Bright Era

Chapter 2198: New Year (2)

"Damn things, you stupid creatures that have not evolved completely, how dare you do such an excessive thing to me? You know, even in front of those human emperors, I am also the great Arushman master! "Arushiman was ashamed and annoyed, staring at Lin Qi tremblingly: "If you are a human, you should have heard my name! If you are the original creature of this universe age, then you should also know Tianjing The prestige of the family!"

Lin Qi looked at Arushiman, who was no more than three feet tall, with his hands behind his back. Arushiman was stripped of his underwear by the two rabbits, and he lifted his head up completely, wanting to maintain his dignity and decency in front of Lin Qi. But under Lin Qi's sharp gaze, he raised his head time and time again, but again and again under pressure, he looked down at his toes.

"I'm curious! Your strength is very low!" Lin Qi shouted in a deep voice, "What is the natural life span of your race?"

This question can be answered by asking Osmanthus directly, but Lin Qi wants to get a satisfactory answer from Arushman. Because only Arushiman personally told these secrets of his clan, Lin Qi could slowly open the gap in his defense, gradually disintegrate his psychological defense, and finally let him use it for himself.

Arushman gritted his teeth and said nothing. He tilted his head and looked up and down at Lin Qi, the secret hall built deep underground, and examined the construction techniques and materials of the hall with professional and critical eyes. There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, he shook his head lightly in disdain, and then sighed with regret.

But as soon as a sigh was uttered, Arushman's body shuddered suddenly. He looked at the donkey walking out of the shadow corner of the hall in horror, his body trembled uncontrollably, and then he ignored his identity. Sit on the ground. Frightened, pedaling on the ground with two thin short legs, Arushman crawled out at the fastest speed. As he crawled, he wailed hysterically: "It's you, it's you black Four-hoofed devil! You the source of disaster, you damned disaster star, why are you still alive?"

The donkey was turning his lips, triumphantly exposing two rows of sharp teeth. There was a smell of roast suckling pig in his mouth. He came to Lin Qi to brag to Lin Qi that he just got a lot of delicious things from Aunt Lily. By the way, ask Lin Qi, he Is there a plan to return to the Black Spirit Continent recently to hook up with the native gods of the Black Spirit Continent!

To be honest, the donkey misses Xie Lisi a bit now! Of course, the great uncle donkey would not admit this.

But when the donkey heard Arushiman say that he was a black four-hoofed devil, a circle of disasters, and a **** disaster star, the donkey was suddenly unhappy. He rolled his eyes, and then leaned in front of Arushman, and a heavy sneeze sprayed his saliva and snot on Arushman's face: "Grandson, do you have a great opinion on me? You have seen the greatest Uncle Donkey, are you dissatisfied with me?"

Arushman's body suddenly stiffened there. He looked at the donkey's face close at hand in horror and despair. There was no movement on his body, even his breath was held. But Lin Qi could tell from Arushman's reaction that this guy definitely knew the donkey! Lin Qi glanced to the side quickly, and he found that the two rabbits were looking at Arushman with weird eyes, and he had the urge to rush up and cut Arushman's neck directly.

With a soft cough, Lin Qi kicked the two rabbits away. Walking slowly to Arushiman, Lin Qi hit the donkey's head with a heavy punch, causing the donkey to foam and fall to the ground, then Lin Qi grinned at the stunned Arushiman. He smiled: "See an old friend? Do you know him?"

Looking at the donkey Lin Qi was referring to, Arushiman shook his head desperately. Seeing the strength and frequency of his shaking his head, Lin Qi was afraid that his head would suddenly fall off his thin neck. With a cold snort, Lin Qi glared at Arushman coldly: "It's funny, you know donkeys, of course you know donkeys! It's so funny! I'm curious, you seem to know many, many things?"

After a long silence, Arushman sighed heavily: "I, I won't tell you anything! You can kill me, or you can extract my soul to torture me! But, you can't get anything. Things of value!"

Looking at Lin Qi mockingly, Arushiman looked at Lin Qi slowly, with an indifferent smile that had seen everything suddenly, no fear of life or death, and said: "You have found all the space magic devices on my body, no Wrong, I can only be slaughtered by you. But as the great elder of the Tianjing clan, I can at least retain my last trace of glory-if I suffer more than my limit, my soul will disappear. If you try Extract my soul, then the twelve Nebula Devouring Beast eggs bound with my soul will hatch immediately!"

