Bright Era

Chapter 338: Little Zari

Zari and You Yao's subordinates shouted messy slogans, and rushed towards the wall of the hunting team like a group of ants exploding their nests. There were some figures in the nearby darkness looking towards this side, and suddenly they saw the conflict broke out between the two sides. These figures hurriedly escaped into the darkness and did not dare to mix with the muddy water of the pond.

Lin Qi clenched the big axe confiscated from the centaur's hand and stood on the city wall, condescendingly overlooking the various creatures. You can open a zoo here, and there are all kinds of weird creatures. For example, carrying a small long stone tube in his hand, he was riding on a lizard and pointed the tube at Lin Qi's two-headed monkey man.

The monkey man Lin Qi has seen many of them, but the two-headed monkey man is really a rare species among the monkey man.

Without waiting for Lin Qi to figure out how the two-headed monkey man was born, the monkey man took a hard breath and shook the stone tube with a three-foot-long thumb in his hand. A three-inch-long black spike shot over with a hint of breaking air, and shot Lin Qi's left eye very accurately.

Lin Qi was shocked. At a distance of more than 30 meters, this monkey man could shoot so accurately with a thin thorn?

As soon as his body tilted, Lin Qi avoided the thin thorn dangerously and dangerously. The long spikes flew past Lin Qi’s hair. Lin Qi smelled a sour and peculiar smell. Lin Qi, who had been nurtured by Master Kocha for three years in the Master Tower, accurately distinguished that it was an extreme A powerful paralytic poison. If this kind of poison invades the body, it will quickly die due to the exhaustion of the internal organs. Lin Qi just smelled the smell, and felt his heart numb.

With a cold snort, Lin Qi bent down and grabbed a large stone at the mouth of the bowl that was placed on the wall. He took aim slightly, waved his hand and smashed the rock out. Growing up in Dunerker, Lin Qi has been playing on fishing boats since he was a child. He is a good hand at using harpoons. Throwing rocks and smashing fish is naturally not a problem.

The stone pierced the air with a dull whistle, and the monkey man who was filling the long tube with stingers gave a miserable cry and was hit by the stone in the chest. Lin Qi's power is so terrible now. The descendants who were more than four feet tall were hit by a stone and flew straight out more than ten meters away. When he landed, his chest and back were all pasted. A piece of meatloaf.

Fat Xiong witnessed the power of Lin Qi's big rock, and he couldn't help yelling "OK".

He rushed to Lin Qi excitedly. The Fat Bear grabbed the big axe in Lin Qi's hand and threw it on the ground. Then he pointed at the big pile of rocks on the top of the city and smiled: "There are a lot of rocks here. Smash these bastards! Quick, quick, Zari and You Yao deliberately attacked us this time, hehe, can't let him relax!"

Putting two big rocks into Lin Qi’s mouth, Fat Xiong laughed loudly: “Zari, ghost, I don’t care if you want to be the king of the Black Abyss Bazaar, but you want me to obediently take everything All of the prey for this is assigned to you, don’t even think about it! Either you go hunting, or you eat shit! Eat shit, you bastards!"

The fat bear scolded happily, Lin Qi weighed the two big rocks in his hands, and laughed loudly: "Go eat shit!"

Taking a few steps back, Lin Qi suddenly took a few steps forward, rounded his arms and threw the big rock out. There were two muffled sounds of ‘huhu’, and two werewolves who were charging at this side with long knives a hundred meters away hit a stone on their heads, and were beaten to the ground.

The poor two werewolves are at least high-ranking strengths, but they never dreamed that they would be attacked by Lin Qi from such an outrageous range. After a hundred meters away, Lin Qi could actually hit their heads with a stone accurately. Come on, they didn't even care to protect themselves with grudge!

With a group of guards standing behind to supervise the battle, Zari was so angry that his mouth was trembling. He jumped and shouted: "With grudge, you fools, with grudge!"

With Zari's roar, the soldiers who charged towards the wall began to express their grudge. Suddenly, a large area of ​​cyan and green vindictiveness illuminates the surrounding area. The subordinates of Zari and You Yao are all of the middle-level and above. There are nearly 1,500 people here. Charge, that is, there are 1,500 standing knights here.

Even Lin Qi saw a few extremely pale blue halos inside, and a heavenly knight also participated in the siege.

The Black Abyss Market is the strongest force in the Black Abyss God Prison, but besides that, there are also many forces, large and small, such as chaos in the Black Abyss God Prison. Zari and You Yao are only two of the five major forces in the Black Abyss Market, but they have such a strong military force together, it is conceivable how powerful all the prisoners in the entire Black Abyss will be when they gather.

If someone can unify the Black Abyss, gather all the fighters inside and get outside, this is a terrifying strength that can subvert any empire on the continent! If those old men and old ladies who eat salty bread all day can be used by someone willingly, this force is more than enough to subvert the entire continent.

Lin Qi grinned, then grabbed two big rocks and threw them out.

