Bright Era

Chapter 314: Encounter the herd

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In the dark abyss, a small and wretched kobold gave Lin Qi a set of coarse cloth, a piece of armor made of stone pieces, and boots made of unknown animal skins. These things are very simple and rough in workmanship, but they are much better than the robe made of grass fiber.

Especially with a pair of boots, which made Lin Qi very happy. He immediately changed into this outfit, and twisted his body happily. Everyone in the Black Tiger family has an extremely thick nerve, especially Lin Qi's nerve is extraordinarily strong. He is now intoxicated by his body that has suddenly become sturdy and majestic. This is a bodybuilder he has never had since he was a child!

"The blood of this rock lizard is a good thing!" Lin Qi raised his chest triumphantly: "This blood seems to stimulate the absorption of the dragon power essence? If possible, soak it for dozens of times. It should be able to infuse me. Absorbed all the dragon power essence."

Feeling the scorching hot breath in his muscles, Lin Qi had the urge to find someone to compete. It’s just that the big guys under Fat Xiong are gathering and forming a team. There are messy guys running and barking everywhere. Lin Qi looks left and looks again. He doesn’t know what to do, but at least he understands a little bit. At this time, he It's not easy to make trouble.

An abrupt bear man slapped Lin Qi's shoulder fiercely, and thrust a thick stone spear into his hand: "New here? Haven't seen it? The boss picked it up again, mother? Yes, there is one more free eater! With weapons, follow me, I am the captain of the hunting team newcomer, you can call me handsome bear!"

"Huh?" Lin Qi looked at this bear man who was more than three meters and five meters tall and had black hair, just like a real bear, completely dumbfounded. It's not that he has never seen bear people. There are orcs in the secret power of the Black Tiger family. Lin Qi even took a few bear people to hunt in the mountains when he was young. But those bear people are basically human figures, but their heads are bear heads.

It was the first time that Lin Qi had seen such a pure bear man in front of him. And he actually called himself "Handsome Bear"? This is really the hell, where is he handsome?

After a few whispered complaints, Lin Qi obediently followed Shuai Xiong's pace. This hunting team is also really interesting. The owner is a human, nicknamed Fat Bear; the captain of the rookie team is a real bear, called Shuai Xiong. Is it possible that there are other bears here? Lin Qi can be regarded as breaking into the bear's den!

The tauren who had just been punched by Lin Qi was vomiting blood and was carried into a stone room by several kobolds. The tauren turned his head and stared at Lin Qi, snarling hoarsely: "Boy , Your name is Lin Qi? I remember you! When I get better, I will make good gestures with you! Asshole thing, you actually attacked me, you asshole, you broke my seven ribs!"

Lin Qi smiled at the tauren very embarrassedly, and then followed Shuai Xiong closely.

This handsome bear is obviously a very powerful warrior, and the stone armor draped on his body is much more powerful than the one on Lin Qi. The armor on Lin Qi's body can weigh about seventy catties, and they are all made up of finger-thick stone pieces connected in series. But the black stone piece armor on Shuai Xiong's body, each piece has the size of a basin, and has a fist thick. This piece of armor can be about two thousand catties apart. Except for the big guy like Shuai Xiong, ordinary people are really good. Can't bear this weight.

The stone spear that Shuai Xiong gave Lin Qi was three meters long and the thickness of an ordinary person's arm. This black stone spear is made of stones rich in metal minerals, and the texture is extremely heavy. This stone spear weighs nearly 700 kilograms. However, Lin Qi himself is extremely powerful. In addition, his body has just been tempered by the essence of divine nature and dragon power, and his body has been strengthened a lot. Holding this spear in his hand is no different from a straw.

But the stone spear in Shuai Xiong's hand is scary. The head of an ordinary person is six meters long. This stone spear is not as good as a stone pillar. Lin Qi calculated that the weight of the stone spear should be five. Thousands of pounds up and down, but seeing the handsome bear waving one hand easily, the strength of this guy can't be underestimated.

With the loud cry, nearly 500 big men of all ethnicities gathered in the courtyard.

Behind Shuai Xiong stood a hundred brawny men, including Lin Qi, this is the rookie team of the hunting team.

A tiger man dominates two hundred men with short spears. This is a long-range attacking team of the hunting team. They throw spears and can even throw a large net made of unknown materials to bind the target.

A lion man is in charge of the last two hundred or so people. These people are dressed in armor made of stone, and they hold huge axes in their hands. Obviously they are an elite killing team. They have encountered a powerful beast. Rely on them to do close combat.

When the team was reorganized, Fat Xiong rode out on a lizard about five meters long, and he was followed by more than 30 men exuding powerful aura. Fat Xiong glanced at the assembled subordinates and waved his hands vigorously: "Stop talking nonsense, do you want to eat meat and drink, or continue to nibble on the salty bread that is painful to the birds, choose your own! You want the delicious and spicy, Go desperately with me!"

