Bright Era

Chapter 280: Family Prayer

Lin Qi couldn't help laughing when he was trotting on the shoulders of several disciplinary priests with big waists.

"Unexpectedly, you still have to fall into your hands today! However, you servants of God are too shameless. You are God's servants. Did your God teach you kidnapping and blackmailing?"

Hatu, who was being supported by the two female priests of the Temple of Life, looked back at Lin Qi, and he grinned sullenly.

"While you can still talk and laugh, just talk more, smile more! I don't know why there is such an order to use all the power of Shenghui Cathedral, just to catch you such a trivial one Little people, it's hard to imagine!"

"What makes me even more unimaginable is that the Knights of Punishment have suffered a lot from you! This time, our Shenghui Cathedral is not easy to explain to it! What is even more difficult to explain is that the Gaul Empire seems to want to use this time. Be the first thing to do and turn your face with the church?"

Bishop Hatu shook his head, and muttered to himself vaguely as he walked.

"Although it is difficult for us to explain, this matter is an order from above. Someone will always withstand the punishment of the Pope's Chamber for us. But the Gaul Empire and the Church have turned their faces, this responsibility, even the three Popes cannot bear? But right? Where is the confidence of the Gaul Empire? One empire dares to oppose the strength of the entire church? Why is he?"

Lin Qi didn't say a word. He didn't realize how much trouble he was suddenly arrested by the church. He didn't even know that under the intentional promotion of Saint Louis XIII, this matter had become a necessity. The huge storm sweeping across the continent.

The Knights of Punishment broke into the Gaul Empire University City to capture an innocent student, destroyed a fraction of the Gaul Empire University City, and caused a large number of casualties to the imperial citizens. Lin Qi gave the emperor a good excuse. . The empire stood at the height of morality and condescendingly overlooking the church. Even other empires could not accuse the empire of anything wrong.

Lin Qi didn't know what was happening outside, let alone that the main force of the church's disciplinary knights was approaching the border of the empire. He just looked around curiously, letting Hattu and others lead him into a remote hall. Followed a diagonally downward corridor into the mountain body of Shenghui Mountain.

The church has been operating in the Gaul Empire for so many years, and the interior of Shenghui Mountain has long been hollowed out, and there are too many secrets that are not known to outsiders. Lin Qi was carried on the shoulders of several discipline priests and walked down the corridor. Gradually, a large number of forks appeared on both sides of the corridor, leading to unknown places.

At some important entrances along the way, you can see warriors in white armors wandering around. These warriors are all dignified, and they are clearly elites who have been battle-tested; the crystal clear armor on their bodies seems to be made of crystal. Obviously, this is a kind of magic armor with strong defense.

There are no fewer than five hundred knights like this along the way. Judging from their appearance, they are much better than the punishment knights who went to capture Lin Qi, but were horrified by a group of rogues. Lin Qi secretly estimated that the three hundred elites led by Baal and the others were not the opponents of these knights-the armor on them was too strong, which took too much advantage.

All the way down, when Lin Qi estimated that he had reached the foot of Shenghui Mountain, he was finally thrown into an empty stone house. The stone house was about ten meters long and wide, and it was surrounded by neatly cut stone walls. There was nothing but a stool on which Lin Qi was sitting.

This stool is made of metal. Just after Lin Qi was thrown on the stool by a few discipline priests, a few iron rings jumped out, confining Lin Qi's neck and joints of hands and feet firmly. On the stool. A trace of cold air leaked from these iron rings, this trace of cold air penetrated into Lin Qi's body, and even the speed of his blood flow suddenly slowed down a lot.

Lin Qi shivered lightly, this stool was weird, and I didn't know what weird magic restrictions were attached to it. Lin Qi was so cold that he couldn't move, but his mind was unusually clear. Under the stimulation of the cold air, Lin Qi even recalled the scene when he was breastfeeding when he was a child.

I don’t know how long I was left here, Lin Qi silently counted his heartbeat. When his heartbeat kept beating 13,500 times, the door of the stone house suddenly opened and several people walked slowly. Come in.

Lin Qi's heart twitched, and he stared at the baby who was slowly walking on the ground.

It seems that a baby who is only a few months old can walk on the ground by himself. Apart from describing it as an evildoer, Lin Qi doesn't know what to call him. And the child has long red hair, a pair of magnificent purple eyes, red hair and purple eyes, which made Lin Qi feel bored. If it wasn't that he couldn't move, he would drew out an axe and smashed the strange child to death.

