Bright Era

Chapter 2207: Successive attacks (1)

In the Longshan Imperial Palace, whether it is gathered in large and small gardens, flower halls, or those waiting in the side halls and pavilions, they all pretend to be calm holding wine glasses and wearing stiff smiling faces. There is no taste in talking upside down. If so, all attention was focused on the brilliant and magnificent golden hall in the middle.

The Holy Crown Pope Francis had just been kicked out of the main hall, and Francis actually got up from the ground with a smile on his face, not even a bit of anger of being insulted. This shocked all the guests! You know, just a few years ago, the church was still so high in the Western Continent. It was so eloquent. He was known as the holy crown pope closest to the gods. He was the strongest and most powerful of the three popes. Clergy.

A grand duke of a principality, even if he disrespects the Pope of the Holy Crown, his principality may be completely destroyed.

And now the war is sweeping the Western Continent, and the church's temple knights are constantly pouring out to fight everywhere in the mainland. The people of the Western Continent suddenly discovered with horror that the strength of the church was far beyond what they could understand. The strength of the church is now capable of easily razing all the empires, kingdoms and other small nations of the Western Continent. .

Therefore, the current status of the church in the Western Continent is even more important than it was a few years ago. Any disturbance in the church will make all the nobles and civilians in the Western Continent fearful. But it is this kind of church, Francis Chenxi, the head of the three popes, the new pope who has just ascended the throne, was kicked out of the hall!

The huge footprints were still printed on Francis’ chest. Francis was even kicked so that there was a ray of blood on the corners of his mouth, but he actually bowed and bowed in the direction of the hall with a smile, which made him smile proudly. He nodded eagerly to Florent Huali, and stood proudly outside the gate of the hall surrounded by many priests.

Who is this kind of dare to kick Francis? Whose backing is so tough, who caused Francis to be so respectful and humble after being humiliated? The countless guests gathered in the imperial city of Longshan Empire opened their eyes wide, and stared in the direction of the main hall.

But what disappointed these guests was that the huge hall, which was large enough to accommodate thousands of people, was shrouded in a layer of faint colorful aurora. Then the whole magnificent hall, covering nearly 100 acres, suddenly disappeared. Everyone could only see a colorful light curtain shining in front of them, not even a tile of the hall.

Francis nodded and laughed: "The power of my **** cannot be resisted!"

Florence Huali came to Francis with a pale face. He watched Francis for a while, and then bent down towards Francis almost ninety degrees: "Honorable teacher Zong, I think there may be some misunderstandings between us! Our Gaul Empire has always held the highest reverence and respect for the church, and our faith in the gods is also extremely pious!"

Francis, who was born white and fat, and a little rich, looked at Floren with a smile. He leaned close to Floren's ear and laughed in a low voice: "The light of my **** is destined to cover everything, all worldly. The country will be one! The secular imperial power will be replaced by theocracy. This is a destiny thing! I have a few nephews, they said, they want to preside over the church of the Gaul Empire!"

Gently patted Floren on the shoulder, Francis said indifferently: "When the only kingdom of God comes, you rotten nobles, you idiots who dare to fight for power and gain with the devout followers of the supreme gods, you still Does it have a meaning?"

Floren raised his head fiercely and looked at Francis: "The church, I really want to be with us..."

Francis interrupted Floren unceremoniously. He even reached out insultingly and patted Floren's cheek lightly: "Stupid people, of course you don't know, gods The light of God has reappeared, and they are overlooking all beings in the sky! Of course, you vulgar and stupid fellows, don’t need to know this!"

He twisted Floren's face viciously, Francis gritted his teeth and sneered: "I still remember that 60 years ago, my uncle was in a grain shop in your Gaul Empire, just because it was a hundred years old. Some food was hoarded during the war, and it was forcibly expropriated by your Gaul Empire, and several of my uncle’s servants were executed! I have kept this account for you!"

Taking a deep breath, Floren resisted and did not pass out. Between the lines of Francis' words, he had heard a lot of terrifying information. Has the light of the gods come again? Could it be that those legendary gods, they really have returned? How is that possible? What's even worse is the church's attitude towards the Gaul Empire, or the church's attitude towards secular imperial power!

