Bright Era

Chapter 335: Shadow Fiend's Assault

The dark flame power invisible to the naked eye is flooded in the black abyss **** prison. This kind of power is a chronic poison for human magicians, but for those abyssal demons, this kind of power is their essential nourishment. They live in this environment as if like a fish in water have great benefits.

Therefore, in the Black Abyss God Prison, the demons are extremely powerful, and they are generally better than the prisoners of other races held here.

But the demon clan is also the most miserable in the Black Abyss God Prison, because prisoners of other races are allowed to have the existence of the Holy Land. However, as long as anyone of the Demon Clan dared to break through to the peak level of the Heavenly Position, they would be obliterated by the imprisoned sacred formations by various incredible means.

Sheephead Demon Zari is the rookie emerging from the Black Abyss God Prison over the years, and is the most powerful existence in the demon clan.

Zari’s sheep-headed demon has been imprisoned in Black Abyss God Prison for thousands of years, and his father, grandfather, great-grandfather, etc. are all imprisoned here. Zari's father is an extremely powerful demon, he only spent a short fifty years to cultivate to the peak of heaven. But on the day he broke through to the peak of the heaven, Zari's father suddenly vomited blood, and his internal organs turned into pus and blood and died.

At that time, Zari, who had already had a lower level of heaven, inherited the power of his father and became the law enforcement captain under the king of the black abyss. Zari's greed and brutality are also famous in the Black Abyss Bazaar, and his fame can even stop children from crying at night.

Now standing at the gate of Shuai Xiong's house, waving a big bone stick, it is Zari who desperately throws the green magic flame into Shuai Xiong's house. The long hairs on Zari's face were erected one by one, and he jumped and roared, madly pouring out magic power, and in the blink of an eye, thousands of magic flame **** poured into Shuai Xiong's house. .

Most of the demons are both magic and martial arts, and Zari is the same. His vindictive spirit is probably at the level of mid-level heaven, and his magic power is a little close, but he also has the level of lower-level heaven. The magic flame ball he released can turn all the rocks into magma. If only Lin Qi and Shuai Xiong are in the cave, Lin Qi will be fine, but Shuai Xiong will definitely be burned to ashes.

But fortunately, the handsome bear's mother is there.

This huge Abyss Demon Bear was caught off guard by a few blazes, and a large amount of long hair on her body was burned. Abyss Demon Bear is never a docile creature-otherwise, the handsome bear would not have to live alone in the deepest part of the cave with his mother!

A terrible red light spurted from the eyes of the abyss demon bear. The huge demon bear's body suddenly swelled to ten meters in length. The hairs of several feet long also stood up straight, and the handsome bear's mother suddenly uttered a sound. A deafening roar. The terrible wave of magic power rolled and spread out, and the huge wave of magic power slammed the magic flame ball that Zari blasted into the cave firmly in the air.

The demon bear slowly stood up, and the huge body ten meters away walked towards the entrance of the cave step by step. This big bear was just lying comfortably in his grass nest, gnawing on the thighs of the six-legged barbarian comfortably. For the Abyss Demon Bear, who is known for its laziness, this is the best enjoyment in life.

Zari actually threw thousands of fireballs to disturb her enjoyment, this big bear was really angry.

The violent wave of magical power surged outwards one after another, and the big bear who also had the dark attribute screamed up to the sky, and his two forefoot slapped to the ground fiercely, and he saw that the black ground suddenly crystallized. The sharp crystal pillars thousands of meters high roared out from the ground, and quickly extended towards Zari who was standing at the entrance of the cave with the deafening roar of the earth.

Zari's sheep face became extremely ugly in an instant, he hurriedly dropped the big bone stick and turned around and fled. He escaped very quickly, but the dozen or so sturdy guys standing behind him who were blowing noses and staring at him were obviously not very good at their brains. They watched the jumbled crystal pillars piercing themselves in front of them, and there was still Ask each other about what this is!

This is the high-level dark magic "Black Crystal Dragon Spear", which is displayed by the Abyss Demon Bear, which has the three attributes of darkness, fire, and earth. The power of this black crystal dragon gun far exceeds that of high-level magic. level. Thousands of sharp crystal pillars roared out from under these unlucky ones, and dozens of vibrant flesh suddenly shattered.

Countless crystal pillars tore apart the bodies of these people, blood and flesh scattered, and the sound of flesh cracking would make people have nightmares.

Zari was so frightened that he ran and barked. The devil was never a creature of discipline, and running away in danger was the greatest natural instinct of the sheep head devil. He fled hurriedly to the exit of the cave while shouting loudly: "Fat Bear, Fat Bear, you bastard, your people murdered my subordinates, you murdered my subordinates!"