The fire attribute energy in the muscles gave Lin Qi an explosive power similar to a volcanic eruption. The tyrannical force was poured into the stone and smashed out. The two high-ranking knights who had been able to fight well accurately smashed Lin Qi with weapons. The stone, but the stone long sword in their hands was also shattered, and they couldn't resist the huge force on the stone that Lin Qi smashed out, and they were abruptly shaken back more than ten steps.

One after another big stones were thrown out by Lin Qi, and more than one hundred soldiers facing his wall were beaten up and down. After getting enough fighting spirit, they don’t have to worry about Lin Qi smashing their heads, but they can’t hold Lin Qi’s strength too strong. Every time Lin Qi smashes a stone, these fighters will be shaken back and forth. , Lin Qi's arm was sore and uncomfortable, where did they have the strength to attack the city?

The Fat Bear drew his long sword and swung it heavily.

The captain of the long-range team, the tiger, roared to the sky. Hundreds of fighters from the long-range team emerged from the wall. They followed Lin Qi's appearance and smashed big rocks down and sharpened them. The javelin was thrown out, and the more stone throwing axes were thrown out by them.

The warriors of the Black Abyss were all tall and strong. The javelins they threw were at least over a hundred kilograms in weight. They were filled with vindictiveness and were thrown fiercely from the city wall a few meters high. These javelins exerted amazing lethality.

At least fifty soldiers were shot through the body with a javelin, either in the arms, or thighs, or chest. The wounded soldiers cried out and cut off the javelin and fled back. The dozen or so hapless men who were pierced into the key fell to the ground and could no longer move.

Those stones and throwing axes also exerted extremely terrifying lethality. In total, nearly a hundred people fell on the ground, twitching and groaning.

Waiting for those siege fighters to brave the rain of guns and bullets and ran under the city wall. When they were about to jump high and rush up the city wall, dozens of large nets with a radius of tens of meters were spilled from the city wall. Coming down, all the warriors who jumped up like flying birds were covered below.

These big nets are used by hunting teams to hunt monsters. Each net is extremely tough and cannot be damaged even if it is torn hard or cut with a sharp knife. At this time, more than three hundred unlucky individuals were trapped under the big net. The more they struggled, the tighter they were. They lay messily under the city wall, instead hindering their companions from continuing to attack the city.

Bilibili blinked his sinister eyes and poked his head out of the city. He saw so many enemies under the city that were **** to death, and he smiled sullenly. The demon's resilience is very strong, even such a mixed-blood little demon is the same. Lin Qi had eaten several catties of meat for Bilibili, and he had recovered all his energy.

With a few low spells, Bilibili raised his hands high, and a huge fireball with a diameter of more than one meter roared out of his hand. The black fireball was burning, and accompanied by the cheerful cry of Bilibili, the fireball smashed towards the city with howling.

There was a loud noise, and the ground tens of meters in a radius was covered by black dark flames, and the fur of the fighters scorched by the flames, emitting an unpleasant smell. With this blow, at least hundreds of soldiers were burned by the flames, and the siege team was immediately chaotic. Some burnt warriors scurrying all over the ground, and as a result, the flames on their bodies are stuck to their companions. These orcs have not bathed for many years, and their hair is full of grease. It is really called just seeing the wind, and suddenly there is more underneath. Dozens of unlucky guys who were all flashing sparks.

Zari and You Yao looked at each other in shock, and they began to hesitate whether to continue the attack.

At this moment, the gate of the hunting team suddenly opened, and Shuai Xiong's mother stood up and rushed out with a huge stone pillar that was ten meters long and nearly half a meter thick. The Abyss Demon Bear is so powerful that the Big Bear just swept fiercely, and more than 30 fighters from the siege were beaten out.

Then the big bear stomped fiercely, and thousands of sharp black crystal pillars were ejected from all directions at the same time.

The screams kept coming, and the siege team immediately collapsed for a little while. At least 300 people were pierced by the crystal pillars in their buttocks and thighs, crying and screaming, holding their wounds and fleeing back. Fortunately, these people have vindictive bodyguards, otherwise they would have been torn apart by the crystal pillars.

Seeing that his team was in a state of disintegration, Zari and You Yao yelled helplessly.

Their subordinates fled backwards in embarrassment. Except for those who were **** to death by the big net, the other soldiers returned to the darkness, leaving nearly fifty dead bodies, and all the wounded were also by them. bought.

Fat Xiong laughed ‘hehe’, and he looked at Lin Qi: "Lin Qi, who has a lot of brains, what should we do now? We have torn our faces!"

Lin Qi shrugged and sneered at the nearly three hundred soldiers who were **** by the big net under the city.

"Tie them all together and tell Zari and the others, two hundred catties of meat will be exchanged for one person. If they don't exchange them, these people will be eaten by the handsome bear's mother!"

The fat bear was taken aback for a moment, and then applauded with excitement.


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