Bright Era

Chapter 2166: Secret Demon Killing (3)

"The Most High Lord, I will give my spirit, my flesh, and all my devotion..."

The young believer couldn't finish reciting the prayer, a secret demon servant frowned in disgust, and chopped his head with one foot. Shaking the brain and blood stuck on his feet, the secret demon servant sneered in a gloomy tone: "Stupid humans! I hate these lackeys in the temple! Of course, if it is a believer of our great saint, I think they are still Very cute!"

Another secret demon servant looked at Lin Qi curiously with his head tilted. Three hideous faces on his three heads showed incomprehensible expressions at the same time: "Humans! We killed your kind, don't you think." Is it angry? You should feel angry! Because when we kill those humans with this method in the Primordial God War, they will all be angry, or sad, or sad and weeping!"

Looking at these secret demon servants coldly, Lin Qi shook his head gently. Angry and sad for a believer in the temple? Lin Qi thinks that his feelings have not yet become so rich! He recalled the sacred, solemn joy and pleasant smile on the face of the young believer when he charged, Lin Qi's heart was heavy.

This is the believer of the Tianmiao family. In addition to the Tianmiao, there are also churches. Among the believers of these two families, humans account for the vast majority of the proportion. And there are a certain percentage of human believers in the Goblin Continent, the Elf Continent, and even the Odin Icefield and the endless seas of the East. Especially in the elven continent, in the elven kingdom formed by elves, among the servants and slave soldiers at the bottom, there are large-scale human existences.

If all the believers of the gods are the same as this young man, then what if Lin Qi defeats these gods? What if Lin Qi killed these gods? Will these human believers, like the young man just now, call out the name of the gods to charge Lin Qi?

Three to five hundred human believers, Lin Qi can kill at will; thirty to fifty thousand human believers, Lin Qi can easily kill; but if replaced by three to five billion, three to five billion or even more than ten times, a hundred times Humans, what can Lin Qi do to them?

Osmanthus Tree They felt Lin Qi's depressed mood, and they sighed helplessly. Human belief, human belief, this is really an unsolvable proposition. They have seen the osmanthus tree. When humans fully believe in themselves, they will burst out with terrible power. Such humans are almost omnipotent. They even created an incredible existence like the Yuanjie.

But when human beings deposit such beliefs on aliens, this power is equally terrifying and equally desperate. The sweet-scented osmanthus tree they can destroy those gods from the body, and can completely destroy the soul of the gods. But can they destroy human belief in gods? Even the most evil and arrogant **** dare not open this mouth!

Lin Qi didn't speak, Alda, Bilibili and the others had surrounded them from a distance. Except for the three demons who guarded Lan Ling, Lan Mei and Qing Yao, everyone else walked over here slowly with malicious smiles. As they approached, they laughed hideously.

The multi-armed secret demons? The original creature derived from the negative energy law in this cosmic age? Oh huh, do you know the horror of those evil creatures from countless universes in the past? And the devil, this horrible race that condensed all the negative energy blood essences of countless celestial calamities in the past, will it give you these little multi-armed secret demons the inspiration to tremble and fear?

The secret demon servants squeezed their weapons tightly, and they felt the malice emanating from Alda, who looked almost like ordinary humans. A cold war from the bloodline made their hearts almost frozen. This is the warning issued by the same evil bloodline after mutual induction-danger, danger, extremely terrible danger!

Arda and the others are not only stronger than these secret demon servants, the evil contained in their bloodlines, the chaos and violence they represent, the opposite of the most original origin that originated from the birth of countless universes. power. All this is condensed in their blood, and as their strength increases, this terrible trait is slowly being released.

Little by little, Alda and the others are like giant snakes ticking in the venom. They slowly approached these snakes, which also contain venom, but both in terms of size and toxicity of the venom, they are far away. Far inferior to their secret demon servants. Bilibili's body shook, and he had escaped into the shadows. The surrounding light suddenly dimmed, and the stones and sand grains near and far became hazy. This environment made Bilibili's actions more convenient.

"Hey, we can have a good talk!" A secret demon servant suddenly said: "You are not from the temple, are you? We can let you go without authorization. We don't need to fight each other here and let the temple. The people picked it up!"

