Bright Era

Chapter 325: Zari's passion

Tiger Butterfly fled, and the chaotic people scolded wildly, and had no intention of continuing to fight, and fled into the darkness one after another.

The hunting team cheered in unison, they all rushed to Lin Qi's side and greeted Lin Qi enthusiastically.

These people are rough men, and their way of expressing their friendship is also very simple, which is to punch Lin Qi in the chest. After hundreds of people took turns expressing their closeness and intimacy to Lin Qi, Lin Qi felt that his chest was swollen, probably no different from Hudie's chest.

The fat bear slapped Lin Qi's shoulder enthusiastically: "It's great, those punches made my heart itch! That girl's chest, hey, it feels good when you hit it so hard. Hahaha, my sister said, half of the rock lizard's tail belongs to you!"

In Heiyuan Divine Prison, rewards for merits and punishments for mistakes. What reward is the most important? food! Here, food is the most important thing! Lin Qi broke out and defeated the enemy's leader, Tiger Butterfly, and allowed the hunting team to avoid greater losses. This is a huge contribution. So Fat Xiong took out half of the rock lizard's tail to reward Lin Qi, which is a big prize.

The tail of a rock lizard is ten meters long, and a half tail weighs two to three thousand catties. Moreover, the rock lizard’s tail is flexible and powerful. It is the most flexible and fleshy place on the rock lizard. The meat cut from the rock lizard’s tail is one of the highest-quality meats in the Dark Abyss God Hell, and it is extremely valuable. Lin Qi had originally been rewarded with a thousand catties of lizard meat, and with half a rock lizard tail, he was now a real wealthy man in the Black Abyss God Prison.

"Also, handsome bear, Lin Qi will be your deputy from now on!" Fat Xiong gave the sweaty handsome bear a kick: "Your brain sometimes doesn't work well. Lin Qi is a human, a human brain. It's smarter than you orcs. If you have anything to do in the future, listen to his opinions!"

Shuai Xiong nodded ‘eh, eh’, and then he glanced at Fat Xiong incomparably bitterly, “Is the brain of an ogre mixed blood easy to use?”

The words of the handsome bear immediately evoked the fat bear's violent beating like a storm. The fat bear jumped up furiously, and slapped the handsome bear fiercely, so that the handsome bear squatted on the ground with his head and howled. Lin Qizhi Le. The people of this hunting team are very good, and they feel much better for Lin Qi than the people of Zari, the goat head demon. Lin Qi faintly felt the atmosphere of the Black Tiger family from the members of the hunting team.

After driving away the chaos, and tidying up the body of his dead brother, the hunting team lined up and returned to the station in strides.

Along the way, many people from the Black Abyss Bazaar saw the rich harvest of the hunting team, and their faces showed joy. Especially a group of sturdy men who are also wearing stone armor and holding stone swords laughed'haha' with joy. They stared at the prey on the back of the centaur, their saliva almost flowed from their mouths. .

Shuai Xiong glared at the group of people, and he muttered in a low voice: "Oh, every time we hunt the prey, according to the rules, we can only keep one-tenth of ourselves, and the rest will be given to this group of bastards! They don't Go hunting, but our prey must be shared by them, what a **** bastard!"

Lin Qi looked at Shuai Xiong in surprise: "Who made the rules?"

Shuai Xiong touched his head, and hummed angrily: "This is the rule made before the king died!"

Lin Qi looked at Shuai Xiong in surprise, lowered his voice and said softly, "But the king, isn't he dead?"

"Yeah?" Shuai Xiong blinked his eyes the size of soybeans. He suddenly dropped Lin Qi, ran to Fat Xiong quickly, and murmured a few words in his ears. Fat Xiong's body shuddered, his whole body rolled over for a while, and then he gave Shuai Xiong a fierce kick. Shuai Xiong ran back aggrieved, and helplessly spread his hands to Lin Qi: "The boss said, we can't be the first to break the rules!"

Lin Qi nodded, can't you be the first to break the rules? It looks like Fat Bear is still very smart. Then wait for the first person to break the rules to appear! In these two days of work, Lin Qi has heard the news of that'king' countless times. Lin Qi is very surprised, what kind of person he is, and what kind of weird rules he has set for the Black Abyss God Prison ?

There is actually a distinction between the orderly and the chaotic here, and many people here do not seem to be the kind of heinous crimes. Lin Qi’s feeling of the Heiyuan Hell is like a ghost shrouded in countless heavy black fog. He was a little unsure of what the situation was like here.

However, don't worry, Lin Qi has enough time to hang around here with a lot of effort in just two days.

The hunting team walked into the small city of the hunting team, and then Lin Qi saw the sheephead demon Zari and a few other people standing in the city, happily not knowing what they were talking about.

