Bright Era

Chapter 2275: Difficult Tianjing (2)

After two breaths, the metal ball squirmed slightly, the deep palm prints gradually bulged, and everything returned to normal. Heavenly Mountain’s voice sounded leisurely: "The memory metal craft of the Tianjing family, according to their design, if their technology can succeed, these metals can simulate the properties of eternal particles, even if all creations are dismantled into fragments, they can eventually be restored. Piece together into a complete creation. In this process, only part of the energy is consumed."

"It seems that their technology is developing well!" Lin Qi's eyes glowed, memory metal? Within two breaths, can Lin Qi's palm useless memory metal? This magical technique is really amazing! "It's just that the metal puppet was smashed by Blue Charm just now. It seems that their ability to resist is not very strong."

"Perhaps, because this metal puppet is just a patrolman, so his grade is not high!" Hell urn said angrily: "Never underestimate these green-skinned dwarfs, no one knows how perverted they will be. Things. Memories of metal, I have some of their information here, um, give life to metal... This is the idea these green-skinned dwarfs put forward after we conquered the metal life world where the Second Seagod is located."

Lin Qi remembered the terrifying metal army led by Qiu Fengjun! Judging from the strength of that metal army, one cannot underestimate these celestial spirits. Because with the strength of the Tianjing clan, they should be able to create metal puppets that are more terrifying than Qiufengjun's army.

Both Lan Ling and Lan Mei followed Lin Qi, and they looked at the metal sphere in Lin Qi's hand equally curiously. And the elves have dispersed to the four places, they are in groups to explore in the surrounding jungle, they from time to time give out surprises and admiration-the natural environment of this world is simply wonderful to the extreme, every tree here, Every flower and every grass is full of breath of life. The quality of the air and flowing water here is more than a hundred times better than that of the Elf Forest, and these elves are deeply attracted by everything here.

"We should advise the noble elves and gods to bring this beautiful world under our rule. This world should belong to the noble and elegant elves, not the dirty and ugly goblins!" The noble general stood on the top of a giant tree with a height of three hundred meters and shouted hoarsely: "Look, what a sweet air, what a clear river, what a beautiful jungle, and this rich magical element. It’s a paradise for our elves!"

With a ‘pouch,’ a metal arrow with a thumb thickness and a meter and a half pierced the chest of the elf general. The ferocious jagged spikes drove the slender and lightweight body of the elf general, flying forward more than three hundred meters like fallen leaves in the wind, before drawing an arc, and falling heavily to the ground.

Lin Qi suddenly raised his head, and the divine light in his eyes flashed in the direction where the arrow came from. In his sight, all the trees, flowers, and all the rocks and hills became transparent phantoms, allowing him to see the person who shot the arrow. The impact attached to this arrow is simply sensational. It was shot from a distance of at least 2,500 meters from the wizard general. After hitting the wizard general, it could fly forward with his body. Hundreds of meters away, the strength of this arrow is comparable to a siege bed crossbow.

Three kilometers away, at the top of a towering tree, a beautiful elf girl is standing on a branch swaying in the wind. She was only about 1.6 meters tall, and the giant longbow in her hand was one head taller than her. The arms of the longbow are two twisted and hovering ferocious black dragons. Each scale on the dragon's body is a magic spar engraved with a complex magic circle rune.

Such a magic bow was entangled with circles of thin magic halo, but there was no magic wave radiating, which caused Lin Qi to be unable to identify the rank of this longbow. But judging from the range and terrifying power of this longbow, it is at least a semi-artifact-level longbow. And this girl with a bow, her arm strength is not comparable to ordinary elves.

However, this is not an ordinary wizard either. Lin Qi looked at this girl coldly, a girl with a beautiful face, red lips and white teeth, and eyes like spring water. Her facial expression was indifferent and ruthless, and the light in her eyes didn't have any wisdom at all. Under her delicate skin, which was like an elf, was a cold metal body engraved with countless magic lines.

Under the gaze of Lin Qi's eyes, he could even see through the metal body of this elf girl, and see the thirteen small eternal power furnaces emitting huge heat and light in her body like a little sun! The extravagant Tianjing family, the terrible paranoid, obsessive-compulsive Tianjing family, the Tianjing family who strives for perfection to the point of nitpicking!

Such an ordinary metal puppet actually used thirteen small eternal power furnaces! This is too extravagant!

