Bright Era

Chapter 2252: The truth (4)

The face of the **** of dawn turned pale with fright. In terms of absolute power, he was equivalent to Mu Wei. But Mu Wei is the God of War in the Temple of War, and her melee combat power is one of the best among the gods. The God of Dawn is more similar to a character like a commander. He is good at planning and planning. Even if he participates in battles, he is more likely to perform powerful magic skills under the protection of the army to bless the army in front of him in various auxiliary states.

In the War of the Ancients, if Mu Wei struggled to survive every day in the shadow of the sword, the God of Dawn had only a few close encounters with the enemy. Therefore, in terms of fighting desire and fighting instinct, the **** of dawn really can't compare with Mu Wei.

Therefore, Mu Wei was about to hit the **** of dawn with a single sword, and might even kill the **** of dawn—the **** of dawn was so scared that his face was pale and his heart shrank into a ball. He suddenly realized that he really shouldn't be in war. The **** Mudel ignored Mu Wei after his death! Mu Wei has absolute qualifications to communicate with herself in a positive and fair manner. The power she possesses must not be ignored.

With a loud bang, the **** of dawn was about to be hurt by Mu Wei's sword. The **** of punishment took a step and blocked Mu Wei's long sword with a sword. However, the God of Punishment who hurriedly shot, obviously did not use his full strength, and there was a big gap between the God of Punishment and Mu Wei in terms of the instantaneous outbreak of combat power. He barely blocked Mu Wei's sword, but he could not completely remove Mu Wei's attack.

A smear of blood spurted out, and the **** of dawn gritted his teeth and let out a cry. Mu Wei's sword lightly slashed his shoulders, bringing up a thin piece of flesh the size of a palm. This injury is really nothing, and healed after three or five days of rest, but for the **** of dawn, this is undoubtedly the face of the gods among them, and Mu Wei stepped on his dignity and glory!

The **** of dawn, who has the faint status of the highest leader of the Azer gods, was actually injured by Mu Wei with a sword. If it were not for the **** of punishment to rescue him in time, he might even be killed on the spot by Mu Wei! If no one knew about this kind of thing, it would be fine, but when so many gods saw it, the God of Dawn knew clearly that his prestige and influence within the Azerite clan would rapidly decay.

"Mu Wei!" Dawn's eyes fluttered with anger, he drew out his life artifact Dawn's Staff, and summoned a set of dazzling divine armor that was like a white flame to envelop his whole body, and then pointed to Mu Wei and screamed. : "Do you want to shield your subordinates?"

Mu Wei hasn’t spoken yet, Lin Qi has strode forward and yells loudly: "I, Lin Qi, never need anyone to protect me! Because I did nothing wrong! Verus wants to rob us of our credit. His fault! The gods are present, let them comment on us and see who is at fault!"

Pulling out the army axe, Lin Qi gritted his teeth and shouted: "The Lord of Dawn, you issued the oracle to attack the elves and gods, and promised to kill an elven god, so you will give us one. The inheritance of the priesthood of the upper Lord God! We were loyal to the Axul Protoss. I immediately mobilized all the troops of the Longshan Empire to attack the elves! We killed so many elves and gods, but someone actually relied on a coquettish coquettish Woman, come to take our credit!"

Slowly raising the army axe, Lin Qi sternly shouted: "As a warrior of a proud war temple, we will never give in to these scumbags of the Axor Protoss who are filthy in their hearts and filthy! If you dare to say that we are guilty, we will spare no effort. war!"

Black beard and other members of the Black Tiger family pulled out their weapons one after another, and their powers rose to the sky.

The dawn of dawn was so angry that he pointed to Lin Qi and sternly scolded: "You heretics!"

The face of the **** of punishment jumped violently. He wanted to speak something, but when he saw Asi standing behind Lin Qi, he shut his mouth wisely. Wearing a set of dazzling divine armor and holding a fancy spear, Asi was standing next to Lin Qi eagerly, putting on a posture of advancing and retreating together with Lin Qi.

And not far from Assi, wearing a white Qiuyue dress, smiling Lu Sijia is playing with a crimson crystal ball. The God of Retribution stared at the crystal ball, and then sighed heavily-the entire God's Domain is now under the control of Lu Si Jia, and the backup master core of God's Domain, Chi Titan, only listens to Lu Si Jia. One person's order.

Lu Sijia, the goddess of the moon, although her strength is still weak, but having mastered the realm of the gods, her right to speak in the Axul protoss is strong enough. Mu Wei, who possessed amazing fighting power, colluded with Lu Sijia, who controlled the defense system of God's Domain. This combination made it difficult for the God of Retribution and the God of Dawn to suppress other powerful gods.

"Calm down everyone!" The **** of punishment grabbed the shoulder of the **** of dawn with one hand, and shouted loudly.

Because Mu Wei blatantly attacked the **** of dawn, many of the war gods in the temple of war have pulled out their weapons, and the gods of the temple of dawn also formed a battle formation, staring at the gods of the war temple. The conflict between the two temples is on the verge of breaking out. In this case, the **** of punishment must make a choice.

