Bright Era

Chapter 2467: A trace of vitality (3)

The black rabbit is more than a kilometer tall, and the metal pole in his hand is black and lacquered, engraved with countless sun, moon and stars, flowers, birds, insects and fish. This rabbit with long hairs standing up like a hedgehog appeared out of nowhere, and a heavy rod smashed the void in front of him, swallowing Nightmare's spear directly into the broken void.

The metal rod on the rabbit's hand was rolled by the high temperature on the black spear, and the metal rod instantly burned red, and the surface even burst into a yellow flame several meters high. But the rabbit held the metal pole tightly with both hands, and despite the flames burning the long hairs on his hands, his body did not suffer any harm.

Nightmare's eyes widened in shock, a rabbit, a rabbit using a stick! This gave Nightmare some kind of not-so-good association. It's just that, unlike the rabbit that Nightmare knew about, this rabbit was black, and he used a metal rod instead of a big and thin pounding pestle.

The arc moon-shaped light and shadow full of withered and withered death swayed by the Empress Green Moon ripped through the void, and came to the rabbit silently. This rabbit is also cunning. He keenly judged the difficulty of the Green Moon Queen’s blow. He took a step back quickly, and then grabbed a osmanthus tree rhizome that was thousands of meters long and used him as a long whip. He drew towards the arc-shaped light and shadow.

Bringing a cyan light, the rhizome of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree containing the aura of huge life was severely drawn to the attack of the Empress Green Moon. The breath of life and the breath of life withering and withering collided together, as if light and darkness were incompatible. The two forces began to rapidly impact and oscillate, continuously releasing waves of dazzling strong light spraying around.

Empress Green Moon's body shook slightly, her blow was offset and fused by the endless life energy in the sweet-scented osmanthus tree without causing any harm. The Empress Green Moon glanced at the black rabbit in astonishment, cursed a "damn rabbit", and then screamed at Nightmare's hiss: "Don't keep your hands, use your strength! Nightmare, destroy this human, I can Tell you something you don't know!"

Nightmare glanced at Empress Luyue disapprovingly and mumbled "I don't know the so-called woman". Nightmare doesn't believe Empress Green Moon, what can she have that Nightmare doesn't know? Could it be that the Queen of Green Moon wants to tell Nightmare that she is actually a goblin? If this is the case, Nightmare is very interested in telling all the gods about this gossip.

With a cold snort, Nightmare's body suddenly swelled, his body quickly enlarged, and it quickly swelled to nearly 10,000 meters in size. Numerous long whips condensed from black flames spurted out of him, and swept toward the rabbit who was blocking Lin Qi like octopus tentacles. Nightmare's tentacles are extremely hot, and even the stars in the sky will be turned into ashes by the sweep of his tentacles.

What is even more frightening is that these tentacles condensed with the original power of Nightmare are covered with a thick layer of high-energy radiation and other messy departures that are full of devastating lethality for creatures with flesh. With Nightmare's strength, even if an ordinary Lord God of other Protoss is entangled by his tentacles, it will shrivel and shrink like a dried orange in a short time, and finally turn into a plume of blue smoke.

Millions of tiny tentacles wrapped around the rabbit. The rabbit's face changed slightly. He took a deep breath, yelled'kill' at the nightmare, and then turned his short tail to use the fastest Fleeing backwards at a speed. What time is the running rabbit of an ordinary rabbit almost coming, let alone the weird rabbit with a powerful force that reaches a kilometer in front of you?

With a few flashes, the rabbit escaped without a trace in the blink of an eye. Nightmare's countless tentacles were frozen in the air, and the Empress Green Moon, who was about to launch the second wave of attacks, also stayed in place. The rabbit had no morals at all. Hearing his yelling'kill', the two They are all ready to respond to the threat of the rabbit's life-death attacks. But they never dreamed that this rabbit would run away like this?

"Oh, **** rabbit!" Nightmare grumbled stutteringly: "I, why am I so familiar with his style?"

Before he finished his words, another black rabbit appeared silently behind Yanteng's back. A 10,000-meter-long metal rod slammed down from the top of Yanteng's head with a terrifying sound. The irresistible force of Pei Ran slammed on Nightmare's body firmly.

Nightmare's spherical body was smashed into an olive shape, and a large amount of black high-temperature flame slurry was sprayed out of Nightmare's body like glue. Nightmare made a horrible cry of exhaustion, and this stick caused the main body of Nightmare to be greatly shaken, even the core of his ontological consciousness was shaken to the point that he almost fainted.

There is no physical form, just a group of energy field aggregates, the nightmare will produce an impulse of ‘coma’, which shows the power of this stick.