With a strong punch on the lizard's head, the fat bear rushed out of the city gate.

The kill team led by the Lions followed Fat Xiong, the handsome newcomer team followed, and the long-range team led by the Tigers followed at the end. The group of people walked out of the city gate mightily, and then the heavy city gate quickly closed. Accompanied by the messy footsteps, the team rushed to the direction of the red light in the distance.

Quickly walking forward into seven or eight miles, Lin Qi, who was looking around, suddenly saw a cluster of stone pillars not far away. Just like Fat Bear’s residence, a circle of city walls was built. A sheep-headed demon was standing on the city gate, waving his hands here with a strange smile.

"Fat bear, take your people to die again? Remember to die more and get more prey back. I especially like that kind of beast meat with human blood!" Sheephead Demon Zari smiled weirdly , Every word in his words was full of schadenfreude malice.

The fat bear yelled and the whole team stopped. He looked at the sheep's head with cold eyes, slowly stretched out his right hand to make a fist upward, and then hit the elbow of his right arm with his left hand heavily. This is a common gesture to greet each other's mother, which contains an extremely obscene meaning. The fat bear ‘Quack’ laughed and said, “Little lamb, dare you to say this in front of me, I will cut all your lamb whip for stew!”

Sheephead Zali sneered a few times, and suddenly a dark shadow appeared beside him. The shadow didn't say a word, but just stood by the sheep's head, and a chilly breath that made people palpitating flooded his face.

Fat Xiong's voice suddenly stagnated. He stretched out his hand to **** the sheep's head and sneered: "A few days after the king died, you just..."

Sheephead Zari interrupted Fat Bear's words: "Stop talking nonsense, the king is dead, and the rules he made should be re-enacted! Fat Bear, if you are willing to cooperate with us obediently, all of your hunting team If all the prey is provided to us, we will give you a good position in the future!"

The fat bear ‘hehe’ laughed a few times, he punched the lizard hard and urged the lizard to continue running forward. As he hurried, the Fat Bear turned his head and shouted: "I don’t interfere with your things. I’m a prisoner in jail, so I can’t stop quietly? I only ask for meat and alcohol. Who of you is the head? Nothing! Anyway, I provide meat on a proportional basis, and the others have nothing to do with me!"

The Sheephead Devil grunted a few times in dissatisfaction. He squatted on the city gate. Sen Leng glanced over the Fat Bear's hunting team, and then shook his head for unknown reasons.

Lin Qi glanced at the sheep head demon, then quickly retracted his gaze. Sheep head demons are advanced demons, not only proficient in dark magic, but their flesh is far more powerful than ordinary people. Lin Qi was still thinking about taking away his underwear, socks, and boots. Sooner or later, he would settle this account with the goat-headed demon. Of course, this would have to wait until his vindictiveness recovered.

After stepping forward a few steps, Lin Qi patted Shuai Xiong's lower back vigorously. With Lin Qi's height, he could only photograph this part.

"Handsome bear, who is that Zari?"

Panting and spraying foam and running forward, the handsome bear lowered his head and said whistling, "He? When Wang was still alive, he was the leader of the so-called welcome team, that is, the law enforcement team. Well, the welcome team is there. The newcomer was thrown down, and he was responsible for welcoming it. If there is oil and water, first count it, and then hand it over to the king to distribute. But now the king is dead, the newcomer's oil and water belong to him, his mother, not a single copper leak! "

With a heavy sigh, Shuai Xiong blinked his small eyes and murmured: "I, my parents were born here, I haven't seen Tongzi'er yet. This guy is too hateful, and he doesn't know how many he missed. Tong Zi'er gives me a long experience!"

Lin Qi was dumbfounded. Like Xuanlan, Shuai Xiong was an'indigenous' born in Heiyuan Hell? No wonder there are so many people here!

There are no weak people in the Black Abyss God Prison, and everyone can run extremely well. Unconsciously, Lin Qi and his party have rushed to the huge lava lake that is more than a hundred miles away. Before Lin Qi could see what the surroundings were like, a crazy hoof came over.

A group of animals resembling horses, but with scales on their bodies, and six-legged strange creatures rushed towards this side violently, and they happened to rush towards the soft crotch of this team-protected by two elite teams The rookie team in the middle.

Shuai Xiong yelled, "Stop, stop, you'll be dead if you don't! Follow me!"

With a loud roar, Shuai Xiong waved his stone spear and rushed upwards. He swept out with a stone spear and hit a monster on the head heavily. Then Shuai Xiong snorted, and was shocked to take two or three steps backwards.

Lin Qi saw this scene, his heart suddenly hot, his muscles exploded like a bomb, and he rushed forward with a loud shout.

The spear straightened up, and Lin Qi heavily stab the largest monster in front. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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