Bright Era

Chapter 2249: The truth (2)

Lin Qi spit out a mouthful of blood with a ‘wow’, and his blood pierced through several floors, knocking a corner of the hotel into a sink. There was a large pit ten meters in diameter and 1,000 meters deep on the ground out of thin air. This was because Lin Qi reduced the energy concentration in his blood. Otherwise, with Lin Qi's current strength, his blood spurted out, at least Can destroy half of Longshan Imperial Capital.

As his body tightened, he exclaimed angrily: "Who is so bold? They dare to do this?"

Lin Qi looked at Assi helplessly: "Perhaps, you need to see it yourself? Five high-level gods died here. I don't know how to explain to the punishment temple! Although, I don't understand why the high-level gods in the punishment temple bring A disciplinary corps came to my territory, but I think there must be something strange in it, what do you think?"

Assi waved his hand disapprovingly, and he laughed coldly: "It's just a few high-ranking gods. Although they can barely be regarded as the nobles of the Asher clan, they are just inferior nobles. Many, don't worry about anything! Master Lin Qi, you don't have to worry that someone in the Temple of Punishment will attack you because of this matter!"

Looking at the wound on Lin Qi's body in astonishment, Assi grinned, "Your injury... It's really scary! Well, don't you feel any pain at all? Look, your internal organs. All have been cut open, your spine is split in half, oh, the great source is here, your injury is so scary! I, I am a little dizzy!"

Asi's body shook, and after seeing Lin Qi's wound for a long time, he felt an urge to faint. Although he has also experienced the ancient wars, under the protection of Lu Sijia, he has never participated in those cruel wars. He has been shrinking in the realm of the gods as a logistics medical officer. He has never really seen this **** cruelty. Incomparable injuries.

Lin Qi had achieved his goal perfectly, so he put on a set of sacred armor, covering his hideous wounds and mutilated body. He was even in the mood to take out a few bottles of Arda's little lover's perfume and spray it on his body, covering up the strong smell of blood on his body. Then he bowed his body to Assi and led Assi out of the door.

Before leaving the house, Lin Qi still Xianxin instructed his accompanying subordinates: "Send a few reliable goddess servants here. When the lady in the room wakes up, I will send her back. Well, prepare a copy of sufficient specifications. The gift is said to be given to her by Master Assi, Duke Black Eagle? I know him, his territory was invaded by the undead army, did he bring his tribe to take refuge in the Longshan Empire?"

After pondering for a moment, Lin Qi glanced at As, and then resolutely said: "In the hinterland of the empire, select a few cities to divide an independent administrative region and give it to the Duke of Black Eagle to settle his clansmen. Among the gifts given to this lady, There should be at least one defensive inferior artifact. Other gifts are measured by the gold coins of the secular world, not less than one billion gold coins!"

Nodded seriously to Assi, Lin Qi solemnly said: "This represents the face of Master Assi, even if it is a trivial gift, it must match the identity of Master Assi! This is just Asi. Master Si gave this young lady a trivial reward. You must arrange everything properly, understand?"

Asi straightened his chest, and raised his eyebrows very vigorously to the subordinate whom Lin Qi confessed. At this moment, Asi felt that it was perfect for him to know Lin Qi, a friend. It's a pity that Lin Qi is not the **** of his and her sister Lu Sijia, otherwise Assi wants to persuade Lu Sijia to give Lin Qi a god-level priesthood inheritance! Anyway, so many god-level leaders were killed and injured, and so many clergy were left there. Isn't it a waste of resources?

Because of Lin Qi's arrangements for his subordinates, Asi's affection for Lin Qi grew stronger. Originally, Lin Qi’s position in Assi’s heart was not as good as Alda, who accompanied Assi to eat, drink and play all day long, but from this moment on, Assi has regarded Lin Qi as completely trustworthy, completely trustworthy, and completely acceptable The confidant of life and death!

But soon Asi's face became difficult to look, because he saw a thumb-thin sword hole on Blackbeard's shoulder that was constantly exuding life. He even saw a wound on Mr. Mo's lower abdomen, which was exuding a faint spirit of death. The subordinates who followed Lin Qi here were all wounded, and many of them were nearly fatal. Even if Asi’s combat experience was lacking, he could see that if it wasn’t for Blackbeard, they were lucky, half of them. Of people have fallen.

"The elves!" Asi's face became extremely ugly: "How is Alda? Is he all right?"