He looked back helplessly at the joyous goddess who was dripping blood, her face looked like a female ghost, and the **** of punishment shouted coldly: "Virus will be punished! He tried to **** the military merits of Lin Qi, the deputy **** of the war temple. He must be punished! Through the eyes of the void, although we have not seen the whole thing, but we have seen the beginning of the matter, he must be punished!"

Taking a deep breath, the **** of punishment said coldly: "The focus now is to investigate the deaths of the five gods in the temple of punishment!"

The God of Dawn took a deep breath. He looked at Mu Wei who was fierce, then at Lu Sijia who was smiling, then turned to look at the God of Retribution, who was full of entanglement and helplessness, and finally looked back. Glancing at the forehand dancing and wanting to rush to tear Mu Wei, but the courageous goddess of pleasure, he finally let out a deep breath and slowly put down the rod of dawn.

"Verus will be punished!" The **** of dawn said with a gloomy face as if eating a bite of shit: "Many gods from the Temple of War and the Temple of Retribution have fallen here. We must investigate the situation! They will come to the end... "

Lin Qi stepped forward and interrupted the **** of dawn: "Do you want to hear the truth or a lie?"

The **** of dawn was silent, and he looked at the **** of punishment. But the **** of punishment, whose face was embarrassed, distorted, and full of anger and ferociousness, stared at Lin Qi for a long time, and then said word by word: "In front of the gods Face, of course we want to know the truth! We are noble gods, we are not demons, we don’t need lies!"

Slowly nodded, Lin Qi took off the sacrificial armor that looked so shabby to the gods.

The gods all over the sky saw the terrible wound on Lin Qi's body, and they cried out at the same time. At the same time, they all distinguished that a strong breath of life lingered on Lin Qi's wound, and that the gods who died in all directions at the scene also had such a strong breath of life. There is no doubt that this wound was caused by a certain powerful elven god.

The **** of dawn and the **** of punishment opened their eyes at the same time, and they felt a strong pressure that belongs to the original creature from the breath remaining in this wound on Lin Qi's body. They looked at each other anxiously, and then looked at Mu Wei and Lu Sijia at the same time.

Lin Qi coughed and said solemnly: "Virus wants to rob me and my subordinates for the credit, but he miscalculated our strength. He doesn't have enough power to take the merits from us, so... General Dag and the other five upper gods of the Temple of Retribution suddenly appeared with many subordinates and threatened me to give up all the results!"

The face of the **** of dawn and the **** of punishment is ugly to the extreme, and Mu Wei looked at Dag angrily: "The stupid scum, who gave him power and the courage to make him do such a thing. The gods of the war temple, shouldn't do such a thing."

The God of Retribution looked at Lin Qi with an earthy expression. He gritted his teeth and wanted to say something, but Lin Qi quickly interrupted him: "Sorry, what I said was a lie just now, and now what I said is the truth. !"

The expressions of the God of Retribution and the God of Dawn improved quickly. They looked at Lin Qi and nodded gently.

"From the oracles of the main gods, the brave Dragon Mountain Empire warriors have launched an attack on the evil elves!" Lin Qi raised his head, and the loud voice resounded through the audience: "But the evil elves and gods, they use The evil magic has created a terrifying natural barrier. The brave Dragon Mountain Empire warriors cannot defeat these damned elves."

With a heavy sob, Lin Qi lowered his head: "Brave His Royal Highness Verus, took his concubines to join the war! I must admit that His Royal Highness Verus is a real warrior, and he charges in spite of danger. Previously, he heroically beheaded an evil spirit god, but he was also badly injured by other spirit gods! Those evil spirits, they cruelly castrated Her Royal Highness Verus!"

With a sound of ‘Dang Cang’, the spear in Asi’s hand fell to the ground.

Lin Qi rubbed a handful of snuff powder and rubbed his eyes. When he raised his head, his eyes had already turned red: "His Royal Highness came in time. He heroically killed five elves and gods. The elf rescued His Royal Highness Verus!"

"Ah? Oh, oh! Five?" Asi looked at his pink and delicate palms, then he looked at the left and right, flushed and straightened his chest.

"Because of the brave battles of His Highness Verus and His Highness Assi, we prevented the attack of the elven gods and launched a counterattack. General Dag and five other noble higher gods also came to the battle with their subordinates. With their help, we gradually gained an advantage."

Lin Qi's eyes flashed, and he lowered his head with a painful expression: "But, but, a terribly powerful elf appeared! He colluded with a group of powerful undead gods, they killed many gods, so Many noble gods of Azer were killed by them! I wanted to avenge them, but that terrible spirit hurt me badly with a single sword!"

Blackbeard rubbed his nose and murmured on the side: "Yeah, that **** elf, it's terrible! Look at my shoulder, this wound is so scary!"

Mr. Blackbeard and Mo showed his wounds to all the gods of Azer.

Lin Qi raised his head. He looked at the **** of punishment and the **** of dawn, and said calmly, "This is the truth!"

The **** of dawn and the **** of punishment glanced at each other, and then they turned around at the same time, and knocked out the roaring goddess of pleasure with a punch.

"Yes, this is the truth of everything!"

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