Bright Era

Chapter 2195: Dangerous escape (4)

Arsino's spear lightly touched Sanhua Tiannv's lower abdomen, and a black electric arc hit Sanhua Tiannv's body heavily, shocking her whole body with lightning and embarrassment. In the shrill and embarrassing screams of the Sanhua Goddess, Alsino's body suddenly swelled to a height of several thousand meters, and then the black spear, which had also grown several times larger, brought a black thunderstorm like a mad dragon. He smashed into Nightmare's body fiercely.

The entire secret library suddenly turned into a **** composed of black flames. No one thought that Nightmare would leave her real body as a lantern in the secret library. No one knew that with the help of the various powerful artifacts in the secret cave, Nightmare’s. The strength has actually stepped into the Divine Master Realm one step at a time, and only a small step away, he can truly transform into a powerful Divine Master level existence.

Whether it was Alsino or Sanhua Tiannv, their miscalculation of Nightmare's true strength caused them to fall into an extremely passive situation. The blade light shot by the Sanhua Heavenly Girl was directly burned by a black flame into a piece of pink slurry spraying all over the sky, while the attack of the Arsino directly encountered a piece of burning black slurry. Giant shield.

After a violent impact, Ashinu spit out blood with a sigh, and then fell heavily back to the ground. That huge shield exudes suffocating heat, and it revolves rapidly around the body of Nightmare. The face of Sanhua Tiannv was hard to see the extreme: "The ancestral sacred artifact'Infinite Shield' of the ancestors of the horned barbarian gods actually fell into your hands? How could you use this sacred artifact?"

Nightmare smiled lowly, he said slowly: "You can guess, one is that I am strong enough to force him to drive him, one is that I have the inheritance of a certain leader of the savage **** clan, one reason is I can use him without any explanation! Tell me, what is it for me to drive this infinite shield with strong defensive power?"

Lin Qi raised his head, and Penglai Island grunted in surprise. Infinite Shield is a pure metal shield, with infinite defense, extremely hard and heavy, but there is no other magical shield besides it. But the immeasurable shield now appearing here, he actually burns black flames? And it looks like it is condensed from black flames!

This is weird. Having fought numerous battles with the Lijiao Barbarian Gods back then, Penglai Island naturally knew the characteristics of this shield. Looking at the appearance and the aura it exudes, it is indeed Boundless Shield, but depending on his characteristics, it has nothing in common with Boundless Shield.

Nightmare smiled triumphantly. When his clone was hit hard, he spent a quarter of an hour awakening his sleeping body, and then transferred his soul into his real body. Then he began to activate all the defensive arrays in the secret cave, using himself as the energy core to provide endless light and heat, and the most powerful defensive arrays in the secret cave were all activated.

Not only the defensive circle, but also a circle with extremely strong offensive power. With the movement of Nightmare's heart, two black **** of light suddenly appeared in the sky. They were like meteorites with long multi-glow tails, and they fell fiercely on the heads of the Argentines and the Sanhua goddess. , Rao was so tyrannical in the body of Arsino, he was still beaten by the light group and sat on the ground.

With one hit, Alsino was beaten to the floor, and a black ball of light exploded on the surface of his body. Dozens of Alsino's heads were severely damaged, and seven of them were directly destroyed. Alsino screamed sternly, and embarrassedly took out a shield spewing black smoke and dense fog, and blocked the top of his head firmly.

The same strong body of the Sanhua Heavenly Girl screamed. She was beaten by the light group and flew for hundreds of miles, and her entire upper body was stained black and red with blood. As the light group exploded, the thin gauze on Sanhua Tiannv's body was blown to pieces, and her delicate body was exploded with countless stern cracks, spraying a lot of blood.

Doing nothing and endlessly, Sanhua Tiannv no longer bothered to maintain her beautiful image, but directly released her own body. A statue with a radius of a hundred li, born hideous and ugly, at least densely covered with thousands of huge tentacles that are constantly squirming, appear out of thin air. The Sanhua Heavenly Girl'Jie Jie' sneered, and then opened her mouth to spray a large amount of poisonous pink mist.

Just as Nightmare launched an attack on Arsino and Sanhua Tiannv, Dark Blood's claws were about to grab Lin Qi's body. Lin Qi sneered. The Divine Bone Scroll of the Great Death in the Underworld in his hand was completed. He stood up, and the gray crystal shield around him shook for a while, and the claws of dark blood had firmly grasped on the crystal shield, sending out The dull crash sound.

The claws formed by the blood of the Underworld clan couldn’t break Lin Qi’s crystal shield. All of the claws shook into thin blood sprays. Lin Qi glanced at the direction of the secret store’s exit, and did nothing. He smashed the scroll in his hand.

