the comprehension of Lan Ling and Lan Mei, the original power of the Celestial Crystal clan is a thousand times stronger and ten thousand times stronger than the law of the earth element!

It's like tofu and steel are harder than steel. Lin Qi's earth element is tofu, and the crystal control power of the Tianjing family is steel. There is an essential gap between the two. How can Lin Qi rely on tofu to resist steel attacks?

"This guy is weird!" Lan Mei looked at Lin Qi with a gloomy expression, looking at the thickening soil wall around him. He waved his long sword and said faintly: "I will kill him. Our identity must not be revealed! The so-called gods and human beings are all our enemies!"

Lan Ling nodded slowly, she took a deep breath, and the countless blue crystal-condensed swords that were attacking frantically around Lin Qi's shield suddenly merged together, becoming three huge and unfriended swords. Crystal long sword. The three giant swords slammed down towards Lin Qi's shield with a harsh cracking sound, and each blow left a few meters thick sword marks on the earth wall shield.

The shield trembled violently, and Lin Qi's earth element shield also had an unstoppable posture in the face of Lan Ling's concentration of all his strength against one point. Lin Qi couldn't help frowning. Lan Ling was just a Celestial Clan member who barely stepped into the level of a one-star general. How could her attack be stronger than Lin Qi's defense?

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