Especially the child was actually watching Lin Qi sneer, that kind of mocking, disdainful, indifferent sneer that looked like a **** overlooking all beings in the clouds. Lin Qi didn't like his smile very much. He wanted to squash this nasty little face with one foot, so that he could never laugh again.

By the side of this child, the handsome young man who is cautiously following his steps, like a grandson serving his ancestor, is Lin Qi's greatest enemy in the past ten years-Arthur! It's just that Arthur didn't pay attention to Lin Qi at all, but looked at the baby wholeheartedly, the virtue of that dutiful son and grandson, Lin Qi couldn't help but laugh.

"Arthur, is this your child or your grandfather?" Lin Qi simply wanted to curse, "If I didn't know that your dead ghost father had been burned to ashes, I would really think it was your kiss. Dad! Look at his hair, look at his eyes, ah!"

Lin Qi couldn't finish what he said, because the little child waved his hand gently, and a strong man who was following him immediately strode forward and stamped his foot on Lin Qi's stomach. The man's strength was so great that Lin Qi's internal organs almost squirted out of his mouth with this foot. Lin Qi suddenly opened his mouth, only to feel a fire explode in his stomach, and the severe pain in his stomach almost fainted.

A mouthful of blood slowly dripped from the corner of his mouth, and Lin Qi gasped and looked at the baby.

"Who are you?" Lin Qi breathed heavily.

"I am Gerdas!" The baby squinted at Lin Qi: "Arthur is the father of my body. Although my blood comes from a sacred and noble existence, I must admit that my body is It was he who provided the most primitive template. So, in a sense, he is my father, so you have to respect him! Like ants to gods, respect!"

Respect like ants to gods? Lin Qi "quack" laughed, and he shook his head again and again, and the bloodshots scattered with the sway of his head. Lin Qi laughed loudly: "He is not a god, why am I..."

The man who was as strong as a lion struck Lin Qi's stomach with a silent punch. Lin Qi couldn't finish his words. He opened his mouth wide, and slowly squirted out the heat that was beaten out of his stomach. A blood spurted out. The strength of this strong man is not the same as that of a human. His two punches directly hit Lin Qi, almost without breaking his intestines!

Lin Qi's body has been strengthened several times. Although he has not absorbed all the essence in the divine nature, although he has not absorbed the huge power of the dragon power essence, his body has also been strengthened to be equivalent to that of a monster. degree. Ordinary punches and kicks are tickling to Lin Qi, and ordinary weapons can't hurt him much.

But this man just hit Lin Qi with just one kick!

Panting violently, Lin Qi tilted his eyes and looked at this muscular man with a weird pale golden skin and a height of two meters: "You have a lot of strength and muscles, so I chopped you up. It is the best bait for whale hunting! Those magic whales, like your chewy bait the most!"

The muscular man slammed Lin Qi's face silently, and Lin Qi suddenly raised his head back, his nose bleeding out several feet long. His head slammed backwards heavily, and his neck bone made a sound of "crack". It seemed that the neck bone had been stretched several inches. This man almost broke Lin Qi's neck with a punch.

Gerdas smiled, and he waved his hand: "General Gegeus, don't kill him. Arthur still has something to ask him."

Turning his head to look at Arthur, Gerdas smiled incredibly brightly: "It's a big mess. For your little insignificant wish, it actually triggered an all-round confrontation between the church and the Gaul Empire. Even me, I can’t bear the anger of the veterans! I have to calm down this matter quickly. The Gaul Empire is the largest country in the mainland. If the church really breaks out a religious war with them..."

Helplessly spread his hands, Gerdas sighed softly: "If I can have the power of my peak period, I alone can kill all the troops of the Gaul Empire. But this is definitely not the case. Possibly, it will be many, many years before I regain all my strength! Therefore, we can only feel wronged, alas!"

Cold sweat oozes from Arthur's forehead, and he respectfully bowed to Gerdas: "It was not my intention to make this happen. However, the value of the Black Tiger family is worth it! As long as I can take charge Black Tiger Family, you remember the man who attacked us that night, he was very strong, didn't he?"

Gerdas squinted and smiled, and he nodded slowly.

Arthur turned around and looked at Lin Qi with a cold smile: "Then, my dear brother, can you tell me what a family prayer is?"

Lin Qi looked at Arthur in astonishment: "What? What did you say? Family prayer?"

He shook his head vigorously: "Black Tiger family, do you have this stuff?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is me. The greatest motivation.)

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