Bright Era

Chapter 2473: Suppression and integration (1)

Tiger Island.

Empress Green Moon's body disintegrated in a sharp and miserable howl, and her soul floated in the air blankly. The gleaming green spirit is like a sculpted emerald, with clear eyebrows like a human being, except that her spirit is translucent, which is very different from her divine body.

Lin Qi stood in front of the Empress Luyue, squinting at her panicked and desperate. Countless thoughts flashed through Lin Qi's mind, including the scene when he first saw the Queen of Green Moon-at that time, the Queen of Green Moon was hit by a messaging magic circle, which gave Lin Qi a great threat. , Almost didn't hit Lin Qi seriously.

Today, in just a few short years, Lin Qi has completely crushed the Empress Green Moon in strength. The newly condensed vitality is only a trivial trace. Empress Green Moon’s divine body is as vulnerable as a fragile porcelain, and is easily shattered under this vitality.

Although the condensing speed of the vitality in the body is so slow that it is helpless, after a trace of vitality has been consumed just now, several breaths have passed, but even a little bit of new vitality has not been condensed, but the power of this vitality Lin Qi was already amazed.

Deliberately not looking at the horrified face of the Empress Luyue, Lin Qi squinted and immersed all of his attention inside his body. The black hole was spinning extremely slowly, spitting out a huge amount of void energy, slowly breeding vitality. Several extremely small light spots of Yuanli rushed through Lin Qi's body, and Lin Qi's body was stabbed with bursts of pain wherever he passed.

With Lin Qi's current physical strength, he still couldn't withstand the movement of Yuan Li. However, this sting is also squeezing the body essence of the five guardian dragon kings into Lin Qi's body, and it is strengthening Lin Qi's physical strength every inch.

Clenching his fists, there was no trace of vitality in Lin Qi's body. But relying solely on physical strength, Lin Qi can be suspended in the air, and he can clearly perceive the void around his body as fragile as a mirror, flowers, water and moon, relying solely on physical strength, Lin Qi can easily destroy the space and travel through the void, and do a lot. Things that can only be done by a god-level power.

Even relying on physical strength, Lin Qi can disrupt time and imprison the flow of time. Time is a long river of nothingness, and ordinary people simply cannot touch the law of time. But Lin Qi’s physical strength is too strong, it’s like a huge pillar that suddenly penetrated the sky and the earth, brutally pierced through all the barriers on the river of time, brutally broke into the river of time, and stirred violently. , This is enough to interfere or even destroy the law of time.

"Extreme physical power can reach this level?" Lin Qi recalled the scenes of the origin of mankind he had seen back then, the giant who wandered in the void of the universe for countless years, the origin creature of human blood, A huge nebula is floating beside him, and a cluster of nebulae is just a little dust relative to him!

With such a huge body and such a terrifying figure, what level has his physical strength reached?

"It's still too weak!" Lin Qi grinned, and then two black rays of light came out of his eyes, and he glared at Empress Luyue.

The Empress Green Moon uttered a earth-shattering scream, her communication with the natural elements in a state of divine soul was several times stronger than before. She almost moved her heart, and the endless natural elements in the void surged like a storm. , An elf curse named'Nature's Fury' instantly condensed before her.

Almost in the way of burning the soul, the forbidden curse power of this natural fury released by the Empress Green Moon is more than ten times stronger than the power in her heyday. The overwhelming colorful torrent shattered the void with a dull roar, turning into a whirlpool with a diameter of hundreds of miles, and swept Lin Qi into it. Every moment there are thousands of violent attacks on Lin Qi, every moment thousands of Forbidden Curses explode on Lin Qi’s body, and Lin Qi has endured all kinds of weirdness. The gravitational field, magnetic field, radiation field and other strange force fields strangling.

Lin Qi's clothes were completely wiped out, and every instant tens of thousands of attacks shot out countless flames on Lin Qi's body, making a loud and deafening noise. Such a loud noise even made the donkeys and rabbits cover their ears, and even the Empress Green Moon almost collapsed, but Lin Qi just floated in the air casually, without seeing any pain on his face. The color.

The Fury of Nature is an extremely magical forbidden curse. Unless the releaser takes the initiative to remove the control of the forbidden curse, otherwise the forbidden curse will continue to swallow the surrounding natural elements, and lasts for almost eternity, until the releaser himself is covered by the curse It will stop until it is torn into pieces. After the Empress Green Moon released this forbidden curse, her spirit retreated as quickly as possible, while the coverage of Nature's Fury was rapidly increasing.

