Bright Era

Chapter 340: Teenager knitting

Under Lin Qi's behind-the-scenes management, Fat Xiong reached an agreement with Zari and You Yao.

Three hundred prisoners were redeemed by Zari with a certain amount of food. In addition, Zari was forced to apologize to Fat Bear and confess his mistake, and together with the ghost, promised not to trouble Fat Bear again. Of course, this promise is not binding, but before Zari and the ghost are sure to swallow the hunting team, they dare not act rashly.

For the next period of time, Lin Qi lived very freely and at ease.

When the beasts appeared, he followed the hunting team to hunt. Every time he was able to get a lot of prey by himself, so that the Bilibili and the four centaurs who followed him got fatter, especially Beep. Li Bili, his belly swelled up like a six-month pregnant woman.

Apart from hunting, Lin Qi has worked hard to cultivate fighting qi. In just over a month, he has restored fighting qi to a lower level of human status. This progress is at least ten times faster than the so-called elites and geniuses in the ground world. .

Apart from hunting and practicing fighting spirit, Lin Qi also began to secretly read "Creation of Gods". This is the holy book of the gods' enlightenment, which records countless incredible knowledge of the gods' enlightenment. Anyway, Lin Qi was thrown into the black abyss as an apprentice of the gods' enlightenment, so he didn't have any psychological pressure to study this book that the church regarded as a treachery.

But when studying this thing, Lin Qi must carefully avoid outsiders, after all, he can't explain how such a large book appeared in his hands.

Occasionally, when he is in a good mood, Lin Qi will try to condense mana.

In the Black Abyss God Prison, except for the wizards who possess both the dark and flame attributes, the other wizards will be extremely miserable. On the mainland, there are only demons and ancient black dragons that possess both dark and flame attributes. Among humans, very few people possess both attributes at the same time.

Fortunately, Lin Qi possesses the two divine powers of the Temple of Flames, and the dragon power essence he absorbed also happened to come from an ancient black dragon. Lin Qi gradually stimulated the energies in his body, and he could gradually feel the scorching heat. , In addition to the violent flame energy, the dark energy that is deep, quiet and obscure at the same time, evil with strong corrosive power.

Lin Qi began to slowly accumulate magic power, mixing the dark flame power of darkness and flame.

From time to time, Lin Qi would take Bilibili to the market, and Bilibili would carry more than a hundred catties of fresh meat. These meats have a very strong purchasing power in the Black Abyss Market, and Lin Qi bought a lot of good things from those shops. There are many rare medicines and minerals that can't be seen on the ground, but here, three or five catties of meat can often be exchanged for valuable treasures on the ground.

On this day, after Lin Qi spent four hours of'peniculous cultivation' of vindictiveness, tempered his magic for one hour, and spent another two hours to cook himself a pot of fragrant broth and share with Bilibili. He touched his warm belly, cut off more than 100 catties of six-legged brutal legs and threw them to Bilibili to carry, and the master and servant wandered towards the market again.

Yesterday when secretly studying Chuang Shenlu, Lin Qi found a special potion in it that could help the dark and flame dual-attribute mage quickly increase the magic power. Once the medicine is taken, a mage can possess the magic power that an ordinary mage can only obtain in three years of hard work in just one month.

Lin Qi likes this kind of shortcut cultivation method the most. All the power that can be obtained without his own efforts is Lin Qi's favorite. He has also collected a lot of medicinal materials for use these days, and only lacking a dark attribute of the "Seven Orifice Ghost Mushroom" can make this peculiar "dark flame magic potion".

Seven-aperture ghost face mushroom, this is a unique mushroom that grows in the underground abyss and is only generated by the dark atmosphere for many years. This kind of mushroom is a relatively common medicinal material in the Heiyuan God Prison. Those who venture to pick medicine on the magma sea wall often use this kind of mushroom research juice to smear on their bodies, which can effectively resist the heat attack. .

But correspondingly, after the juice of this mushroom is applied to the body, the dark and cold breath inside will penetrate into the body along the pores. Eventually, the dark breath will erode the internal organs and accelerate the aging rate by more than twice.

What Lin Qi needs is this kind of mushroom. He is now a rookie secret pharmacist. This kind of preparation method is very simple. He still has the confidence to prepare it.

There were some shadows shaking in the surrounding darkness, and occasionally a woman's low gasp was heard from under a few stone pillars. Lin Qi was no stranger to these shadows and sounds. Even in the Dark Abyss God Prison, certain ancient professions will not disappear.

Those who occupy a strong position here are powerful fighters who can run horses on their fists, and such people mean strong physiques and strong desires. And those female creatures who don't have enough strength want to survive here, they can only use the oldest means in exchange for food and shelter.

Think about the combination of handsome bear's father and his mother, think about the partner of Fat Bear's father and his mother, in Heiyuan Divine Prison, this is a place where there is no way to be too particular. There is no way to care about things like ancestry and race here.

