Bright Era

Chapter 2157: Agreements and opportunities (4)

"What the **** is this!" Lin Qi shouted hoarsely.

"It seems... If you are not mistaken... Of course, the memory in my database can't be wrong!" Hell's evil, tyrannical voice rang loudly: "Penglai Five Islands Yingzhou is the most powerful and ultimate ultimate 'Zhou and Tian's star phase point map', this is a place where countless times of tribulation, when the universe was just opened, the most primitive batch of stars were born and evolved trajectories, integrated into an offensive and defensive array!"

Heavenly Mountain sighed and said: "This is also known as the most complex and unsolvable array in the Metaverse. Unless Yingzhou's master control consciousness can be awakened, otherwise...We estimate that we will be trapped here! Even us, I can't get out of this formation!"

Lin Qi was dumbfounded. He waved his fists and smashed the two golden armored fighters to pieces, and then he watched the four golden armored fighters appear in front of him with a dull face. He smiled bitterly and yelled: "Then, smash here with violence! Hell, your power!"

Hell clicked his mouth, and sighed helplessly: "Even in my heyday, I can't break this **** point map! This is the most complex magic array in the entire Metaverse, and the most lethal. The formation! Although the formation is now broken and incomplete—according to his true colors, there should be trillions of golden armored fighters on the periphery of this formation! Although there are only a few million golden armored fighters here forming the formation, But I was also badly injured, and I still can't break through this **** formation!"

Four golden lightning bolts slammed on Lin Qi's body, Lin Qi opened his mouth, and a mouthful of blood spurted far away. With a wry smile, he slapped his hands to the ground fiercely, and the energy in his body was continuously transformed into earth elements, and he rushed out of his body with a whistling, condensed into an earthy yellow shield. At the same time, he continued to infuse a trace of energy into the shield, and the original loess lumps of the shield immediately transformed into a yellow and transparent yellow gemstone texture.

In the sound of the ‘ding-dong’, four weapons slammed on Lin Qi’s shield, and the four heavy and abnormal weapons collapsed. There were only a few sparks on Lin Qi’s shield. Lin Qi nodded in satisfaction. Under the stimulation of Lan Ling and Lan Mei, Lin Qi's comprehension of the earth element has been greatly enhanced, and the defensive power of this shield has exceeded his expectations.

But what made Lin Qi depressed was that the attacks of these four weapons suddenly weakened the source of his body. Although it is insignificant, if this attack continues, Lin Qi's source of energy will definitely be depleted. In the end, Lin Qi still can only rely on his tyrannical body to resist these golden armored fighters. attack.

"Think of a way, how to crack their attack?" Lin Qi smiled helplessly.

No one said anything, only the sweet-scented osmanthus tree released a cyan light stream to continuously treat Lin Qi's shattered bones and nourish his viscera and muscles. After a long time, Longya sighed helplessly: "I heard from Zhulongshan that he once dispatched the most powerful eighty-one imperial-level Primordial Candle Dragon he had made to join forces to attack Zhou. The stars of the sky will be drawn together, and the result is that those Primordial Candle Dragons were trapped for three years and exhausted all their energy before they were released."

Helplessly smashed down a few golden thunder lights, exploding himself full of sparks, Longya said bitterly: "Yingzhou's ontological consciousness is sleeping, if we can't wake him up, then this big formation can't stop! Although this is an incomplete formation, with our current strength, it is impossible to break this **** formation."

Lin Qi shouted in a deep voice: "Then, sweet-scented osmanthus tree, try to wake them up!"

Lin Qi's fingertips quickly sprayed ten thin cyan rays, and then he slammed into the sky fiercely. But before the blue light pierced into the golden clouds in the sky, the four golden armored warriors whose weapons had been damaged had already disappeared, and then eight golden armored warriors emerged. They waved their weapons of various colors and violently downwards, and the golden thunder light of eight water tanks slammed down and fell on the blue light, smashing the light to pieces, shaking Lin Qi's body. A mouthful of blood came out.

The sweet-scented osmanthus tree smiled helplessly: "If we can't break through this array, we seem to be unable to contact Yingzhou's ontological consciousness."

Lin Qi smiled bitterly and harder and harder: "But we can't connect with Yingzhou's ontological consciousness, we can't leave this **** formation!" After a pause, Lin Qi suddenly yelled, "Right, Golden Dragon God Golden Dragon God! I just saw him sleeping around this Shifeng, he should be able to deal with this **** formation!"

