Bright Era

Chapter 303: Heiyuan Hell

Many things happened in the spring of 1466 in the recovery calendar, and the Gaul Empire became the origin of these things.

Many years later, when those scholars who had been very poor at first went into the old paper pile to study what happened this year, they were shocked to find that what happened in the Gaul Empire this year was just ordinary and plain at first. Things, something that had nothing to do with the people of the Li people on the mainland, eventually caused great changes that people would never dream of.

An emperor made ambitious efforts to weaken the influence of theocratic power on the overall situation of the empire.

An adopted son framed the adoptive father's biological son because of peeping at the family property.

The ancient mighty man who was drawn into the whirlpool because of a pair of beautiful purple eyes.

Plus a strong and violent character who dares to act and protects the short-term old father.

Add a little bit of friction between imperial power and imperial power, and the confrontation between imperial power and theocracy.

It also includes secret stories such as the church massacre.

All in all, in the spring of 1466, what happened in Berely, the capital of the Gaul Empire, changed many things. A young man who originally had a simple outlook on life and values, and purely pursued a small golden happiness, was involved in a messy conspiracy and was sent into a place doomed to despair.

Then everything changed!

Lin Qi was forcibly involved in Alpha's teleportation array in the courtroom, and then the sky was turned upside down. A huge pressure came from all directions. Lin Qi's eyes turned black for a while, and countless colorful spots flashed quickly in front of him. Not long after, a violent shock suddenly appeared, and Lin Qi's clothes collapsed into fragments, only the soft magic armor was barely preserved.

I don't know how long it took, when the front suddenly lit up, and Lin Qi had fallen heavily on the black hard rock ground. The stomach was turned upside down for a while, Lin Qi opened his mouth, a mouthful of gastric juice mixed with blood and water spewed out, he was vomiting violently, even the bitter bile was vomited out.

"Hehe, fragile and incompetent heresy!"

There was a sneer from the side, and Lin Qi reluctantly struggled to raise his head and glanced at it. The place he was in was an extremely secretive place. This is a black mountain in a vast snowfield. The mountain seems to be made of metal. In the middle is a volcanic crater that emits dense smoke. The strong sulfur breath is almost suffocating. This mountain is huge, and Lin Qi’s place is just a small platform near the top of the mountain. It's about a few miles around here, and this platform only occupies a small part of the surface of the mountain.

There is a yellow-brown river at the bottom of the mountain. This headless and no-tailed river just emits steaming steam around this black mountain. There are countless animal carcasses next to the river, all of which are obviously killed by the poison contained in the steam.

From this river, there is a circle of Gobi about a hundred meters wide, followed by a vast snowfield. The white snowfield can't see the end at a glance. Groups of huge snow beasts roam in the snow, but no snow beast dared to approach here.

Right in front of Lin Qi, a cliff about three hundred meters high stood like a screen. On the cliff was carved a huge pattern of the **** of punishment-a balance, and a sharp sword wrapped in flames was straight in the center. Plugged in. This giant statue stands out on the cliff. Just below the tip of the long sword in the middle, is a black lacquered hole tens of meters high.

A blazing gust of wind kept rushing out of the hole, and the sound of the ‘huhu’ wind shook the ears, and Lin Qi’s figure was shaken.

The people who had just opened up mocking Lin Qi were a group of sturdy big men in black robes and a set of black armor. These people have tattoos of the God of Punishment on their brows, and their exposed skin is even more tattooed with the words of the God of Punishment in black handwriting the size of an ant's head. Lin Qi's heart twitched suddenly. In the church, only those almost mad believers would tattoo on their body the precepts of believing in the gods.

These fanatics are more fanatical religious paranoia than the guards of the Odin Temple, and they have no reason at all. There is a warning word secretly circulating on the mainland-if you offend a fanatic, then kill him first, or let him kill you, there is no other way to go!

It is precisely because of the extreme beliefs of these fanatics that they possess extremely powerful power, and the divine power they obtain from the gods is exceptionally pure and contains almost no trace of impurities. It is said that some mad believers with a high level of cultivation have their entire bodies transformed by divine power and become a kind of existence between the physical body and the spirit body. They are called mad believers who have achieved this level of cultivation. They are saints or divine envoys, their strength is far beyond the ordinary heavenly existence, they should have broken through the holy realm.

Lin Qi vomited for a while, wiped the corners of his mouth with his sleeve, and stood up slowly.

Those fanatics who were ridiculing laughed for a while, and then a big man with the tallest figure, more than 2.5 meters, and possibly even a barbarian, strode out, indiscriminately punching. He hit Lin Qi's lower abdomen.