Nebula Devouring Beasts? Lin Qi looked at Arushman in confusion.

The donkey on the side spit out his tongue, embarrassedly propped up his body from the ground: "Damn, this grandson! Nebula swallows the beast? It's shameless! This kind of void creature has extremely terrifying space attributes, and their beast eggs haven't hatched. At the time, it is ten thousand times smaller than ordinary peas. But once they hatch, even a newly born cub can swallow the world we are in in one bite—or the star we are in. !"

A dazed light flashed in his eyes, and the donkey slapped his head fiercely with his hoof: "Ah, damn, what did I say nonsense just now? Uh, well, it doesn’t matter. I often have Some strange ideas popped up! Uh, this old green guy looks familiar, doesn’t he? Uh, what’s your name?"

A cold light flashed in the donkey's eyes, his pair of eyeballs looked at Arushman in the form of cross-eyed eyes, and suddenly a series of names popped out of his mouth: "Arudas? Arushason? Rusis? Alucarmen? Or... Alubari?"

Arushman grinned. He looked at the donkey and shook his head firmly: "I've never heard of these names! You have admitted the wrong person, the **** black four-hoofed devil! I curse you, I curse that sooner or later, you will be completely destroyed because of your sins, together with... together with..."

Obviously, Arushman wanted to say more, but he opened his mouth, hesitated for a moment, and then closed it firmly.

Lin Qi touched his nose lightly, he looked at Arushiman coldly, and looked at him up and down. When Lin Qi snatched Arushiman from Nightmare and the others, he just thought that he had found a real master craftsman. But he didn't expect that Arushman seemed to have some things that made Lin Qi very interested?

Two bunnies sneaked up, their three-petal mouths, which are always squirming, were strangely silent today. They approached Arushiman quietly from left to right, even Lin Qi did not Pay attention to their movements. Lin Qi suddenly noticed the two rabbits when the two rabbits had approached Arushiman less than two feet, and Arushman had screamed in horror.

"Stop! Damn rabbit!" Lin Qi picked up the long ears of the two rabbits, and then shook them vigorously for a while: "What do you know? Huh? Hey, I'm asking you, what do you know? "

The two rabbits grinned, revealing four brilliant white front teeth. Their smiles were as hypocritical as they were hypocritical, but they just didn't say a word. Lin Qi was thinking about continuing to torture the two rabbits, but the **** had already spoken in a loud voice: "Master Lin Qi, this matter, I think, it's better not to investigate it for now."

"What do you know?" Lin Qi immediately asked Hell.

"We don't know anything!" Hell's voice was very calm. In the usual gloomy and evil tone, there was a trace of anxiety and anxiety: "The problem is that we don't know anything! This is abnormal. Yes! The sweet-scented osmanthus trees have been hit hard, and they have lost a lot of memory and information. This is a reasonable thing."

"But I, my core memory has not been damaged in any way. With my rank and authority, there is actually no information related to this donkey... But based on some of the things that happened just now to make inferences and associations, these two The rabbit obviously knows something, and this is me, no, this is something we don't know, this is very abnormal! This is against the norm!"

"The Metaverse has a distinct class, and the upper and lower classes are extremely strict. These two rabbits are combat units belonging to the Metaverse, Immortal Realm, and Moon Palace, and even their rank is lower than the sweet-scented osmanthus tree. It is impossible for them to know but I don’t Know something." Hell murmured to himself in a gloomy tone: "Unless this is the core secret of Xianyu. However, for the core secret of the'domain-level' unit, I should at least get the corresponding notice from the Metaverse core, I can I don’t know the specific content of this core secret, but I should know he exists! Does the sweet-scented osmanthus tree have any impression of the donkey?"

The sweet-scented osmanthus tree, the immortal moon wheel and Qingjing Yuchan were silent at the same time, and they did not respond to this question.

Hell was silent for a while, and then he sighed heavily: "Then, Master Lin Qi, let go of the two rabbits. As long as they don't harm this Celestial Clan, then don't try to get any information from them!"

Lin Qi immediately let go of his hand, and the two rabbits quietly fell to the ground like a ghost. There was a flash of light in their weird red eyes that made Lin Qi's eyes suddenly painful, and then their fat bodies shook slightly, two carrots appeared out of thin air, and their three-petal mouth seemed to start again. Wriggling forever.

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