Look at the alchemists in the Western Continent. They can already sell a metal golem for a sky-high price by installing an ordinary magic furnace on a metal puppet. As for the legendary eternal power melting pot, Lin Qi has not known any alchemist in the Western Continent that can create such a high-end gadget-the eternal power melting furnace with endless power. This is a legend in the Western Continent. , Only occasionally can excavate a few broken samples from the ancient ruins!

But the little green-skinned guys of the Tianjing clan, they actually installed thirteen in a metal puppet!

"This is the famous furnace nesting system of the Tianjing clan. The scattered power furnaces provide power to the body. It is said that according to their calculations, this can increase the chance of survival of the metal puppets they create on the battlefield by five times. Ten times the combat effectiveness!" Long Ya sneered: "It's just that this is the result of their own calculations, and no one knows whether this is true!"

The elf general fell heavily to the ground, and several of his henchmen let out a stern roar. The elves have their traditions and pride. The nobles they served died on the battlefield. These guards who also came from nobles would feel that their honor was the most terrible insult. They must fight bravely and kill the one who killed themselves. The murderer of the serving adults, otherwise they would not be able to raise their heads in the clan forever.

Seven elven warriors who had reached the heavenly power level jumped onto the treetops. The innate keen eyesight of the elves made them discover the elven girl standing three kilometers away. The seven elven warriors were obviously dumbfounded. They stood on the treetops blankly, not knowing what to do for a while.

The distance of three kilometers, this has exceeded the range limit of their bow and arrow! Even if they use magic arrows to increase their range with magic power, their maximum range is only two kilometers, and the effective lethality is within kilometers. Facing a terrifying archer who could accurately shoot an elf general from three kilometers away, they didn't even have the courage to shoot.

They didn't dare to make a move, and the elven girl from the other party blankly drew seven long arrows from the quiver behind her. She opened her mouth and bit the three long arrows between the two rows of white teeth emitting a strong metallic cold light, and then she clamped the four long arrows with the five fingers of her right hand, posing a posture of seven arrows in a row.

Elves kept jumping up to the treetops nearby. When they saw the movement of the elven girl, all the elves shouted angrily. Seven arrows are fired in a row, and the target is the elves who are known for their proficiency in bow and arrow techniques. The enemies are too arrogant and do not put the elves in their eyes.

Lin Qi raised his brows and looked at the elf girl. He saw that the elf girl pulled the bowstring, and then shook her arm lightly seven times. The sound of'banging' was endless, and the seven hideous jagged spikes had cracked in the air. , The few elven guards suddenly screamed, everyone got an arrow in their throat, and was taken hundreds of meters back by that terrible long arrow, and then fell heavily to the ground.

"What a terrifying archery!" Lin Qi couldn't help but gasped, and then combined the archery skills of the metal elven girl in front of him with the arrows of the most powerful elves and the Yew Island Ranger he had ever seen. Compare the techniques. Speaking of the exquisiteness and mystery of archery, the heir to Yew Island that Lin Qi knew was definitely better than the elf girl.

But speaking of the dominance and lethality of archery, this elven girl is several times stronger than Tingfeng. The effective lethality of 3,000 meters is basically a human-shaped fort. Unless it is those elves and gods, who can shoot a long arrow so far and maintain such a precise head?

The sound of ‘swish’ burst into the air, and dozens of elven puppets suddenly appeared beside the elf girl. They stood firmly on the branches of the tree, holding long bows, and looked at the elves thousands of meters away with expressionless expressions. Immediately after that, more and more elven puppets continuously emerged from the woods. In just a few breaths, at least tens of thousands of elven puppets appeared in the opposite woods.

What was even more speechless for Lin Qi was that most of these elven puppets were riding on puppet beasts that were also made of metal. Tigers, fangs, terrestrial dragons, and even hundreds of petite, colorfully painted elven dragons suspended in the air like birds of paradise, their backs also carry elven puppets holding long bows.

These elven puppets look no different from the elves of flesh and blood. Only their indifferent and unfeeling eyes reveal the fact that they are artificial creations.

The elves that Lin Qi brought into a stir. Although these elves are arrogant and arrogant, they are not stupid! From the terrifying archery skills of the elf girl at the beginning, you can know that the combat power of these elf puppets is far more than ten times stronger than ordinary elf. Now the number of opposing sides has reached tens of thousands, both in terms of number and individual combat power, these elves are at an absolute disadvantage.

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