Bright Era

Chapter 2331: War, total war (1)


It was like a cuckoo screaming blood, or a wild dog was severely burned on the **** with a soldering iron, and the heart was screamed hoarsely when Lin Qi took out the heart. His mouth, nostrils, ears, and the wounds that penetrated his heart were sprayed with blood. The blazing divine blood sprinkled with a dull cracking sound, splashing a monstrous giant on the sea below. wave.

Idar reached out his hand and grabbed Lin Qi's body with difficulty. Lin Qi was closing his eyes, not looking at Idar at all. But Idar’s hand did not touch Lin Qi, because Cerberus had already rushed up silently, and Cerberus, who was ticking down with saliva and venom, fully verified the bite. People’s dogs don’t bark’ this classic saying.

He rushed up silently, opened his big mouth silently, and bit Idar's ankle with one bite. With a crisp sound, Idar's ankle was bitten to pieces by Cerberus like a cracker. With blood splashing, Cerberus shook his head madly and silently, and tried his best to smash Idar. Tugged slantingly and slantingly on his body, and then rushed on crazy but equally silently.

Cerberus pounced on Idar, his big blood-filled mouth quietly bit down Idar's neck. The heart was taken away, and the divine body was severely injured. Idar almost died of pain. On the spot, Idar let out a roar of fright and anger. He twisted his neck forcefully, and Cerberus rubbed his neck with poisonous teeth. There were two thin blood marks on his neck.

Idar's body suddenly felt weak and weak, and a strong dark aura invaded his body, enveloped his soul, and began to invade his soul. This is the venomous poison on Cerberus’s teeth. This head is responsible for guarding the gates of hell. It relies on the three-headed dog who devours rotting corpses and the body of various monsters. On his teeth, besides the unique evil poison of **** monsters, it is more mixed. Some things are unclear, and even **** can't analyze the weird toxicity of specific ingredients.

Rao is that Idar has the power of the pinnacle lord god, and Rao is the shelter of his holy crown in the sky. . . Oh, no, the Celestial Crown can no longer protect Idar. Because Lin Qi snatched the essence of life left by the Silver Eagle King, Idar was no longer able to inspire the huge power in it to activate the holy crown, so this powerful weapon once again integrated into Idar's body, and could no longer protect him. .

The virulence spread throughout the body, Idar's body began to spasm, cold sweat, sticky gray-black sweat kept secreting from his pores, his vision began to blur, and his blood circulation stopped! Of course, even if he was not poisoned, his blood circulation would be stagnant, because Lin Qi had already scratched his heart.

Several gods of the Sky Protoss spread their wings and flew toward Idar quickly, trying to rescue their leader. But a group of wolf-like subordinates led by Blackbeard stood in front of them. Blackbeard dangling a cigar, slowly blowing smoke rings, and making a provocative gesture towards the gods of the sky gods with a hippy smile.

These gods were so angry that they screamed, but these people of the Black Tiger family are stronger than them, have extremely rich combat experience, and the means of warfare belong to the extremely indecent and shameless arena techniques. After a round of beating, the gods of the Sky Protoss were full of heads. Even though they had exhausted their strength to feed themselves, they only left large scars on their bodies, and they couldn't get close to Idar.

Idar's realm world was shattered every inch by Lin Qi's whistling, and Idar had lost control of his body and power. His domain world collapsed, but he was completely unable to recover. The wind element was scattered everywhere, and the cyan gust of wind rolled around, trying to sweep the whole world, but was intercepted by the overlapping defensive arrays near Berrily. .

When the domain collapsed, all the defensive restrictions near Berrily had been opened, and the dazzling light enveloped the world, and outsiders could no longer see what was happening here. Not to mention that God's Domain has completely closed the entrance and exit portals, isolating all internal and external connections. Even if God's Domain is still the same now, the Void God cannot see the movement inside through these defensive arrays.

The two rabbits took advantage of the opportunity of being cut off from all their breath by the divine formation, pulling a huge metal rod and hitting Soglaa. Their bodies swelled to a height of one hundred and ten meters, and the heavy metal rods brought dragon-like hurricanes to Sogera's skinny body.

Sogla was hit like a ball flying all over the sky. From time to time, he was splashed with large flares of sparks. When the metal rod collided with his body violently, the impact sound was like hundreds of thousands of lightning exploding at the same time. It shocked people's eyes with Venus flashes.

