Bright Era

Chapter 2152: Trouble caused by the Celestial Clan (4)

A punch brought a strong light that people couldn't face, and Lin Qi's body rushed forward. In the loud noise, Lin Qi uttered a violent tiger roar in his throat. At the same time he threw his fist, Lin Qi also blasted Lan Ling with a ‘true tiger croak’. With Lin Qi's current strength, what a terrible power it is to make a real tiger cry!

The sea water evaporating for thousands of miles at the same time, the wave of real tigers that was deliberately controlled by Lin Qi blasted towards the group of princes and aristocrats of the Blood Qin Empire who were peeking from behind. Those princes and aristocrats who were so proud and colluded with the Yin Master did not even Seeing what happened, their bodies were shattered in the invisible roar.

The bodies of several princes and nobles flashed with the unique light of artifact-level defensive equipment, but they were nothing more than some low-level and low-level active defense artifacts! Facing Lin Qiqing's full roar, these artifacts were shattered along with their masters, leaving no residue.

Lan Ling let out a hoarse scream, the crystal staff floating on her chest crashed to pieces. She did everything to urge her own power, and even burned part of her life and soul to enhance the defensive power of the Celestial Crystal barrier. . Her eyes widened, and she stared at Lin Qi's screaming punches, her petite body was stretched like a string.

The four **** tiger soul armor thorns on the joints of Lin Qi's fist pierced Lan Ling's Celestial Crystal barrier with a harsh rubbing sound, and then Lin Qi's heavy fists hit this barrier. The real tiger ming is like waves of torrential thunder, blasting on the celestial crystal barrier with a flash of black and white light. Lan Ling's body was trembling violently, she suddenly opened her mouth, and a large amount of light blue transparent blood was sprayed from her mouth.

Alda on the side was trembling with excitement. He stretched out his hands towards the sky with great excitement: "What a lovely girl, light blue blood! I hope she hasn't married yet, I have collected thousands of pieces of red. My mattress, light blue, what a rare collection!"

Bilibili looked at Arda maliciously from the side, while muttering the vicious curse of "Bless my master, punch this girl to death", and at the same time flapped his wings quickly, bringing countless afterimages and chasing after Lan Mei . The other ten demons screamed loudly, they kept chanting various spells, and cast all kinds of vicious magic to the blue charm.

A series of negative states poured onto Lan Mei like a storm, and Lan Mei's body, who was rushing towards the seabed Shifeng, suddenly stiffened. He roared angrily and grabbed the distance with his right hand. The long sword that he had just lost brought a light back into his hand.

Bilibili rushed behind Lan Mei, and his dagger pierced Lan Mei's hip muscles quickly, accurately and ruthlessly. Lan Mei waved a long sword to sweep towards Bilibili, but Alda had already jumped to him like lightning, and also held Lan Mei's sword with a burning odd-shaped long sword.

With a ‘pouch’, Bilibili’s dagger cut smoothly into Lan Mei’s hip muscles. Bilibili's blade was extremely vicious, and several major muscles on Lan Mei's buttocks were all severed by Bilibili. The painful Lan Mei yelled angrily, he turned around frantically, and struck out again with a heavy sword.

Arda held Lan Mei's long sword with a sullen face again, and Arda had already been shaken to the point where his internal organs were tumbling from the head-on just that time. This time, in order to cover Bilibili, Arda once again hardened Lan Mei a sword, his body finally could not withstand the strength of Blue Mei, and a mouth of black magic blood spurted out.

It's something that a devil can do. Arda's blood was just exported, and in the sound of Arda's spell, it turned into a palm-sized poisonous spider covered with fluff, with a squeaking sound. He quickly rushed to Lan Mei's face and bit his nose.

Lan Mei never dreamed that Alda would have such a weird attack. His nose was bitten by the poisonous spider, and the devil's poison was constantly injected into his body, and his face quickly became pitch black. Lan Mei threw away the long sword in pain, and covered his face in embarrassment with both hands.

Lan Ling let out a frightened and desperate scream: "Lan Mei, you idiot, what are you doing?"

With a loud bang, it was like millions of pieces of magic crystal glass produced by Vyster were exploded at the same time, and countless crystal fragments shot out rapidly in all directions. Lin Qi's heavy fist smashed Lan Ling's celestial crystal barrier, as if the backlash of a frenzy blasted into Lan Ling's body, Lan Ling groaned in pain, his body was like falling leaves in the wind. Flew backwards.

The invisible impact of Zhenhuming blasted on Lan Ling's body. Her petite body was distorted by the violent force into a human shape. She moaned in pain and despair, and her beautiful blue dress was torn to pieces. Ragged, no longer the noble and glamorous when he first played.