The secret demons forced a ugly smile, and they wanted to persuade Lin Qi in this way. But Lin Qi shook his head gently. He looked up at the sky. The black spot was getting bigger and bigger. A small half of the strangely shaped palace had emerged from the void. Several of them were huge. The secret demon was poking his head out of the palace, and the flickering gaze on the huge head had been locked here.

In particular, there was a figure carrying a dozen heads on his shoulders, and six secret demons with dark eyes were born on each head, and his gaze enveloped the surroundings as if it were true. Lin Qi felt the scorching power in his eyes, a power that made Lin Qi's skin feel hot and painful. Lin Qi looked at that secret demon in amazement, this guy's strength is very powerful!

But before these tyrannical secret demons, a dozen young men and women wearing black robes and bizarrely born have soared into the air, and flew towards this side surrounded by hundreds of lower secret demons. The leader was a white-faced young man who was born crookedly, has a pair of windy ears, and his head is like a carrot.

Flying arrogantly in front of Lin Qi, the white-faced young man coughed heavily, then his eyes turned, and he glanced at the faces of Lan Ling and Qing Yao who were held by several demons in the distance. Evil light flashed in a pair of scarlet eyes, and the white-faced youth screamed and shouted: "You are so bold, even my concubine dare to kidnap? Kill them all, those two little beauties, turn around Send it to my room!"

Lin Qi coughed heavily. He looked at these young men and women who seemed to have a human form, but were born distorted and weird. He asked incomprehensibly: "Who are you? They are your concubines? You are full of mouths. Nonsense, don't you have a clear mind?"

The white-faced young man was dumbfounded, and then he laughed loudly at the same time with a dozen of his companions behind him. With a strutting head, the white-faced young man proudly said: "Stupid humans, humble ants, of course you don't know who we are! I am the son of the great multi-armed mystery holy family, the contemporary holy king Ashinu. They are all my brothers and sisters, you stupid fellow!"

A girl who was born round and round, looked like a bun with a bluish skin, black teeth, and her teeth resembling shark teeth jumped out. She looked at Arda affectionately, and screamed. Said: "Brother, don't kill all these men, leave this little white face to me! Hee hee, didn't the father say, we are also at the age when we should get married!"

Lin Qi silently, Alda looked at this wonderfully born girl with a blue face, and her body shivered suddenly. Let him marry this woman? He would rather die than endure such humiliation! Arda snarled angrily: "Ugly woman, who will marry you? Damn, the multi-armed Secret Demon clan, how did they give birth to you... ugly!"

Arda is really a bit mad. Look at the gods of the Axul protoss. The gods born by combining them with humans are all handsome males and beautiful females. That's why they are called gods! These gods of the multi-armed Secret Demon clan, how come the descendants of the gods they are born with are all such things that are born similar to monsters and ghosts?

Lin Qi looked at the children of these Arab slaves curiously. He remembered that the multi-armed Secret Demon family seemed to need the help of the Secret Demon Tower to reproduce their offspring. The Secret Demon Tower was their breeding space, without the strangeness in the Secret Demon Tower. With the help of energy, the multi-armed Secret Demons cannot reproduce naturally. However, the only remaining Secret Demon Tower of the multi-armed Secret Demon clan has been destroyed in Lin Qi's hands. It stands to reason that secret Demons cannot have descendants.

But these young men and women, judging from their appearance, are they all heirs born in union with humans? And their strength is not weak, each of them has the strength of the peak of the middle god. Although it is not as good as Nightmare Sting Li, the son of Nightmare who had the power of a higher **** at birth, there are so many people who can't stand it!

"Are you the children of Arab slaves?" Lin Qi shook his head gently, and he let out a trace of pressure, shocking the group of young men and women who were violent and wanted to rush to beat Alda. He looked at these shivering guys coldly, and asked word by word: "How many brothers and sisters do you have? Tell me the truth, otherwise... Hey!"

With a sneer, each of these young men and women trembled with fright, they subconsciously stepped back, and several tall secret demons stopped in front of them. A mystery demon with eighteen heads and twenty-four arms and four long legs looked at Lin Qi indifferently and mercilessly. His arms that were more than ten meters long were squirming gently like a snake: "Human, you offended the noble The son and the saint of His Majesty Alsino, kneel down, and we can grant you a happy death."

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