Sheephead Demon Zari, and beside him is a dragon man with wings on his back and a dragon head. This rare race has been extinct on the ground. Long ago, they were also a kind of orc tribe on Wudalian Island. However, the dragon people turned their backs on the belief in the gods enshrined in the Odin Temple and converted their beliefs to take refuge in the many evil existences of the ancient times. So they disappeared from the ground, and the whole clan escaped into the boundless abyssal world underground.

Therefore, the dragon people are already members of the demon clan. Their bodies are powerful. Each clan member is a powerful figure of both demon and martial arts. They are born with a strong dragon scale to protect their body. They are the most powerful individuals in the world. One of the races.

In addition to these two people, there is another twisted shadow standing beside them. This dark shadow Lin Qi has also seen before the hunting team set off. Sheephead demon Zari mixed with him, and the two should have secretly formed an alliance. Up.

There is also a weird race with a height of about three meters, a white eagle head with wings on the back, and sharp claws in both hands. Lin Qi couldn't help but narrowed his eyes. This is also the legendary race-the Pengren. They originally belonged to the avian family of Wudalian Island, but they were killed by the Wudalian because of their unscrupulous hunting of the avian and orcs. The alien exile of the island.

The Pengren believe in free flying and unscrupulous killing, and they are also one of the very few people in this world that does not worship gods. Every Pengren is an arrogant person who is arrogant and arrogant. He is the first and second arrogant person. He is recognized as the most difficult ethnic group to deal with.

If in the ground world, fighting with a Pengren is simply a nightmare, because they can levitate in the air with the help of wind for a long time, ravaging the enemy to death. But there was no wind in this underground cave for them to take advantage of, so the Pengren's power was greatly weakened. This is so, the powerful body and innate proficiency in wind spells still make them extremely difficult.

Seeing where these people were standing, Shuai Xiong's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

"Sheephead Zari, Shadow Demon Youyou, Longren Guyu, Pengren Yifeng, they always arrive at the first time every time we come back!"

Lin Qi looked at the few people, they are the leading figures in Heiyuan Divine Prison, right?

Zari, the goathead demon, controls the law enforcement team, and its general role is similar to the copper hat of the Imperial Guard Department, responsible for maintaining daily order.

The Shadow Demon You Yao, according to Shuai Xiong, was the head of the guard before the King of the Black Abyss died, and he was also responsible for monitoring the movements of the chaos.

Longren Guyu, the commander of a 1,000-man standing army in the Black Abyss Market, is responsible for fighting the chaos, and his personal strength is extremely strong.

Pengren Yifeng, the best brain of all, he held the position of the Secretary of the Interior and the Minister of Justice under the Throne of Black Abyss. He is responsible for the daily management of the Black Abyss Market. If there is a Black Abyss The king's subordinates made mistakes and were handed over to him for trial. They were the most treacherous and cruelest of all.

And Fat Bear, the hunting captain, is not only responsible for hunting the herd, but also responsible for the operation of a gathering team. The gathering team is full of weak but experienced old people. They are responsible for collecting some rare medicinal materials and precious minerals in the black abyss, and with these things, they can trade some luxury goods with the church clergy above-such as spirits, cigars, exquisite food, and even outside beauties, etc.!

As soon as he saw Fat Bear bringing people back to the station, Zari, the Sheephead Demon, walked up with her greedy smile: "Ha, ha, Fat Bear, I heard that you had a good harvest this time? Hahaha , According to the old rules, are we going to take things away?"

Fat Xiong took a deep breath. He glanced at Zari and shook his head slightly: "It's okay to take the prey this time, but Guwei, you have to give me an explanation. I was attacked by the tiger butterfly people. Now, just outside the market! Where are your people while we are desperate?"

Gu Wei was stunned. He suddenly turned his head to look at the ghost: "Hey, didn't you tell me that the **** chaotic group slipped back?"

The body is a distorted shadow. The incomparably evil-looking Shadow Demon You Yao sighed softly: "Where has the intention to inquire about them recently? The king is gone, this market is all messed up, I The people in the country don’t have the mind to do things seriously, what do you say?"

Fat Bear snorted coldly.

Pengren Yifeng patted his wings.

Gu Wei looked at You Yao thoughtfully.

Then Zari the sheephead demon couldn't wait to clap his hands: "Yes, it seems that the past few months have indeed been a little messy! Don't rush to distribute the prey, we have to discuss it. The king is dead, he has not had time to appoint an heir. So, we need to discuss it carefully! When the discussion is over, it is not too late for us to make a decision!"

Licking his lips, the sheep head demon said diligently: "Come on, come on, let's make it all together! The king is gone, we still have to live this day! You demon, what do you think?"

"I still have a jar of good wine there. We can add up the good wine we just got! Fat bear, let your people clean up the prey, let's talk about it first!"

Fat Bear grunted noncommittal and waved to his subordinates.

Then the five most powerful people in Heiyuan Divine Prison walked toward the stone building in the center at the same time. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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