Bright Era

Chapter 2303: Crazy counterattack (1)

A vast and profound will hovered over Berrily, the great power dispelled the high-altitude dark clouds, the ice storm from the Oding Ice Sheet was blocked off the coastline of the North Sea, and the brilliant sun shrouded the land.

In the warm sun, the snow around Berrily melted quickly, and large groups of civilians under the command of officials and officials were orderly repairing the broken city. A large group of magicians from the Longshan Empire joined in the reconstruction of the city. They mainly focused on the heavy walls and reinforced them with magic circles.

The huge ships transported mountains of grain, ordnance, and armor from the Great Yan Dynasty through the Seine River. The chaotic city of Berrell gradually became orderly. Thanks to the nearly fanatical hard work of many civil and military ministers in the former Gaul Empire, the once messy tent area disappeared without a trace in just a few days, and replaced by A neat row of small wooden houses.

The clean and tidy city has made the large-scale refugees in Berrily much more at ease. With the official free distribution of medicinal materials, food, and various clothing, these originally ragged and scrawny refugees, in just a few days Nei had recovered his energy, even his face had a moisturizing blood.

All Berrily’s armies, whether it was the former Royal Forbidden Army or the Field Corps, or the Rangers, Dragoons, Militia Joint Defense Teams, etc., and even the private guards of the mercenary regiments and nobles, the total number of troops was more than ten million One hundred and thirty-five newly formed legions, they formed a large-scale northern group of Longshan Empire.

Under the operation of Lin Qi, the soldiers of these regiments passed through the magic teleportation array in order within a few days, entered the abyss of evil spirits, signed the loyalty contract, and performed the dragon blood bath at the same time. On average, the strength of the soldiers has risen to a level above the high rank, among which a large number of masters of the Celestial rank have emerged, and among those generals, there are many holy ranks and demigods.

In addition to Lin Qi’s special cultivation of those noble generals who have given blood oaths to himself, with the infusion of divine power, this huge army of one hundred and thirty-five legions already has more than 100,000 demigods. The existence of higher order or higher. For Lin Qi at this moment, it is not difficult to create a batch of demigods by pulling out the seedlings and promoting it, it is nothing more than a matter of consuming some magical resources.

Ten days after Lin Qi annexed the Gaul Empire, sixty legions composed of dwarves, titans, half-orcs, half-dragons and other strong fighting races also joined the sequence of the northern cluster of the Longshan Empire. These newly added soldiers were mixed with the troops of the original Gaul Empire, and Lin Qi generously provided a large number of dragons such as flying dragons and earthwalking dragons, which greatly enhanced the combat effectiveness of this army.

When Stern got the military statistics report sent by his subordinates, he could not help but screamed in exclamation—fifteen heavily loaded ground dragoon legions, five flying dragoon legions, two flying dragoon wizard legions, There are as many as fifty warcraft cavalry groups composed of other mixed-blood dragon beasts! What is shocking is that all the soldiers of these Warcraft Cavalry Corps, all armor and weapons are at least top rune equipment.

"It's a bit too bullying!" Holding this statistical report, Stern shook his head dumbfoundingly, and then looked towards the north with pity. This is really a bit too bullying. Pity those alien armies, many of them don't even have complete armor and weapons, and they can only rely on tyrannical physical forces to fight.

Stan couldn't imagine what it would be like when these monster cavalry groups armed to their teeth launched an impact on them. Whether orcs, barbarians, or Titans, their flesh is indeed very powerful, their cultivation talent is indeed very powerful, each of them can indeed easily deal with three or five human soldiers of the same level!

But when these human soldiers put on rune equipment or even magic equipment, when they ride on the powerful, thick-skinned dragon beasts that can spit out three or five pseudo-dragon breaths from time to time, what kind of orcs, barbarians or other The alien race, aren't they just a pile of fruits, and can only be killed by these human soldiers? Not to mention, Lin Qi also pieced together sixty elite legions also composed of alien races to supplement the northern cluster.

"This is too bullying!" Stan shook his head, put down the statistics report in his hand, and smugly carried his hands, looked at the clear sky outside with a smile on his face through the floor-to-ceiling windows of his office. Lin Qi used his great power to disperse the dark clouds and blizzards. According to the information sent by the scouts, the snow had begun to melt and the road conditions had begun to improve. Within a few days of work, the natural environment would be very suitable for large corps operations.

