Bright Era

Chapter 2174: Muddy water, cover up (1)

The Alsino laughed so rampantly, so arrogantly, so indomitable. He looked at the distorted face of Nightmare surrounded by black flames, with more than a thousand arms trembling violently. He opened more than a hundred mouths the size of a cave, and howled hysterically: "A rape! That's right! There is a rape! But who is she? I won't tell you!"

Thousands of arms violently collided with each other, making a dull thunderous sound. The Argentine roared up to the sky and challenged loudly: "Nanyan, as the leader of the spirit and **** family, come and fight me to the death! My goal here this time is you!"

The huge body fell straight to the ground from a high altitude, and four thick thighs crushed a small hill and the dozens of pavilions and temples on it. The Albanian slashed to the ground with a single knife, crying hundreds of people. The Tianmiao believers who yelled to flee chopped into meat sauce, then opened their mouths and took a fierce breath, swallowing their souls and vitality into their mouths.

Nightmare looked at the Ashinu with cold eyes, and he smiled coldly: "Then, as you wish, Ashinu!"

A black sun appeared high in the sky out of thin air, and Nightmare exposed his body to countless people for the first time. Nightmare's body was a huge fireball full of intense radiation. He was suspended in the air, and that was a black sun. A group of sticky, wriggling black fire pulp hovered and rolled in the black fireball, looking faintly like a crow with three legs.

The black flame enveloped the space for hundreds of miles, and then the void suddenly collapsed inward. Nightmare released his realm of divine power, and wrapped Alsino and himself in it. A black light curtain with a diameter of no more than a hundred meters remained in the void, and the black light curtain made a huge roar from time to time, and the surrounding void also violently oscillated.

Nightmare and Arsino started a frantic fight in the realm of divine power, but the divine power of the two main gods blocked the surrounding void. Even Lin Qi could not see how they were fighting, let alone how they fought. of! Lin Qi is also a little ignorant. The attack method of the Alsino is very simple and direct, but Nightmare, he is a huge fireball, how should he attack the enemy?

Demu and Anur are also facing each other, and their contest is very straightforward and simple, without too many fancy things. The two collided like a mad bull, and Demu waved his arm, curled up countless sharp rays of cold light and slashed towards Anur, and Anur kept grabbing his hands from the void. The sharp javelin was thrown at Gen Demu, and countless streams of light shot through the void, and it didn't look like it fell in the slightest.

Anur’s javelin was constantly blocked by Demu’s weapons, and the green streamer of the lasing shot randomly sprayed out in all directions. For a while, the surrounding mountains collapsed, the river broke, and the ground was shot out one by one in diameter. I don't know how deep the hole is, the large groups of believers in the temple and the low-level secret demon servants in the sky are blown to pieces by the streamer.

Seeing that his army of secret demon servants lost a lot of money, Demu fought fiercely with Anur, while roaring lowly: "What are you still doing? Have you forgotten the meaning of our existence? Violence and destruction , Rush in and kill everyone you can kill!"

Millions of secret demon servants, together with a large group of middle and upper secret demon, raised dense arms at the same time, issued a low roar full of beastly, and brought large swaths of black smoke to the Tianmiao Mountain. The defensive array of the Tianmiao has cracked a huge gap, and the entire Tianmiao is completely undefended in front of these secret demon servants! This is destined to be a feast of killing, and the Temple of Heaven is destined to be stained with blood today!

Large groups of powerful members of the temple clergy rushed out from various temples and pavilions. They were led by those powerful demi-god-level protectors, kings, and hosts, forming a neat army. Not afraid of death, greeted these secret demons. But these secret demons, their weakest existence is also the lower-level gods, and their strengths are too far apart from the semi-divine artifact clergy!

Lin Qi saw hundreds of Tianmiao fanatics wearing black robes and holding black iron rods shouting and charging forward for dozens of steps, and then a lower intermediate-level secret demon **** servant opened his mouth and spit out towards them. A group of black flames, this group of mad believers who have reached a high level of demi-god howling miserably turned into a pool of gravy in the black flames.

The secret demon **** servant smiled triumphantly, then opened his mouth and swallowed the lump of gravy. The black light visible to the naked eye flickered on him for a while, but his strength was no longer in the lower mid-level, his aura soared, and quickly reached the level of the lower and upper level. For these secret demons, powerful human beings are simply a tonic for their rapid strength improvement!