Lin Qi rushed over without saying a word. He grabbed Lan Ling's calf, which was flying backwards, forcibly pulled her body, and then slammed a knee against her abdomen. The heavy and violent blow completely disintegrated all Lan Ling's defenses. She opened her mouth and sprayed a burst of blood, gave Lin Qi a weak look, then rolled her eyes and fainted.

With a cold snort, Lin Qi dropped the fainted Lan Ling at the demon subordinates standing aside. Several demons snatched up like a vicious dog. They pressed Lan Ling with all their hands, and then quickly pulled out a black rope entwined with a black qi, and firmly tied Lan Ling like a silkworm cocoon.

Lan Mei heard Lan Ling's last scream, his body trembled violently, he ignored Alda, who was stunned by him, and the beeping that was stabbing him with a knife. He clutched his nose and rushed towards Shi Feng in the deep sea. He flew so fast that even Bilibili could only follow him for a while, and he was always separated by dozens of meters.

Seeing that Lan Mei had rushed to a place less than a hundred miles away from Shifeng, there was already a golden soul resurrection plate in his hand, Lin Qi shouted in anger, his body was directly shattered. The space around him forcibly moved to Lan Mei's side. Opened his big hand and grabbed the soul-relief plate in Lan Mei's hand, Lin Qi sternly shouted: "Lan Mei, if you dare to move, you will die!"

Lan Mei's body shivered violently. He gritted his teeth and threw the soul-suppressing plate in the direction of Shi Feng. The roar of the Golden Dragon God sounded on Penglai Island. Accompanied by the sky-shaking dragon's roar, Golden Dragon screamed: "You can't let that thing pass by, grab him! Damn, where did this kid get this thing?"

Lin Qi hit Lan Mei's weak underbelly with a fist, and against this Lan Mei who has always been so arrogant, Lin Qi was not as soft-hearted as Lan Ling. The four thorns of Lixue Tiger Soul Armor pierced into his body fiercely, and under the impact of Lin Qi's violent fist, he almost pierced Lan Mei's body.

The bones on the half of Lan Mei's body were shattered by Lin Qi's punch, and he let out a miserable cry, and flew past Qiqiao's syncline stabbing with blood. Lin Qi didn't linger at all, his body sprinted down fiercely, and he chased the soul-suppressing plate with a hurry, grabbed him in his hand, and then squeezed it to pieces. The soul of the town was gone, but Lin Qi couldn't hold his feet, and plunged into the millions of floating lotus flowers near Shifeng.

The Golden Dragon God looked at Lin Qi, who was swallowed by the endless lotus, with a little helplessness: "Now, trouble!"

Lan Mei, who was beaten to vomit blood, let out a hoarse laughter. There were two more soul-suppressing plates in his hand. He sprayed a mouthful of blood on the two soul-suppressing plates, and then severely blasted them. Lost to Shi Feng! The Golden Dragon God did not have time to stop him, and Arda and the others did not have time to stop him. Only Bilibili chased him nearest, Bilibili screamed, waving his huge fleshy wings and plunged into the boundless lotus. .

The sharp dagger brought up two cold lights fiercely. Before Bilibili was swallowed by the endless lotus, he quickly swung the dagger and cut the two soul-suppressing plates into four pieces. The Lan Mei who witnessed all this made an unbelievable wailing, his last bit of strength disappeared without a trace, floating in the air like a dead man in embarrassment.

Arda rushed over angrily, and cut through Lan Mei's palm without mercy with a long sword with black flames, and cut off his ten fingers. He grabbed Lan Mei's neck, and Arda screamed hoarsely: "Asshole thing, asshole! Ah, the great and kind master doesn't know where I went, I have lost my soul connection with him! And poor Bilibili, this guy was also swallowed!"

"It's all your fault! Damn little white face, it's all your fault! Do you know how I am going to deal with you? Do you know?"

"I will use the most cruel punishment to torture you. I want you to watch that little girl named Lan Ling willingly kneel before me to serve me! You like her too, don’t you? But you can only watch her become my woman !"

"You all asked for this! Asshole stuff, is this all you men and women looking for?"

Arda snorted and roared, his long sword pierced Lan Mei's arms and thighs again and again, and the burning black magic flame burned Lan Mei's body, causing him to constantly scream in pain. . The power of the demon clan is completely opposed to the power of the Tianjing clan. Arda's cruel and tyrannical behavior has caused huge unbearable pain to Lan Mei!

At the same time, Lin Qi couldn't help breaking into the lotus flower floating on the edge of the stone peak, and was encountering a big trouble that made him feel bad.

A golden thunderbolt fell, and along with the golden thunderbolt, there was also a huge spear. Lin Qi dodged aside embarrassingly. His shoulder was hit hard by the spear, and no great force was used to cast it. , Lin Qi vomited blood and fell to the ground in a whirlpool.

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