Every minute and every second, Natural Fury is absorbing huge natural elements, and the lethality at the core is increasing in a geometrical order of magnitude. After ten breaths, the power of Nature's Fury skyrocketed a hundred times, and Lin Qi's skin finally began to show traces of blood. But Lin Qi absorbed the body essence of the five great dragon kings, and his physical strength at this time had reached an inhuman level.

Every bloodstain that appeared, immediately disappeared under Lin Qi's powerful self-healing ability. Thousands of blood stains appeared on Lin Qi every moment, but every moment these blood stains disappeared without a trace. Under such tempering, nearly 90% of the flesh and blood essence hidden in Lin Qi's body by the five great guardian dragon kings is continuously fusing with Lin Qi's body.

After a cup of tea, the area covered by Nature's Fury has been nearly 10,000 miles, and the entire Forbidden Curse has turned into a chaotic vortex. Lin Qi is standing in the center of this vortex, and the attack received every moment has risen to a million times. With Lin Qi's physical strength now, he felt a heart-wrenching pain, and every moment he had the illusion that his physical body would be torn apart.

But the sweet-scented osmanthus tree is suspended above Lin Qi's head. Hell and Heavenly Mountain are in Lin Qi's body. They constantly release their original strength and help Lin Qi stabilize his body at all costs, so that his body will not be under such a violent attack. Destroyed. As long as Lin Qi's body can maintain a human form, his current powerful self-healing ability will allow him to persist here almost eternally.

And every time Lin Qi is tortured, Lin Qi's body gets stronger! Each of the five guardian dragon kings is an imperial powerhouse, and their physical strength ranks among the imperial emperors. Now the flesh and blood essences of the five great guardian dragon kings are hiding in Lin Qi's body, and they are about to use the cruel tempering of the outside world to make these flesh and blood essences match Lin Qi's flesh and make his flesh more powerful.

If Lin Qi can really integrate all the body essences of the five great dragon kings, and according to the cognition of the ancient Eastern world philosophy, the five elements are integrated and mutually restrained, Lin Qi's body should be able to break through the imperial limit and reach the limit of humanity. An unprecedented new level.

As for how that realm should be named, this is not a question that Lin Qi should consider.

The weak and feeble souls of the five dragon kings hide in the core of the five islands of Penglai. They use the power of the five islands of Penglai to perceive the changes in Lin Qi's body, and they nod in excitement. Everyone only believes that the Dragon King of the five islands of Penglai is the ultimate defense system of the five islands of Penglai, but only a few of them will know that the meaning of their existence is not combat!

The five great dragon kings of Dharma Protector, just like their name, their meaning is to protect the Dharma. They protect the human inheritors selected by the Metaverse under certain extreme special circumstances. In that case, they would abandon their tough and unmatched body, and contribute to the recognized and recognized inheritor, allowing him to have an extremely powerful body in a short time, and relying on a powerful body to control the vitality.

To be precise, they are some kind of emergency means of Metaverse, some kind of strategic reserve resources.

This is cruel to say. The five powerful existences are just some kind of'consumables', but the five guardian dragon kings are happy about it. This is their mission, this is the meaning of their existence, even if they lose their powerful and unmatched body, they have no regrets about it.

"So, Master Lin Qi, don't let us down!" The Golden Dragon God Urn muttered angrily: "Become strong, and then, conquer this universe and the countless universes behind, collect enough materials to recast our bodies, otherwise we A lot of fun is lost."

The wood dragon **** nodded solemnly: "Yeah, without a strong body, our fun in reproducing offspring is gone... Hey, speaking of it, the group of little boys we left behind in the Eastern Ocean, they have all recently What are you doing? You must quickly let Master Lin Qi subdue them. It's not too big or too small, it's also a combat power!"

Lin Qi breathed deeply, and every time he breathed, the natural anger that enveloped his body suddenly shrank. Such a forbidden curse, coupled with a hundredfold increase in power, even a powerful divine lord, has been ground to pieces. But all of this didn't make any sense to Lin Qi's perverted and powerful body. He actually began to swallow the huge energy condensed at the core of Nature's Fury.

Every time he swallowed, the huge energy equivalent to tens of thousands of forbidden curses was swallowed by Lin Qi, swallowed by the black hole in his body, and then transformed into a little bit of black vitality. As Lin Qi constantly swallowed the natural elements from the outside world, he gradually had dozens of extremely thin elements in his body walking through like a dragon.

Every elemental force is full of destruction, and every elemental force has terrifying destructive power.

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