The frenzied killing unfolded on the edge of the temple, and countless believers in the temple were directly grasped by the huge secret demon and stuffed into their mouths. There were chewing noises that made the scalp numb, terrifying dying howls everywhere, and loud noises of the collapse of mountains and buildings everywhere. As soon as the clergy of the Tianmiao came into contact with the army of secret demons, they were immediately defeated. But they didn't even have a chance to be defeated, and all the priests of the temple who dared to appear on the battlefield became food in the mouth of the secret demon.

An angry roar came from high in the sky, dozens of huge floating castles emerged from the clouds, and large groups of heavenly temple servants rushed out from these floating castles. These heavenly temple servants are dominated by the servants of the Lijiao Barbarian God clan, which are mixed with some spiritual servants and Yanling God servants, and a small number of handsome men and beautiful women from the Flower God family are mixed in it.

The servants of the powerful and infinitely powerful horned barbarian gods wore neat armor and held various artifacts bravely and bravely faced those same brute force multi-armed secret demons. The two tide-like armies slammed into each other, and then aroused countless limbs and severed arms. Their strength is so great, their forward momentum is so violent that they can't hold back the momentum at all, and they will be born and die immediately when they collide together. No matter how strong you are, you will be killed in an instant. Lost the enemy, or was killed by the enemy.

Nearly a million people of the sharp-horned barbarian **** and multi-armed secret demon who rushed to the forefront were almost killed on the spot at the same time! What happened most often among them was that a powerful **** servant rushed forward and waved his weapon to kill three or five enemies around him. Then, after his impact slowed down, countless swords slashed in all directions. , He was cut into meat sauce immediately.

In just over twenty breaths, nearly a million **** servants died in battle! Standing on a mountain hundreds of miles away, Lin Qi watched the battle. He saw waves of horror, a chill from his toes hitting his head, he was shivering all over his body—even if he saw more of the cruelty of the abyss world The sight, but he never dreamed that the war between the gods was so cruel!

Everyone's strength is so powerful, and everyone's equipment is so sophisticated! The lethality of each of them far exceeds the limit that their flesh and armor can withstand! No matter how powerful you are, facing an enemy's attack, the only thing you can do is to kill the enemy in front of the enemy, otherwise you will definitely die!

No matter how powerful armor you wear, no matter how many defensive artifacts you have on your body, a single blow of the enemy can split you into two pieces within one ten-thousandth of the time! So there is no dodge, and you have no room to dodge; if you can’t defend, you simply cannot defend against simultaneous attacks from all sides! You can only swing your weapons madly at the fastest speed and kill all the enemies in front of you!

Everyone is doing this, they are hacking so madly, so a million **** servants died on the spot in twenty-odd breaths! The bodies of these **** servants were huge, and the sticky dark gold and black blood of the gods were mixed together, and the diametrically opposed energies filled in the blood of the gods collided with each other, and the mixed **** blood immediately exploded.

The sacred blood of the horned barbarian gods and the sacred blood of the multi-armed secret demons are mixed together, which is an extremely powerful bomb-bomb. The terrifying explosion made the nearby sharp-horned savage gods and multi-armed esoterics unable to dodge, and a large group of **** servants were killed and injured. The battlefield was full of sorrows, and there were screams and squirming flesh everywhere.

Especially the life force of the multi-armed secret demon is extremely strong, many multi-armed secret demon are more than seventy to eighty pieces, their bodies are still wriggling unwillingly! The number of dead multi-armed secret demon was at least 600,000, and each multi-armed secret demon had at least six arms, so millions of black and long wriggling arms appeared on the battlefield!

When these arms squirmed and stood up to the sky, there seemed to be a black hemp forest on the battlefield. The hideous and ugly sight was enough to scare a normal mind into a complete lunatic!

Tens of thousands of invisible and invisible **** servants of the Word Spirit Protoss took action. They shouted loudly, and a loud noise of strange laws appeared. The large-scale secret demon servants were either blown to shreds, or torn to pieces, or frozen into ice, or burned to ashes in the loud noise. Even more endless meteors dragged their long flame tails to fall from high altitude, and slammed into the secret demon servant's army, blowing them up high, and exploding their bones to death on the spot.

Thousands of multi-armed secret demon servants with staffs instead of swords appeared. They stood far away, wielding their staffs and at the same time unleashing evil offensive magic. Lin Qi once again discovered the horror of the multi-armed Secret Demon family-they are not only stronger than ordinary gods in close combat, but when they cast spells, their lethality is also several times more than that of gods of the same rank. !

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