If it's just the official attitude of the church, there is still a chance to turn around, but now that Francis's personal enmity is added, this enmity is hardly eliminated. Floren must use all his willpower to barely stay awake and barely allow himself to maintain a little thinking ability. He was very curious that Lin Qi actually kicked Francis out of it. In this case, Francis still had to accompany a smiling face. What's the situation?

Not to mention the intrigue and all kinds of grudges and hatreds outside the hall, in the hall, Mr. Mo has already brought dozens of sturdy men wearing full-covered reinforced heavy armor, holding tower shields and special chains and hammering flail from all directions. Surrounded Lin Kaixuan.

Lin Qi shook his neck and the bones and joints of his whole body. He smiled and held the scepter beside him that had no special effects, but was particularly heavy and hard, made of special forbidden metal extracted from the meteorite. This golden scepter is inlaid with a red gem the size of a human head. This scepter is not only a symbol of the imperial power of the Longshan Empire, but also a great tool for beating others.

The scepter for Lin Qi was cast by the god-level undead alchemists in the Abyss of the Necropolis. This scepter, which is nearly two meters long, does not look very eye-catching, but its weight and hardness are enough to make him a one. A murder weapon through and through. At this moment, Lin Qi picked up this scepter and waved it lightly, and suddenly there was a dull sound of breaking wind in the hall.

"Mr. Mo, open all the defensive arrays in the hall, but don't wait to make a mess here. It took countless gold coins to build." Lin Qi looked at Lin Kaixuan maliciously, and laughed slowly. "Or, are you willing to lie on the ground without resisting and let me hit a thousand rods? I don't think it is a wise thing for you to come here alone!"

He glanced at Mr. Mo, who had not leaked a trace of breath in his whole body with disdain, and then looked at those sturdy big men wearing full-covered heavy armor, holding tower shields and heavy flail, Lin Kaixuan burst out laughing. Lin Kaixuan, who was leaning forward and backward with a smile, slapped his thigh vigorously, then pointed at Lin Qi and smiled: "Do you think I will come here alone and meet you?"

Lin Qi spread his hands and looked at Lin Kaixuan curiously: "Have you arranged a back hand? Well, may I know, what means have you prepared?"

Lin Kaixuan put his hands on his chest and raised his head proudly: "Then, I will let you understand, Lin Qi, I will let you understand how your trivial foundation was destroyed! I don't know how you use it. How many years has it taken to have such a trivial power, but compared to me, I only need a few months to let all your efforts be wiped out."

Along with Lin Kaixuan’s uncomfortable laughter, he shook his hand and punched out a fist-sized polygonal crystal. A hazy light curtain spurted out. Hundreds of strong orc men in heavy armor emerged from the light curtain. Quickly ran out. Behind these brawny orcs, nearly a hundred old men of the orc and fox clan came out. These old people are holding various staffs, and the whole body exudes strong divine power fluctuations.

These brawny orc men and old fox tribes have red eyes, and there is no scent of intelligent creatures in their eyes. They didn't have the breath of life that living creatures should have, only the violent and powerful divine power fluctuations continued to spread.

A gray light flashed in Lin Qi's eyes, and he instantly saw through the essence of these people-their bones were replaced by skeletons made of magical metal, and their internal organs were incorporated with a large amount of them using extremely clever alchemy techniques. Metal composition. Their brains. . . Their brains were replaced by a huge spar carved into the shape of a brain, and countless tiny electric lights flashed rapidly in that spar.

What surprised Lin Qi was that what was surging in the blood of these people was a fiery stream of pure energy, and their heart was the core of this violent energy stream. In the vision of Lin Qi's divine eyes spurred by the source force, the heart of these people is a group of hot light the size of a human head. Every time this light is compressed, a huge amount of energy will be input into these people's bodies.

The muscles of these old men of the orcs and foxes are constantly nourished by these powerful energy. Their muscles are much stronger than ordinary lower gods. It is conceivable that even these old men who look weak with a staff in hand, they Will burst out a powerful physical attack power in an instant, with extremely strong melee combat power.

"Huh? Undead? Puppet? No, no, this is a combination of the two combat weapons, right?" Lin Qi leaned the scepter on his shoulder, then clapped vigorously and exclaimed: "Amazing thing, really very What a great thing. I'm curious, where did you get these treasures? These orcs should also have demigod combat power! Where did you get a group of demigods to transform them into these monsters?"

Lin Kaixuan raised his head, he looked at Lin Qi jokingly, and said with a faint smile: "Let's try their combat power first!"

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