Nightmare's huge body was smashed and shot downwards. With a diameter of more than 10,000 meters, he plunged into the ocean hundreds of miles deep on the edge of Tiger Island. The sea water within a radius of hundreds of miles vaporized at the same time, and the high-temperature steam exploded, turning into a cloud of white gas bursting out to the surroundings. The rabbit monster who successfully attacked the nightmare screamed, and the black hair in front of his body was covered by the hot water. The steam rushed, and was washed by the strange energy field released by Nightmare Teng, and the black hair in front of his body suddenly turned into a brilliant silver white.

Nightmare was beaten into the rocks on the bottom of the sea and could not move for a long time. His body released violent high temperatures and heat, turning large areas of seabed rock into magma. The dark nightmare couldn't see the changes on the rabbit for the first time. Instead, the Queen of Green Moon saw the color change of the rabbit's fur. She screamed hoarsely: "Damn rabbit! You are under the osmanthus tree. That rabbit that pounded medicine!"

"Take your sister!" Another black rabbit emerged from behind the Empress Green Moon without making any sound.

After all, the Empress of Green Moon is the current supreme leader of the Elf Protoss, and her origin is the future emperor candidate of the Elf family, and is the guardian of the elves' orthodoxy and law and the deity of judgment. So the equipment on her body is extremely gorgeous, the rabbit just emerged from behind her, and a palm-sized silver gem pendant on her neck automatically flows out a layer of moonlight, which firmly protects her inside. .

This silver jewel pendant is a defensive artifact at the pinnacle of the God Lord level. In the Primordial God War, the Empress Green Moon relied on his power to escape the desperate situation several times. What looks like a silver gem is actually a core of the elven mother tree of the Elf family.

But what she met was a rabbit! Two entering various enchantments and traps are like rabbits entering the realm of no one!

The rabbit that appeared behind the Empress Green Moon widened his eyes, a paw patted the moonlight on the surface of Empress Green Moon, and he heard a crisp sound. The silver gem pendant on Empress Green Moon’s chest The core law runes inside collapsed at the same time, becoming meaningless fragmentary runes. The silver jewel burst open, turning into a group of rich life breath spreading to the surroundings, and the moonlight on the Empress Green Moon also disintegrated.

"It's impossible!" Empress Luyue's heart twitched, and her whole body was cold.

The rabbit standing behind the Empress Luyue gave a weird laugh, and the metal rod in his hand suddenly changed its shape, turning into a black rammed pestle with thick and thin ends. Holding the thinner end of the pounding pestle tightly, the rabbit opened his mouth and howled loudly. The small tongue in his throat trembled violently, almost trembling from the corner of his mouth. After exhausting all his strength, the rabbit, whose fur was almost exploded, picked up a pestle and smashed it at the back of Empress Green Moon's head.

The Empress Green Moon screamed, and when she saw that the pendant on her chest suddenly collapsed, she immediately raised the Staff of Life Radiance and waved it randomly behind her. The Staff of Life Radiance emits a faint green light, transforming into a human head-sized round shield and shielding behind the Empress Green Moon.

The heavy blow of the rabbit hit the rod of life glory, and the huge blow force failed to smash the light shield formed by the rod of life glory. The rabbit's eyes condensed, and he yelled with a look of disbelief: "Am I hell? This is the Staff of Life's Radiance. We took this thing back! He, why is he here?"

Although it failed to break the light shield formed by the Staff of Life Radiance, the heavy blow from the rabbit made the Empress Green Moon's slender arms unable to withstand the terrible power. There was a crisp fracture sound from Empress Luyue's arm. She screamed in pain, and her body was like a meteor bombarded by the gods, bringing a green streamer to the distance.

The Empress Green Moon, who was blasted into the air with a broken bone and screamed in pain, screamed in disbelief: "Two rabbits? Why are two rabbits? I think of it, no wonder so many clansmen, they are all His head was smashed from behind!"

"Oh! I was seen through!" The two rabbits stuck their tongues out at the same time: "Isn't it, one is fighting you head-on, the other is playing sap behind you, this is what our brothers do! Isn't it? Donkey !"

The donkey did not say a word, he had teleported to the Empress Green Moon's side, a giant beast mouth several meters in radius opened beside the Empress Green Moon's arm, and then bit down with a ‘click’. The Empress Green Moon just shrank her hand instinctively, but her movement was slightly slower with the broken arm bone.

The big hideous mouth bit on the shoulder of the Empress Green Moon, and snapped the arm of her holding the staff of life glory against her shoulder.

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