Lin Qi's expression turned cold, and he quickly grabbed the big man's fist. Both hands tightly hugged the big man's forearm, Lin Qi's muscles swelled, and his body suddenly swelled. With a low roar of tigers, Lin Qi waved his hands and swept the big man up.

With a ‘boom’, the ground trembled slightly, and the big man was smashed to the ground by Lin Qi. But what shocked Lin Qi was that this big man's bare head hit the ground and actually splashed a piece of sparks, without any harm.

"Ha, heresy! A powerful heresy!" Those fanatics laughed frantically, and they surged towards Lin Qi at the same time.

Lin Qi clenched his fists and set up a posture to prepare to have a good fight with these mad believers, but a strong golden light sprayed out from the cave under the cliff, and the golden light turned into a yoke and locked it. Lin Qi's joints couldn't move no matter how Lin Qi struggled.

A deep, majestic, old voice sounded: "Law is here? Who is the person you sent?"

Taking a look at Lin Qi who was imprisoned by the shackles, Li waved his hand and drew back the mad believers who were gearing up, and hand in hand Lin Qi walked towards the cave. Several white-armored swordsmen brought by Li stood restrained and did not dare to make the slightest change. Several mad believers looked at each other and followed closely behind Li.

After Lin Qi was imprisoned by the golden shackles, not only was he unable to move his body, but he also lost the ability to speak. It was as if a big mountain was pressing on him, Lin Qi even had the illusion that his soul would be crushed into ashes. He struggled hard, but no matter how hard he struggled, his body could not move at all.

Moreover, the golden shackles caused Lin Qi's body to float a few inches off the ground, and Li could easily pull him to walk forward.

Looking at Li angrily, Lin Qi's eyes murmured, looking desperately at the surrounding movement.

Suddenly he was sent here, and Blackbeard had absolutely no chance to save him. Arthur would not make himself feel good, so he would not send himself to a good place. There are too many secret strongholds in the church, and not many people in the world know exactly where this mountain is. Being sent here, if you want to restore freedom, you can only rely on Lin Qi himself.

Thinking of his hole cards, Lin Qi felt a little more confident in his heart.

The three storage rings contain everything, food is absolutely sufficient, gold coins are definitely a lot, and weapons are enough to make an army of one hundred people fight a small-scale war. The inventory of other medicines, including raw materials and finished products of various medicines, is extremely rich, especially those top-quality medicines, as long as they are all taken and absorbed, Lin Qi feels that he can definitely be described as a monster.

In addition, he also took the three mysterious pills given by Dragon City, plus the power of two divine natures, and the essence of dragon power was stored in his body. Using all these things, Lin Qi even felt that his future was bright.

Now he is only at a high level, so the church can do whatever it wants with him. When Lin Qi breaks through to the heavenly position, even breaks through the heavenly position level, will this ghost place be able to hold him for a lifetime?

Lin Qi pursed his lips triumphantly, and then he quickly reduced his smile, just staring around him indifferently.

Entering through this cave with a height of several tens of meters, there is a huge corridor inside. After walking along the corridor for about two miles, a red light came from the front, and the hot air wave burned the air'bomb'. , As far as he could see, there was a red and dazzling hazy air current that was rolling wildly. Even objects two or three meters away became distorted and blurred, and ordinary people couldn't see anything at all.

Lin Qi opened his mouth and took a breath, then he closed his mouth suddenly.

He felt that what he breathed into his stomach was not air, but a fire, a molten lava.

This ghost place, if an ordinary person is brought here, it will be dehydrated and die in just a few minutes. How could there be such a terrible place under the world? Where is this ghost place? How could there be such a volcano surrounded by vast snowfields?

Li took Lin Qi and walked to the side. At the end of this tunnel is a circular hole that goes up and down like a well. Just above is the crater Lin Qi saw outside, and below is a huge lava lake about two miles in diameter. Along the cylindrical hole, the church opened a spiral passage that hovered from the crater to the surface of the lava lake, and Li pulled Lin Qi and walked upward.

Along the way, you can see a large number of fully armed mad believers, these people are tattooed with the gods of the **** of punishment. They are all mad believers of the **** of punishment. When these people saw Lin Qi, there was a feverish killing intent in their eyes. If it hadn't been for Lin Qi's side, they would have rushed in and shredded Lin Qi's body.

After being pulled by the law to walk up for a long time, climbing to a height of about a thousand meters, a simple grotto appeared at the end of the passage in front.

A row of eighteen old people wearing red robes were sitting neatly in the grotto, all of them looked like statues.


Heiyuan Divine Prison, this is where Lin Qi truly becomes stronger!

In order for Lin Qi to meet the most important people in his life in the Black Abyss God Prison, I would like to ask for a recommendation ticket and a monthly pass!

Gorgeous various requests! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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