Walking all the way to the central market, Lin Qi walked to the shop that most often sold various medicinal materials. But after spending half an hour wandering around, Lin Qi couldn't help being greatly disappointed. In the past few days, these shops have indeed collected a lot of Qiqiao ghost face mushrooms, but similarly, a rare medicinal material on the rock wall of the magma sea is about to mature in the past few days.

Fire spirit core is a very rare elixir of fire attribute, this kind of elixir can exchange all kinds of materials needed for survival with church people-the flame temple tempers various magic weapons and armors, all need to be prepared with fire spirit core Solution scouring.

Therefore, Pengren Yifeng, the general manager of the Black Abyss God Prison's planting team, has ordered all the Seven Aperture Ghost Mushrooms to be collected and ground into juice. The planting team had already set off, and Lin Qi couldn't get some concoction from them.

"What a coincidence!" Lin Qi sighed and gave Bilibili a soft kick.

Bilibili chuckled the meat he was carrying for a shoulder, and smiled flatteringly: "My wise and terrifying master, I believe you will get what you want. Isn't it just a grimace mushroom? In Bilibep In my hometown, the thing is used to feed centaur feed!"

Lin Qi almost didn't vomit it out with a mouthful of blood, and used Qiqiao Ghost Mushroom as feed? The abyss is worthy of being the most powerful place of darkness. He glared at Bilibili and cursed in a low voice, "Nonsense, this is not your hometown! This **** place!"

The disappointed Lin Qi was about to replace all the fresh meat he brought with other medicinal materials. Not far from the corner of the street, Zari laughed triumphantly: "Ah yo yo, little guy, I'm just bullying. What about you? The rules of the Black Abyss Market have been changed, and taxes are now collected here! Of course, the heroes of genius and status do not have to pay taxes, but you... you are not even a person, of course you have to pay taxes Hello!"

Lin Qi squinted his eyes. How could this coquettish Zali recover so quickly?

It is said that Lin Qi kicked her flying more than a month ago, and then the tauren Mooguo hijacked her to escape, and had a deep communication with her that lasted for five hours in a hidden corner, almost. Didn't make Zali alive. In the past few days, Zari is still arranging people to chase Moo Guo, but Zali is bullying people everywhere again?

Moreover, the Black Abyss Market has really started to collect taxes? And it is really such a shameless non-taxation of the existence of heaven and status, specifically to bully the weak!

With a grin, Lin Qi greeted Bilibili, and Bilibili knowingly drew a sharp knife, and the master and servant quickly walked around the corner of the street.

In a remote place on the corner of the street next to the wall, a neat black cloth was spread on the ground, and about twenty sets of robes, trousers, and boots made of animal skins were stacked on it. Unlike the rough clothes and boots that Lin Qi usually wears, the robes, trousers and boots here are very sophisticated.

Although they are all made of fibers extracted from grass leaves, the clothes in front of us have obviously undergone extremely meticulous processing. The material is actually no different from the woollen cotton on the ground-this can be considered top in the black abyss The material is out.

As for the boots, the design is reasonable, and the shape is also elegant. At least compared with the pair of animal leather boots on Lin Qi’s feet, the boots here have left and right feet, which look like boots, and Lin Qi’s feet The pair of boots above should be exactly two animal skin tubes!

Zali was standing in front of this small paving, smiling proudly to the sky, her **** shaking violently.

"Black-haired boy, now I have the final say in this market. I said that if you want to collect taxes, you have to pay taxes! Taxes are not much, you... Okay, just take half of the clothes and boots here! Hehe, I think this ratio is still fair!"

The two kobolds bent down with a weird smile and were about to grab the clothes on the shop.

The owner of the shop, a black-faced boy who looked only eleven or twelve years old, screamed and threw himself on the shop, clutching the clothes tightly.

Lin Qi couldn't help but feel a twitch when he looked at the young man who was as thin as dried bean sprouts.

Although his face is a little dark, it can be seen that the boy's skin is yellow. He has fine black hair and deep black eyes! This young man actually looked like a pure-blooded Oriental, which made Lin Qi stunned.

Then, without any thought, Lin Qi rushed up instinctively and gave Zali a kick.

Zali let out a miserable howl, and her whole body flew out, hitting the opposite wall heavily, and half of her body slammed into the room.

Lin Qi "quack" laughed, knocked Zali's big hands to the ground with three punches and two feet, then grabbed the boy, then rolled the black cloth and rolled up all the clothes, laughing. Carrying the struggling teenager, he escaped from the market.

Bilibili sneakily glanced to the left and right, he suddenly jumped up and stabbed Zali in the **** fiercely, then smiled evilly and followed Lin Qi in a hurry.

A blood arrow spouted more than one meter away with Zali's howl, almost like a small fountain. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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