With a loud bang, the Abyss Demon Bear has crushed the countless crystal pillars piled up at the entrance of the cave, and a large stream of saliva spurted from the bear’s mouth. She let out an angry roar, and chased Zari with red eyes. Past. Poor Zari is less than three meters tall, and Da Xiong is ten meters away. One step of Da Xiong can match Zari's four steps.

Zari just ran to the exit of the cave, and the big bear had already chased him behind him, and the huge bear paw slapped Zari fiercely from behind.

Fortunately, Zari's vindictiveness also reached the mid-level level. This palm failed to kill Zari, but his leather jacket broke, and a dozen bones burst loudly from his body. Zari cried and vomited blood and fell to the ground, rolling dozens of times on the ground in embarrassment. The red-eyed big bear gasped for breath, swiftly chased after him, raised his palms and continued to take pictures of Zari.

I have to say that there are still a few brave and fearless loyal subordinates under Zari's. Three tall unicorn demons rushed up, and they raised their heavy stone shields to meet the big bear's paw. The entire hunting team's station heard the loud noise, the big bear's paw slapped their shield, the stone shield shattered, and the three unicorns howled miserably and were shorted by the huge impact by three inches!

Yes, at a height of two meters away, the unicorn demon known for his physical tyranny was abruptly beaten three inches short. All of their bones and joints were bombarded by tremendous force and tightly bound together. They vomited blood, stiffly backed up, and kept backing up.

Fat Xiong’s voice came from a stone building: "Zari, who is dead, why are you going to provoke Aunt Xiong? She will go crazy!"

Countless members of the hunting team yelled at the same time: "Handsome Xiong, Shuai Xiong, your mother is crazy again, hurry up and stop her! Otherwise we have to rebuild the fence again! We just built the fence again last month. !"

The handsome bear panting and holding a stone spear and ran out with Lin Qi. The handsome bear ran out of breath and yelled: "Eminem, stop, stop, stop playing, ah, you beat I will pay for the bad things!"

With a loud bang, a tauren brought by Zari was slapped on the wall of a stone house by a big bear. The tauren was beaten into an inhuman form, but the stone house also collapsed. Originally, the hunting team’s house was simply piled up with stones, and there was no glue at all. The big bear’s palm easily destroyed the house.

Shuai Xiong’s paws were trembling, and he screamed heartbreakingly: "Eminem, this is two hundred catties of meat. It takes two hundred catties of meat to build a house! You can't eat meat anymore! Go down, you won’t be able to eat meat!"

The body of the abyss giant bear suddenly stopped, and the scarlet eyeballs blinked desperately, and the fierce light quickly dissipated from her eyes. The big bear grunted and glared fiercely at the dozens of guards that Zary had brought, and then slowly returned to its usual size, twisting his fat **** to the hole with pride. go back.

The sweaty Fat Bear had already rushed downstairs, standing on the side of the road with a flattering smile and saluting the big bear.

The big bear gave Fat Bear a fierce look, spit out a mouthful of foam, and walked back to the cave slowly.

When the big bear disappeared, the fat bear jumped eight feet high. He pointed at the handsome bear angrily and roared: "This house, handsome bear, you are responsible for fixing it for me! Asshole, Your mother's slap is a building, or a slap is a city wall. My possessions can't stand her slapping. You have to take care of your mother!"

Shuai Xiong spread his hands unfairly. This time he really didn't know what happened.

Lin Qi calmly walked to Fat Xiong, he nodded to Fat Xiong, and then pointed to Zari who was lying on the ground and cried out: "Boss, this matter has nothing to do with Shuai Xiong! It was Zari who broke into Shuai Xiong's house. The smashing of magic angered Aunt Xiong. All the responsibilities must be borne by Zari! I think that Zari should pay 3,000 catties of meat for this broken stone house!"

Fat Xiong's eyes gurgled wildly, he patted Lin Qi on the shoulder with admiration, and laughed loudly.

"It's still your human brains that are easy to use. My father said back then that human brains are the sweetest."

"Hey, isn't it? This thing was caused by Zari, so he has to make compensation! Zari, five thousand catties of meat, five thousand catties, Lin Qi said three thousand catties are not counted! You don't take five Thousand catties of meat come out, I can do it today...Ahahaha!"

A cold air swept out from behind, and the twisted Shadow Demon Youyou silently stopped in front of Fat Bear.

"Fat bear, what we discussed just now!" The ghost's voice was low, without any emotion.

"I don't agree!" Fat Xiong pointed to Zari lying on the ground and laughed loudly: "Just this rubbish, he wants to replace the king too? Are you kidding me?"

Longren Guwei and Pengren Yifeng also walked out of the small building. They stood aside, posing as if it had nothing to do with them, looking at the movement here with a smile.

You Yao smiled slyly, suddenly turned into a very thin black line and shot at Fat Xiong's chest. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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