Bright Era

Chapter 328: conflict

Collect taxes!

Lin Qi suddenly hugged his belly and laughed, collecting taxes in the Black Abyss God Prison? Lin Qi looked at the sturdy big guys who were blowing noses and staring in front of him, and his heart was bright - just these junk stuff, they would definitely not be heretics thrown in by the church.

The expressions of these few people are basically ordinary market rascals who can be thrown into the Black Abyss God Prison as a heresy by the church. How can there be such a bastard? I think some of their ancestors were thrown here. These guys are all descendants of those people.

However, being able to be thrown into the Black Abyss God Prison by the church shows that none of these people's ancestors was easy. But now these people actually use tax collection as an excuse to find Lin Qi's troubles, and it turns out that one generation is inferior to one generation! Lin Qi squatted down while laughing, his intestines hurt.

The faces of several big guys turned black for a while, and they didn't know if they were married by close relatives. These big guys looked similar, and their brains didn't seem to be very good. Seeing Lin Qi laughed like this, the man who took the lead couldn't help cursing with anger: "Tax collection, what's so funny? Lord Zali said, starting tax collection today, you are the first person to be taxed, you Don't pay taxes soon?"

Lin Qi didn't know who Zali was, even if he knew he wouldn't care.

Standing up slowly, Lin Qi let out a long sigh, he leaned in front of the big man, and gently poked his fingers on the big man's chest several times: "Hey, brother, are you sure you want to collect taxes from me?" Well, how do you plan to collect this tax?"

The big man took a step back, and he cursed loudly: "Stay away from me, bastard, do you know who I am? I'm Lord Zari's person!"

Lin Qi gave Lin Qi a fierce look, and the big man straightened his chest and glanced at the people around him triumphantly: "Master Zari’s sister, Master Zali, said that starting today, the Black Abyss Market will collect taxes! This, sell People who buy things have to charge business tax, and people who buy things have to charge transaction tax. Business tax is half of the purchase price, and transaction tax is also half of the purchase price!"

Swallowing a mouthful of foam, the big man looked at the cautious gray goblins and laughed: "You just sold a few stone pots and sold a hundred catties of meat? So you have to take out fifty catties of meat to pay taxes."

Then the big man patted Lin Qi's chest vigorously: "As for you, you buy a hundred catties of meat, so you have to pay 50 catties of meat!"

People gradually gathered around, and gradually some people started making noise. A black-haired tauren raised his right fist the size of a wine jar and waved vigorously: "Who dares to let me pay taxes? Huh? Which **** dares to let me pay taxes?" A bright blue light covered the bull's head. Human body, he cursed loudly: "That stinky lady of Zali, did she make her not enough yesterday? I am going to kill her today, she dare to collect taxes from me?"

The arrogance of several big guys disappeared without a trace. They all recognized the tauren. When this big guy who was more than three meters tall began to roar, the big guys were like quails in a thunderstorm, and they had no temper at all. They nodded and bowed to the tauren with a smile, and the big guy who led the team smiled flatteringly: "Master Mooguo, you are a good friend of Master Zali, how can we ask you to collect taxes? Hehe, we are just looking for these. People collect taxes! You are so powerful, of course you have the right to tax exemption!"

The noise around is getting louder.

Where is the Black Abyss God Prison? Church heresy concentration camp. Of course, some of these heretics are the same as Lin Qi. They are relatively innocent and unlucky, but more people are really villains. These people either have strong personal strength and cruel heart, or they are sinister and cunning, all kinds of terrifying thoughts are just blinking eyes.

Although the Black Abyss Bazaar is the domain of the so-called Order, but these heretics or descendants of heretics, where will they really keep order? When the tauren Moguo triumphantly hugged his arms and boasted about his tax exemption rights, other powerful heretics ran away.

Among the hundreds of people watching around, in the blink of an eye, the halo of more than 30 heavenly fighting qi and more than two hundred status fighting qi emerged; after that, waves of powerful magic spread rapidly, and some were even dressed in black. The mysterious mage with a few beast meat in his robe took out the staff made of white bones, and began to release the curse at the few big men chuckles.

Lin Qi rushed into the crowd to hide, and Bilibili hid under Lin Qi's crotch even more shrewdly. Anyway, Lin Qi is tall, Bilibili can hide between Lin Qi's legs as long as he squats down. In Bilibili's view, Lin Qi, who was able to kill a rock lizard alone, was definitely the most powerful humanoid creature in the world, and it was the most suitable shield to use as a shield.

Several big guys who wanted to take advantage of Lin Qi were locked in by the breath of hundreds of masters, as if hundreds of mountains were pressing on them, and these guys all knelt to the ground, crying and crying.