Dispatch nearly two hundred elite legions at once, and coordinate with ten magician legions to launch a full-scale attack! Stan's blood almost burned with excitement when he thought of Lin Qi's battle plan. A wisp of blue smoke came out on top of Stein's head, and the temperature of his body was rising rapidly as his brain was tumbling rapidly.

I spent my whole life in the Gaul Empire. Facing the alien races in the north, the Gaul Empire’s army has always been passively defensive and passive targets. But this time, Stein is about to launch an active offensive for the first time in his life, and the forces participating in the offensive are so powerful and the scale of the troops used is so large. This battle will be remembered forever in the history books of the Western Continent. on.

There was a few knocks on the door, Stern coughed and snorted with majesty, "Come in!"

A young officer with a sharp face strode into Stein’s office. He held a scroll with a touch of magic and handed it respectfully to Stein: "Your Excellency, this is from the church. Order-There will be ten legions of disciplinary knights, twenty-five legions of blood knights, twelve legions of dawn knights, three legions of dawn priests, and one legion’s life priest will be under your command and support This counterattack."


Stern let out an indecent exclamation. He snatched the magic scroll, slapped a slap on his chin, and slapped his nearly dislocated chin back in place. He pulled the scroll open and took a look at the command to adjust soldiers on it. After a long time, he finally took his gaze away from the scroll.

"This, this is bullying people to death!" Stern has no idea what to say. The church forces with a total strength of fifty-one legions will join this counterattack? Fifty-one legions? It's really seeing the dead alive. Even in the Hundred Years Land-Island War, the Temple Corps dispatched by the church at one time only mobilized 200,000 people, but only two legions.

It is the church armies of the two legions that have taught the untidy and untidy foreign races in the north a heavy lesson, and this time the church has very generously handed over the huge army of 51 legions. Give Stern a command! Is this a sign to completely destroy those alien races? This is a sign of a knife to death!

What is even more shocking and speechless is that although the church’s army stationed there were hundreds of thousands on the former Norman Fortress defense line, the church’s army can only be called by the archbishops. The generals of the secular world want these high-ranking leaders. When the church soldiers make one move, it is really to pretend to be a grandson to make a smile, or even to give a huge bribe, these gods will be forced to make another move.

This time, the church directly handed over 51 elite legions to Stan. This is really too generous, too generous! It's not at all the church's proper behavior style. When have those stingy clever sticks been so reasonable?

"Church, this time is really lavish! It's just that since Blackbeard is presiding over the church, then this kind of change is not uncommon." Stern laughed'hehe', and then he grabbed his forehead, his face turned extremely Weird.

"The strength of the fifty-one legion? The church has so many temple knights? Moreover, this is only the strength of the three temples of the temple of war, the temple of dawn and the temple of punishment!" Stein's mouth twitched slightly: "But according to the original The intelligence of the Military Intelligence Department of the Gaul Empire, the three major temples, and their standing forces, combined are 20 legions with 2 million people, but this time..."

Wrapped in a black cloak, Lin Qi pushed open the door of Stein's office.

"Don't think about it so much. The strength of the church, or the Axul Protoss, is beyond the imagination of people in the Western mainland. This news is still unknown to the people, but at the top of the church, it is not a secret. "Lin Qi walked to Stein and said calmly: "The church is in the underground world, and it also controls the three abyssal worlds with a total territories almost 100 times that of the Western Continent. There are trillions of people in them, and they have hoarded thousands of people. The temple legion of billions of dollars."

Stan opened his mouth wide, unable to speak for a long time.

Lin Qi nodded to Stein, and sighed heavily: "So, the church has such a strong strength, we don't want to save them too much. The church army of the fifty-one legion drawn this time, let They play the vanguard and fight against the most elite main force of the alien race. As for the army of the northern cluster of the Longshan Empire, it is our own belongings. If we can save some, we will save some."

Stein nodded knowingly. He looked at Lin Qi with a weird look, and suddenly lowered his voice and asked carefully: "Then, Lin Qi, we should also belong to the Azerite clan. What is our position?"

position? Lin Qi stayed in a daze, clicked his mouth thoughtfully, and suddenly smirked: "Our position, of course, is to continuously strengthen our own power and weaken the power of other gods as much as possible! Stan! Uncle, do you think this is true? It's not just in the Azer **** clan, even in any empire, there are such things!"

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