"I hate the gods of the undead!" Da Hei muttered softly, "Never mind the ugliness, they are extremely poor!"

"You don't even have any better clothes!" Xiao Hei screamed while waving the metal pole frantically, "You don't even have any valuable clothes! What are you wearing? Tattered cloth strips! Can't you learn from the elves?"

"That's the shroud!" Da Hei sighed heavily, and shook his hand and slammed Sogra's **** fiercely: "This is the shroud, my dear brother! These guys really don't Be careful, I don’t remember what benefits I have gained from the undead gods."

The two rabbits whispered and complained, and madly beat Sogera with all their strength. The rabbits were also hit hard in the Primordial Battle, and their strength has not recovered, but their strange power cannot be estimated by common sense. Even if there are still hidden wounds in the body, even if their strength may only be restored to a level of one ten thousandth, their strange power still exerts a terrible lethality.

Sogela's bones groaned overwhelmedly, and his body was beaten into severe pain. After two rabbits bombarded him for more than three hundred bars, Sogela finally couldn't suppress the injuries in his body, and his mouth was a black and red line. The juice spurted out. As the deity of the undead system, there is no such thing as blood in Sogla's body. What he squirts out is his core and most precious life source.

In other words, the two rabbits beat Sogla to hurt the most precious and core vitality! This made Sogla, who was still wounded, even worse. This loss of vitality, if Sugra can completely rely on sleep to recover, he estimated that he would have to get into his coffin for another three to five thousand years to sleep. Barely recovered.

"Damn rabbit!" Soglas screamed hysterically: "Damn rabbit! I hate rabbits! But, two rabbits? Fortunately you are not the legendary rabbit, otherwise, otherwise..."

The two rabbits winked at each other quickly, the legendary rabbit? It should be said that they are two brothers, right? Of course, in the Primordial God War, the two rabbits have always been a frontal lure and a sap on the back, so many gods who were overthrown by them thought to the death that their enemy was only a snow-white cute little rabbit!

Now the two rabbits have changed their coat colors, and the two brothers have appeared at the same time, and the weapons in their hands have also changed. Presumably no one can recognize them! Thinking of this, the two rabbits happily shook their hair and shook their short tails, and then the levers in their hands happily brought up black hurricanes and slammed them down at Sogla.

Sugla was beaten up and howling miserably, his dignified undead god-level existence was actually beaten so embarrassed by two rabbits, and two rabbits constantly emitting dragon power, obviously some kind of dragon hybrid rabbit, he This humiliation can no longer be tolerated.

Tens of thousands of carving knives flew out of Sogera's sleeves. These thin, off-white, non-reflective carving knives flew out with a heavy deadness, and then quickly cut out in the air. Countless gray-white light visible to the naked eye. Accompanied by the piercing ghost howl, a cubic space measuring ten miles long, wide and high was forcibly separated by Sogla's law.

"Welcome to my realm world, undead puppet realm!" Sogla laughed aloud, his hands opened, and the carving knives no longer restored the shape of the knife, but turned into countless thumbs-sized distorted gray faces Flying all over the sky. Sugla screamed: "This is my world, my domain, and all creatures that enter here will become my treasure!"

Glancing viciously at the two rabbits, Sogla said grimly: "I want to make you..."

Before he finished speaking, Sugla's face suddenly stiffened, his eyes almost jumped out of his sockets, and he couldn't say a word. The realm world shrouded by his peculiar laws and powers is densely covered with countless insidious and vicious traps that make people shattered and soul scattered. In the seemingly empty realm world, countless sharp and extremely sharp, even the main god-level artifacts will be easily cut into pieces. Two pieces of invisible sword energy are intersecting in the field.

In the Primordial War of Gods, there were three **** masters who were even stronger than Sogera. They were accidentally imprisoned by Sogera's realm and world. Then Sogera quickly stripped all their skins and flesh and their bones. Made his own collection of artworks. His domain world is a terrifying desperate situation that the powerful existence of the **** master cannot get rid of.

But the two rabbits, they actually carried their own big levers like this, swaggering, as if straight into the land of no one, and walked out of Sogra's realm world in a few easy steps. They put away the rod, compressed their bodies to the size of a fist, and squatted left and right outside of Sogla's domain, squirming their mouths and gnawing at the carrots that they didn't know where they came from.

"Grandson, come out!" Da Hei squirmed his three-petal mouth arrogantly while yelling to Sogla.

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