"Regardless of our business, we are just following orders!"

"Spare, spare! Lord Zali said, this tax will not be levied on you!"

But who would listen to the pleading of a few of them? The mysterious mage holding a white bone staff sneered slightly, and countless pustules appeared on the bodies of several big men at the same time. Under the pressure of the powerful aura, the pustules on their bodies exploded at the same time, and in the blink of an eye they exploded into a pool of pus and blood flowing all over the ground.

With a flick of the mage's bone staff, a few twisted soul shadows flew into his sleeve. A fist-sized white bone magic bead flew out from the sleeve of the mage, and after the soul was sucked in by the magic bead, a few faint ghosts suddenly appeared on the miserable white magic bead.

At this moment, a furious scream came in.

"Who dares to move my people? Who dares?"

The crowd suddenly separated. Nearly a hundred men wearing armors made of stone pieces, most of them armed with large stone axes, and a small group of metal knives, surrounded a sheep-headed demon in a pale yellow robe and rushed in. The sheep-headed demon had a bulging chest, and it was obviously a female.

Unlike the ugly appearance of the goat-headed demon Zari, the demon in front of him is slim and has sparse hair. Although that head is also a goat’s head, if it is said that Zari’s head is a hideous and terrifying old goat’s head, The head of this demon is the head of a newly born little sheep, which indeed looks pleasing to the eye.


"Sheephead Demon Zali!"

Those onlookers with powerful cultivation base sneered at the same time. Not only did they not retreat, but moved a few steps forward. The low-powered onlookers fled around one after another. They rushed back to their shop and hid carefully behind the door.

As for the gray goblins who sold a set of kitchen utensils to Lin Qi, they had already closed the door of the shop long ago, but they only looked carefully through the cracks in the door. The door of the shop was trembling, and it could be seen that these gray goblins were trembling in fright behind the door.

Sheephead demon Zali rushed into the crowd in desperation. She looked at the pus and blood on the ground and jumped two meters high in anger.

"Who killed me? Who was it?"

Just now, the tauren mooguo snarled impatiently: "Sao girl, stop calling here, believe it or not, I will kill you? It's your people who provoke us, you want to collect taxes from us? You have How many heads? Does your elder brother Zari mean it? Your law enforcement team is going to collect taxes from us? Do you all want to die?"

Those onlookers who remained in place all looked at Zali with cold eyes.

The mage who killed people and took away people's souls smiled coldly: "Zali, when the king was there, the law enforcement team was a little arrogant in the market. We can bear it for Wang's sake. Don’t go too far, brother and sister, we don’t bother to pay attention to you. After all, we are all unlucky creatures imprisoned by the church. We should live together peacefully."

After a few strange laughs, the mage's eyes widened and roared: "But the king is dead, we don't need to give you face! In a word, if you want to collect taxes, we will kill you! The bones of you girl I booked first, and I still lack a pair of skeleton slaves!"

Zali opened her mouth wide. She cowered and glanced at the ferocious people around her, and suddenly squeezed out a bright smile.

"Ah, you are all misunderstood! As for tax collection, the existence of status and heaven is of course tax-free! Human status and ordinary people, of course, they have to pay taxes! There are also relatives and friends of status and heaven. Friends, we don’t even collect taxes!"

With a sneer, Zali pointed to Lin Qi suddenly: "Like this little brother, he is not at all vindictive, and he has brought so much meat to the market. To collect taxes, I must find someone like him. Both my brother and I We are polite people, how can we collect taxes from you?"

When everyone fled, Lin Qi didn't run away, he stayed where he was.

Now that Zari pointed the finger at herself, Lin Qi couldn't help but sigh. What's all this mess? Now he is a prisoner, and now he is in jail! Isn't going to jail to make you feel at ease and comfortable?

With a wry smile, Lin Qi pointed to his nose: "I am the boss of the hunting team Fat Bear!"

Everyone looked at Lin Qi, and Moo Guo laughed loudly: "Zali, although this kid is weak, he is a fat bear!"

Zali's eyes flowed, she glanced at Lin Qi, and suddenly laughed.

"But, brother, you are so weak... The rules are the rules. If you are so weak, you will be taxed. I'm really sorry!"

Lin Qi sighed, then he rushed out and kicked Zali's belly fiercely.

With a'bang', it was like a big drum being beaten. Lin Qi almost didn't kick Zali's body with this kick. Zali spouted a lot of blood and flew out ten meters away against the ground. .

The people Zali had brought were all dumbfounded, they were stunned, and then rushed towards Lin Qi frantically. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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