Just when Lin Qi was smashed by golden thunders, the Golden Dragon God had already emerged from the Nine Wars Golden City formation. Lin Qi killed the **** princes and nobles of the Qin Empire with dissatisfaction. Tens of thousands of private soldiers kneeled in awe in the face of Ying Zheng’s imperial power. Ying Zheng also had no intention of dealing with these submissive private troops, but was nervous. Followed the Golden Dragon God to the deep sea.

Seeing that Shi Feng, who had suddenly become so energetic and purple, wrapped tightly in countless golden glows, has turned into a golden dragon **** with a height of about five meters, he scratched his forehead with a sad face: " Why did they break in like this? Even me, I can only follow a fixed path in this **** formation... I will try first, can I find them!"

Shaking his head, the Golden Dragon God transformed into a dragon again. He shrunk his body to the size of a loach, and then took a mile of golden light into the formation. Arda and Ying Zheng looked worriedly at the golden array, and they almost fell tears-their souls and Lin Qi were already bound together, and if Lin Qi fell, they would be buried with them! They really don't want to die. To be honest, whether it is Arda or Yingzheng, they are people with endless ambitions and desires. How can they be willing to die now?

After a full quarter of an hour, the golden light flashed again, and the golden dragon **** carried his blood and blood, and the bones were all shattered into pieces, and Bilibili sprang out of the formation. He threw Bilibili on the bottom of the sea, and then shook his head: "This little devil is very smart. After he got involved in the formation, he huddled in one place and let the formation attack, even if he was beaten like this. There was no resistance at all, so he was left where he was just involved."

Bilibili raised his head with difficulty, and he smiled triumphantly: "Isn't this nonsense? A qualified demon faces any torture and any You must survive without slacking in the provocation, any abuse, and any ravages! Aha, to live is better than anything!"

The Golden Dragon God raised his eyebrows and glared fiercely at Bilibili: "The little devil who is greedy for life and fears of death, you just can't figure out the surrounding environment, you dare not resist, you hide in the corner and get beaten! But I can't Not to mention, you have chosen the most correct method! If you don't resist, you will receive the slightest attack, so I can still pull you out!"

After taking a heavy breath, the Golden Dragon God stared at the changing array and shook his head slightly: "But Master Lin Qi, he actually touched the array, so I can't help it. He has been involved. In the depths of the array, my fixed patrol path cannot find him, so I can only resign it to fate."

The faces of Arda and Ying Zheng suddenly turned pale, resigned to fate? Are they dangerous?

Lin Qi huddled in the shield of the earth element, and the number of gold-armored soldiers besieging him had increased to 512. They formed a strange shock formation and filed with Lin Qi's shield. As the number of them increased, their attack power with each hit became stronger and stronger. Lin Qi felt that their current single attack power was dozens of times more than the first Golden Armored fighter!

According to this increase, when these golden armored soldiers became thousands or tens of thousands, each of their strikes would be more than a thousand times that of the first soldier, and Lin Qike would really be unlucky. Lin Qi, who had suffered several blows, didn't think he could withstand such an attack, maybe he could be shattered by a single blow! Even if his body has reached the strength of a five-star imperial general, it still cannot resist such an attack!

"There is such a terrifying defensive barrier in the core of the five islands of Penglai!" Lin Qi smiled bitterly and shook his head again and again: "Master Yin, and the two Celestial Clan people, do they really know what they are doing? If they are caught After entering this formation, they are probably killed."

The four origin crystal nuclei in Lin Qi's body are flashing rapidly, and the terrifying swallowing force is shaking the five elements around Lin Qi's body. These five elements that exist in the void like chains are constantly shaking by the four origin crystal nuclei. , Gradually, near Lin Qi's lower abdomen, a colorful halo was already flowing out.

"Huh?" Hell murmured lowly. Then Heaven Mountain they exclaimed at the same time.

The sweet-scented osmanthus tree happily waved his rhizome, and he laughed loudly: "I know that although these units in Xianyu have a weird temper, their personalities are most in line with the laws of nature! They absolutely will not Arrange a trap of death but no life, and they will definitely leave the last path for those who fall into the formation-of course, this is only for those who have the orthodox inheritance!"

The sweet-scented osmanthus tree shouted: "Lin Qi, fully release your breath and run the four-element nucleus fully. Some unexpected and wonderful things may happen! You are about to condense into the first nebula, but this is not enough. Not enough!"

Lin Qi took a deep breath, but the element shackles around him were so tough, the air was frozen like steel, and Lin Qi's deep breath did not even **** in any air particles. But this did not prevent Lin Qi from releasing his breath with all his strength, and then a four-color strange light sprayed from Lin Qi's abdomen, stirring up the solidified five elements around it like a chainsaw.

With a crisp sound, the first tiny element shackles shattered.

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