Damish’s main god-level ribs fell heavily to the ground, and then he heard a stern and miserable howl soaring into the sky. The bodies of Nightmare, Arsino, and Sanhua Tianmai all trembled violently at the same time. They were so embarrassed by the horrible howl. Immediately after a terrible explosion broke out, hell's viscous, filthy, and extremely evil energy rushed out frantically around, and even the secret treasures from the ancient times that Nightmare collected in the past were flooded by black energy. A lot of pollution.

Nightmare made a stern cry like a mournful concubine. These secret treasures were the secrets of their spirits and gods, or the trophies he worked so hard to obtain from the battlefield of the Primordial God War. Now at least 30% of the artifacts have been eroded by the energy of **** and become dimmed. This huge loss made Nightmare Tseng so much so that he almost didn't cry.

"Damn thing, you can't do this!" Nightmare controlled the attacking circle in the secret cave and ejected countless rushing fire streams, which bombarded Lin Qi like a rain of meteors. But what came out immediately after that terrible explosion was a water tank with more than 3,000 heads, without a specific shape, but exuding a greedy, cruel, evil, and killing **** spirit!

Immortal and immortal, **** demon soul that is more difficult than the clansmen of the blood clan! Hell Demon Soul with a strong appetite for the flesh and soul of all living bodies, as well as the energy of energy aggregates! When these more than three thousand **** spirits appeared, the faces of Nightmare, Arsino, and Sanhua Tianmai all changed tragically, and Dark Blood screamed hysterically, "Hell! The one on him." It’s a domain-level weapon, it’s the Netherworld! We’re over, we’re over!"

Ordinary attacks don't even want to cause damage to the **** demon soul. Only the power of the positive attributes of thunder and flame can destroy the **** demon soul, and the pure light power possessed by Heaven Mountain is the nemesis of the **** demon soul. But none of the people present has such energy.

The huge body of the Sanhua Heavenly Girl was stared at by hundreds of Hell Demon Souls for the first time. These black guys with no shape at all quickly penetrated the body of the Sanhua Heavenly Girl. Hundreds of tentacles suddenly dried up and withered, and in the blink of an eye they turned into a cloud of gray ashes falling to the ground.

The celestial lady of Sanhua made a stern and miserable cry. If the flames of the nightmare and the thunder spear of the Argentine can still pose a huge threat to the devil soul of hell, the lady of Sanhua, who is famous for its illusion and poison, even There is no way to deal with **** spirits at all. She is now so strong that she has stepped into the peak of the master **** level strength, but facing hundreds of **** spirits, her only way is to cry and scream, begging Nightmare or Alsino who can save her from the sea of ​​suffering.

Dark Blood and the other five Dark Blood tribe members screamed frantically. They continuously shot out sticky black plasma, and the evil Dark Blood curses were raindrops on these immortal **** spirits. . But all of their attacks were swallowed up ecstatically by the **** spirits, and on the contrary they strengthened the power of these **** spirits.

Soon more than a thousand Hell Demon Souls surrounded them in Dark Blood, swallowing their bodies in the blink of an eye.

Nightmare and Ashinu glanced at each other, and then they suddenly stood side by side. Countless black and red flames fell from the sky, and black thunderbolts fell frantically from the air. The flames and lightning made these **** ghosts hiss and howl, and their limbs fell apart, constantly emitting black mist.

Sanhua Tianmai screamed: "Whoever saves me, I swear to be his permanent slave!"

Nightmare and Ashinu looked at each other again, and snorted sadly. The oath of the thousand-eyed mirage family? Okay, what's the difference between that and farting? This evil race, one of their racial talents, is that they will never be bound by any soul oath!

However, it seems that there is another way to control the Sanhua Tiannv, Nightmare snorted coldly, and ordered Sanhua Tiannv to approach the Ashinu quickly. Even in such bad conditions, Yan Teng did not dare to let her get too close to herself in the face of the celestial lady who had tried to calculate her.

Taking advantage of the moment when the Demon Soul of Hell was raging, Lin Qi easily left the secret library, and a few flashes came to the secret door under the river. Regardless of opening the door in the usual way, Lin Qi blasted the metal gate above his head with a fist, and Lin Qi blasted the entire section of the river into the sky. Then he let out a sharp chirp and laughed all the way. Go outside the Tianmiao Shenshan.

The aura on his body has become a pure fire elemental attribute, which is the legal power possessed by the low-level **** servant with the longest sword in any **** camp. Lin Qi screamed hoarsely as he set fire to the mountains and forests along the road: "The Sanhua Goddess has rebelled, and she colluded with the Arab slaves and seriously injured the Eight-faced God Wang Yantong! Sanhua Goddess has rebelled! The flower God family has rebelled! Yao! All Guangtian girls have been killed! They all rebelled!"

The huge shouts spread throughout the temple, and suddenly the gods of the temple were in chaos.

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