Lin Qi bowed to Assi and bowed a salute: "Arda is okay. He is responsible for maintaining the safety of the palace today, so he stayed here in the imperial capital and was not attacked. We are the oracles of the four main gods including Feng Chenxi , Launched an attack on the elves, but we really didn’t expect the elves to dispatch so many masters, we...have a heavy loss!"

When he said this, Lin Qi really wanted to find a chance to tear up Verus's sister, the goddess of pleasure. He even wanted to shred Dag, who was seriously injured and captured, to pieces, so that he could not survive and die.

The elves' counterattack against the Longshan Empire's army only caused tens of thousands of casualties, of which only 20,000 were killed. But Dag's sword shattered all the weapons and armors of the Longshan Empire soldiers within a thousand miles. Although he did not directly attack the Longshan Empire soldiers, because of him, the unarmed Longshan Empire soldiers were killed and injured by the elves. Counting the battle damage, more than 50,000 soldiers of the Longshan Empire were killed because of their armor and weapons being shattered!

Therefore, the Longshan Empire really suffered heavy losses, and Lin Qi absolutely didn't make false claims about this. The corpses of all the soldiers who died in the battle have been collected and placed neatly on a plain near the sacred mountain in the Haran Empire. As for the hundreds of thousands of wounded soldiers, Lin Qi used magic skills and moved to camp on that plain to receive emergency treatment.

Briefly, and at the same time changed his face to introduce the situation to Assi, Lin Qi and others have reached the place where the five upper gods of the temple of punishment were killed through the magic teleportation array. The bodies of the three upper gods had disappeared, and only two dilapidated bodies remained in place. Their bodies were cut to pieces, and the wounds were filled with a strong breath of life and a strange breath of undead.

Asi just glanced at the two divine bodies that had been cut into an inhuman form, and then walked out with a pale face. He has just enjoyed the warm fragrance of nephrite jade, and now he suddenly sees such a **** scene, how can he bear it when he is pampered? Thousands of servants of the Temple of War and 30,000 gods of the Temple of Retribution also died on the spot. Only Velus and Dag, who were still unconscious, survived. They are lying on two stretchers. Going up is haggard.

Not daring to look at the twisted and hideous corpses, Assi curiously approached Verus's side and carefully observed the castrated Verus's smooth lower body and his two severed legs. In Lin Qi's startled gaze, Asi suddenly burst into laughter: "Verus, bastard, hahaha, he has today? Lin Qi, who cut him off?"

Lin Qi spread his hands and looked at Assi solemnly: "I'm very sorry, Your Majesty Asi, there is chaos on the battlefield. We only took care of resisting that terrible Elf God. We didn't even notice that His Royal Highness Verus was Who hurt it!"

"No, no, no!" Asi hurriedly waved to Lin Qi: "Don't call him His Royal Highness Verus, he is not qualified to enjoy such noble vocabulary! Call him Verus, he, and his sister, He was just born from a low-lying and inferior family. In front of me, he was just a poor maggot! If it weren't for the goddess of pleasure who had many lovers backing, I would have killed him!"

Lin Qi looked at Asi whose face was slightly flushed: "You have a conflict with him?"

Assi was stunned, and then hurriedly shook his head: "No, no, I won't be at odds with this kind of indiscriminate goods! Well, well, why do they appear here? Dag of the Holy Sword Legion of the Temple of War He is also a very famous God of War in the Temple of War. He is a powerful subordinate of the God of War Mudel. Although the God of War was assassinated, I know that Mu Wei still values ​​him!"

Lin Qi spread his hands, he crooked his mouth: "Some little misunderstandings, they came here, and then they encountered a surprise attack by the elves. You see, the war temple and the punishment temple have suffered heavy losses, and here I am... ."

Before Lin Qi had finished speaking, the natural barrier of the sky suddenly began to collapse rapidly. The light green mask disintegrated inch by inch, and countless green streamers spread out in all directions. A terrifying divine might pressed its head high in the sky, and the dark golden Void Eye with a diameter of more than a hundred miles exudes a dazzling divine light. A very thin divine light shoots out from the pupil of the Void Eye, and a statue is wearing various colors of divine armor. The gods of the world emerged, and a huge enchantment of divine power shrouded the area for hundreds of miles.

A pink, the breath is between the upper peak and the lower main god, the aura is mixed and unstable, and the light is blasted down from the sky. A **** and hot figure, full of charming charm, wears a thin dress. His red dress, angrily flashed out of the divine light. She took up a few fragrant afterimages, and immediately rushed to Verus.

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